The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2004
Products Liability : Problems and Process , Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
The End of the ECSC, Benedetta Carla Angela Ubertazzi
An Explicit Connection Between Faith and Justice in Catholic Legal Education: Why Rock the Boat?, Amelia J. Uelmen
A "Passion" for Dialogue, Amelia J. Uelmen
Isn't That Unconstitutional? Religion and Professional Life, Amelia J. Uelmen
The Georgia Justice Project, Amelia J. Uelmen
The Spirituality of Communion: A Resource for Dialogue with Catholics in Public Life, Amelia J. Uelmen
Toward a Trinitarian Theory of Products Liability, Amelia J. Uelmen
Journalism Ethics in Wartime, Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
Criminal Responsibility for Torture: An Indian Perspective, Saumya Uma
International Criminal Court & India: Some Questions & Answers, Saumya Uma
Intimidated Victims & Witnesses: Treated with Hostility, Saumya Uma
Federal Permitting Issues Related to Offshore Wind Energy, Using the Cape Wind Project in Massachusetts as an Illustration, Thomas A. Utzinger
Registered GI's: Intellectual property, agricultural policy and international trade, William van Caenegem
How to Study Human Rights and Culture (...Without Becoming A Relativist), Siegfried Van Duffel
Libertarian Natural Rights, Siegfried Van Duffel
Natural Rights and Individual Sovereignty, Siegfried Van Duffel
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Skilling: How Enron's Public Image Morphed From the Most Innovative Company in the Fortune 500 to the Most Notorious Company Ever, Jeffrey D. Van Niel and Nancy B. Rapoport
Twenty-Five Propositions on Writing and Persuasion, Jonathan Van Patten
The Introduction of Biotech Foods to the Tort System: Creating a New Duty to Identify, K Van Tassel
The Limitations of Retirement Plan Law, Peter M. van Zante
El Derecho del Consumo en la Unión Europea: la problemática planteada por la armonización mínima en las normativas comunitarias relativas a la protección de los consumidores, Luis González Vaqué
“El principio de precaución en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades europeas: ¿un principio de buen gobierno?”, Luis González Vaqué
“El TJCE confirma su jurisprudencia relativa al principio de precaución: la sentencia 'Monsanto Agricoltura Italia SpA y otros'”, Luis González Vaqué
“La libre circulación de los productos alimenticios en la Unión Europea: tres opciones para asegurar la protección de la salud de los consumidores”, Luis González Vaqué
“La noción de 'consumidor medio' según la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas”, Luis González Vaqué
"La notion de 'consommateur moyen' selon la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes", Luis González Vaqué
L'arrêt 'Malagutti-Vezinhet': qui est responsable de l'information fournie par le système communautaire d'alerte rapide?, Luis González Vaqué
La sentencia 'Malagutti-Vezinhet': ¿quién es responsable de la información facilitada por el sistema comunitario de alerta en el ámbito de la seguridad de los productos?, Luis González Vaqué
Fair Distribution of Environmental Harms and Benefits, Robert R.M. Verchick
Feminist Theory and Environmental Justice, Robert R.M. Verchick
Toward Normative Rules for Agency Interpretation: Defining Jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act, Robert R.M. Verchick
El derecho en el lejano Oriente, Fernando Villaseñor Rodríguez
Rimbaud: Una biografía de Graham Robb, Fernando Villaseñor Rodríguez
Crime-Facilitating Speech, Eugene Volokh
Crime Severity and Constitutional Line-Drawing, Eugene Volokh
Speech as Conduct: Generally Applicable Laws, Illegal Courses of Conduct, “Situation-Altering Utterances,” and the Uncharted Zones, Eugene Volokh
The Law of Passing-off: Unfair Competition by Misrepresentation, Christopher Wadlow
The ICC and its Jurisdiction – Myths, Misperceptions and Realities, Markus Wagner
Practice and process in wraparound planning, Janet S. Walker and Kathryn M. Shutte
An Integrative Review of Separation in the Context of Victimization: Consequences and Implications for Women, Robert Walker, T. K. Logan, Carol E. Jordan, and Jacquelyn Campbell
Chief Justice’s Advisory Committee on Permissible Political Conduct by Judges and Judicial Candidates, E. Gregory Wallace
Constitutional Restrictions on Judicial Candidate Speech, E. Gregory Wallace
Judicial Candidate Speech and the First Amendment, E. Gregory Wallace
Quoted in “Bench Hopefuls Bank on Personal Beliefs”, E. Gregory Wallace
Quoted in “Pick a Judge, Any Judge: Tar Heel Voters OftenClueless”, E. Gregory Wallace
The Law in Action at the WTO, Spencer Weber Waller
Book Review: Insolvency Law: Corporate and Personal by Andrew Keay and Peter Walton, Adrian J. Walters
Section 236 of the Insolvency Act and Directors' Disqualification, Adrian J. Walters
Dancing with Wolves: Regulation and De-regulation of Foreign Investment in China's Stock Market, Jiangyu Wang
Arbitration Clauses, Jury-Waiver Clauses and Other Contractual Waivers of Constitutional Rights, Stephen Ware
The Source of Alabama's Abundance of Arbitration Cases: Alabama's Bizarre Law of Damages for Mental Anguish, Stephen Ware
Adjudication, Richard Warner
Rights, Rationality, and the Preemption of Reasons, Richard Warner
A Deadly Dilemma: The Failure of Nations' Organ Procurement Systems and Potential Reform Alternatives, Christy M. Watkins
Presenter, Interviewing the Elderly, Kerry Watkins
Locked In: Australia gets a bad intellectual property deal, Kimberlee G. Weatherall
On Technology Locks and the Proper Scope of Digital Copyright Laws — Sony in the High Court, Kimberlee G. Weatherall
Exile and the Kingdom: Integration, Harassment, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Mark C. Weber
Home and Community-Based Services, Olmstead, and Positive Rights: A Preliminary Discussion, Mark C. Weber
Opening the Golden Door: Disability and the Law of Immigration, Mark C. Weber
Cost-Effective Legal Research Using Subscription-Based Internet Services and Non-Subscription Web Pages, Olivia L. Weeks
Libraries and Legal Research, Olivia L. Weeks
Brief Amici Curiae of Former Prosecutors, Judges and Law Enforcement Officials (with co-counsel), Missouri v. Seibert, 124 S.Ct. 2601 (2004), Charles D. Weisselberg
Causation and Attenuation in the Slavery Reparations Debate, Kaimipono D. Wenger
Waseda Robot Monogatari 早稲田のロボットの物語, Yueh-Hsuan Weng
Contracting Out of Bankruptcy: An Empirical Intervention, Jay L. Westbrook and Elizabeth Warren
An Attitudinal Theory of Excuse in Criminal Law, Peter Westen
Some Commonplace Confusions about Consent in Rape Cases, Peter Westen
Reexamining Arbitral Immunity in an Age of Mandatory and Professional Arbitration, Maureen A. Weston Prof.
Responsible Corporate Officers and Section 113(C)(6) of the Clean Air Act: The Dormant Provision with a Useful Function, Peter C. White
Affirmative Action: More Efficient than Color Blindness, Abraham L. Wickelgren
A Model of Welfare-Reducing Settlement, Abraham L. Wickelgren
Comment on ‘Aligning the Interests of Lawyers and Clients’, Abraham L. Wickelgren
Innovation, Market Structure, and the Holdup Problem: Investment Incentives and Coordination, Abraham L. Wickelgren
On the Misuse of the Nash Bargaining Solution in Law and Economics, Abraham L. Wickelgren
Establishing a Stable Democratic Constitutional Structure in Iraq: Some Basic Considerations, Paul Williams
Earned Sovereignty: Bridging the Gap Between Sovereignty and Self-Determination, Paul Williams and Francesca Jannotti Pecci
Earned Sovereignty: An Emerging Conflict Resolution Approach, Paul R. Williams and Karen Heymann
Preemption in the 21st Century: What are the Legal Parameters?, Paul R. Williams, Scott Lyons, and Tali Neuwirth
Dead Men Telling Tales - A Policy-Based Proposal for Survivability of Qui Tam Actions under the Civil False Claims Act, Vickie J. Williams
There Are No Second Class Citizens in America, Penny Willrich
How Applicable is the Dominant Firm Model of Price Leadership, Bart J. Wilson
How Applicable is the Dominant Firm Model of Price Leadership, Bart J. Wilson
Economics at the Pump, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
Economics at the Pump, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
Economics at the Pump, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
Melville, Slavery, and the Failure of the Judicial Process, Steven L. Winter
Panel Moderator: “Immigration Law and Human Rights: Legal Line Drawing Post-September 11”, David A. Wirth
Trade Disputes over Science: The European Union’s Ban on Hormone-Treated Beef and Genetically Engineered Foods and Crops, David A. Wirth
Workshop Co-Instructor: “International Environmental Policy, Negotiations, and Law", David A. Wirth
Environmental Law and Policy: Nature, Law, and Society, David A. Wirth and Zygmunt J. B. Plater
Australian law online, Leon Wolff
Stressing European Legislation and its Implementation in the Member States, Christoffer Wong