The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2002
Innocence and Capital Punishment, Randall T. Coyne
Making an Informed Decision: The Rendering of the Death Penalty, Randall T. Coyne
Modern Developments in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Randall T. Coyne
Modern Developments in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Randall T. Coyne
Supreme Court, Tenth Circuit and Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals: Recent Developments in the Law of Search and Seizure, Randall T. Coyne
The Atkins Case and the Ring Case, Randall T. Coyne
The Impact of the USA Patriot Act on Civil Liberties, Randall T. Coyne
To Kill or Not To Kill: Religion and Capital Punishment:, Randall T. Coyne
A Court of its Own: The Establishment of the United States Court for the Indian Territory, Von Creel
CASES AND MATERIALS ON CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (4th ed.), Davis Crump, Eugene Gressman, and David Day
History of Efforts Define Lawyers' Professional Obligations, Nathan M. Crystal
History of Efforts to Define Lawyers' Professional Obligations, Nathan M. Crystal
Teoría General de la Prueba Judicial, Edward Ivan Cueva
Recurring Nightmare: Barriers to Effective Treatment of HIV in the United States and Internationally, John G. Culhane
Remarks, in AIDS in National and International Law, John G. Culhane
Gun Torts: Defining a Cause of Action for Victims in Suits Against Gun Manufacturers, John G. Culhane and Jean M. Eggen
Gun Torts: Defining a Cause of Action for Victims in Suits Against Gun Manufacturers, John G. Culhane and Jean M. Eggen
The UN World Conference Against Racism: A Race-Ethnic & Gender Perspective, Katherine Culliton and Celina Romany
All in a Day's Work: Employers' Vicarious Liability for Sexual Harassment, Paula J. Dalley
Between Punitive and Reconstructive Justice: The Gacaca Courts in Rwanda, Erin Daly
New Hurdles for Environmental Justice Plaintiffs, Erin Daly
Transformative Justice: Charting a Path to Reconciliation, Erin Daly
United States Supreme Court, Erin Daly
Protecting the Human Rights of Religious Minorities in Eastern Europe, Peter G. Danchin and Elizabeth A. Cole
Harmful Thoughts: Essays on Law, Self, and Morality, Meir Dan-Cohen
Jointly Owned Property, Robert T. Danforth
Regulation of the Global Marketplace for the Sake of Health, Marion Danis and Amy J. Sepinwall
Deal for Lindh, M. Katherine B. Darmer
Lessons from the Lindh Case: Public Safety and the Fifth Amendment, M. Katherine B. Darmer
Why I Teach, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Protecting the Still Functioning Ecosystem: The Case of the Prairie Pothole Wetlands, John Davidson
Incarceration and the Imbalance of Power, Angela J. Davis
An Introduction to Canadian History for Law Librarians, John N. Davis
New Dimensions of the Section 5 Enforcement Power, David Day
Tax Pitfalls for Buyout Funds Buying Portfolio Company Debt, Steven Dean and D. Schnabel
Deliberatie en rechtsstatelijkheid, Wouter H. de Been
Tijd is rijp voor ‘privacy effectrapportage’’ [Time has come for ‘privacy impact assessments'], Paul De Hert and Serge Gutwirth
Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, Lawrence Lessig, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Contratos por adhesión y cláusulas abusivas: ¿por qué el Estado y no solamente el mercado?, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
El correo en los tiempos de Internet, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Privacidad y comercio electrónico, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Amici Curiae Urge The U.S. Supreme Court to Consider International Human Rights Law in Juvenile Death Penalty Case, Connie de la Vega
The Iraqi Marshlands: A Human and Environmental Study, Joseph W. Dellapenna, E. Nicholason, and P. Clark
The Relevance of Constitutional Amendments: A Response to David Strauss, Brannon P. Denning and John R. Vile
Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 2001 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach
Learning from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development: the Need for a Real National Strategy, John C. Dernbach
Stumbling Toward Sustainability, John C. Dernbach
Sustainable Development: Now More Than Ever, John C. Dernbach
Sustainable Versus Unsustainable Propositions, John C. Dernbach
Targets, Timetables and Effective Implementing Mechanisms: Necessary Building Blocks for Sustainable Development, John C. Dernbach
Why Lawyers Should Care, John C. Dernbach
Three Governors: Herman Talmadge, the Georgia Supreme Court and the Gubernatorial Election of 1946, Lucian E. Dervan
El derecho prehispánico: una aproximación al estudio de la Historia del Derecho en las culturas sin Derecho, Fernando de Trazegnies Granda
Human Rights: The Emerging Norm of Corporate Responsibility, Claire Moore Dickerson
She Could Have Safely and Anonymously Surrendered Her Newborn Infant Under Califonria Law -- Did She Know That?, Carol Docan
Habeas Review of Perfunctory State Court Decisions on the Merits, Scott Dodson
The Metes and Bounds of State Sovereign Immunity, Scott Dodson
Can Guns, or Gun Violence, Be Controlled?, John Donohue
Books in Review- Can Gun Control Work, John J. Donohue
Implicit Religion and the Curvilinear Relationship between Religion and Death Anxiety, James M. Donovan
Rock-Salting the Slippery Slope: Why Same-Sex Marriage is Not a Commitment to Polygamous Marriage, James M. Donovan
Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings, Holly Doremus
A multi-dimensional model of elder law: An Israeli example, Israel Doron
Elder Guardianship Kaleidoscope - A Comparative Perspective, Israel Doron
From Elder Guardianship to Long-Term Legal Care, Israel Doron
'Justice Kriewaldt, Aboriginal Identity and the Criminal Law', Heather A. Douglas
Law and Justice, Mark A. Drumbl
On Using U.S. Diplomatic Records for Research on African Constitutions: A Guide to the Archives , Mary L. Dudziak
The Duty of the Living, Mary L. Dudziak
The Politics of 'The Least Dangerous Branch': The Court, the Constitution and Constitutional Politics Since 1945 , Mary L. Dudziak
Expedited Appeals in Kentucky, Susan Duncan
Lessons From the Past: A History of American Law in Times of Crises, Susan H. Duncan
Re-Entering the Arena: Restoring a Judicial Role for Enforcing Limits on Federal Mandates, John Eastman
A Seminole Dissent?, John C. Eastman
Lessons from the Past: Is There Anything New in Constitutional Law?, John C. Eastman
Stare Decisis: Conservatism's One-Way Ratchet Problem, John C. Eastman
The American Constitutional Order: History, Cases, and Philosophy, 2002 Supplement, John C. Eastman
The Declaration of Independence as Viewed from the States, John C. Eastman
The GAO's Assault on the Executive Branch, John C. Eastman
The Senate is Supposed to Advise and Consent, Not Obstruct and Delay, John C. Eastman and Timothy Sandefur
Judicial Selection in South Carolina: Who Gets to Judge?, Kevin R. Eberle
El control en la política empresarial de los grupos de sociedades, Parte 1, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El control en la política empresarial de los grupos de sociedades, Parte 2, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El fuero sindical, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
¿Existe el Derecho Empresarial?, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Hacia una Ley Marco del Empresariado: aportes al debate legislativo, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Hacia una Ley Modelo sobre los Grupos de Empresas, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Importancia de la tesis (testimonio de un abogado), Daniel Echaiz Moreno
José León Barandiarán Hart: el maestro que siempre será un amigo, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Los grupos de empresas en el mundo, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Development of International Water Law and the UN Watercourse Convention, Gabriel Eckstein
It Began at Brooklyn: Expanding Boundaries for First-Year Law Students by Internationalizing the Legal Writing Curriculum, Diane Edelman
Book Review - Legalizing Gender Inequality, Lauren Edelman
Legality and the Endogeneity of Law, Lauren Edelman