About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2002


Splitting the Atom of Marshall’s Wisdom [Symposium on Chief Justice John Marshall and Federalism], Susan N. Herman


Patient's rights in front of the automated processing of personal data for medical purposes : conditions for an alliance between Technology, Privacy and Health, Jean HERVEG, Marie-Noelle VERHAEGEN, and Yves POULLET


The New European Legal Culture, Martijn W. Hesselink


The Politics of European Contract Law: Who Has an Interest in What Kind of Contract Law for Europe?, Martijn W. Hesselink


Spheres of Autonomy: Reforming the Content Neutrality Doctrine in First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman

Human rights as preconditions for intercultural society, Mireille Hildebrandt


Straf(begrip) en procesbeginsel. (Meaning and Concept of Punishment and the Principle of Trial before Punishment), Mireille Hildebrandt

Change is in the Air: Lawyer Advertising and the Internet, Louise L. Hill

Online Activities & Their Impact on the Legal Profession: Electronic Communications and the 2002 Revisions to the Model Rules, Louise L. Hill


Vigilante Racism: The De-Americanization of Immigrant America, Bill Ong Hing

Issue Editor, Constitutional Law Issue, David R. Hodas

MySQL & PhP for Data Librarians Workshop, Christopher H. Hoebeke and Patrick M. Yott


Can Law and Economics Be Both Practical and Principled?, David A. Hoffman and Michael P. O'Shea

Categorical Exclusions: Exploring Legal Responses to Health Care Discrimination Against Transsexuals, Kari E. Hong

State Courts: California and Massachusetts, Kari E. Hong


The Evolution and Revolution of Napster, Peter J. Honigsberg


Patenting Our Lives and Our Genes: Where Does Congress Stand? Public Commet to FTC Hearing on Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy, Thomas J. Horton


The Lessons of Covisint: Regulating B2BS Under European and American Competition Laws, Thomas J. Horton


Bankruptcy Overview: Issues, Law and Policy, Margaret Howard


[Issue Co-editor] AD Options: A Client Handbook, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe

Publicity in Criminal Cases, Scott W. Howe

Publicity in Criminal Cases, Scott W. Howe


A Game-Theoretic Approach to Regulatory Negotiation and a Framework for Empirical Analysis, Shi-Ling Hsu

Emergency Assistance of Tarrant County Annual Meeting speaker, Charlotte Hughart


Compelling Lessons in the First Amendment: Michael Kent Curtis, Free Speech, "The People's Darling Privilege": Struggles for Freedom of Expression in American History, Wilson R. Huhn

Five Types of Legal Argument, Wilson R. Huhn


Use and Limits of Syllogistic Reasoning in Briefing Cases, Wilson R. Huhn

The Power of Procedure: The Litigation of Jones v. Clinton , Nan D. Hunter

Women’s Rights in Theory and Practice: Employment, Violence and Poverty [Conference proceedings] , Nan D. Hunter


Constitutional Transformation in Europe – Mixing Law and Politics?, Jaakko Husa

Use of Life Insurance in Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Planning, Michael Hussey, William A. Drennan, and Michael Goldstein


Valuing Man's and Woman's Best Friend: The Moral and Legal Status of Companion Animals, Rebecca J. Huss


New Complexity Theories: From Theoretical Innovation to Doctrinal Reform, Darren L. Hutchinson


Progressive Race Blindness: Individual Identity, Group Politics, and Reform, Darren L. Hutchinson

Toward A Robust Conception of Independent Judgment: Back to the Future?, Harry G. Hutchison

Flaws in Capital Sentencing: Skewing the Reasoned Moral Response, Christine Hutton

South Dakota Criminal Law and Procedure Review 1996-2001 (Cumm. Supp. II), Christine Hutton

"Contribution Claims Under Section 113(f)(1) of CERCLA: Preconditions, Elements of Liability, and Entitlement to Relief,", John Hyson


Managing Local Opposition to Affordable Housing: A New Approach to NIMBY, Tim Iglesias

