About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2003

“Reading, Writing, and the Love that Dares Not Speak Its Name: Eloquent Silences in Ana María Moix's Julia", Gema Pérez-Sánchez

La tendencia expansiva del Derecho de Daños (Perspectivas de uniformidad latinoamericana), Víctor Pérez Vargas

Los inconvenientes del “Forum non conveniens”, Víctor Pérez Vargas

2003 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.


All the Lizards Stand and Say “Yes Yes Yes” : The Element of Play in Legal Actions against Animals and Inanimate Objects, Anna Pervukhin


Censorship, Repression or Denial?: Unpacking the Symptom of People v. Wu, Penelope J. Pether

Hardy and the Law , Penelope J. Pether


Competing for the People's Affection: Federalism's Forgotten Marketplace, Todd E. Pettys


The Perils of "Consensus": Hans Kelsen and the Legal Philosophy of the United Nations, J. Peter Pham


Bound Futures: Patent Law and Modern Biotechnology, Justine Pila

Inherent Patentability in Anglo-Australian Law: A History, Justine Pila


Análisis jurídico-administrativo de los ingresos municipales, Norma E. Pimentel


Environmental Citizen Suits at Thirtysomething: A Celebration and Summit, Zygmunt J.B. Plater, James R. May, Bruce J. Terris, Ann Powers, Michael D. Axline, David Bookbinder, Peter Lehner, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr


Department of Justice Guidelines: Balancing "Discretionary Justice", Ellen S. Podgor


Dastar Corp. v. 20th Century Fox Film Corp., Malla Pollack


Indian Tribal Courts, Frank Pommersheim


Lara: A Constitutional Crisis in Indian Law?, Frank Pommersheim


A Review of South Dakota Criminal Justice: A Study of Racial Disparities by Richard Braunstein and Steve Feimer, Frank Pommersheim and Elsie Meeks

Social Contract Theory, Slavery, and the Antebellum Courts, Thaddeus Pope and Anita L. Allen

Foreword, John Powell

Toward the Livable City, John Powell


Federalism, Fig Leaves, and the Games Lawyers Play, Robert C. Power


Los Derechos Fundamentales en los Procesos de Integración. Union Europea y Mercosur, Rodrigo A. Poyanco Bugueño


Inconceivable? Deducting the Costs of Fertility Treatment, Katherine Pratt

Presenter, "An Examination of Changing Roles and Relationships of Lawyers in Silicon Valley," University of Southern California and Georgetown Interdisciplinary Law and Humanities Junior Scholar Workshop , Los Angeles, Bruce M. Price

Presenter, "New Institutions of the Knowledge Economy: The Silicon Valley Case," Social Science Research Council Program on Corporation as a Social Institution, Berkeley, Bruce M. Price


"On the Chastity of Women all Property in the World Depends": Injury from Sexual Slander in the Nineteenth Century, Lisa R. Pruitt


Enforcement of Gaming Debt, Darren Prum


Rock, Scissors, Paper: ERISA, The Bankruptcy Code and State Exemption Laws for Individual Retirement Accounts, C. Scott Pryor

MGM v. Grokster, Brief Amici Curiae of 40 Intellectual Property and Technology Law Professors Supporting Affirmance by the Ninth Circuit of the Lower Court, Laura Quilter, Jennifer Urban, Pam Samuelson, and Deirdre Mulligan


MGM v. Grokster, Brief Amici Curiae of 40 Intellectual Property and Technology Law Professors Supporting Affirmance by the Ninth Circuit of the Lower Court, Laura Quilter, Jennifer Urban, Pam Samuelson, and Deirdre Mulligan

Vietnam's Continuing Legal Reform: Gaining Control over the Courts, Brian JM Quinn

A Comparison Between the American and Indian Patent Regime, Srividhya Ragavan

An Overview of Intellectual Property, Srividhya Ragavan

An Overview of Intellectual Property Rights, Srividhya Ragavan


Can't We All Get Along? The Case For a Workable Patent Model, Srividhya Ragavan

Intellectual Property Education For Engineers, Srividhya Ragavan

Introduction to IPR & Patents (1 of 4 modules on patent law to be used as course material for students pursuing the Diploma in Patent Law at the NALSAR University in Hyderabad, India), Srividhya Ragavan

Patenting in India (1 of 4 modules on patent law to be used as course material for students pursuing the Diploma in Patent Law at the NALSAR University in Hyderabad, India), Srividhya Ragavan

The American and the European Patent System (1 of 4 modules on patent law to be used as course material for students pursuing the Diploma in Patent Law at the NALSAR University in Hyderabad, India), Srividhya Ragavan


Direito da Concorrência: a Vez da Sociedade, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


Direito da Concorrência: A Vez do Poder Judiciário, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


Sports and the Rule of Reason, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo

The Just Allocation of Mental Health Care, Eric Rakowski


Enron, Titanic, and The Perfect Storm, Nancy B. Rapoport


"Venn" and the Art of Shared Governance, Nancy B. Rapoport

We the Students: Supreme Court Cases for and About Students, Jamin Raskin


Thomas S. Dabagh and the Institutional Beginnings of the UCLA Law Library: A Cautionary Tale, Renee Y. Rastorfer

