The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Consejos legales para diseñadores de páginas Web, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Eficacia Natural probatoria de los Documentos Electrónicos No Firmados, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
El Corazón de la Ciudad , Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
La eficacia probatoria de los medios de prueba electrónicos, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Principios del Derecho de Marcas, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Principios del Derecho de Marcas en la Comunidad Europea, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
The Provisional Director Remedy for Corporate Deadlock: A Proposed Model Statute, Susanna K. Ripken
Heirs' Property - Community Legal Education Video Link, Faith R. Rivers
The Camel's Nose is in the Tent: Rules, Theories and Slippery Slopes, Mario Rizzo and Glen Whitman
Opinion: Pondering Nightclub Nightmares, Ira P. Robbins
Prosecute Tobacco Companies, Executives for Homicide, Ira P. Robbins
Enterprises and the Constitution of the World Economy, Jean-Philippe Robé
Contributory or Comparative: Which is the Optimal Negligence Rule?, Christopher J. Robinette and Paul G. Sherland
Can a Model Penal Code Second Save the States from Themselves?, Paul H. Robinson and Michael T. Cahill
Notas sobre as tutelas mandamental e executiva ‘lato sensu’ nas Leis nº 10.358/01 e 10.444/02, Nelson Rodrigues Netto
Enigmas y Paradigmas: Una Exploración entre el Arte y la Política Pública, Andrés Roemer
Forged Facsimile Signatures and Basic Principles of the Law of the Check Collection System, James S. Rogers
Reflections on the Revision of Article 8 of the United States Uniform Commercial Code, James S. Rogers
EL sistema de fuentes del Senado, José Roldán Xopa
Success Through Political Action: A Review of Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector, César F. Rosado Marzán
Hammerin' Hank: The Right to Be Raunchy or FM Freak Show?, Stephen A. Rosenbaum
Interpersonal Dynamics, Joshua D. Rosenberg
Establishment, Expressivism, and Federalism, Mark D. Rosen
Policing and Equal Protection, Lawrence Rosenthal
Regulations Confronting Trade in Services, Bertrall L. Ross
Benin’s Constitutional Court: An Institutional Model for Enforcing Human Rights, Anna Rotman
Book Review: Democracy by Decree, Ronald D. Rotunda
Found Money: IOLTA, Brown v. Legal Foundation of Washington, and the Taking of Property without the Payment of Compensation, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Elections, Campaign Financing, and Free Speech, Ronald D. Rotunda
Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Implications of the New Commerce Clause Jurisprudence: An Evolutionary or Revolutionary Court?, Ronald D. Rotunda
Yet Another Article on Bush v. Gore, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics in a Nutshell, Ronald D. Rotunda and Michael I. Krauss
2003 Selected Standards on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
A Crisis of Caring: A Catholic Critique of American Welfare Reform, Vincent D. Rougeau
Bridging the “Divide” between Feminism and Child Protection Using the Discourse of International Human Rights , Sherrie L. Russell-Brown
The Last Line of Defense: The Doctrine of Command Responsibility, Gender Crimes in Armed Conflict, and the Kahan Report (Sabra & Shatilla), Sherrie L. Russell-Brown
Experiencing the Virtual Reference Desk, Gordon R. Russell
The Digital Law Library and Virtual Reference, Gordon R. Russell
The Future of the Law Library, Gordon R. Russell
The Incredible Shrinking Law Library, Gordon R. Russell
The Librarians Role in Space Planning - Fast Forward, Gordon R. Russell
Law Library Collection Development in the Digital Age, Gordon R. Russell and Michael G. Chiorazzi
Joint decisions – A Prerequisite or a Drawback in Joint Parental Responsibility?, Eva Ryrstedt
Insurance Regulation in North America, Joyce Sadka, Tapen Sinha, and Bradly J. Condon
Performance of Frontline Demonstration on Kharif Rice (Oryza Sativa L) in Sundarban, West Bengal, R l. Sagar and Ganesh Chandra
The Cost of Humanitarian Assistance: Ethical Rules and the First Amendment, John P. Sahl
Entertainment Law Ethics, John P. Sahl and Kenneth J. Abdo
Asociaciones_constituyendo_Sucursales.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Comentarios_al_Art._1028_del_Codigo_Civi.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Comentarios_al_Art._1029_del_Codigo_Civi.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Comentarios_al_Articulo_1026_del_Codigo.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Comentarios_al_Articulo_1027_del_Codigo.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Derecho_al_Voto_Quorum_y_Representacion.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
La_acreditacion_universitaria._Globaliza.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Malaysian Law on Partnership: Cases, Materials and Commentary, Mohammad Rizal Salim
Entre el horror y la envidia, Pablo Salvador Coderch
La libertad de comprometerse: un alegato analítico, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Los más y los mejores. Indemnizaciones sancionatorias (Punitive Damages), jurados, jueces profesionales y agencias reguladoras, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Derecho de daños y responsabilidad ilimitada en las sociedades de capital, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Fernando Cerdá Albero, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Derecho de daños y responsabilidad ilimitada en las sociedades de capital, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Fernando Cerdá Albero, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Responsabilidad civil del fabricante y teoría general de la aplicación del derecho (Law enforcement), Pablo Salvador Coderch, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Responsabilidad civil del fabricante y teoría general de la aplicación del derecho (Law enforcement), Pablo Salvador Coderch, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Tres transacciones: la industria del tabaco, Microsoft y «Mar Egeo», Pablo Salvador Coderch, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Tres transacciones: la industria del tabaco, Microsoft y «Mar Egeo», Pablo Salvador Coderch, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Esfuerzos Asociativos para Exportar, Carlos Ramiro Salvochea
Latin American Students React to Debates, Carlos Ramiro Salvochea and Laura Saldivia
Internet Domain Names: The Uniform Dispute Resolution Process, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Notable Court Decisions Affecting PTO Trademark Practice, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
HBR Case Commentary: What Should Lancaster-Webb Do About Glove Girl?, Pamela Samuelson
Software & Internet Law, 2d ed., Pamela Samuelson, Mark A. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, and Robert P. Merges
Software & Internet Law, 2d ed., Pamela Samuelson, Mark A. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, and Robert P. Merges
Software & Internet Law, 2d ed., Pamela Samuelson, Mark A. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, and Robert P. Merges
United States v. Bean: Shoveling after the Elephant?, Pannal A. Sanders
Die Ad-hoc-Publizitaet im deutschen und italienischen Recht, Valerio Sangiovanni
THE PRESS FOR HELP PROJECT Concept, program and working paper of Emmanuel Mario B Santos and his Marc Guerrero Communications Inc., Emmanuel Mario B. Santos aka Marc Guerrero
Controlling Hiv/Aids - a Judicial Measure, Recommendations by Supreme Court of India, Vrajlal K. Sapovadia
Decentralisation and Gender Balancing by Doctrine of Equity: Empowering Women Through PRIs in In, Vrajlal K. Sapovadia
Good Coporate Governance: An Instrument for Wealth Maximisation, Vrajlal K. Sapovadia
Micro Finance: A Tool to Socio-Economic Development (SHG Cooperative Linkages), Vrajlal K. Sapovadia
Poverty Reduction Strategies through Cooperatives, Vrajlal K. Sapovadia
A Group Relations Approach to Teaching Professionalism to Clinical Law Students, Evangeline Sarda
Medias verdades, Jose Luis Sardon
Lawyers in the Perfect Storm, Mark Sargent
We Hold These Truths: The Mission of a Catholic Law School, Mark Sargent
We don’t Do Groundwater: A Morsel of California Legal History, Joseph L. Sax
Instructing Juries on Punitive Damages: Due Process Revisited After State Farm, Sheila B. Scheuerman and Anthony J. Franze
Inmate Litigation, Margo Schlanger
Afterword: The Perils and Pleasures of Activist Scholarship [Symposium: Confronting Domestic Violence and Achieving Gender Equality: Evaluating Battered Women & Feminist Lawmaking By Elizabeth Schneider], Elizabeth M. Schneider
Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking [30th Anniversary Symposium: Celebrating 30 Years of Women's Rights Law: Tribute to Women Lawyers and Activists], Elizabeth M. Schneider
Battered Women, Feminist Lawmaking, Privacy and Equality , Elizabeth M. Schneider
Grief, Procedure and Justice: The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund [Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy: The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund], Elizabeth M. Schneider
Introduction , Elizabeth M. Schneider
Panelist [Symposium: Domestic Violence in Legal Education and Legal Practice: A Dialogue Between Professors and Practitioners], Elizabeth M. Schneider
Speaking Volumes: Musings on the Issues of the Day, Inspired by the Memor of Mary Joe Frug [Symposium: Why a Feminist Law Journal?], Elizabeth M. Schneider and R. Austin