The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Las listas de matriculados impresas por el Ilustre y Real Colegio de Abogados de México, IV, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Book Review - Max Radin, Cartas Romanisticas (1923-1950), Laurent Mayali
Book Review - Law and Revolution, II: The Impact of the Protestant Reformations on the Western Legal Tradition, Laurent Mayali and Harold J. Berman
Foreword, Environmental Citizen Suits at Thirtysomething: A Celebration & Summit Symposium, Part I, James R. May
Now More Than Ever: Environmental Citizen Suit Trends, James R. May
Now More Than Ever: Trends in Environmental Citizen Suits at 30, James R. May
The Road to Perdition: The Demise of TMDL Litigation, James R. May
Where the Water Hits the Road: Case Update to Recent Developments in Clean Water Act Litigation, James R. May
Where the Water Hits the Road: Recent Developments in Clean Water Act Litigation, James R. May
Environmental Citizen Suits at Thirtysomething: A Celebration and Summit, James R. May, Bruce J. Terris, Zygmunt J. Plater, Ann Powers, Michael D. Axline, David Bookbinder, Peter Lehner, and Robert F. Kennedy
Environmental Citizen Suits at Thirtysomething: A Celebration and Summit, James R. May, Bruce J. Terris, Zygmunt J. Plater, Ann Powers, Michael D. Axline, David Bookbinder, Peter Lehner, and Robert F. Kennedy
Book Review (reviewing J.P. Frank, Inside Justice Hugo Black: The Letters (2000)), Jason Mazzone
Confirming Judges: The Need for Rules, Jason Mazzone
The Benefits of Social Capital, Jason Mazzone
The Dying Voices of Jurors, Jason Mazzone
The Waiver Paradox, Jason Mazzone
Too Quick to Copyright, Jason Mazzone
What Congress Owes New York, Jason Mazzone
The Military -Judicial Nexus in Response to Terrorism: KKK and AlQaeda, Wayne McCormack
Amending the Clean Air Act to Establish Democratic Legitimacy for the Residual Risk Program, Patricia Ross McCubbin
Developing European Legal Information Markets Based on Government Information: First Findings from The Add-Wijzer Project, Karen McCullagh
E-Democracy: Potential for Political Revolution?, Karen McCullagh
Remediating Contaminated Sediments Under California’s Regulatory Regime: Are, Chad J. McGuire
College Selection Issues: The Relationship Between Cognition and Major Choice Using the NCCP Computer Program, Oscar T. McKnight
Communication Issues in Higher Education, Oscar T. McKnight
Building a Direct Marketing Bridge to High Achieving Students: Introducing a Cost Effective Financial Aid Leveraging Model, Oscar T. McKnight and Ronald Paugh
New Paradigm in Classroom Assessment: The Externally Trained (ET) Observer Model, Oscar T. McKnight and Ronald Paugh
Should Marital Property Rights Be Inalienable? Preserving the Marriage Ante, Julia Halloran McLaughlin
Copyright and Censorship on the Information Stupor-Highway, Kembrew McLeod
Freedom of Expression®, Kembrew McLeod
How Copyright Changed Hip-Hop, Kembrew McLeod
Illegal Art, Pranks and Freedom of Expression, Kembrew McLeod
Liam Lynch – Fake Songs, Kembrew McLeod
Ethical Developments, Judith A. McMorrow
The Federal Law of Attorney Conduct, Judith A. McMorrow
MARC Is Off the Mark, Gregory S. McNeal
Critical Factors of Adjudication: Language and the Adjudication Process in Executive and Judicial Branch Decisions, Chris McNeil
Exclusive Occupation and Joint Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
The Inherent Rights of First Nations to Self-Determination and Self-Government, Kent McNeil
Uniform Commercial Code Survey, Sales, Robyn L. Meadows, Larry T. Garvin, and Carolyn L. Dessin
Celebrating the lawyering process, Michael Meltsner
Preferência de lei e tributação, Cinthia Menescal
The Uninvited Guest: Patents on Wall Street, Robert P. Merges
Autonomía del Banco Central y Democracia, Rafael Mery Nieto
Autonomía del Banco Central y Democracia, Rafael Mery Nieto
Autonomía del Banco Central y Democracia III, Rafael Mery Nieto
Autonomía del Banco Central y Democracia III, Rafael Mery Nieto
La incorporación de cláusulas radiales en contratos de arrendamiento como límite a la competencia, Rafael Mery Nieto
La incorporación de cláusulas radiales en contratos de arrendamiento como límite a la competencia, Rafael Mery Nieto
Violence, Rafael Mery Nieto