Canada and Regional Fisheries Organizations: Implementing the UN Fish Stocks Agreement, Rosemary Rayfuse

Natural Resource Management and Conservation – Fisheries and Marine Mammals: The Year in Review, Rosemary Rayfuse

Natural Resource Management and Conservation – Fisheries and Marine Mammals: The Year in Review, Rosemary Rayfuse

Australia and Canada in Regional Fisheries Organizations: Implementing the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, Rosemary Rayfuse, Marcus Haward, Gregory Rose, Sali Bache, Dawn Russell, and Ted McDorman


Judging the Justices: A Supreme Court Performance Review, Laura K. Ray


Justice Ginsburg and the Middle Way, Laura K. Ray


Justices at Home: Three Supreme Court Memoirs, Laura K. Ray

Effects of Adjudicating and Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: Research and Policy Implications, Richard E. Redding

Where Did You Go to Law School? Gatekeeping for the Professoriate and its Implications for Legal Education, Richard E. Redding

Youth Violence Through the Lens of Normal and Pathological Development, Richard E. Redding

The Role of Research in Forensic Psychological Testimony: Do Judges Listen?, Richard E. Redding, A. M. Goldstein, M. R. Thomson, and D. Osman

Mechanisms for Addressing Third Party Impacts Resulting from Voluntary Water Transfers, Richard E. Redding, James J. Murphy, Ariel Dinar, Richard E. Howitt, Erin Mastrangelo, and Stephen Rassenti


How the Uncharged Misconduct Rule Was Born, Thomas J. Reed


Institutional and Substantive Reform of the Anti-Dumping and Subsidy Agreements – Lessons from the Israeli Experience, Arie Reich

Dislocations in the Balance of Power: Due Process Rights of Deportable and Excludable Aliens in the Wake of Zadvydas v. Davis, Amanda Reid

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries: China as a Case Study, Amanda Reid

Operationalizing the Law of Jurisdiction: Where in the World Can I be Sued for Operating a World Wide Web Page?, Amanda Reid


Priest, Minister or Knowing Instrument: The Lawyer’s Role in Constructing Constitutional Meaning, Elizabeth Reilly

Beatifying the Kinsey Institute.pdf, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Child Atrocities in the Church, Judith A. Reisman PhD

'Kapo' Polanski's Holocaust Profits, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Kinsey's Kooky Shrinks, Judith A. Reisman PhD

"Safe Child" School Programs Pose Dangers, Judith A. Reisman PhD

The Kinsey-Polanski Story, Judith A. Reisman PhD


New Jersey’s Model Response to Predatory Lending, David J. Reiss


Lenders Threaten to Gut Protections, David J. Reiss and Baher Azmy


American law of real estate, J. D. Reitzel, Robert B. Bennett, and M. J. Garrison

Alternatives before Congress for Changing US International Taxation, James R. Repetti

The Impact of Evolving Methods of Statutory Interpretation and Regulation Review on the Partnership Anti-abuse Regulations, James R. Repetti


The Right to Effective Assistance of Capital Postconviction Counsel: Constitutional Implications of Statutory Grants of Capital Counsel, Celestine Richards McConville


Normativity in International Law: The Case of Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention, Daphne Richemond-Barak

International Comity & International Adoption: When is International Adoption “Repugnant?”, Lisa A. Rich

Law, Instrumental Music, and Dance: Reflections of a Common Culture, Michael L. Richmond

Balancing the Scales of Justice by Tying the Hands of Trial Judges, Liesa L. Richter


Is Oklahoma Balancing the Scales of Justice by Tying the Hands of Trial Judges: The 2002 Amendment to Section 2403 of the Oklahoma Evidence Code Mandating Admission of In-Life Victim Photographs in Homicide Cases, Liesa L. Richter


The Coherence of Orthodox Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Samuel C. Rickless


Albert Namatjira: Copyright Estates and Traditional Knowledge, Matthew Rimmer


Beyond Blue Gene: Intellectual Property and Bioinformatics, Matthew Rimmer


Blame It On Rio: Biodiscovery, Native Title, and Traditional Knowledge, Matthew Rimmer


Damned To Fame: The Moral Rights of the Beckett Estate, Matthew Rimmer


Franklin Barley: Patent Law and Plant Breeders' Rights, Matthew Rimmer


Free Mickey: The Copyright Term and the Public Domain, Matthew Rimmer


Genentech and the Stolen Gene: Patent Law and Pioneer Inventions, Matthew Rimmer


Gone With The Wind: Copyright Law and Fair Use, Matthew Rimmer


'Information Feudalism: Who Owns The Knowledge Economy. A Book Review' (2003) 21 (1) Prometheus 127-132, Matthew Rimmer

Myriad Genetics: Patent Law and Genetic Testing, Matthew Rimmer


No Trespassing, Matthew Rimmer


The Attack of the Clones: Patent Law and Stem Cell Research, Matthew Rimmer


The Dead Poets Society: The Copyright Term and the Public Domain, Matthew Rimmer


The Genie's Revenge: a response to Siva Vaidhyanathan, Matthew Rimmer


Virtual Countries: Internet Domain Names and Geographical Terms, Matthew Rimmer


Aspectos legales a considerarse en un due diligence informático, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba