About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2003


Children as Chattel: Invoking the Thirteenth Amendment to Reform Child Welfare, Kurt Mundorff

Developments in the Actual Malice Doctrine, Brian C. Murchison

War, National Security and the Press: Libel, Public Figures and the Case of Richard Jewell; The Prodigy and the Press: Revisiting the Sidis Case; Media Serving Democracy? What the F.C.C. is Doing about Media Ownership and How the Law Affects the Role of Media in Federal Elections, Brian C. Murchison

Administering Justice in Iraq: Considerations, John F. Murphy


Kosovo Agonistes, John F. Murphy


Regulation and Rights in Networked Space, Andrew D. Murray

A Spy, A Shill, A Go-Between, or a Sociologist: Unveiling the Observer in Participant Observer, Susan B. Murray

The Challenges of Fighting Global Organized Crime in Latin America, Luz Estella Nagle-Ortiz


Combating Impunity: A Compilation of Articles on the International Criminal Court and its Relevance to India, Vahida Nainar and Saumya Uma


A Reminder: The Constitutional Values of Sympathy and Independence, Robert G. Natelson


Statutory Retroactivity: The Founders' View, Robert G. Natelson


The Constitutional Contributions of John Dickinson, Robert G. Natelson


The Enumerated Powers of States, Robert G. Natelson

Celebrating the Value of Practical Knowledge and Experience, Mitchell J. Nathanson

The Professor/Entertainer Dilemma: Effective Utilization of Practical Knowledge in the Classroom, Mitchell J. Nathanson


The Tell-All Hurler: Jim Bouton and "Ball Four", Mitchell J. Nathanson


Indianapolis v. Edmond and the Original Understanding of the Fourth Amendment, Bruce Newman

Gelehrte und rechtskundige ehrliche Männer. Die Zusammensetzung der schwedischen Hofgerichte 1660–1780, Per Nilsén

Was Unseren getruen Pommerschen Unterthanen zum wahren Nutzen und Vortheil gereichen können. Die pommerschen Gerichts- und Ämterreformen von 1806, Per Nilsén

Sex offenders: adolescent, Ian A. Nisbet


Droit Patrimoine: The Barnes Collection, the Public Interest, and Protecting Our Cultural Inheritance, John F. Nivala

Force, Dislocation, Partisanship. International Law in the State of the Exceptional, Gregor Noll

Return of Persons to States of Origin and Third States, Gregor Noll

Risky Games? A Theoretical Approach to Burden Sharing in the Asylum Field, Gregor Noll

Securitising Sovereignty? States, Refugees, and the Regionalisation of International Law, Gregor Noll

Visions of the Exceptional: Legal and Theoretical Issues Raised by Transit Processing Centres and Protection Zones, Gregor Noll


Study on the Feasibility of Processing Asylum Claims Outside the EU against the Background of the Common European Asylum System and the Goal of a Common Asylum Procedure, Gregor Noll, Jessica Fagerlund, and Fabrice Liebaut


Rediscovering Resettlement, Gregor Noll and Joanne van Selm


Decisions of National Courts as Sources of International Law: An Analysis of the Practice of the ICTY, André Nollkaemper

Temporary Agency Work in Sweden, Birgitta Nyström

The evolving structure of collective bargaining in Sweden (1990-2003), Birgitta Nyström

The Legal Regulation of Employment Agencies and Employment-leasing Companies in Sweden, Birgitta Nyström


Professor Defend Thyself: The Failure of Universities to Defend and Indemnify Their Faculty, Kevin Oates


Improving Women’s Access to Justice and the Quality of Administration of Islamic Criminal Justice in Northern Nigeria, Abdulmumini A. Oba

A Critical Analysis of Critical Loss Analysis, Daniel P. O'Brien and Abraham L. Wickelgren


Going, Going, Gone: Sealing the Fate of the Fourth Amendment, Michael O'Connor and Celia M. Rumann


Going, Going, Gone: Sealing the Fate of the Fourth Amendment, Michael O'Connor and Celia M. Rumann


Into the Fire: How to Avoid Getting Burned by the Same Mistakes Made Fighting Terrorism in Northern Ireland, Michael O'Connor and Celia M. Rumann


Into the Fire: How to Avoid Getting Burned by the Same Mistakes Made Fighting Terrorism in Northern Ireland, Michael O'Connor and Celia M. Rumann

Substantiality of Television Broadcasts in Australia, Megumi Ogawa

Substantiality of television broadcasts in Australia, Megumi Ogawa

University Grievance Handling for Overseas Students: ESOS Act and the National Code, Megumi Ogawa

University grievance handling for overseas students: ESOS Act and the National Code, Megumi Ogawa

Between Reality and Rhetoric: The Epistemic Schism in the Recognition of Traditional Medicine in International Law, Chidi Oguamanam

International Law, Plant Biodiversity and the Protection of Indigenous Knowledge: An Examination of Intellectual Property in Relations to Traditional Medicine, Chidi Oguamanam

The CBD Initiative on Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs): A Significant Step in Stormy Waters, Chidi Oguamanam

The Convention on Biological Diversity and Intellectual Property Rights: The Challenge of Indigenous Knowledge, Chidi Oguamanam


Misleading Employer Communications: The Securities Fraud Implications of the Employee as Investor, Jennifer O'Hare