El Costo del Jarrón, Rafael Mery Nieto and Claudio Bonilla
El Costo del Jarrón, Rafael Mery Nieto and Claudio Bonilla
Análisis y Recomendaciones para una Reforma de la Ley de Quiebras, Rafael Mery Nieto, Claudio Bonilla, Ronald Fischer, and Rolf Lüders
Análisis y Recomendaciones para una Reforma de la Ley de Quiebras, Rafael Mery Nieto, Claudio Bonilla, Ronald Fischer, and Rolf Lüders
A termőföld jogi szabályozásának inkoherenciái, Milan Meszaros
"Political Participation through the Judicial System: Exit, Voice and Quasi-Exit in Israeli Society", Assaf Meydani and Shlomo Mizrahi
The Public Policy of Human Rights, Assaf Meydani and Shlomo Mizrahi
Brazil’s Supreme Court Invalidates Attempt to Privatize Reinsurance Monopoly, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Bruno Balduccini
O Mercado de Resseguros e a Privatização do IRB, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Bruno Balduccini
Case Study: The Israeli Strike Against Hamas Leader Salah Shehadeh, Ariel Meyerstein
Challenge of International Fiscal and Monetary Transparency, Bryane Michael
Overview and Critique of Corporate Social Responsibility, Bryane Michael
Preventing a Development Disaster in Iraq, Bryane Michael
What Does the UN Convention Against Corruption Teach About Regulatory Convergence?, Bryane Michael
Global Markets, Domestic Institutions, Curtis J. Milhaupt
Re-Examining Legal Transplants: The Director's Fiduciary Duty under Japanese Corporate Law, Curtis J. Milhaupt
Self-Determination in International Law and the Demise of Democracy?, Russell A. Miller
Citizenship & Severity: Recent Immigration Reforms and the New Penology, Teresa Miller
Comparative Legal Studies in the Age of Images, Pseudo-Events and Commodity Signs, Gary Minda
Traps for the Unwary: Tax-Exempt Organizations’ Compliance with the Intermediate Sanctions Rules and Lobbying and Political Campaign Prohibitions, Nicholas A. Mirkay and Lisa D. McLaughlin
“Preemptive War”: Is It Constitutional?, John B. Mitchell
The Public Policy of Human Rights, Shlomo Mizrahi and Assaf Meydani
Proportionalitetsprincipen i skatterätten, Christina Moëll
Defensa del consumidor: el derecho a la información en el Mercosur, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Extensión de quiebra y socios ilimitadamente responsables, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Fronteras actuales del derecho de información del socio, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Responsabilidad civil del fiduciario. Ley 24.441, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Ethics of the Lawyer's Work, James E. Moliterno
American Probate: Protecting the Public, Improving the Process, Paula A. Monopoli
El procedimiento administrativo: Una tarea esencial aún pendiente para el Congreso, Santiago Montt
La deuda política, Ramón Antonio Morales Quintanilla
La ilegalidad de las multas de tránsito, Ramón Antonio Morales Quintanilla
Medidas cautelares en el proceso civil como justicia anticipada, Ramón Antonio Morales Quintanilla
Derecho de resolución, derecho de retención y excepción de incumplimiento, Rómulo Morales
Delocalización, la Lex Loci Arbitri, y la Nueva Ley de Arbitraje y Mediación, Roberto Moreno Rodríguez Alcalá
Arbitraje y Mediación , José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Arbitraje y Mediación, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Derecho aplicable, orden público y el régimen arbitral paraguayo, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Nueva Lex Mercatoria: ¿Fantasma creado por profesores de La Sorbona?, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Book Review: The Many Faces of Power: An International Law Response to Robert Kagan’s “Of Paradise and Power”, Jason G. Morgan-Foster
From Vending Machines to Web Sites: Mutual Assent Between Man and Machine, Juliet M. Moringiello
‘Paper World’ Analogies to Web Site Terms and Conditions: Travel Tickets and Other Similar Forms, Juliet M. Moringiello
Seizing Domain Names to Enforce Judgments: Looking Back to Look to the Future, Juliet M. Moringiello
Browse-Wrap Agreements: Validity of Implied Assent in Electronic Form Agreements, Juliet M. Moringiello, Christina L. Kunz, John Ottaviani, Elaine D. Ziff, Kathleen Porter, and Jennifer Debrow
Latvia: The Economy, Steven R. Morrison