The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
An Alphabet Soup Agenda for Reform of the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA Provisions Applicable to Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans, Norman P. Stein
One Country, Two Systems, One Smog: Cross-Boundary Air Pollution: Policy Issues for Hong Kong and Guangdong, Rachel E. Stern and Lisa Hopkinson
Why Europe Rejected American Judicial Review and Why it May Not Matter, Alec Stone Sweet
Lawrence and Same-Sex Marriage Bans: On Constitutional Interpretation and Sophistical Rhetoric, Mark Strasser
A Pro & Con Discussion of Second Assembly & Parliamentary Proposals, Andrew L. Strauss
How Big is the Constitutional Universe: Discreet National or Global Order, Andrew L. Strauss
Litigating Global Warming in an International Forum: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?, Andrew L. Strauss
Living Happily Ever After, Andrew L. Strauss
Preemptive Strikes in History, An International Law Perspective, Andrew L. Strauss
Reforming the United Nations for the 21st Century, Andrew L. Strauss
Separation of Powers in the International Realm, Andrew L. Strauss
Should the U.S. Go it Alone?, Andrew L. Strauss
The War in Iraq and the Future: A Global Democratic Alternative, Andrew L. Strauss
The War in Iraq and the Future of American Foreign Policy, Andrew L. Strauss
Reviving the Dream of Global Democracy, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard Falk
The Deeper Challenges of Global Terrorism: A Democratizing Response, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard Falk
Toward a Global Parliament, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard A. Falk
Endries Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
James E. Rogers Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Colloquium Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
Law Library Lecture Series, Rennard J. Strickland
Can You Vouch For Me? How to Request and Give Employee Job References, Joan Stringfellow and Susan T. Phillips
Evaluating the Risks of Market Swaps, Maurice E. Stucke
A New Approach to Tort Doctrine: Taking the Best from the Civil Law and Common Law of Canada, Stephen D. Sugarman
"Book Review Essay" (reviewing 3 books on tobacco control), Stephen D. Sugarman
Introduction, Stephen D. Sugarman
"Lifestyle" Discrimination in Employment, Stephen D. Sugarman
Personal Injury and Social Policy: Institutional and Ideological Alternatives, Stephen D. Sugarman
Review of "Alternative Compensation Mechanism for Damages - the Nordic Countries", Stephen D. Sugarman
Review of Kip Viscusi "Smoke-Filled Rooms", Stephen D. Sugarman
Vincent v. Lake Erie Transportation Co.: Liability for Harm Caused by Necessity, Stephen D. Sugarman
'Lifestyle' Discrimination in Employment, Stephen D. Sugarman
A Balanced Tobacco Control Policy, Stephen D. Sugarman and Robert L. Rabin
Tort Stories, Stephen D. Sugarman and Robert L. Rabin
A River in Peril, Manik V. Suri
Procreative Freedom and Convicted Criminals in the United States and the United Kingdom: Is Child Welfare Becoming the New Eugenics?, Elaine E. Sutherland
The Limits of Rule 408 After Hernandez, Keith Swisher
A incompletude do contrato de sociedade, Rachel Sztajn
Who Holds the Real Veto: Use of Force and the Trusteeship Analogy, Paul Tan
Water Supply and Urban Growth in New Mexico: Same Old, Same Old or a New Era?, (with L. Lucero), A. Dan Tarlock
Environmental Protection: Law and Policy (with R. Glicksman et al.)., Dan Tarlock
Fish, Farms, and the Clash of Cultures in the Klamath Basin, (with H. Doremus), Dan Tarlock
Attività economiche preparatorie e detrazione IVA, Thomas Tassani
Clausole statutarie e morte del socio: riflessi nelle imposte sui redditi, in Rivista di diritto tributario, Thomas Tassani
Le riorganizzazioni societarie e le imposte sui redditi – I regimi nazionali, Thomas Tassani
Racism as "the Nation's Crucial Sin": Theology and Derrick Bell , George H. Taylor
Teaching Traditional Legal Research to the Google Generation: Are We Fighting a Losing Battle?, Carrie W. Teitcher
