The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Regulation of Preventive and Premptive Use of Force in the United Nations Charter: A Search for Original Intent, Timothy G. Kearley
The Propriety of Poetry in Judicial Opinions, Mary Kate Kearney
Irreparable Injury and Extraordinary Precaution: The Safety and Feasibility Norms in American Accident Law, Gregory C. Keating
Pressing Precaution Beyond the Point of Cost-Justification, Gregory C. Keating
Associate Statehood: Principles and Prospects, Chimene I. Keitner
The Challenge of Building and Inter-Communal Rule of Law in Helen Hunt Jackson's Ramona, Chimene I. Keitner
Free Association: The United States Experience, Chimene I. Keitner and W. Michael Reisman
Issue Editor, James Patrick Kelly
The International Law of Force and the Fight Against Terrorism, James Patrick Kelly
eBay deals gone bad: Can you get personal jurisdiction in NH over a seller using an internet auction website?, Jocelyn Kennedy
Qualified Immunity in the Eleventh Circuit After Hope v. Pelzer, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Article 7: Documents of Title - 2002 Developments, Drew L. Kershen
Developing Nations and Agricultural Biotechnology: Poverty, Possibilities, Patents, Drew L. Kershen
Innovations in Biotechnology - Public Perceptions and Cultural Attitudes. An American's Viewpoint, Drew L. Kershen
Intellectual Property & Biotechnology, Drew L. Kershen
Sarbanes-Oxley and the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct Recent Developments in Oklahoma, Drew L. Kershen
Sarbanes-Oxley andthe OkRPC, Drew L. Kershen
Symposium: Liability for Refusing to Use Agricultural Biotechnology, Drew L. Kershen
Moral Courage, Op-Ed, Drew L. Kershen and P. Morandini
Legal Problem Solving: A Guide for Law Students, Patrick Keyzer, Susan Carr-Greg, Penny Crofts, Pamela Stewart, and Richard Scruby
The Public Right to Know: Essays from the Public Right to Know Conference, Patrick Keyzer, Chris Nash, and Geoff Holland
A Theory of Universal Democracy: Beyond the End of History, Ali Khan
The Reopening of the Islamic Code: The Second Era of Ijtihad, Ali Khan
The Second Era of Islamic Ijtihad (Creativity), Ali Khan
Sprawl and “Paper Water”: A Reality Check from the California Courts, Paul Stanton Kibel and Barry H. Epstein
“Means Testing” and other current bankruptcy reform developments, Jason J. Kilborn
‘For the Family, France, and Humanity’: Authority and Maternity in the Tribunaux pour enfants, Sara L. Kimble
Evolution of Credit Union Philosophy, Matthew Wilburn King
In Defense of Marine and Coastal Resources, Matthew Wilburn King
Civil Interviews and Statements, Advance Investigation Course, Michael King
Companies turn to private sleuths, Michael King
Investigating the Investigators: A Study of Queensland and NSW Private Investigators, Michael King
Private Inquiry Agents: Ethical Challenges and Accountability, Michael King and Tim Prenzler
Creating New Learning Experiences Through Collaborations Between Law Librarians and Legal Writing Faculty, Susan A. King and Ruth A. Robbins
Circuit-Specific Application of the Internal Revenue Code: An Unconstitutional Tax, Jeffrey S. Kinsler
More Process than Peace: Legitimacy, Compliance, and the Oslo Accords, Orde F. Kittrie
Progressivist Origins of the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall, Kira L. Klatchko
Escenas de la vida conyugal: Los conflictos matrimoniales en la sociedad virreinal rioplatense, Viviana Kluger
Matrimonios legítimos y uniones de hecho: Convivir sin estar casados en el Virreinato del Río de la Plata, Viviana Kluger
Otras formas de convivir en El Virreinato del Río de la Plata: El caso de la familia ensamblada, Viviana Kluger
Tratado de la buena fe en el derecho, Viviana Kluger
Defining Capacity: the Competing Interests of Autonomy and Need, Nancy J. Knauer
Science, Identity, and the Construction of the Gay Political Narrative, Nancy J. Knauer
The Balance of Forces and the Empire of Liberty: States' Rights and the Louisiana Purchase, Robert H. Knowles
An Examination of Increasing Protection for Sacred Sites and the Trust Responsibilities of the Federal Government, Donald J. Kochan
De internationale forpligtelser - Terrorbekaempelse og magtfordelning, Ida Elisabeth Koch
Starthjælpen og menneskerettighederne, Ida Elisabeth Koch
The justiciability of indivisible rights, Ida Elisabeth Koch
