bepress Legal Series

  1. "You Can't Wear That to Vote": The Constitutionality of State Laws Prohibiting the Wearing of Political Message Buttons, Kimberly J. Tucker, bepress Legal Series.
  2. [Insert Song Lyrics Here]: The Uses and Misuses of Popular Music Lyrics in Legal Writing, Alex B. Long, bepress Legal Series.
  3. Fuck, Christopher M. Fairman, bepress Legal Series.
  4. Free Expression and a Satisfied Society: What Child Pornography Laws Really Protect, James E. Bristol, bepress Legal Series.
  5. Biological Factors Associated with Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Comparative Analysis of Scientific, Societal, and Legal Dimensions, Troy M. Bear, bepress Legal Series.
  6. Child Laundering: How the Intercountry Adoption System Legitimizes and Incentivizes the Practices of Buying, Trafficking, Kidnapping, and Stealing Children, David M. Smolin, bepress Legal Series.
  7. Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence, Don B. Kates and Gary A. Mauser, bepress Legal Series.
  8. To Catch a Sex Thief: The Burden of Performance in Rape and Sexual Assault Trials, Corey Rayburn Yung, bepress Legal Series.
  9. Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence, Gary A. Mauser and Don B. Kates, bepress Legal Series.
  10. St. George Tucker’s Second Amendment: Deconstructing ‘The True Palladium of Liberty’, Stephen P. Halbrook, bepress Legal Series.

*Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
Updated as of 07/20/24.