Errant E-Mail: Inadvertant Disclosure of Confidential Material Poses Dilemma, Barry R. Temkin
Historian, Historical Society of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, 2003-, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Marbury v. Madison After Two Hundred Years, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Recovery of “Lost Punitive Damages” as “Compensatory Damages” in Legal Malpractice Actions: Transference of Liability or Transformation of Character, Charles Thatcher
Justice Scalia Reinvents Restitution, Tracy A. Thomas
Extract from Stephen B. Presser & Jamil S. Zainaldin's Law and Jurisprudence in American History, Seth Barrett Tillman
The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material for Constitutional Interpretation, Seth Barrett Tillman
History and the Juridical Field: Narrative, Justification and Explanation in the American Case, American Bar Foundation Working Paper # 2209, Christopher Tomlins
Yamaguchi v. United States, Mizushima Tomonori and David D. Caron
Neo-Positivismo e Pós-Positivismo Jurídico, Haradja L. Torrens
Equality in the Virtual Workplace, Michelle A. Travis
Practicing Safe Law: Review of Massachusetts Professional Responsibility, 2nd ed. by Gilda Tuoni Russell, Paul R. Tremblay
Symposium: Client Counseling and Moral Responsibility, Paul R. Tremblay, Robert F. Cochran Jr., Deborah L. Rhode, and Thomas L. Shafer
Commentary: The Lawyer Is In: Why Some Doctors Are Prescribing Legal Remedies for their Patients, and How the Legal Profession Can Support this Effort, Paul R. Tremblay, Pamela Tames, Thuy Wagner, and Ellen Lawton
Whom Are We Teaching? Members of Communities, Lisa A. Tucker
In Defense of Chief Justice Roy S. Moore, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Memorandum of Argument, Supreme Court of Canada, in re James R. Demers, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Thinking Like a Lawyer, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
UCITA, Copyright, and Capture, Deborah S. Tussey
Consumer Expectations’ Last Hope : A Response to Professor Kysar, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Torts : Cases and Materials , Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Cameras in the High Court: What are Justices Afraid of?, Erik Ugland
Legal Research in Mass Communication, Erik Ugland, Everette E. Dennis, and Donald M. Gillmor
Triple Talaq, Women's Rights and Indian Judicial Responses, Saumya Uma
Intellectual property law and the idea of progress, William van Caenegem
A Plea for Theory in Rethinking Human Rights, Siegfried Van Duffel
El difícil equilibrio entre la libre circulación de mercancías y los derechos fundamentales en materia de libertad de expresión y de reunión: la sentencia 'Schmidberger', Luis González Vaqué
La Directiva 85/374/CEE relativa a la responsabilidad por los daños causados por productos defectuosos: ¿es necesaria su actualización?, Luis González Vaqué
La Directiva 85/374/CEE relativa a la responsabilidad por productos defectuosos en la jurisprudencia del TJCE: de los riesgos del desarrollo a la franquicia de 500 euros, Luis González Vaqué
La libre circulación de mercancías en el Tratado Constitucional de la Unión Europea, Luis González Vaqué
Objetivo: la seguridad alimentaria en la Unión Europea [el Reglamento (CE) nº 178/2002, Luis González Vaqué
Steinbeck’s Holism: Science, Literature, and Environmental Law, Robert R.M. Verchick
Why the Global Environment Needs Local Government: Lessons from the Johannesburg Summit, Robert R.M. Verchick
Are We Gatekeepers?, Barry Vickrey
Emerging Issues on the Internet for the Legal Profession, Rosaria Vigorito
The Legal Mapping of U.S. Immigration, 1965-1996, Leti Volpp
Liability of mediators for pressure, drafting and advice, John Wade
Country Report on Canada, Markus Wagner
The Justification of Torture: Some Remarks on Alan M. Dershowitz's Why Terrorism Works, Markus Wagner
The Color of Crime: The Case Against Race-Based Suspect Descriptions, Bela August Walker
Writing and Analysis in the Law (4th ed.), Marilyn R. Walter, Elizabeth Fajans, and Helene S. Shapo
Preferences, Adrian J. Walters