The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
The decline of contributory negligence and apportionment: Choosing the black or white of all-or-nothing over many shades of grey?, Joachim Dietrich
Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Robe: Judicial Elections, the First Amendment, and Judges as Politicians, Michael R. Dimino
Insurance Law in a Nutshell, John Dobbyn
Dignity: The New Frontier of State Sovereignty, Scott Dodson
Vectoral Federalism, Scott Dodson
Democratic Legitimacy in Human Rights: The Future of International Decision-Making, Douglas L. Donoho
The Final Bullet in the Body of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis, John Donohue
Shooting Down the ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Hypothesis, John Donohue and Ian Ayres
Shooting Down the ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Hypothesis, John Donohue and Ian Ayres
The Latest Misfires in Support of the ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Hypothesis, John Donohue and Ian Ayres
The Latest Misfires in Support of the ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Hypothesis, John Donohue and Ian Ayres
The Impact of Concealed-Carry Laws, John J. Donohue
Shooting Down the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis, John J. Donohue and Ian Ayres
Defining Religion, James M. Donovan
Review: Facial Attractiveness: Evolutionary, Cognitive, and Social Perspectives (Gillian Rhodes and Leslie A. Zebrowitz, eds., Ablex Publishing, 2002), James M. Donovan
Same-Sex Union Announcements: Precis on a Not so Picayune Matter, James M. Donovan
Same-Sex Union Announcements: Whether Newspapers Must Publish Them, and Why We Should Care, James M. Donovan
Anthropology & Law, James M. Donovan and H. Edwin Anderson
Unequal Racial Access to Kidney Transplantation, Laura Dooley and Robert Gaston
Law and Geriatrics: An Israeli Perspective on Future Challenges, Israel Doron
Mental Incapacity, Guardianship and the Elderly: An Exploratory Study of Ontario's Consent and Capacity Board, Israel Doron
Physician Assisted Suicide - The Case of Oregon, Israel Doron
The Patients' Rights Act of 1996 and the Elderly in Israel, Israel Doron and Iddo Gal
Market control or government regulation? Assisted living in Israel, Israel Doron and Ernie Lightman
Estate Tax Repeal: Historical Data Indicate Philanthropy May Suffer, Frank J. Doti
Historical Perspective on Charity and Estate Taxes, Frank J. Doti
'Intimate Partner Violence: Transforming Harm into a Crime', Heather A. Douglas and Lee Godden
'The Decriminalisation of Domestic Violence: Examining the Interaction between the Criminal Law and Domestic Violence', Heather A. Douglas and Lee Godden
Current Maritime Labour Law Issues: An Internationally Uniform Identity Document for Seafarers, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Does Lord Darcy Yet Live? The Case against Software and Business- Method Patents, Jay Dratler
International Law Regarding the Conduct of War, Mark A. Drumbl
LOOKING INSIDE: Even Two Years Later, Memories Are Changing , Mary L. Dudziak
September 11 in History: A Watershed Moment?, Mary L. Dudziak
The Supreme Court's History of Indifference to the Opinions of Other Countries' Courts, Mary L. Dudziak
Old Lyrics, Knock-Off Videos, and Copycat Comic Books: The Fourth Fair Use Factor in U.S. Copyright Law, Gregory M. Duhl
Secularism's Laws: State Blaine Amendments and Religious Persecution, Kyle Duncan
Buffalo Creek Prevents Legal Writing Disaster, Susan Duncan
How Judges, Practitioners, and Legal Writing Teachers Assess the Writing Skills of New Law Graduates: A Comparative Study, Susan Duncan and David Ritchie
The Virginia Founders and the Birth of Religious Liberty, W Cole Durham and Elizabeth A. Clark
Open source and copyleft: authorship reconsidered ?, Severine Dusollier
Tipping the scale in favor of the rights holders : The anti-circumvention provisions of the European Infosoc Directive, Severine Dusollier
"Altered States," Review of John T. Noonan, Jr., Narrowing the Nation's Power: The Supreme Court Sides with the States, John C. Eastman
Altered States: Review of John T. Noonan, Jr., 'Narrowing the Nation's Power: The Supreme Court Sides with the States', John C. Eastman
Mischievous Statistics, John C. Eastman
Recall Ruling Creates More Confusion, John C. Eastman
Re-Evaluating the Privileges or Immunities Clause, John C. Eastman
The American Constitutional Order: History, Cases, and Philosophy, John C. Eastman
The Limited Nature of the Senate's Advice and Consent Role, John C. Eastman
The Magic of Vouchers is No Sleight of Hand: A Reply to Steven K. Green, John C. Eastman
La Junta General de Accionistas en la Organización Corporativa Societaria, Carlos D. Echaiz Moreno
Análisis jurídico del control en los grupos de sociedades, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El graduado del Derecho Empresarial, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Enrique Normand Sparks: maestro del Derecho Societario en el Perú, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Entrevista a Jorge Muñiz Ziches sobre el Derecho Empresarial, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Entrevista a Julio Salas Sánchez sobre el gobierno corporativo, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La captura del agente regulador, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La junta general de accionistas en la organización corporativa societaria, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La responsabilidad derivada de las relaciones contractuales entre empresas, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Los actos ultra vires y sus implicancias en los grupos empresariales, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Repertorio jurisprudencial societario, Parte 1, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Repertorio jurisprudencial societario, Parte 2, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
A Hydrogeological Approach to Transboundary Ground Water Resources and International Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
Groundwater Resources and International Law in the Middle East Peace Process, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
The Tragic Inefficiency of M-ECPR, Nicholas Economides
An Institutional Approach to Law and Organizations, Lauren Edelman
Law at Work: The Endogeneous Construction of Civil Rights, Lauren Edelman
Law at Work: The Endogeneous Construction of Civil Rights, Lauren Edelman
Presidential Column on Affirmative Action in Higher Education, Lauren Edelman
Presidential Column on The Impact of Socio-legal Scholarship on Public Policy Debates, Lauren Edelman
Rivers of Law and Contested Terrain: A Law and Society Approach to Economic Rationality, Lauren Edelman
Microsoft's Billion-Dollar California Consumer Settlement: Coupons for Plaintiff's, Cash for Lawyers, A Cheap Solution for Microsoft, Aaron S. Edlin
Per-Mile Premiums for Auto Insurance, Aaron S. Edlin
Roundtable: Recent Developments in Section 2, Aaron S. Edlin
Why Legislating Low Tuitions for State Colleges Is a Mistake: They Just Subsidize the Rich, Aaron S. Edlin
The Savings Impact of the Implicit Taxes from College Financial Aid, Aaron S. Edlin, Andrew W. Dick, and Eric R. Emch
Rational Voting and Voter Turnout, Aaron S. Edlin, Andrew Gelman, and Noah Kaplan
Optimal Penalties in Contracts, Aaron S. Edlin and Alan Schwartz
Note, Secrets and Spies: Extraterritorial Application of the Economic Espionage Act and the TRIPS Agreement, Robin Effron
Note, Secrets and Spies: Extraterritorial Application of the Economic Espionage Act and the TRIPS Agreement, Robin Effron
Shedding Light on the Preemption Doctrine in Product Liability Actions: Defining the Scope of Buckman and Sprietsma, Jean M. Eggen
Toxic Torts and Causation: The Challenge of Daubert After the First Decade, Jean M. Eggen
Lashed to the Mast and Crying for Help, Kurt Eggert
Are Patriots Bigots? An Inquiry into the Vices of In-group Pride, Zachary Elkins and Rui de Figueiredo
Norms, Rationality, and Communication: A Reputation Theory of Social Norms, Andreas Engert
Responsabilidad Civil por Productos Defectuosos, David Enríquez Rosas
What's Kosher to You, is not Kosher to Me, Adam Epstein
What's Kosher to You, is not Kosher to Me, Adam Epstein
The Little Act that Could: The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, Adam Epstein and Rebecca Mowrey
Sex Crimes Committed by Persons in a Position of Trust, Jules Epstein
State Pretrial Motion Tactics, Jules Epstein
Merger Simulation with Brand-Level Margin Data: Extending PCAIDS with Nests, Roy J. Epstein and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Curing the Unique Health Identifier: A Reconciliation of New Technology and Privacy Rights, Wendy Netter Epstein
Essay: Of Rights Lost and Rights Found: The Coming Restoration of the Right to a Jury Trial in Minnesota Civil Commitment Proceedings, Peter Erlinder
Muting Gideon's Trumpet: Pricing the “Right to Counsel” in Minnesota Courts, Peter Erlinder
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Searching for Novel Theories of Action, Daniel H. Erskine
Amplied Birdstrike Risk Related to Population Increases of Large Birds in North America, Paul F. Eschenfelder and Richard Dolbeer
El Contrato con Efectos Reales, Freddy Escobar