The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2004
Removal of the head of a multilateral organization¿independence of international organizations and their secretariats¿political interference by member states in the operation of, Ana Stani and David D. Caron
Forum Non Conveniens Between Aliens In Admiralty: The Long and Short of It, Graydon S. Staring
Leadership Opportunities Hiding in Plain View (with Harold J. Krent), Ronald W. Staudt
La pubblicità commerciale on line (On line commercial advertising), Andrea Stazi
4.5 Ozone: An Adjuvant for Long-Term Success in Restorative Dentistry, Liviu Steier and Gabriela Steier
4.6 Ozone Application in Root Canal Disinfection, Liviu Steier and Gabriela Steier
Auctioning for Loyalty: Selection and Monitoring of Class Counsel, Alex Stein and Alon Harel
Psuedonymous Suits in the USA, Joan E. Steinman
Shining a Light in a Dim Corner: Standing to Appeal and the Right to Defend a Judgment in the Federal Courts, Joan E. Steinman
Global Governance, Antitrust, and the Limits of International Cooperation, Paul B. Stephan
Mixed Signals: Reconsidering the Political Economy of Judicial Deference to Administrative Agencies, Matthew C. Stephenson
Book Review: Analysis of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dru Stevenson
Entrapment and the Problem of Deterring Police Misconduct, Dru Stevenson
The Cocaine Vaccine, Dru Stevenson
Toward a New Theory of Notice and Deterrence, Dru Stevenson
ADR and the 'Vanishing Trial': The Growth and Impact of 'Alternative Dispute Resolution', Thomas J. Stipanowich
Full Faith and Credit, Comity or Federal Mandate? A Path that Leads to Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Orders, Tribal Protection Orders, and Tribal Child Custody Orders, Kelly Stoner and Richard A. Orona
Book (OUP), The Judicial Construction of Europe, ch. 3: The Free Movement of Goods, Alec Stone Sweet
Book (Oxford University Press): The Judicial Construction of Europe, ch. 3: The Free Movement of Goods, Alec Stone Sweet
Book (Oxford University Press): The Judicial Construction of Europe, ch. 4: Sex Equality (2004), Alec Stone Sweet
Law, Politics, and International Governance, Alec Stone Sweet and Wayne Sandholtz
Rescuing Children from the Marriage Movement: The Case against Marital Restrictions on Adoption and Assisted Reproduction, Richard F. Storrow
What Does the Public Get? Experimental Use and the Patent Bargain, Katherine J. Strandburg
A Democratic Global Order is Possible, Andrew L. Strauss
Climate Justice: The Prospects for Climate Change Litigation, Andrew L. Strauss
Giving Peace a Chance: Bringing About Change at the United Nations, Andrew L. Strauss
Making Multilateralism Work, Andrew L. Strauss
The World Social Forum and a Global Parliamentary Assembly, Andrew L. Strauss
Understanding the Role of the United Nations in Addressing Global Issues Now and in the Future, Andrew L. Strauss
Unilateralism, Multilateralism and Global Democracy, Andrew L. Strauss
Ewald Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
Indiana Supreme Court Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
Presidential Debate Lectures, Rennard J. Strickland
Citizens of an Enemy Land: Enemy Combatants, Aliens, and the Constitutional Rights of the Pseudo-Citizen, Juliet P. Stumpf
Precise Justice and Rough Justice: Scientific Causation is Civil Litigation as Compared with Administrative Compensation Plans and Mass Torts Settlements, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Promise of School Choice for Improving the Education of Low-Income Minority Children, Stephen D. Sugarman
Chapter 6: College Application Essays, Manik V. Suri and Kiran Gupta
What top management thinks about the benefits of hard and soft manufacturing technologies, Paul Swamidass and Anand Nair
A empresa no novo Código Civil. Roma e America, Diritto Romano Comune, Rachel Sztajn
Externalidades e custos de transação: a redistribuição de direitos no Novo Código Civil, Rachel Sztajn
Teoria Jurídica da Empresa, Rachel Sztajn
EPBC Act: must the Minister assess indirect environmental impacts of referred actions?, John Taberner, Mark Dwyer, Tim Power, Tony van Merwyk, and Brad Jessup
The New, Old United Nations - Proposal of an Interpretative Model, Paul Tan
A Brief Examination of the History of the Persistent Debate About Limits to Western Growth, A. Dan Tarlock
A First Look at a Modern Legal Regime for a "Post-Modern" United States Army Corps of Engineers, A. Dan Tarlock
Is There a There There in Environmental Law?, A. Dan Tarlock
Water Law Reform in West Virginia: The Broader Context, A. Dan Tarlock
Fish, Farms, and the Clash of Cultures in the Klamath Basin (with H. Doremus), Dan Tarlock
Designing and Developing Web-Based Continuing Legal Education, Timothy R. Tarvin, William Brescia, James Jackson, and Christopher Ott
