The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Fahndungskooperation zwischen Polizei und Feldjägern, Daniel H. Göbel
Zur Vorwerfbarkeit der Mordlust als niedrigem Beweggrund, Daniel H. Göbel and Sven W. Grotendiek
Subsidized Guardianship: A New Permanancy Option, Cynthia Godsoe
Arkansas Code sec. 18-16-101: A Challenge to the Constitutionality and Desireability of Arkansas' Criminal Eviction Statute, Carol Goforth
The Case for Expanding Child Support Obligations to Cover Post-Secondary Educational Expenses, Carol Goforth
Argentina: Business in a Changing Environment, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
Argentina: Investment Funds, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
Emerging Law and Financial Entities in Argentina, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
Review of the San Luis Province Case, Gabriel Gómez Giglio
Latino Lawyers Search for Lessons in a Changing Political Landscape, Steven Gonzales
Seasons of Resistance: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Cuba, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias, notas sobre el creciente desarrollo del área, Francisco González de Cossío
The Legacy of Buckley v. Valeo, Joel M. Gora
Racing U.S. Foreign Policy, Ruth Gordon
The Silver Anniversary of New Judicial Federalism, Ken Gormley
Renegotiation and Adaptation Clauses in International Investment Contracts, Revisited, John Gotanda
Clarence Thomas and the Perils of Amateur History, Mark Graber
Liability Failure, Mark F. Grady and Moin Yahya
Liability Failure, Mark F. Grady and Moin Yahya
Liability Failure, Mark F. Grady and Moin Yahya
Imposing Inequality on Law Schools, Kent Greenfield
The Guise of Justice: Jurisdiction & Extradition of Osama Bin Laden & Al Qaeda Terrorists, Matthew Greenwell
The Health Status of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Reflection, Realization, and Response, Sam Grey
Suing the Sovereign from the Latin American Perspective, Claudio M. Grossman
Inordinate Chill: BITS, Non-NAFTA MITS, and Host-State Regulatory Freedom - An Indonesian Case Study, Stuart G. Gross
Occupational Risk: The Outrageous Reaction to HIV Positive Public Safety and Health Care Employees in the Workplace, Manju Gupta
Booze, Drugs, and Rock & Roll: Crime During the College Years, Paul S. Gutman
International Antitrust and the WTO: The Lesson from Intellectual Property, Andrew T. Guzman
Trade, Labor, Legitimacy, Andrew T. Guzman
Managing Assets: The Oklahoma Uniform Principal and Income Act, Katheleen R. Guzman and Mark R. Gillett
Managing Assets: The Oklahoma Uniform Principal and Income Act, Katheleen R. Guzman and Mark R. Gillett
The Participation of Subnational Units in the Foreign Policy of the Federation, Beat Habegger
ATCA, Doe v. Unocal: A Paquete Habana Approach to the Rescue, John Haberstroh
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Russell A. Hakes, Stephen L. Sepinuck, and Robyn L. Meadows
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Russell A. Hakes, Stephen L. Sepinuck, and Robyn L. Meadows
Corporate Responsibility in Real Time: The Work (So Far) of the ABA Task Force on Corporate Responsibility, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Premiums in Stock-For-Stock Mergers and Some Consequences in the Law of Director Fiduciary Duties, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
The ABA Task Force on Corporate Responsibility and the 2003 Changes to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Report of the American Bar Association Task Force on Corporate Responsibility, Lawrence A. Hamermesh and
Effective Performance Guarantees for Capital State Post-Conviction Counsel: Cutting the Gordian Knot, Andrew A. Hammel
Racism on Trial: The Chicano Fight for Justice, Ian F. Haney-López
Developing Internationally Uniform Liability Principles for Harms from Genetically Modified Organisms , Ryan C. Hansen
Road to Democratic State without Corruption, Sung-Soo Han
Road to Democratic State without Corruption, Sung-Soo Han
Road to Democratic State without Corruption, Sung-Soo Han
Comparative Reasoning and Judicial Review, Sarah K. Harding
Cultural Property and the Limitations of Preservation, Sarah K. Harding
Defining Traditional Knowledge -- Lessons from Cultural Property, Sarah K. Harding
Introduction: Law and Cultural Conflict (symposium editor), Sarah K. Harding
The Legacy, Louise Harmon
Die Rolle zweiter Kammern in Bundesstaaten, Dante Jaime Haro Reyes
Contributions, Controversies, and Criticisms: In Memory of John U. Ogbu (1939-2003)(with R. Gunn), Vinay Harpalani
"Every Shut Eye Ain't Sleep": Studying How People Live Culturally (with C. Lee & M. Spencer), Vinay Harpalani
Identity, Self, and Peers in Context: A Culturally-Sensitive, Developmental Framework for Analysis (with M. Spencer et al.), Vinay Harpalani
Psychosocial Development in Racially and Ethnically Diverse Youth: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in the 21st Century (with D. Swanson et al.), Vinay Harpalani
Vulnerability to Violence: A Contextually-Sensitive, Developmental Perspective on African American Adolescents (with M. Spencer et al.), Vinay Harpalani
2007 Supplement to Frederick H. Miller & Alvin C. Harrell, The Law of Modern Payment Systems & Notes, Alvin C. Harrell
Case Note: Judge Understands Indirect Auto Finance, Part Two, Alvin C. Harrell
Case Note: Stopping Payment on Bank Checks, Alvin C. Harrell
Case Note: Supreme Court of South Carolina Rejects Tort of Negligent Enablement, Alvin C. Harrell
Case Note: Volvo v. McClellan - Can a Buyer and Secured Party Rely on a Certificate of Title?, Alvin C. Harrell
Selected Issues in the 2003 NCCUSL Annual Meeting: Draft of the Proposed Uniform Certificate of Title Act, Alvin C. Harrell
Some Surprising New (and Old) Perspectives on Check-Kiting, Alvin C. Harrell
The Relationship Between Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 and the Bankruptcy Code: Points of Intersection and Conflict, Alvin C. Harrell
Report on the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Charles Cheatham et al.
2005 Pocket Part to Frederick H. Miller & Alvin C. Harrell, The Law of Modern Payment Systems and Notes, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
2008 Pocket Part to Frederick H. Miller & Alvin C. Harrell, 4C Vernon's Oklahoma Forms 2d, [Commercial and Consumer Forms], Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
The ABCs of the UCC - Related Insolvency Law, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
The Law of Modern Payment Systems and Notes (student edition), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
New Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Alvin C. Harrell and George J. Wallace et al.
Subject Unrest, Angela P. Harris, Frank Valdes, and Jerome M. Culp
African American Student Athletes' Perceptions of Career Transition in Sport: a qualitative and visual elicitation, Keith Harrison
Tampering with the Racism Conference., Susan Harris Rimmer
Response to Nehal Bhuta - Hamstrung Justice, Susan Harris Rimmer and John Pace
The Bubble Act of 1720, Ron Harris
The Encounters of Economic History and Legal History, Ron Harris
The Uses of History in Law and Economics, Ron Harris
Defining Low Law: Magistrates and Empire, Douglas C. Hay
Gothic Mmystery: King's Bench and other High Courts in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Douglas C. Hay
UK Family Mediation: Policy and Practice, Sherrill W. Hayes
The American "Covenant Marriage" in the Conflict of Laws, Peter Hay
Mercy By The Numbers: An Empirical Analysis of Clemency and Its Structure, Michael Heise
Estate Tax Exposure of Family Limited Partnerships Under Section 2036, Brant J. Hellwig
Revisiting Byrum, Brant J. Hellwig
Book Review: Adam Fortunate Eagle, Heart of the Rock: An Indian Invasion of Alcatraz, Taiawagi Helton
Lands and Resources — Water Law and Mineral Interest Issues, Taiawagi Helton
Nation Building in Indian Country: The Blackfoot Constitutional Revision, Taiawagi Helton
Policy-Making in North America: Energy Policy, Taiawagi Helton
Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit: Current Issues in Native American Law, Taiawagi Helton, Paul Frye, Gloria Valencia-Weber, Samuel Winder, and John Echohawk
A Room of One's Own: Morality and Sexual Privacy after Lawrence v. Texas, Marybeth Herald
The Role of Bargaining Style in Public Company Audits, Heather M. Hermanson, Kurt S. Schulzke, and G. Richard Shell
Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent (Chavez v. Martinez), Susan N. Herman
Checking Our Balances, Susan N. Herman
The USA Patriot Act and the US Department of Justice: Losing Our Balances?, Susan N. Herman
Yasser Hamdi and the Fourth Circuit’s Legal No-Man’s Land, Susan N. Herman
Bag Wars and Bank Wars, the Gucci and Banque National de Paris Hostile Bids: European Corporate Culture Responds to Active Shareholders, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez