About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2003


Bag Wars and Bank Wars, the Gucci and Banque National de Paris Hostile Bids: European Corporate Culture Responds to Active Shareholders, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez


Child Placement Decisions: The Relevance of Facial Resemblance and Biological Relationships, David J. Herring


Four Predictions About the Future of EU Securities Regulation , Gerard Hertig and Ruben Lee


Company and Takeover Law Reforms in Europe: Misguided Harmonization Efforts or Regulatory Competition? , Gerard Hertig and Joseph A. McCahery


The Horizontal Effect of Social Rights in European Contract Law, Martijn W. Hesselink


Monopoly Power in the Electronic Information Industry: Why, and So What?, Curt A. Hessler

In, But Not Of: A Guide to Christian Ambition, Hugh Hewitt


Ideological Conflict and the First Amendment, Steven J. Heyman


Commercial Transactions: Secured Financing: Cases, Materials, Problems, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger, Raymond T. Nimmer, and Michael G. Hillinger


Publicity Rules of the Legal Professions Within the United Kingdom, Louise L. Hill


Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, David R. Hodas

Foreword, David R. Hodas


State Law Responses to Global Warming: Is It Constitutional to Think Globally and Act Locally?, David R. Hodas

Hobbes on Law, Nature, and Reason, Kinch Hoekstra


How Relevant is Jury Rationality?, David A. Hoffman


Nullificatory Juries, David A. Hoffman and Kaimipono D. Wenger


Narrative Highground: The Failure of Intervention as a Procedural Device in Affirmative Action Litigation, Danielle R. Holley

Admitted, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Kari E. Hong

Parens Patri[Archy]: Adoption, Eugenics, and Same-Sex Couples, Kari E. Hong

U.S. Court of Appeals: Third, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth, Kari E. Hong

U.S. District Courts: Northern District of California, Central District of California, Oregon, Kari E. Hong


Pursuing Dignity Through Three Tumultous Decades: Reporting Civil Rights: American Journalism 1941-1973, Peter J. Honigsberg


Earned Sovereignty: The Political Dimension, James R. Hooper III and Paul R. Williams


Trying and Winning a Civil Antitrust Case, Thomas J. Horton


Political and Legal Governance under the Judicial Reform: A Case Study on Basic-Level Political and Legal Committee(司法改革背景下的政法治理方式——基层政法委员会制度个案研究), Meng Hou


A Closed Mind is a Wonderful Thing to Lose, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe


A Two-Dimensional Framework for Analyzing Property Rights Regimes, Shi-Ling Hsu


Real Options in Law: (Possibly, Frivolous) Litigation and Other Applications, Peter H. Huang


Arbitration and Contract: What Are the Law Schools Teaching?, Stephen K. Huber

TWU Law Day panelist, Charlotte Hughart


Stages of Legal Reasoning: Formalism, Analogy, and Realism, Wilson R. Huhn


Three Legal Frameworks for Regulating Genetic Technology, Wilson R. Huhn


Farewell to Functionalism or Methodological Tolerance?, Jaakko Husa


Separation, Custody, and Estate Planning Issues Relating to Companion Animals, Rebecca J. Huss


Factless Jurisprudence, Darren L. Hutchinson


Unexplainable on Grounds Other Than Race: The Inversion of Privilege and Subordination in Equal Protection Jurisprudence, Darren L. Hutchinson


Liberal Hegemony? School Vouchers and the Future of the Race, Harry G. Hutchison

Private Cost Recovery Actions Under CERCLA, John Hyson


Housing Impact Assessments: Opening New Doors for State Housing Regulation While Localism Persists, Tim Iglesias

Mocreebec Board Members' Training, Shin Imai

Security and Civil Rights: The Canadian Record, Shin Imai


The Internal Revenue Code as Sodomy Statute, Anthony C. Infanti


Trial of the Accused Taliban and Al Qaeda Operatives Captured in Afghanistan and Detained on a U.S. Military Base in Cuba, Jaime Jackson


Generosity versus Accessibility: Bankruptcy, Consumer Credit, and Health Care Finance in the U.S., Melissa B. Jacoby


The Real Bankruptcy Bill, Melissa B. Jacoby


Muddy Property: Generating and Protecting Information Privacy Norms in Bankruptcy, Edward J. Janger


Privacy Property, Information Costs and the Anticommons, Edward J. Janger


Beyond the “Courts of the Conqueror”: Balancing Private and Cultural Property Rights under Hawaiian Law, M. Casey Jarman and Robert R.M. Verchick

Close-Out Netting & Set-Off Under U.S. Banking Insolvency Law, Christian A. Johnson

The 2002 ISDA Master Agreement Made Simple, Christian A. Johnson

U.S. Perspective, Christian A. Johnson

Demystifying FAS 133--Part 1, Christian A. Johnson and Mary Grossman

Demystifying FAS 133 - Part 2, Christian A. Johnson and Mary Grossman

Random Walks Down the Aisle and Class Participation, Christian A. Johnson and Linnie Wheeless


WTO Plus: Creating Liberal Investment through Regulating Tax Incentives, Jeremiah Johnson

Scared Silly: How To Push Past Students' Fear and Grade Pressure to Real Learning, Kari L. Johnson

Robinson-Patman Act, Katherine Jones

Blue Sky Laws, Katherine M. Jones

Fair Labor Standards Act, Katherine M. Jones

General Welfare Clause, Katherine M. Jones

Gold Clause Cases, Katherine M. Jones

Minimum-Wage Legislation, Katherine M. Jones

Norris-LaGuarida Act, Katherine M. Jones

Robinson-Patman Act, Katherine M. Jones

Robinson-Patman Act, Katherine M. Jones

Robinson-Patman Act, Katherine M. Jones

Social Legislation, Katherine M. Jones

The Constitution and the New Deal (Book Review), Katherine M. Jones

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: A Primer, Renee Jones


Civil Remedies for Women Victimized by Violence: A Practice Manual for Attorneys, Carol E. Jordan, Mary Jo Gleason, Kimberly Hosea, and Marigail Sexton


Stalking: An Examination of the Criminal Justice Response, Carol E. Jordan, T. K. Logan, and Robert Walker


News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan


News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan


News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan


Disentitlement? The Threats Facing Our Health Care Programs and a Rights-Based Response, Timothy S. Jost


Legal Aspects of End of Life Treatment in Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, France, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands, Timothy S. Jost, Danuta Mendelson, and Michael Ashby

Expanding the Notion of "Scientific", Kirk Junker

Expanding the Notion of "Scientific", Kirk Junker

Expanding the Notion of "Scientific", Kirk W. Junker

Expanding the notion of "scientific", Kirk W. Junker


IMF Conditionality as Investment Regulation - A Theoretical Analysis, Daniel R. Kalderimis


The Case for Insincerity, John M. Kang

From the Reign of Terror to Reigning in the Terrorists: Defining the Rights of Noncitizens in the Nation of Immigrants, Daniel Kanstroom


"Unlawful Combatants' in the United States: Drawing the Fine Line Between Law and War, Daniel Kanstroom


http://www.CompanyNameSucks.com: The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights on Private Parties within Autonomous Internet Law, Vaios Karavas and Gunther Teubner


Spousal Privileges in the Federal Law, Robert L. Kardell

Demutualization of Exchanges as a Strategy for Capital Market Regulatory Reform, Roberta S. Karmel


Reconciling Federal and State Interests in Securities Regulation in the United States and Europe, Roberta S. Karmel

Regulating Corporations: Who’s Making the Rules (Panelist), Roberta S. Karmel


The Evolution of Corporate Governance [Symposium: The Evolving Legal and Ethical Role of the Corporate Attorney after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Panelist)], Roberta S. Karmel


Distributive Justice and the Environment, Alice Kaswan

Online Dispute Resolution: Ecommerce and Beyond, Ethan Katsh


When Does a Discharge of a Bail Bond Discharge the Surety?, Jason D. Katz


Injection Locked Oscillator Automatic Frequency Centering Method And Apparatus, Ron D. Katznelson and Brani A. Petrovic


Family Law in America, Sanford N. Katz


Complicity with Evil, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Development of Catholic Moral Doctrine: Probing the Subtext, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Women's Health and Human Rights, M. Cathleen Kaveny


The Secession Reference and the Limits of Law, Richard Kay


Re-visiting Doha Development Agenda: A Road Map to Cancun, Dr. Raju KD