The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2004
Globalization of Law: The New Rules and Practices in International Law, Qerim R. QERIMI
The Real Face of the New World Order, Qerim R. QERIMI
Radio Frequency Id and Privacy with Information Goods, Laura Quilter, Nathan Good, John Han, Elizabeth Miles, David Molnar, Deirdre Mulligan, Jennifer M. Urban, and David Wagner
Radio Frequency Id and Privacy with Information Goods, Laura Quilter, Nathan Good, John Han, Elizabeth Miles, David Molnar, Deirdre Mulligan, Jennifer M. Urban, and David Wagner
MGM v. Grokster, Brief Amici Curiae of the Computer & Communications Industry Association and Internet Archive, In Opposition to the Writ of Certiorari, to the United States Supreme Court, Laura Quilter and Peter Jaszi
MGM v. Grokster, Brief Amici Curiae of the Computer & Communications Industry Association and Internet Archive, In Opposition to the Writ of Certiorari, to the United States Supreme Court, Laura Quilter and Peter Jaszi
Bayesian Factor Analysis for Mixed Ordinal and Continuous Responses, Kevin M. Quinn
Preservation of Historic Properties' Environs: American and French Approaches, Francois Quintard-Morenas
Preservation of Historic Properties' Environs: American and French Approaches, Francois Quintard-Morenas
Universal Jurisdiction in Absentia, Ryan P. Rabinovitch
AIDS as a Detriment to India Shining: The New Government's Focus on Patents, Srividhya Ragavan
A "Patent" Restriction on Research & Development: Infringers or Innovators?, Srividhya Ragavan
Implications of the TRIPS Patent Policy, Srividhya Ragavan
International Aspects of Plant Variety Protection, Srividhya Ragavan
Protection of Traditional Knowledge, Srividhya Ragavan
The Jekyll and Hyde Story of International Trade: The Supreme Court in PhRMA v. Walsh and the TRIPS Agreement, Srividhya Ragavan
Litigation Under the Shadow of an Exequatur: the Spanish Recognition of U.S. Judgments, Francisco Ramos Romeu
Utilización y Funcionamiento del Procedimiento Monitorio: Un Análisis de Teoría de Juegos, Francisco Ramos Romeu
The Other Election Controversy of Y2K: Core First Amendment Values and High-Tech Political Coalitions, Marc John Randazza
Enron, Titanic, and The Perfect Storm (Enron book version), Nancy B. Rapoport
Recent Developments in Bankruptcy Law, Nancy B. Rapoport
Acknowledgements and Introduction, Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Enron and Ethics (introduction to chapter 4 of Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications), Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Enron and the Business World (introduction to chapter 2 of Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications), Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Enron and the Legal Environment (introduction to chapter 3 of Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications), Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications , Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Enron in Perspective (introduction to chapter 1 of Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications), Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Lessons for Society (introduction to chapter 5 of Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications), Nancy B. Rapoport and Bala G. Dharan
Countermeasures and High Seas Fisheries Enforcement, Rosemary Rayfuse
Non-Flag State Enforcement in High Seas Fisheries, Rosemary Rayfuse
The Challenge of Sustainable High Seas Fisheries, Rosemary Rayfuse
Lives of the Justices: Supreme Court Autobiographies, Laura K. Ray
Proyecto de Ley sobre Juicio por Jurados, Dr Leonardo J. Raznovich
Proyecto de Ley sobre Juicio por Jurados, Dr Leonardo J. Raznovich
A Review of Mood Disorders Among Juvenile Offenders, Richard E. Redding
Bias on Prejudice? The Politics of Research on Prejudice, Richard E. Redding
What Do Juvenile Offenders Know About Being Tried as Adults? Implications for Deterrence, Richard E. Redding
Why It Is Essential to Teach About Mental Health Issues in Criminal Law (and a Primer on How to Do It), Richard E. Redding
Incorporating Instream Flow Values into a Water Market, Richard E. Redding, James J. Murphy, Ariel Dinar, Richard E. Howitt, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Marca Weinberg
Crawford v. Washington and the Irretrievable Breakdown of a Union: Separating the Confrontation Clause from the Hearsay Rule, Thomas J. Reed
Play It Again, Sam: Webcasters' Sound Recording Complement as an Unconstitutional Restraint on Free Speech, Amanda Reid
Faculty Salary Compression: A Model for Response, Elizabeth Reilly, Chand Midha, Thomas Calderon, and Richard Steiner
Marbury's Myths: John Marshall, Judicial Review and the Rule of Law , Robert J. Reinstein
Frank Rich's Plot Against America, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Kinsey's Hollywood: Women Who Bathe Naked with Boys, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Liberally Ignorant, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Unusual Impetus for a Consumer Law: Amendments to Antipredatory Lending Statute Underscore Investors’ Clout, David J. Reiss
Hold the Line Against Diluting Anti-Predatory Lending Law, David J. Reiss and Baher Azmy
Modeling a Response to Predatory Lending: The New Jersey Home Ownership Security Act of 2002, David J. Reiss and Baher Azmy
Contributing Author, James R. Repetti
The Impact of Changes in Methods of Statutory Interpretation on the Administration of the Federal Income Tax, James R. Repetti
Textualism and Tax Shelters, James R. Repetti and Noel B. Cunningham
Textualism and Tax Shelters, James R. Repetti and Noël B. Cunningham
Fair Housing Coach [newsletter author & ed.](2000-2004), Jayne S. Ressler
Privacy, Plaintiffs, and Pseudonyms: The Anonymous Doe Plaintiff in the Information Age, Jayne S. Ressler
Anatomía del Derecho societario, Francisco Reyes Villamizar
Guilds, Laws, and Markets for Manufactured Merchandise in Late-Medieval England, Gary Richardson
Police powers in the premier state, or the premiers police state, Aidan Ricketts
Australian Icons: Authenticity Marks and Identity Politics, Matthew Rimmer
Canadian Rhapsody: Copyright Law and Research Libraries, Matthew Rimmer
Gossip We Can Trust: Defamation Law and Non-Fiction, Matthew Rimmer
'Moral Rights And Their Application To Australia: A Book Review' (2004) 32 (2) The Federal Law Review 331-336, Matthew Rimmer
The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement 2004 and the Copyright Term Extension. A Submission to the Senate Select Committee., Matthew Rimmer
The Last Taboo: Patenting Human Beings, Matthew Rimmer
The Race to Patent the SARS Virus: The TRIPS Agreement and Access to Essential Medicines, Matthew Rimmer
The Valley Of The Dolls: Brand Protection And Artistic Parody, Matthew Rimmer
Patents and Experimental Use: A Submission to the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property., Matthew Rimmer and Krishna Rajendra
Globalización y Derecho Administrativo, Javier G. Rincón Salcedo
Double Nontaxation Report, Diane M. Ring
U.S. National Report on Double Nontaxation, Diane M. Ring
U.S. National Report on Double Taxation, Diane M. Ring
Why Happiness?: A Commentary on Griffith's Progressive Taxation and Happiness, Diane M. Ring
La Contaminación Informática, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
La prueba electrónica, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
La Solemnidad del mandato para ejecutar actos solemnes, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Posible inconstitucionalidad de la nueva Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
¿Prevalecen los tratados internacionales sobre la Constitución? Propuesta de una doctrina no extremista, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
El surgimiento de un poder judicial efectivo en México: Gobierno dividido y toma de decisiones en la Suprema Corte de Justicia, 1994-2002, Julio Ríos-Figueroa
Your Lips Are Moving…But the Words Aren’t Clear: Dissecting the Presumption That Jurors Understand Instructions, Judith L. Ritter
Anthrax Hoaxes, Ira P. Robbins
Without Charge: Assessing the Due Process Rights of Unindicted Co-Conspirators, Ira P. Robbins
Painting With Print: Incorporating concepts of typographic and layout design into the text of legal writing documents, Ruth Anne Robbins
Mandatory Recall Authority: A Sensible and Minimalist Approach to Improving Food Safety, Michael T. Roberts
Assisted Reproduction in Germany and the United States: An Essay in Comparative Law and Bioethics , John A. Robertson
Gay and Lesbian Rights to Procreate and Access to Assisted Reproductive Technology, John A. Robertson
Boy Scouts & Burning Crosses: Bringing Balance to the Court’s Lopsided Approach to the Intersection of Equality and Speech, Russell K. Robinson
A figura do estipulante na ação direta da vítima no seguro obrigatório de responsabilidade civil, Nelson Rodrigues Netto
A interpretação do Direito pelo STF e seus reflexos sobre os demais Tribunais, especialmente, o STJ, Nelson Rodrigues Netto
Os embargos de retenção por benfeitorias nas ações executivas 'lato sensu', Nelson Rodrigues Netto
No Title, Christopher J. Roederer and Darrel Moellendorf
Property and Contract: Toward a Clearer Understanding of the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities, James S. Rogers
Securitisation in Bolivia, Diego Fernando Rojas
Constitución y mercado, José Roldán Xopa
El desafuero de Andrés Manuel López Obrador o ¿qué es la legalidad?, José Roldán Xopa
Libertad personal y procedimiento administrativo migratorio, José Roldán Xopa
Mexican Law, José Roldán Xopa, Stephen Zamora, José Ramón Cossío Diaz, and Leonel Pereznieto Castro