About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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from 2003


Toward a Criminal Law for Cyberspace: Distributed Security, Susan Brenner


Will Physician Unions Improve Health System Performance?, William S. Brewbaker

Are Nonprofit Organizations Different?, Evelyn Brody

Defining the Constitutional Bounds of the Right of Association, Evelyn Brody


Filling in the ‘Larger Puzzle’: Clinical Scholarship in the Wake of THE LAWYERING PROCESS, Susan L. Brooks, Frank S. Bloch, Alex J. Hurder, and Susan L. Kay


Reconciling State Sovereignty and Protections for the Internally Displaced, Bartram Brown


New Federalism's Unanswered Question: Who Should Prosecute State and Local Officials for Political Corruption?, George D. Brown


The Shackles of Covenant Marriage: Who Holds the Keys to Wedlock?, Chauncey Brummer




• The Pedagogy of Domestic Violence Law: Situating Domestic Violence Work in Law Schools, Adding the Lenses of Race and Class, SARAH M. BUEL

The Interstate Compact on Adult Offender Supervision: Using Old Tools to Solve New Problems, Michael Buenger

El Regreso del Jedi (O de la Discrecionalidad en la Aplicación de las Normas de Libre Competencia), Alfredo Bullard González

The Right to Be Mistaken: Products Liability in Peru, Alfredo Bullard González

Tomo V – Derechos Reales, Alfredo Bullard González


Non-State Actors in the Nuclear Black Market: Proposing an International Legal Framework for Preventing Nuclear Expertise Proliferation & Nuclear Smuggling by Non-State Actors, Thomas V. Burch


Controlling Organized Crime and Corruption in the Public Sector , Edgardo Buscaglia


Liability for Pure Financial Loss in Europe: An Economic Restatement, Mauro Bussani, Vernon V. Palmer, and Francesco Parisi

Comentarios en torno al nuevo dictamen de la Dirección del Trabajo sobre la extensión temporal del derecho a dar alimentos, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

Contenido laboral del Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

El contrato de trabajo a tiempo parcial en la actual normativa laboral, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

La defensa del principio de no discriminación por razones de sexo en el período anterior al nacimiento de la relación laboral, I, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

La defensa del principio de no discriminación por razones de sexo en el período anterior al nacimiento de la relación laboral, II, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

La prohibición de discriminación en el acceso al empleo. Estudio comparado del Derecho del Trabajo chileno y alemán, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo


La tutela del derecho a la no discriminación por razones de sexo durante la vigencia de la relación laboral, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

Seguro de cesantía y promoción del empleo, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo


La vinculación en las instituciones de educación superior y en las universidades: autonomía y sociedad, José Antonio Caballero Juárez and Alfredo Sánchez Castañeda

Barriers to Intellectual Property Protection: Law of the Internet in Argentina, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Efectos de la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia sobre los procesos concursales, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

El Derecho argentino de la competencia desleal, Crítica y propuesta de reforma, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Neutral Spanish: Is it necessary? Does it exist?, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Derecho de marcas, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Luis Eduardo Bertone


Los economistas del 98 Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez


En memoria de Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez, Carlos Rodríguez Braun, and P. Schwartz


Tax exempt organizations : cases and materials, Nicholas P. Cafardi and Jaclyn F. Cherry


Beyond Training: Law Librarianship’s Quest for the Pedagogy of Legal Research Instruction, Paul D. Callister


A Consumer-Use Approach to Products Liability, Alan Calnan

Contrattazione collettiva e lavoro a termine, in A.I.D.LA.S.S., Interessi e tecniche nella disciplina del lavoro flessibile, Atti delle Giornate di Studio di Diritto del Lavoro, Pesaro-Urbino, 24-25 maggio 2002, Giuffrè, Milano, 2003, pag. 597-606, piera campanella


Keynesian Comparative Economics: The Iconoclastic Vision of Lynn Turgeon (1920-1999), Timothy A. Canova

Missouri Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell

Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell

Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions: Criminal 2D Annotated, Charles Cantrell


Prosecutorial Misconduct: Recognizing Errors In Closing Argument, Charles Cantrell

El arbitraje frente a la Ley Orgánica del Sistema Nacional de Control y de la Contraloría General de la República, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

Reconocimiento y ejecución de laudos arbitrales anulados en el lugar del arbitraje, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

No More Delays for Liberian Children: Ease Way for Liberians to Enter U.S., Stacy Caplow


Panelist [Symposium: Domestic Violence in Legal Education and Legal Practice: A Dialogue Between Professors and Practitioners], Stacy Caplow


Evidence and the One Liner: A Beginning Evidence Professor’s Exploration of the Use of Humor in the Law School Classroom, John J. Capowski

How Should We Theorize Class Interests in Thinking about Professional Regulation: The Early NAACP as a Case Example, Susan Carle

Critical Perspectives on the Legal Profession in England and Wales (Book Review), Susan D. Carle

Critical Perspectives on the Legal Profession in England and Wales (Book Review), Susan D. Carle

How Should We Theorize Class Interests in Thinking about Professional Regulation: The Early NAACP as a Case Example, Susan D. Carle


Between Empire and Community -- The United States and Multilateralism 2001-2003: A Mid Term Assessment, David D. Caron


Report and Recommendations Made by the Panel of Commissioners Concerning the Fifteenth Installment (the Trade in Goods & Supply of Services Installment) of "E2" Claims (Bernard Audit - Chair, Jose Maria Abascal, David D. Caron), United Nations Compensation Commission for Claims Arising Out of the 1990 Gulf War, U.N. Doc. S/AC.26/2003/29 (18 December 2003), David D. Caron


Report and Recommendations Made by the Panel of Commissioners Concerning the Thirteenth Installment (the Goods & Services Installment) of "E2" Claims (Bernard Audit - Chair, Jose Maria Abascal, David D. Caron), United Nations Compensation Commission for Claims Arising Out of the 1990 Gulf War, U.N. Doc. S/AC.26/2003/10 (26 June 2003), David D. Caron


The World of Intellectual Property and the Decision to Arbitrate, David D. Caron

Land and Maritime Boundary Between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria; Equatorial Guinea intervening), David D. Caron and Pieter H.F. Bekker

United States v. Duarte-Acero, David D. Caron and David Sloss

Excerpts from my Application for Admission to The George Washington University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science to pursue a professional (Specialist) degree of Applied Scientist, Engineering Management with a concentration in Crisis, Emergency and Risk Management (CERM) at GW’s Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management (ICDR)., Thomas Lyons Carr III


A Primer on U.S. Intellectual Property Rights Applicable to Music Information Retrieval Systems, Michael W. Carroll


A Critical Evaluation of the Report of Working Group II to the European Convention on Incorporation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and accession to the European Convention of Human Rights, stephen carruthers


Application of 18 USC 1960 to Informal Money Service Businesses, Stefan D. Cassella


Provisions of the USA Patriot Act Relating to Asset Forfeiture in Transnational Cases, Stefan D. Cassella


Reverse Money Laundering, Stefan D. Cassella


The Development of Asset Forfeiture Law in the United States, Stefan D. Cassella


Sharing Sacred Secrets: Is it (Past) Time for a Dangerous Person Exception to the Clergy-Penitent Privilege?, R. Michael Cassidy


Advocacy, Witnesses, and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge: Is There an Ethical Duty to Evaluate Your Expert's Testimony?, David S. Caudill


Ibsen's An Enemy of the People and the Public Understanding of Science in Law, David S. Caudill


Lacan and the Discourse of Science in Law, David S. Caudill

Lacan, Science, and Law: Is the Ethnography of Scientism Psychoanalytic?, David S. Caudill

Law-and-Literature, Literature-and-Science, and Enhancing the Discourse of Law/Science Relations, David S. Caudill


Professional Deregulation of Prosecutors: Defense Contact With Victims, Survivors, and Witnesses in the Era of Victims' Rights, David S. Caudill


Race[,] Science, History, and Law, David S. Caudill


Revisiting the Ethics of Representing Professional Athletes: Agents, "Attorney-Agents," Full-Service Agencies, and the Dream Team Model, David S. Caudill

"Take It to the Limit," 12 Metascience 238 (reviewing Arkady Plotnitsky, The Knowable and the Unknowable: Modern Science, Nonclassical Thought, and the Two Cultures (2002)), David S. Caudill

Post-Trilogy Science in the Courtroom, Part II: What Are the Judges Still Doing?, David S. Caudill and Lewis H. LaRue

Why Judges Applying the Daubert Trilogy Need to Know About the Social, Institutional, and Rhetorical--and Not Just the Methodological--Aspects of Science, David S. Caudill and Lewis H. LaRue


O direito da empresa no novo Código Civil, Cássio Cavalli

"MCARE: Blessing or Curse?" in Williams LLP Newsletter, Candace Mueller Centeno

How Developing Countries Use the Dispute Settlement Understanding: Indian and Chinese Standpoints, Julien L. Chaisse

Legal Frame and Implications of the EU Enlargement, Julien L. Chaisse

Legal Frame and Implications of the EU Enlargement, Julien L. Chaisse




Sentencing and Data: The Not-So-Odd-Couple, Steven L. Chanenson

The Return of Hammurabi, Steven L. Chanenson


Revisting Ex Parte James, Tracey E. Chan


The Trajectory of (Corporate Law) Scholarship, Brian R. Cheffins


Media Representations of September 11, Steven Chermak, Frankie Y. Bailey, and Michelle Brown


Civil Liberties and the Terrorism Prevention Paradigm: The Guilt by Association Critique, robert chesney


Should Plaintiffs Win What Defendants Lose?: Litigation Stakes, Litigation Effort, and the Benefits of 'Decoupling', Albert H. Choi and Chris Sanchirico

Book Review, Global Law Books, January 1, 2003 (reviewing John H. Jackson & Alan Sykes eds., Implementing the Uruguay Round (1997))., Sungjoon Cho

Free Markets and Social Regulation: A Reform Agenda of the Global Trading System, Sungjoon Cho

A National Framework for Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Canada: Selected Legal Issues, Sujit Choudhry

Beyond the Flight from Constitutional Legalism: Rethinking the Politics of Social Policy post-Charlottetown, Sujit Choudhry

Review Essay of Judicial Power and the Charter: Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism, 2d ed. by Christopher J. Manfredi, Sujit Choudhry

CPR for the DNR: The Role of the Limited Aggressive Therapy Order, Sujit Choudhry, Niteesh K. Choudhry, and P. A. Singer

CPR for the DNR: The Role of the Limited Aggressive Therapy Order, Sujit Choudhry, N. K. Choudhry, and P. A. Singer


Unrelated Living Organ Donation: ULTRA Needs To Go, Sujit Choudhry and Abdallah S. Daar

Measuring Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada: A Comment on Newfoundland (Treasury Board) v. Newfoundland Association of Public Employees, Sujit Choudhry and Claire E. Hunter

Putting the Past Behind Us? Prospective Judicial and Legislative Constitutional Remedies, Sujit Choudhry and Kent Roach

Racial and Ethnic Profiling: Statutory Discretion, Constitutional Remedies and Democratic Accountability, Sujit Choudhry and Kent Roach