The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Minority-Making: Indigenous People and Non-Indigenous Law Between Mexico and the United Status, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
So You Want to Build a Building: Some Helpful Hints for Those Deans Who May Develop an "Edifice Complex", Andrew M. Coats
An Argument from Democracy against School Choice: A Critique of Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, Moshe Cohen-Eliya and Yoav Hammer
The Israeli Lust for Peace: Illusion, Tragedy and Prospect, Lloyd R. Cohen
The Gatekeeping Role in Civil Litigation and the Abdication of Legal Values in Favor of Scientific Values, Neil Cohen
Seven Ways in Which Code Equals Law (And One in Which It Does Not), Cindy Cohn and James Grimmelmann
Jury Selection and Opening Statement Skills for Experienced Trial Lawyers, Dana K. Cole
Masters in Litigation, Dana K. Cole
Plenary Session and led a small group discussion on the Use of Psychodrama for Trial Lawyers, Dana K. Cole
The End of a Natural Monopoly: Deregulation and Competition in the Electric Power Industry, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman
Democracy's Global Quest: A Noble Crusade Wrapped in Dirty Reality?, Andrew K. Coleman and Jackson Nil Maogoto
Post-Conflict Justice: Do Truth Commissions Work? The Legacy of Argentina and Chile, Flynn M. Coleman
The prospects of a truth commission for Burma, from lessons learned in Chile and Argentina, Flynn M. Coleman
Transferee and Assignee Rights: Charging Orders and Other Creditor Remedies in Uniform Unincorporated Acts, Ann E. Conaway
Análisis Jurídicos de la Discriminación y Relaciones Laborales en Chile, Pablo Contreras
Federalism with Two Languages, Robert Cooter
Hand Rule Damages for Incompensable Losses, Robert Cooter
Who Gets on Top in Democracy? Elections as Filters, Robert Cooter
Hand Rule Damages for Incompensable Losses, Robert D. Cooter
Punitive Damages, Robert D. Cooter
The Confluence of Justice and Efficiency in the Economic Analysis of Law, Robert D. Cooter
The Law and Economics of Anthropology: A Review , Robert D. Cooter
Treating Yourself Instrumentally: Internalization, Rationality and Law, Robert D. Cooter
Truth-Bonding and Other Truth-Revealing Mechanisms for Courts, Robert D. Cooter and Winand Emons
Leximetrics: Why the Same Laws are Longer in Some Countries than Others, Robert D. Cooter and Thomas Ginsburg
Decreasing Liability Contracts, Robert D. Cooter and Ariel Porat
The People and the Strangers: Narratives and a Theory of American Indian Life, Robert Cooter and Robert K. Thomas
The Legal History of the Twentieth Century, Daniel R. Coquillette
Verdunklungsgefahr, Jakob Cornides
Review of Sheryl Grana, Women and (In)Justice: The Criminal and Civil Effects of the Common Law on Women’s Lives, Rose Corrigan
Los Órganos del Senado de la República, José Ramón Cossío Díaz
Las facultades en materia de relaciones exteriores del Senado de la República , José Ramón Cossío Díaz and Gabriela Rodríguez Huerta
Big Brother After September 11, 2001, Randall T. Coyne
Death Penalty Debate with Justice Stephen Markman, Randall T. Coyne
Gender, Sexual Preference and Capital Punishment, Randall T. Coyne
Keeping America Safe and Free, Randall T. Coyne
Law Day Panelist on Capital Punishment, Randall T. Coyne
Racial Profiling and Terrorism Debate with Mark Levy of the Cato Institute, Randall T. Coyne
Shooting the Wounded: First Degree Murder and Second Class Victims, Randall T. Coyne
The Patriot Act and the Death of Civil Liberties, Randall T. Coyne
The Shameful History of the Prison Industry in the United States, Randall T. Coyne
Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Compliance Continuum, Teall E. Crossen
False Testimony by Criminal Defendants: Still Unanswered Ethical and Constitutional Questions, Nathan M. Crystal
False Testimony by Criminal Defendants: Still Unanswered Ethical and Constitutional Questions, Nathan M. Crystal
False Testimony by Criminal Defendants: Still Unanswered Ethical and Constitutional Questions, Nathan M. Crystal
In Memoriam László Bertalan, Peter Cserne
Kapitalizmus és szocializmus Bibó István gondolatrendszerében [István Bibó on Capitalism and Socialism], Peter Cserne
Reasons for Limiting Freedom of Contract: Questions of Philosophy and Policy, Peter Cserne
Manual de Derecho Procesal Civil, Edward Ivan Cueva
Sandbags Full of Money: Victim Compensation After 9/11, John G. Culhane
Tort, Compensation, and Two Kinds of Justice, John G. Culhane
Gun Makers Seek to Bar Justice, John G. Culhane and Jean M. Eggen
Gun Makers Seek to Bar Justice, John G. Culhane and Jean M. Eggen
U.S. Ninth Circuit Decides in Favor of Protecting Immigrant Women's Rights under the 1994 VAWA, Katherine Culliton
Chapter 28: Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Susan Daicoff and David B. Wexler
Public Company Corporate Governance under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Paula J. Dalley
Let the Sun Shine In: The First Amendment and the War on Terrorism, Erin Daly
Reparations in South Africa: A Cautionary Tale, Erin Daly
State Regulatory Competition and the Threat to Corporate Governance, Ronald Daniels and Benjamin Alarie
Beyond Bin Laden and Lindh: Confessions Law in an Age of Terrorism, M. Katherine B. Darmer
The Federal Farm Bill and the Environment, John Davidson
Expected Value Arbitration, Joshua P. Davis
Difused Surface Water: Reasonable Use Has Become the Common Enemy, Wendy B. Davis
Revisiting Pike: The Origins of the Nondiscrimination Tier of the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine, David Day
Automobile Fraud (contributing author), Elizabeth De Armond
Common Law Deceit, Misrepresentation, and Fraud, Elizabeth De Armond
Fair Credit Reporting (contributing author), Elizabeth De Armond
Negligence and Strict Liability in Tort, Elizabeth De Armond
Employee Privacy: The Need for Comprehensive Protection , Jeremy F. de Beer
The Philadelphia Story: The Rhetoric of School Reform, Susan DeJarnatt
Contratos por adhesión y cláusulas abusivas: ¿por qué el Estado y no solamente el mercado, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
¿Un mundo feliz para la libertad de expresión?, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Contratos por adhesión y plataformas electrónicas, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza and Sergio Cruz Cruz
Controversia de imperio legis et emblemata de origine iuris, Juan Javier del Granado
Potosi, Juan Javier del Granado
Is Sustainable Development a Serviceable Legal Standard in the Management of Water?, Joseph W. Dellapenna
Judge Noonan's J'accuse . . . !, Brannon P. Denning
The Several Lives of Mickey Mouse: The Expanding Boundaries of Intellectual Property Law, Ben Depoorter
The Market for Copyrights: The Price Theory of Copyright Collectives , Ben Depoorter and Francesco Parisi
Abuses of dominant position and intellectual property rights: a suggestion to reconcile the Community courts case law, Estelle Derclaye
Achieving Sustainable Development: The Centrality and Multiple Facets of Integrated Decisionmaking, John C. Dernbach
Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 2002 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach
Toward a National Sustainable Development Strategy, John C. Dernbach
Pursuing Sustainable Communities: Looking Back, Looking Forward, John C. Dernbach and Scott Bernstein
Financial Abuse of the Elderly: Is the Solution a Problem?, Carolyn L. Dessin
The Ontology of Copyright Infringement: Puzzles, Parts, and Pieces, Scott DeVito
Beyond Facile Assumptions and Radical Assertions: A Case for Critical Legal Economics, Reza Dibadj
Competitive Debacle in Local Telephony: Is the 1996 Telecommunications Act to Blame?, Reza Dibadj
Regulatory Givings and the Anticommons, Reza Dibadj
Toward Meaningful Cable Competition: Getting Beyond the Monopoly Morass, Reza Dibadj
Ozymandias As Community Project: Managerial/Corporate Social Responsibility and the Failure of Transparency, Claire Moore Dickerson
Australia: Recent developments in torts law, Joachim Dietrich
Nervous shock: Tame v New South Wales and Annetts v Australian Stations Pty Ltd, Joachim Dietrich