The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Nulidad y Anulabilidad, Freddy Escobar
Reflexiones en torno al contrato de reporte, Freddy Escobar
To Err is Human: The Judicial Conundrum of Curing Apprendi Error, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Ethics and Collaborative Lawyering: Why Put Old Hats on New Heads?, Christopher M. Fairman
No McJustice for the Fat Kids, Christopher M. Fairman
The Myth of Notice Pleading, Christopher M. Fairman
Writing and Analysis in the Law, Rev. 4th ed., Elizabeth Fajans, Marilyn R. Walter, and Helene S. Shapo
Foreign Nationals: Phila.’s Untapped Resource, Jill E. Family
Wal-Mart’s Woes: Verification of Employment Eligibility of Independent Contractors, Jill E. Family
Verifying Employment Eligibility of Independent Contractors, Jill E. Family and Richard Rulon
Columnist (U.S. securities & corporate law) (2003- ), James A. Fanto
Lincoln's Constitution, Daniel A. Farber
Dispelling the Myths of Asbestos Litigation: Solutions for Common Law Courts, Richard O. Faulk
Annual Haim Cohen Memorial Lecture: How the Courts Reformed the Prisons in the United States, Malcolm M. Feeley
Complex Polities, Malcolm M. Feeley
Courts and Court-Orders, Malcolm M. Feeley
Crime, social order and the rise of neo-Conservative politics, Malcolm M. Feeley
How the Courts Succeeded, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Form and Limits of the New Penology, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
The Form and Limits of the New Penology, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
Jews in the United States, Stephen M. Feldman
Takings Formalism and Regulatory Formulas: Exactions and the Consequences of Clarity, Mark Fenster
Law and Religion in Post-Communist Europe, Silvio Ferrari, W. Cole Durham, and Elizabeth A. Clark
As Liberdades Tradicionais e o Governo de D. João VI no Brasil, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Da Filosofia Jurídica Contemporânea em Portugal, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Droit et récit, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Interpretatio. Racines Rhétorique et Herméneutique du Droit, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
La Culture Portugaise et la France Littéraire, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Renascimento e Barroco na Pintura Europeia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
What Should Medicare Look Like in 2010?, Robert I. Field
Toward a Policy Agenda on Medical Research Funding, Robert I. Field, Barbara J. Plager, Rebecca A. Baranowski, Mary Anne Healy, and Margaret L. Longacre
Nueva Cultura de acceso a la Información. Cambio de Paradigma, Ana Fierro Ferraez
Mediación como una nueva respuesta a la problemática municipal en sus relaciones de gobierno, Ana E. Fierro Ferraez
Terrorism, Panic and Pedophilia, Daniel M. Filler
Bibliography of Legal History Articles Appearing in Law Library Journal, Volumes 1-94 (1908-2002), Joel Fishman, Adrienne Adan, Laura Bedard, Christopher Knott, Nancy McMurrer, Nancy Poehlmann, and Margaret Schilt
Senate Must Reject Nominee Who Blatantly Distorts Truth, Catherine Fisk
Appointment: Membership in the International Society of Family Law, Scott T. FitzGibbon
La reforma judicial en México: ¿de dónde viene? ¿hacia dónde va?, Héctor Fix Fierro
Culturas jurídicas latinas de Europa y América en tiempos de globalización, Héctor Fix Fierro, Lawrence Friedman, and Rogelio Pérez Perdomo
The Rational Exuberance of Structuring Venture Capital Startups, Victor Fleischer
The Drug War on Tribal Government Employees: Adopting the Ways of the Conqueror, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Battered Woman Syndrome in the Courts, Diane R. Follingstad
Peer rejection and social information-processing factors in the development of aggressive behavior problems in children, Reid G. Fontaine, Kenneth A. Dodge, Jennifer E. Lansford, Virginia Salzer Burks, John E. Bates, Gregory S. Pettit, and Joseph M. Price
Stability and Change in International Customary Law, Vincy Fon and Francesco Parisi
Stability and Change in International Customary Law, Vincy Fon and Francesco Parisi
Live and Let Love (Reviewing Randall Kennedy, Interracial Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, Identity and Adoption (2003)), Kim Forde-Mazrui
Dividend-exclusion proposal will be tough to sell, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Harsh medicine for tax shelters, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