A Jurisdictional Approach to Collapsing Corporate Distinctions, Peter B. Oh


5 Reasons Defense Attorneys Should Be Thankful, Timothy P. O'Neill


Good night, Gideon. Wake up, Muhammed, Timothy P. O'Neill


'Making' or 'Discovering' Law Makes Big Difference, Timothy P. O'Neill


Scope of 'Probable Cause' Probably Will Widen, Timothy P. O'Neill


State Courts Need To Be Told When They're Wrong, Timothy P. O'Neill


Top Court Extends Federalism to Criminal Realm, Timothy P. O'Neill


Totally Self-imposed, Completely Unnecessary, Timothy P. O'Neill


Traffic Stop Raises Troubling Question of Race, Timothy P. O'Neill


Troubling Murder Ruling May Be On Shaky Ground, Timothy P. O'Neill


When Cops Ask Questions, State Law May Be Foil, Timothy P. O'Neill

Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment by Supervisors, David B. Oppenheimer

Verdicts Matter: An Empirical Study of California Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Discharge Verdicts Reveals Low Success Rates for Women and Minorities, David B. Oppenheimer

Whitewashing Race: The Myth of Color-Blind Society, David B. Oppenheimer, M. Brown, M. Carnoy, E. Currie, T. Duster, M. Shultz, and D. Wellman

Farmers’ Rights and Farmers’ Wrongs: Emerging Legal Issues in the Commercialization of Genetically Modified Seeds, Taiwo Oriola


Combating Money Laundering and International Terrorism: Does the USA PATRIOT Act Require the Judicial System to Abandon Fundamental Due Process in the Name of Homeland Security?, Joan M. O'Sullivan Butler

Comentarios a La Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre la Cesión de Créditos en el Comercio Internacional (Commentary to the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Account Receivables, Alejandro Osuna González

Los Honorarios Legales como Daños en el Ámbito de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre la Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías, Alejandro Osuna González

Señales de alerta del sector real: previsión sobre una eventual crisis financiera, Alejandro Pagés Tuñón

Implicaciones de la concentración del capital extranjero en la banca mexicana , Alejandro Pagés Tuñón and Marcos Gutiérrez Díaz

Comments on the Second Draft of the Property Law for the People's Republic of China, Joyce Palomar

Contributions Legal Scholars Can Make to Development Economics, Joyce Palomar

Evidence of Title by Public Records (in Chinese, Li Hao, translator), Joyce Palomar


Patton and Palomar on Land Titles, Joyce Palomar


State Regulation of Real Estate Settlement Services--Letting Free Enterprise Evolve While Protecting the Public, Joyce Palomar


Responsabilidad civil ante las pérdidas por gestión en los fondos comunes de inversión, Martin Paolantonio


Political Coase Theorem, Francesco Parisi

Liability for Pure Financial Loss in Europe: An Economic Restatement, Francesco Parisi, Mario Bussani, and Vernon V. Palmer


Liability for Pure Financial Loss in Europe: An Economic Restatement, Francesco Parisi, Mario Bussani, and Vernon V. Palmer


The Cost of Delegated Control: Vicarious Liability, Secondary Liability and Mandatory Insurance, Francesco Parisi and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci


The Market for Intellectual Property: The Case of Complementary Oligopoly, Francesco Parisi and Ben Depoorter


Litigation and the Evolution of Legal Remedies: A Dynamic Model, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon


Reciprocity-Induced Cooperation, Francesco Parisi and Vincy Fon


The Role of Reciprocity in International Law, Francesco Parisi and Nita Ghei

Choice and Opportunity: Supporting Muslim Girls’ Career Aspirations, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“Education and Parental Choice’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Honorary Research Fellow/Visiting Professor, Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“Parental Choice versus Social Cohesion: the Establishment of Muslim, Sikh and Hindu Schools in the UK”,, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“Systematic Literature Reviews to Support Evidence Informed Initial Teacher Training”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Teacher Training Agency An information pack for teachers on Supporting Cultural Diversity in Schools with a briefing paper on the educational needs of refugee and asylum seeker children., Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Teacher Training Agency, A Systematic Literature Review on Supporting Diversity in the Classroom focusing on strategies to be used by ITT Providers, Trainees and Newly Qualified Teachers to raise the achievement of children from diverse backgrounds. Application of Institute of Education’s EPPI-Centre model of systematic research and data extraction, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor


The Constitutional Tort Action as Individual Remedy, James J. Park


Un remedio peor que la enfermedad: El financiamiento estatal de los partidos políticos, Enrique Pasquel


¿Quién dijo que en Salem hubo brujas? La privatización del servicio de justicia: Rompiendo el mito de la justicia estatal, Enrique Pasquel and Andrés Bayly


La falaz leyenda de Robin Hood. Los dilemas económicos y filosóficos de la redistribución de la riqueza, Enrique Pasquel and Gerardo Solís


Dilación, eficiencia y costes. ¿Cómo ayudar a que la imagen de la Justicia se corresponda mejor con la realidad?, Santos Pastor Prieto


The State’s Perpetual Protection of Adultery: Examining Koestler v. Pollard and Wisconsin’s Faded Adultery Torts, Nehal A. Patel

Martilleros Gringos, Dumping Chino, Neocepalismo y Tres Ministros, Carlos A. Patrón

Historia Sinóptica de México de los Olmecas a Fox, Luis Pazos de la Torre

Rational Action Entails Rational Desire: A Critical Review of Searle's Rationality in Action, Amy L. Peikoff

Rule of Law o Estado de Derecho, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut