The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
“Rational Discrimination,” Accommodation, and the Politics of (Disability) Civil Rights, Samuel R. Bagenstos
The Americans with Disabilities Act as Welfare Reform, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Arthritic Flexibilities: Analysis of WTO Action Regarding Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Brook K. Baker
Asking What Before We Ask Why: Taxonomy, Etiology and Rape, Katharine K. Baker
Datos Informáticos Sensibles, Ineficacia del Hábeas Data y Técnicas Urgentes de Tutela de Intereses, José Balcázar Quiroz
Intellectual Property Law in India, Sonia Baldia
IP Protection and Licensing in India, Sonia Baldia
Implementing Virtual Reference: Hollywood Technology in Real Life, Ray Balleste and Gordon R. Russell
Exploring White Resistance to Racial Reconciliation in the United States, Taunya L. Banks
La Definición y defensa de los derechos constitucionales: Éxitos, paradojas y desafíos del debido proceso legal, Robert S. Barker and V. Bazan
Normativité et Biomédecine aux Etats-Unis, Charles H. Baron
Quale etica per i guidici?, Charles H. Baron
Suicide médicalement assisté: l'exemple de l'Oregon, Charles H. Baron
The "No Property" Problem: Understanding Poverty by Understanding Wealth, Jane Baron
Decisiones judiciales y desempeño institucional, Julia Barragán
El lugar de la tolerancia en las decisiones normativas referidas a sociedades culturalmente diversas, Julia Barragán
Le ragioni delle norme , Julia Barragán
Legal Separation: The Relationship Between the Law School and the Central University in the Late Nineteenth Century, Mark Bartholomew
Copyrights and Creative Copying, Ann Bartow
Electrifying Copyright Norms and Making Cyberspace More Like a Book, Ann Bartow
Electrifying Copyright Norms and Making Cyberspace More Like a Book, Ann Bartow
European VAT on Digital Sales , Subhajit Basu
Implementing E-Commerce Tax Policy (Consumption Taxation), Subhajit Basu
Relevance of E-Commerce for Taxation: an Overview, Subhajit Basu
E-Commerce and the Law: A Review of India’s Information Technology Act, 2000, Subhajit Basu and Richard P. Jones
A Journal of One's Own? Beginning the Project of Historicizing the Development of Women's Law Journals, Felice J. Batlan
The Institutional History of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (with L. Gordon), Felice J. Batlan
Trading With the Enemy: Holocaust Restitution, The United States Government, and American Industry, Michael Bazyler and Amber L. Fitzgerald
What changes to the model rules will mean for family lawyers, Lewis Becker
Some Particularly Useless Words, Brendan T. Beery
Authors' Welfare: Copyright as a Statutory Mechanism for Redistributing Rights, Tom W. Bell
Free Speech, Strict Scrutiny, and Self-Help: How Technology Upgrades Constitutional Jurisprudence, Tom W. Bell
Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative, Latch on to the Affirmative [Action], Do Mess with Mr. In-Between, Martin H. Belsky
Análisis Jurídico y Económico de los Contratos de Servicios Múltiples, Alberto Benítez
A Family Affair: Sharing Information about Genetic Diseases, Lyria K. Bennett Moses
Dance as Symptomatic Expression, Review of: Dance Pathologies by Felicia McCarren, Gigi Berardi
The Tribal Environment and Natural Resources Management Approach to Indian Education and Student Assessment, Gigi Berardi, Dan Burns, Phillip Duran, Roberto Gonzalez-Plaza, Sharon Kinley, Lynn Robbins, Ted Williams, and Wayne Woods
Peine Forte et Dure: Compelled Jury Trials and Legal Rights in Canada, Benjamin L. Berger
Using the Charter to Cure Health Care: Panacea or Placebo?, Benjamin L. Berger
Expert Testimony in Criminal Proceedings: Questions Daubert Does Not Answer, Margaret Berger
Introduction [Symposium: Science For Judges I: Papers on Toxicology and Epidemiology], Margaret Berger
Understanding Waiver, Jessica Berg
Netting, Financial Contracts, and Banks: The Economic Implications, William J. Bergman, Christian A. Johnson, Robert R. Bliss, and George G. Kaufman
The Quest for Rationality: The Recent Writing of Thomas Franck, Nathaniel Berman
Roundtable: Subversive Legal Moments? [Symposium: Subversive Legacies: Learning From History / Constructing the Future], Nathaniel Berman, K. E. Engle, Elizabeth M. Schneider, J. Halley, V. Schultz, and A. Davis
Roundtable: Subversive Legal Moments? [Symposium: Subversive Legacies: Learning From History / Constructing the Future], Nathaniel Berman, K. E. Engle, Elizabeth M. Schneider, J. Halley, V. Schultz, and A. Davis
Los Procedimientos de Divorcio y el Derecho de Acceso a los Tribunales: La Constitucionalidad de la Regla 62.2 de Procedimiento Civil, Alberto Bernabe
Los Procedimientos de Divorcio y El Derecho de Acceso a Los Tribunales: La Constitucionalidad de la Regla 62.2 de Procedimiento Civil, Alberto Bernabe
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Phyllis E. Bernard
Mediating with an 800-lb. Gorilla: ADR and Medicare, Phyllis E. Bernard
The Administrative Law Judge as a Bridge Between Law and Culture, Phyllis E. Bernard
Engendered by Technologies (revised ; originally published in 80 N.C.L. Rev. 1-113 (2001)), Anita Bernstein
For and Against Marriage: A Revision, Anita Bernstein
Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly and Co.: Markets of Mothers, Anita Bernstein
What Clients Want, What Lawyers Need (Symposium Editor, "What Do Clients Want?"), Anita Bernstein
Giving Effect to Public International Law and European Community Law before Domestic Courts. A Comparative Analysis of the Practice of Consistent Interpretation, Gerrit Betlem and André Nollkaemper
Mass Toxic Tort Litigation and Class Action Rule Reform in the United States, Jason L. Betts
The International Law Commission's Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries (Book), Richard B. Bilder and David D. Caron
Emergency Action Plans: A Legal and Practical Blueprint, Denis Binder
The Liability Consequences of Dam Failures, Denis Binder
Acknowledging the Conflict between Copyright Law and Freedom of Expression under the Human Rights Act, Michael D. Birnhack
The Copyright Law and Free Speech Affair: Making-Up and Breaking-Up, Michael D. Birnhack
The Invisible Handshake: The Reemergence of the State in the Digital Environment, Michael D. Birnhack and Niva Elkin-Koren
The Invisible Handshake: The Reemergence of the State in the Digital Environment, Michael D. Birnhack and Niva Elkin
Family Law in the World Community, Marianne Blair and Merle Weiner
Family Law in the World Community, Marianne Blair and Merle Weiner
International Family Law, Conventions, Statutes, and Regulatory Materials, Marianne Blair and Merle Weiner
Law Enforcement Cooperation as a 'Transnational Factor' in Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations, Jason A. Blatt
“Technology in the Classroom”, Timothy Blevins
More Citizen Jurors or Fewer Citizen Jurors [Japanese translation by Satoru Shinomiya], Robert M. Bloom
Searches, Seizures, and Warrants: A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution, Robert M. Bloom
Updates editor: Chapters 3, 6, 31-36, 81, Robert M. Bloom
“All Aboard!” An Overview of the Continuing Debate Regarding the Enforceability of Dispute Resolution Provisions of Filipino Seamen Employment Contracts, Richard V. Blystone
Saving State Law Bad-Faith Claims from Preemption, Donald T. Bogan
Resisting the Expansion of Bankruptcy Court Power under Section 105 of the Bankruptcy Code: The All Writs Act and an Admonition from Chief Justice Marshall, Daniel B. Bogart
Análisis y Recomendaciones para una Reforma de la Ley de Quiebras, Claudio Bonilla, Ronald Fischer, Rolf Lüders, and Rafael Mery
EITC Noncompliance: What We Don't Know Can Hurt Them, Leslie M. Book
The Poor and Tax Compliance: One Size Does Not Fit All, Leslie M. Book
Dividends Don't Lie, National Law Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Entity Rationalization: What Can or Should Be Done About the Proliferation of Business Organizations?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Form and Function in Business Organizations, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Dividend Dividend, Business Law Today, RICHARD A. BOOTH
What Can or Should Be Done About the Proliferation of Business Organizations?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Section 1031 and Proximate and Midstream Business Transactions, Brad Borden
The Whole Truth About Using Partial Real Estate Interests in Section 1031 Exchanges, Brad Borden
What You Should Know About Mergers and Divisions of Partnerships, Brad Borden
Judicial Reform, Juan Carlos Botero, Rafael La Porta, Florencio López-de-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer, and Alexander Volokh
Infamy and Proof in Medieval Spain, Jeff Bowman
Barbarians at The Gates: A Post-September 11th Proposal to Rationalize the Laws of War, William C. Bradford
Group Therapy for Incarcerated Women Who Experienced Interpersonal Violence: A Pilot Study, Rebekah G. Bradley and Diane R. Follingstad
Reflections on the Light: Judge Noonan's Contributions to the Debate on Religion on the Public Square, Kathleen A. Brady
Dismembering Civil Society: The Social Cost of Internally Undemocratic Nonprofits, Dana Brakman Reiser
Needs of the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program (BPRP) With Regard to Public Health Information Technology, David A. Bray
Commentary in "School Choice: The Moral Debate" (Alan Wolfe ed., Princeton University Press 2003) (Comments on papers by Michael Perry, Martha Minow, and Rosemary Salomone), Patrick McKinley Brennan
Meaning's Edge, Love's Priority (Review of J.B. White, The Edge of Meaning, 2002) (Invited), Patrick McKinley Brennan
On What Sin (and Grace) Can Teach Crime, Patrick McKinley Brennan