Cessione d’azienda ed esercizio dell’attività nell’imposta sul valore aggiunto, Thomas Tassani
Il regime fiscale delle ristrutturazioni bancarie tra divieto di aiuti di stato e tutela del legittimo affidamento, Thomas Tassani
Reconsidering the Prohibition against General Solicitation during Section 3(c)(7) Offerings, Daniel P. Taub
Se la sentenza che accoglie una domanda di revocatoria fallimentare sia provvisoriamente esecutiva, Francesco Tedioli
Se l'ordinanza di assegnazione del credito nell'espropriazione presso terzi sia impugnabile solo con il rimedio dell'opposizione agli atti ex art. 617 c.p.c., Francesco Tedioli
Misrepresentation by Omission in Settlement Negotiations: Should There Be A Silent Safe Harbor?, Barry R. Temkin
Misrepresentation by Omission in Settlement Negotiations: Should There Be A Silent Safe Harbor?, Barry R. Temkin
Pleading Standards in Securities Arbitrations, Barry R. Temkin
Statutes of Limitations in Securities Arbitrations: Who Decides?, Barry R. Temkin
Expensing Isn't the Only Option: Alternatives to the FASB's Stock Option Expensing Proposal, Benjamin A. Templin
Constitutional Law—State Employees Have Private Cause of Action against Employers under Family and Medical Leave Act—Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs, 538 U.S. 721 (2003)., Gabriel H. Teninbaum
Marbury's Legacy of Judicial Review after Two Centuries, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Marbury v. Madison Revisited, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Regarding History as a Judicial Duty, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Lawyers, GATS, and the WTO Accountancy Disciplines: The History of the WTO's Consultation, the IBA GATS Forum and the September 2003 IBA Resolutions, Laurel S. Terry
Materials Submitted to the Technical subgroup (TSG) of the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications, Laurel S. Terry
Time Travel, Hovercrafts, and the Fourth Amendment: If James Madison Could Have Seen the Future, George C. Thomas
The Beecher Sisters as Nineteenth-Century Feminist Icons of the Sameness-Difference Debate, Tracy A. Thomas
The Prophylactic Remedy: Normative Principles and Definitional Parameters of Broad Injunctive Relief, Tracy A. Thomas
Ubi Jus, Ibi Remedium: The Fundamental Right to a Remedy, Tracy A. Thomas
Essay: New Political and Legal Strategies for African-Americans: Dreaming Big, Dreaming Creatively, Maxim Thorne
Foreign direct investment and economic performance in transition economies: Evidence from Chinese provinces, Xiaowen Tian, Shuanglin Lin, and Vai Io Lo
Sex Slavery in the United States and Its Law to Stop It Here and Abroad, Susan Tiefenbrun
Extract from Bryan A. Garner's Black's Law Dictionary (9th ed. 2009) defining "Order, Resolution, or Vote Clause", Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from W.J. Stewart's "Collins Dictionary of Law" defining "order resolution or vote", Seth Barrett Tillman
Publications Calling Article I, Section 7, Clause 3 the Orders, Resolutions, and Votes Clause, Seth Barrett Tillman
Taxation problems of cross-border leasing, Mats Tjernberg
Distinguishing the Illegal from the Legal in Antitrust Damages Calculations: Lessons from Netscape v. Microsoft, Jonathan T. Tomlin
Early British America, 1585-1830, Christopher Tomlins
Direitos Humanos - JORNAL O POVO, Haradja L. Torrens
The New Neurobiology of Severe Psychiatric Disorders and Its Implications for Laws Governing Involuntary Commitment and Treatment, E Fuller Torrey and Ken Kress
The New Neurobiology of Severe Psychiatric Disorders and Its Implications for Laws Governing Involuntary Commitment and Treatment, E Fuller Torrey and Kenneth Kress
Fine Art Online: Digital Imagery and Current International Interpretations of Ethical Considerations in Copyright Law, Molly A. Torsen
The Customary International Law Supergame, Joel P. Trachtman and George Norman
Lawyers as Counselors: A Client-Centered Approach, Paul R. Tremblay, David A. Binder, Paul Bergman, and Susan C. Price
Zeal By All Means, But Only Within the Rules, Paul R. Tremblay and J. Charles Mokriski
Mapping discriminatory landscapes in a divided educational system: the case of Cyprus, Nicos Trimikliniotis
The Database and the Fields of Law: Are There New Divisions of Labor?, Samuel Trosow
Self-Organizing Legal Systems: Precedent and Variation in Bankruptcy, Bernard Trujillo
Fire, Metaphor, and Constitutional Myth-Making, Robert L. Tsai
Speech and Strife, Robert L. Tsai
What Gets Me Through: My Top Ten List, Lisa A. Tucker
Curriculum Development at a New Law School: Dismantling the Walls of Separation, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Petition For the Redress of Violations of Human Rights Guaranteed by The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Copy This Essay: How Fair Use Doctrine Harms Free Speech and How Copying Serves It, Rebecca Tushnet