IRS gets tough on abusive tax schemes, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
No surplus at Social Security, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Taxes and inflation, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Treasury blesses cash balance pension plans, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Where credit is due, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Working overtime, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Issues for Implementing Phased Retirement in Definied Benefit Plans, JONATHAN B. FORMAN and Patricia L. Scahill
Untangling the Web of International Competition Law, Sharon E. Foster
Beyond Dilution: Toward a Coherent Theory of the Anti Free Rider Impulse in American Trademark Law, David J. Franklyn
This Is Not Like Any Other Legal Question: A Brief History of Nazi Law before British and American Courts, David Fraser
Prüflisten Arbeitssicherheit, Hartmut H. Frenzel
Medical Mistakes: Tiptoeing Toward Safety, Barry R. Furrow
Competition Policy for Small Market Economies, Michal Gal
Admisión y establecimiento de la inversión en el derecho internacional público, Carlos García Fernández
¿Qué tan soberana es la soberanía? México y la Unión Europea: un cruce de caminos cinco siglos después, Carlos García Fernández
Trade, Inequality, and Justice: Toward a Liberal Theory of Just Trade, Frank J. Garcia
El control de constitucionalidad en El Federalista y los fundamentos de una sociedad libre, José Francisco García
El comercio transfronterizo: análisis legal y derecho aplicable a nivel internacional, José Heriberto García Peña
Marco legal de la PYME en Iberoamérica: hacia una nueva formulación jurídica, José Heriberto García Peña
A Positive Rights Interpretation of the Establishment Clause, Alan E. Garfield
Victims and the International Criminal Court: three major issues, Sam Garkawe
Family Law: Cases, Comments and Questions , Marsha Garrison, H.D. Krause, L.D. Elrod, and J.T. Oldham
The Law of Bioethics: Individual Autonomy and Social Regulation , Marsha Garrison and Carl E. Schneider
Forum Non Conveniens: Availability and Adequacy of Latin American Fora From a Comparative Perspective, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Harmonization of Personal Property Security Law: National, Regional and Global Initiatives, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Illusion of Intergenerational Equity: Oposa v. Factoran as Pyrrhic Victory, Dante B. Gatmaytan
Civil Procedure: Class Certification and the Predominance Requirement under Oklahoma Section 2023(B)(3), Steven S. Gensler
Developments in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Steven S. Gensler
Diversity Class Actions, Common Relief, and the Rule of Individual Valuation, Steven S. Gensler
E-shopping for Fakes: The Internet Business in Trademark Counterfeits, Alexandra E. George
The Problem of Property in Human Body Parts, Alexandra E. George
Universal Jurisdiction and Drug Trafficking: A Tool for Fighting One of the World's Most Pervasive Problems , Anne H. Geraghty
The European Commission's GE/Honeywell Decision: U.S. Responses and Their Implications, David J. Gerber
Democracy, Technology and Social Justice, Daniel J. Gervais
The Price of Social Norms: Towards a Liability Regime for File-Sharing, Daniel J. Gervais
The Proposed Model Inter-Entity Transaction Act: A Proposal to Rationalize Changes in Forms of Business Organizations, Thomas E. Geu and Robert Keatinge
The Albright Decision - Why an SMLLC is not an Appropriate Asset Protection Vehicle, Thomas E. Geu and Thomas Rutledge
Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Forum Shopping: Conflicts of Law as Spontaneous Order, Nita Ghei and Francesco Parisi
Acordos Entre Concorrentes E Compliance Antitruste, Ivo T. Gico
A OMC e o Comércio Eletrônico: temas para países em desenvolvimento, Ivo T. Gico
O impacto da Rodada de Doha para as empresas brasileiras, Ivo T. Gico
Software Livre: A Nova Onda, Ivo T. Gico and Renata Streit
Corbin on Contracts: Contracts Contrary to Public Policy, Grace M. Giesel
Le carte di pubblico servizio e il diritto alla qualità dei pubblici servizi, Fabio Giglioni
Conciliation and Mediation as ADR Procedures Distinct from Arbitration: Textual Similarities and Discrepancies in Different Legal Contexts, Anna Giordano Ciancio
Interim Remedies, Anna Giordano Ciancio
Anmerkung zu AG Herford, Urt. v. 24.09.2001 - 3 Ds 26 Js 505/00 (470/00), Daniel H. Göbel