Recent Developments, Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Failure to Cover Does Not Violate ADA, Title VII, or PDA, Valerie Gutmann Koch
Recent Developments, Kentucky Association of Health Plans, Inc. v. Miller, Valerie Gutmann Koch
Recent Developments, Prenatal Care: Revisions to SCHIP Extend Health Care to "Unborn Children", Valerie Gutmann Koch
Comparative Advantages? The Protection of the Employment Bond in German and American Law, Thomas C. Kohler
Comparative Labor Law: Some Reflections on the Way Ahead, Thomas C. Kohler
Employee Representation, the Notion of Solidarity and the Secret History of American Labor Law, Thomas C. Kohler
The Japan International Labor Law Foundation Distinguished Lectures, Thomas C. Kohler
Fast forward : work, gender, and protest in a changing world, Marla H. Kohlman, Torry D. Dickinson, and Robert K. Schaeffer
Environmental Planning, R. Steven Konkel
Environmental Health in Public Health, R. Steven Konkel, Darryl B. Barnett, Joe E. Beck, and Worley Johnson
Liability Rules for Constitutional Rights: The Case of Mass Detentions, Eugene Kontorovich
International Poverty Law: A Response to Economic Globalization, Timothy K. Kuhner
Islam, Democracy and Civil Society, Chandran Kukathas
A Broader View of Corporate Inversions: The Interplay of Tax, Corporate and Economic Implications, Orsolya Kun
Why we obey the law, Christopher Kutz
Commentary on the Concept of Authorship in Comparative Copyright Law: A Brief Illustration, Roberta R. Kwall
Functional Democracy: Responding to Failures of Accountability, Molly K. Land
The Immunity of Foreign Subsidiaries under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Melissa M. Lang
Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission published in Tax Profs Urged SEC to Take Tough Stance on Auditor Independence, Michael B. Lang
Caveat Emptor: Lessons from Volkswagen's Lemon Purchase, Terence Lau
The Promise and Peril of Section 28, Sonia Lawrence
Women of Colour in the Law, Sonia Lawrence
Conflicting Decisions on Public Employee Compensatory Time May Be Resolved by Supreme Court, Laurie E. Leader
Let’s Get a Vision: Drafting Effective Arbitration Agreements, Laurie E. Leader and Melissa Burger
Free at Last from Obscurity: Clarity—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Ineffective Devices: Rhetoric That Fails, Gerald Lebovits
Judicial Jesting: Judicious?, Gerald Lebovits
Technique: A Legal Method to the Madness—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Technique: A Legal Method to the Madness—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
The Bottom Line On Footnotes [Fn. 1] and Endnotes [Fn. 2], Gerald Lebovits
The Devil's in the Details for Delusional Claims, Gerald Lebovits
Uppercasing Needn't Be a Capital Crime, Gerald Lebovits
Writing on a Clean Slate: Clichés and Puns, Gerald Lebovits
The Promise of Democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
Payment Systems, Banking, and Documentary Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Comments, Dellas Wayne Lee and Timothy R. Zinnecker
Hillary Putnam and the Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy, A Brief for Catholic Legal Scholars, Kevin P. Lee
From Words to Sacrament, from Sacrament to Flesh: The Concept of Marriage, Randy Lee
The New Federalism: Discerning Truth in American Myths and Legend, Randy Lee
Book Review: Harold D. Tallant, Evil Necessity: Slavery and Political Culture in Antebellum Kentucky (2003), Arthur G. LeFrancois
Categorizing Crime and Determining Punishment in Oklahoma, Arthur G. LeFrancois
Expert Witness Affidavit regarding gender as basis for domestic violence in In re Rodi Alvarado case, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Child Custody and Domestic Violence: A Call for Safety and Accountability, Nancy K.D. Lemon, Peter G. Jaffe, and Samantha Poisson
Having Thought About Private Matters: The Federal Court's Initial Response, J. Rich Leonard
The Control of Technology Alliances: An Empirical Analysis of the Biotechnology Industry, Josh Lerner and Robert P. Merges
Legal Research and Writing: What Schools are Doing, and Who is Doing the Teaching (Three Years Later), Jan M. Levine
Negotiating the Boundaries of Crime and Culture: A Sociolegal Perspective on Cultural Defense Strategies, Kay L. Levine