The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2003
Preferences, Adrian J. Walters
Recovering Costs of Litigation as a Liquidation Expense, Adrian J. Walters
Unlawful Preferences and Proprietary Rights, Adrian J. Walters
Void Dispositions in Compulsory Winding-Up, Adrian J. Walters
Contractual Arbitration, Mandatory Arbitration and State Constitutional Jury-Trial Rights, Stephen Ware
Teaching Arbitration Law, Stephen Ware
Internet Law, Richard Warner
SPAM and Beyond: Freedom, Efficiency, and the Regulation of E-mail Advertising, Richard Warner
Investigative Interviewing and the Detection of Deception: Who is Deceiving Whom?, Kerry Watkins and John Turtle
Indian Gambling in Ohio: What are the Odds?, Blake A. Watson
Workplace Harassment Claims under the Americans with Disability Act: A New Interpretation, Mark C. Weber
Brief of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice as Amicus Curiae (with co-counsel), People v. Neal, 31 Cal. 4th 63 (2003), Charles D. Weisselberg
Torts: Cases and Problems, Ellen Wertheimer, F. Vandall, and M. Rahdert
Teacher's Manual for "Torts: Cases and Problems", Ellen Wertheimer, Frank Vandall, and Mark C. Rahdert
The Control of Wealth in Bankruptcy, Jay L. Westbrook
Confidentiality's Constitutionality: The Incursion on Judicial Powers to Regulate Parties in Court-Connected Mediation, Maureen A. Weston Prof.
Lawful Dissent & the Modern Australian Defence Force, Rhonda Wheate and N Wheate
A Deadly Dilemma: Strategic Choices by Attorneys Representing "Innocent" Capital Defendants, Welsh S. White
UCITA, Sarah K. Wiant
Justifying Imprisonment: On the Optimality of Excessively Costly Punishment, Abraham L. Wickelgren
Affirmative Action: More Efficient than Color Blindness, Abraham Lee Wickelgren
No Free Lunch: How Settlement Can Reduce the Legal System's Ability to Induce Efficient Behavior, Abraham Lee Wickelgren
Memories of Dad 15.11.1902- 16.10.1970 A celebration of the life and works of Edmund Ramsay Wigan, Marcus R. Wigan
Achieving a Final Status Settlement for Kosovo, Paul Williams
Achieving a Final Status Settlement for Kosovo, Paul Williams, R. Bruce Hitchner, and Janusz Bugajski
Achieving a Final Status Settlement for Kosovo, Paul Williams, R. Bruce Hitchner, and Janusz Bugajski
The Functions of Justice and Anti-Justice in the Peace-Building Process, Paul R. Williams and Michael Scharff
The Role of Justice in the Former Yugoslavia: Antidote or Placebo for Coercive Appeasement?, Paul R. Williams and Patricia Taft
Report of the Committee of Experts on Nation Rebuilding in Afghanistan, Paul Williams and Michael Scharff
Discrimination: The Law vs. Morality, Walter E. Williams
Bidding Strategies in Single-unit Auctions, Bart J. Wilson
Bidding Strategies in Single-unit Auctions, Bart J. Wilson
Cost Structures and Nash Play in Repeated Cournot Games, Bart J. Wilson, David D. Davis, and Robert J. Reilly
Cost Structures and Nash Play in Repeated Cournot Games, Bart J. Wilson, David D. Davis, and Robert J. Reilly
Automated Pricing Rules in Electronic Posted Offer Markets, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
Automated Pricing Rules in Electronic Posted Offer Markets, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
Discriminatory Price Auctions in Electricity Markets: Low Volatility at the Expense of High Price Levels, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
Discriminatory Price Auctions in Electricity Markets: Low Volatility at the Expense of High Price Levels, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
"Suing for Lost Childhood", Elizabeth A. Wilson
International Court of Justice, David A. Wirth
International Law, David A. Wirth
On-site director: BC Law London Program, David A. Wirth
Panelist: “Public International Law—Dead or Alive?”, David A. Wirth
Precaution in International Environmental Policy and United States Law and Practice, David A. Wirth
Territorial Sea, David A. Wirth
Unilateral Trade-Based Measures for Protection of the Marine Environment: A Legal and Policy Perspective, David A. Wirth and Douglas J. Caldwell
Japanese women and the ‘new’ administrative state, Leon Wolff
Depositions, William A. Woodruff
Hearsay, William A. Woodruff
Sustainability in International Law, Stepan Wood
The Governance Projects of Governance Theory, Stepan Wood
discussed in Federico Stella, Criminal omissions, causality, probability, counterfactuals: Medical-surgical activity, Richard W. Wright
Hand, Posner, and the Myth of the "Hand Formula", in Symposium, Negligence in the Law, Richard W. Wright
Law, Morality, and Justice, Richard W. Wright
The Grounds and Extent of Legal Responsibility, in Symposium, What Do Compensatory Damages Compensate?, Richard W. Wright
Tort Law: Basic Principles of Liability, Richard W. Wright
Resource Parity for Defense Counsel and the Struggle Between Public Choice and Public Ideals, Ronald F. Wright
Eldred, the First Amendment, and Aggressive Copyright Claims, Alfred C. Yen
What Federal Gun Control Can Teach Us About the DMCA's Anti-Trafficking Provisions, Alfred C. Yen
The Status of Terrorists, John C. Yoo and James C. Ho
The Origins of Judicial Review, John C. Yoo and Saikrishna B. Prakash
The Origins of Judicial Review, John C. Yoo and Saikrishna B. Prakash
“The Impact of Globalization on the Rule of Law in the Middle East”, Karim Y. Youssef
Two Conceptions of Relevance, Jonathan Yovel
A Gradual Shift in U.S. Privacy Laws towards a Comprehensive Regime , Kamaal R. Zaidi
Using Portfolio Assessment for Program Review: Evaluating Student ‘Product’ to Examine Writing Classroom ‘Process, Traci A. Zimmerman
The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment, Franklin E. Zimring
HAM Indonesia 2003.pdf, Mada Apriandi Zuhir
The Role of UNHCR in Handling International Refugees, Mada Apriandi Zuhir
Innovation and Path-Dependency. The Constitution of the Firm in the Knowledge Society, Peer Zumbansen
Documents from 2002
A Tale of Three Markets: The Law and Economics of Predatory Lending
Financial Modernization after Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Immigration Law Forces Foreign Doctors to Return Home
The CRA Implications of Predatory Lending
Constructing baseball: Boston and the first World Series, Roger Abrams
Tasa de Interés Judicial y Costos Sociales de los Juicios por Daños. Un modelo de incentivos para la demora, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Andrea Castellano , and Andrea Barbero
Análisis crítico de los títulos 1,16-1,20a. de las sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Adame Goddard
Análisis de un dictamen de la Compromex sobre un caso de compraventa Internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
La objeción de conciencia en el derecho mexicano o el amparo a la libertad religiosa, Jorge Adame Goddard
Los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales como deberes de solidaridad, Jorge Adame Goddard
Los principios de la bioética, Jorge Adame Goddard
Ponencia íntegra del Dr. Jorge Adame ante la SCJN. 1a audiencia sobre la despenalización del aborto en el DF, Jorge Adame Goddard
Análisis crítico de los títulos 1,16-1,20a. de las sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Carlos Adame
Análisis de un dictamen de la Compromex sobre un caso de compraventa internacional, Jorge Carlos Adame
Equity and Efficiency in Markets for Ideas, Richard Adelstein
An essay on the production of youth prostitution, Libby Adler
The forgetfulness of noblesse: a critique of the German Foundation Law compensating slave and forced laborers of the Third Reich, Libby Adler and Peer Zumbansen
The forgetfulness of noblesse: a critique of the German Foundation Law compensating slave and forced laborers of the Third Reich, Libby Adler and Peer Zumbansen
STATE REPRESSION: Behind the Mask of Democracy ..., Ashok Agrwaal
Legislação de Consumo no Âmbito da ONU e da União Européia, Aguinaldo Alemar
La acción individual de responsabilidad contra los administradores sociales, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real
La liquidación del socio que causa baja como consecuencia de su separación o exclusión, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real and Aurora Campins Vargas
El reconocimiento de créditos sustentados en un contrato de arrendamiento financiero, Sonia Malena Alva Rodríguez