The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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from 2003
Ecocide and Genocide in Iraq: International Law, the Marsh Arabs and Environmental Damage in Non-international Conflicts, Aaron Schwabach
Sex Discrimination in the Nineties, Seventies Style: Case Studies in the Preservation of Male Workplace Norms, Michael L. Selmi
Breathing Life into Batson, Elisabeth Semel
Freedom from Fear: Prosecuting the Iraqi Regime for the Use of Chemical Weapons, Margaret A. Sewell
International Comity & International Adoption: When is International Adoption “Repugnant?, Malinda L. Seymore
The Retroactive and Prospective Application of Judicial Decisions, Bradley S. Shannon
Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Computer and Intellectual Property Crimes,, Miller W. Shealy, Matthew R. Hubbell, and E. Bart Daniel
Rights to Rectify the Land Register as Interests in Land, Duncan Sheehan
Vitiation of Contracts for Mistake and Misrepresentation of Law, Duncan Sheehan
International Marine Environment Law: A Case Study in the Wider Caribbean Region, Benedict C. Sheehy
Scrooge—The Reluctant Stakeholder, Benedict C. Sheehy
Video Court Reporting - The Time Has Come, Hon. Donald E. Shelton
Passion and Nation: War, Crime, and Guilt in the Individual and the Collective, Steve Sheppard
The Metamorphoses of Reasonable Doubt: How Changes in the Burden of Proof have Weakened the Presumption of Innocence, Steve Sheppard
Featured Speaker, Investing in the Future: Confronting the Needs of Girls in the Justice System, Francine Sherman
Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: Perspectives on Services and Conditions of Confinement, Francine Sherman
Keynote Speaker, Girls in Crisis: The Challenges for Our Community, Francine Sherman
Program: Connecting Girls’ Programs and Girls in Juvenile Justice, Francine Sherman
When Individual Differences Demand Equal Treatment: An Equal Rights Approach to the Special Needs of Girls in the Juvenile Justice System, Francine Sherman and Marsha L. Levick
I Say It's Spinach: Charitable Trusts to Remedy Market Failures in the Performing Arts, Jeffrey G. Sherman
What Stance should U.S. take at the Six-Nation Talk in Solving the Korean Peninsular Crisis (Part I), Jacylyn Y.J. Shi
What Stance should U.S. take at the Six-Nation Talk in Solving the Korean Peninsular Crisis (Part II), Jacylyn Y.J. Shi
The Circle of Life: Managing a Law Library Web Site Redesign Project, Bonnie Shucha
A Defining Faith: "True" Religion and the Establishment Clause, Jeffrey Shulman
Identification and Development of Job Oriented Criteria for Law School Admissions, Marjorie M. Shultz
Insuring Fairness: Gender Inequity in Health Insurance, Marjorie M. Shultz
Insuring Fairness: Gender Inequity in Health Insurance, Marjorie M. Shultz
The Mind as A Site of Treatment and Therapy, Marjorie M. Shultz
Amicus Filing, Greenberg v. Reuben Matalon and Miami Childrens Hospital, Federal District Court of Southern Flordia, Marjorie M. Shultz and Lori Andrews
Whitewashing Race: The Myth of A Color-Blind Society, Marjorie M. Shultz, Michael K. Brown, Martin Carnoy, Elliott Currie, Troy Duster, David B. Oppenheimer, and David Wellman
Canadian Fundamental Justice and American Due Process: Two Models for a Guarantee of Basic Adjudicative Fairness, David M. Siegel
Disgorgement of Profits for Breach of Contract: A Comparative Analysis, Mathias M. Siems
Regulatory Mismatch in the International Market for Legal Services, Carole Silver
A Situation So Unique That it Will Probably Never Repeat Itself”: Madness, Youth, and Homicide in Twentieth Century Criminal Jurisprudence, Jonathan S. Simon
Risking Rescue: High Altitude Rescue as Moral Risk and Moral Opportunity, Jonathan S. Simon
Introduction, Jonathan S. Simon and Austin Sarat
A Primer on Organ Donation, Louis J. Sirico
Judging: A Book for Student Clerks, Louis J. Sirico
Judging: A Book for Student Clerks, Louis J. Sirico
Law Haiku, Louis J. Sirico
Try Peer Teaching, Louis J. Sirico
What the Legal Writing Faculty Can Learn from the Doctrinal Faculty, Louis J. Sirico
Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Supreme Court of Canada, Brian Slattery
Our Mongrel Selves: Pluralism, Identity and the Nation, Brian Slattery
The Concept of Constitutional Continuity, Brian Slattery
The Cambodian Amnesties: Beneficiaries and the Temporal Reach of Amnesties for Gross Violation of Human Rights , Ronald C. Slye
Panelist [Symposium: Domestic Violence in Legal Education and Legal Practice: A Dialogue Between Professors and Practitioners], Lisa C. Smith
Constructivist and Ecological Rationality in Economics, Vernon L. Smith
Experimental Methods in Economics, Vernon L. Smith
Theory, Experiment and the Federal Communications Commission Spectrum Actions, Vernon L. Smith, J. Banks, M. Olson, D. Porter, and S. Rassenti
Press Release from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Vernon L. Smith and Daniel Kahneman
Strategic Analysis by Players in Games: What Information Do They Use?, Vernon L. Smith and K. McCabe
Positive Reciprocity and Intentions in Trust Games, Vernon L. Smith, K. McCabe, and M. Rigdon
Mechanisms for Addressing Third Party Impacts Resulting from Voluntary Water Transfers, Vernon L. Smith, James J. Murphy, Ariel Dinar, Richard E. Howitt, Erin Mastrangelo, and Stephen Rassenti
Market Design and Motivated Human Trading Behavior in Electricity Markets, Vernon L. Smith, Mark Olson, Stephen Rassenti, and Mary Rigdon
Combinatorial Auction Design, Vernon L. Smith, D. Porter, and S. Rassenti
Controlling market power and price spikes in electricity networks: demand-side bidding, Vernon L. Smith, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Bart J. Wilson
Controlling market power and price spikes in electricity networks: demand-side bidding, Vernon L. Smith, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Bart J. Wilson
Discriminatory price auctions in electricity markets: low volatility at the expense of high price levels, Vernon L. Smith, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Bart J. Wilson
Discriminatory price auctions in electricity markets: low volatility at the expense of high price levels, Vernon L. Smith, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Bart J. Wilson
Bronnen van Verbintenissen, Jan M. Smits
Constitutionalisering van het vermogensrecht, Jan M. Smits
Import and Export of Legal Models: The Dutch Experience, Jan M. Smits
Remedies in Zuid-Afrika en Europa; Bijdragen over privaatrecht en constitutioneel recht in Zuid-Afrika, Nederland en België, Jan M. Smits and Gerhard Lubbe
Blinding Justices: Does the Constitution Allow Us to Scrap the Courts?, Rodney A. Smolla
The People’s Right to Know: Transparency in Government Institutions, Rodney A. Smolla
Bounded Rationality, the Doctrine of Impracticability, and the Governance of Relational Contracts, Donald J. Smythe
Elaborating Analytic Ethnography Linking Fieldwork and Theory, David A. Snow, Calvin Morrill, and Leon Anderson
Can You Vouch for Me How to Request and Give Employee Job References, Neil L. Sobol
Cognitive Foundations of the Impulse to Blame [Symposium: Responsibility and Blame: Psychological and Legal Perspectives], Lawrence M. Solan
Finding Ordinary Meaning in the Dictionary , Lawrence M. Solan
Introduction [Symposium: Responsibility and Blame: Psychological & Legal Perspectives], Lawrence M. Solan
Jurors as Statutory Interpreters [Symposium: The Jury at a Crossroads: The American Experience, Lawrence M. Solan
Pointing Fingers, Lawrence M. Solan
Presidents and Scandals: Bush and Uranium, Clinton and Sex, Reagan and Iran-contra: What Do They Have in Common?, Lawrence M. Solan
Statutory Inflation and Institutional Choice, Lawrence M. Solan
Wrist Slaps are No Deterrent, Lawrence M. Solan
Falling on Deaf Ears: Scientists Say that Earwitnesses are Unreliable. Why aren’t Courts Listening?, Lawrence M. Solan and P. Tiersma
Hearing Voices: Speaker Identification in Court, Lawrence M. Solan and P. Tiersma
Catch Phrase [Commentary], Lawrence M. Solan and P. M. Tiersma
Forum: Forensic Science, No Consensus, Lawrence M. Solan and P. M. Tiersma
La historia de la judicial review en el Perú del siglo XX a través de dos revistas jurídicas, Daniel Soria Luján
La necesidad de tipificar las infracciones a la Constitución de los altos funcionarios públicos, Daniel Soria Luján
Los efectos en el tiempo de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional sobre las leyes antiterroristas, Daniel Soria Luján
Democracy, Rights, and Judicial Review, Horacio Spector
Marital Torts: updating the Current Legal Landscape, Robert G. Spector
Third Party Custody After Baby Girl L. and A.G.S.: Now Where Are We?, Robert G. Spector
A Review of the Year in Family Law: Increased Mobility Creates Conflicts, Robert G. Spector and Linda D. Elrod
The Boston Legal Aid Society, 1900-1925, Mark Spiegel
Constitutional Law: The Garvee Bonds Case and Executive Power: Breakthrough or Blip, Andrew C. Spiropoulos
Insurance and Reinsurance of Marine Interests in the New Age of Terrorism, Graydon S. Staring
Consorting in New South Wales: Substantive Offence or Police Power?, Alex Steel
Indeterminate Causation and Apportionment of Damages, Alex Stein and Ariel Porat
National Identity Cards: Fourth and Fifth Amendment Issues, Daniel J. Steinbock