Immigration and Social Justice, David Ingram

The European Convention on Human Rights: A Threat to United States-European Security Relations and the United States Military Justice System?, Darla W. Jackson


The European Convention on Human Rights: A Threat to United States-European Security Relations and the United States Military Justice System?, Darla W. Jackson


Does Indebtedness Influence Health? A Preliminary Inquiry, Melissa B. Jacoby


Foreclosing on Fame: Exploring the Uncharted Boundaries of the Right of Publicity, Melissa B. Jacoby and Dianne Leenheer Zimmerman

Contribution to chapter on EWCs in new member states and Poland, Romuald Jagodziński and Peter Kerckhofs


Muddy Rules for Securitization Transactions, Edward J. Janger


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Information Privacy, and the Limits of Default Rules, Edward J. Janger and Paul M. Schwartz

"Hidden" Costs: A Case Study of Bank and Borrowing and Interest Rate Swaps, Christian A. Johnson

Holding Credit Hostage for Underwriting Ransom: Rethinking Bank Antitying Rules, Christian A. Johnson

Inflation Uncertainty in Chile: Asymmetries and the News Impact Curve, Christian A. Johnson

Preview Of The 2002 ISDA Master Agreement, Christian A. Johnson

Seven Deadly Sins Of ISDA Negotiations, Christian A. Johnson

The OTC Derivative Lawyer's Bookshelf: A Selected Biography, Christian A. Johnson

Mastering Collateral Management and Documentation: A Practical Guide for Negotiators, Christian A. Johnson and Paul C. Harding

THE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT EXPANDING ACCESS.pdf, Marcia A. Johnson Ms, JaPaula Kemp, and Anh Nguyen


Amended Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.11: Long-Standing Controversy, Imperfect Remedy, and New Questions, Patrick J. Johnston


Taxation of Electronic Commerce: A Developing Problem, Richard P. Jones and Subhajit Basu


Contract, Property, and the Role of Metaphor in Corporations Law, Thomas W. Joo


State of the Women Judiciary in the Commonwealth, Carol E. Jordan and Sheila Isaac


Judicial Review of Informal Statutory Interpretations: The Answer is Chevron Step Two, not Christensen or Mead, William S. Jordan


News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan


News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan

Updating Deference: The Court’s 2001-2002 Term Sows More Confusion About Chevron, William S. Jordan


Country Report, United States of America, Timothy S. Jost


E-Health and the Law, Timothy S. Jost


The Law of Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse, Timothy S. Jost and Sharon Davies

Conflicted Justice: The Department of Justice's Conflict of Interest in Representing Native American Tribes, Ann Carey Juliano


Dediction, Kirk W. Junker


Immigration, Daniel Kanstroom


Immigration Litigation in Federal Court, Daniel Kanstroom


St. Cyr or Insincere: The Strange Quality of Supreme Court Victory, Daniel Kanstroom

Practitioner’s Guide to the Acquisition of Companies in the United States , Roberta Karmel

Regulation ATS and Related Market Structure Issues in the United States, Roberta S. Karmel

Self-Regulation and Governance at Securities and Commodities Exchanges, Roberta S. Karmel


Special Study on Market Structure, Listing Standards and Corporate Governance, Roberta S. Karmel

Special Study on Market Structure, Listing Standards and Corporate Governance , Roberta S. Karmel


Turning Seats Into Shares: Causes and Implications of Demutualization of Stock and Futures Exchanges, Roberta S. Karmel


Delivering On The 256 QAM Promise, Ron D. Katznelson

Getting the Biggest Bang for your IP Buck, Ron D. Katznelson


Statistical Properties Of Composite Distortions In HFC Systems And Their Effects On Digital Channels, Ron D. Katznelson

Autonomy, Solidarity and Law's Pedagogy, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Conjoined Twins and Catholic Moral Analysis: Extraordinary Means and Casuistical Consistency, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Developing the Doctrine of Distributive Justice: Methods of Distribution, Redistribution and the Role of Time in Allocating Intensive Care Resources, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Living the Fullness of Ordinary Time: A Theological Critique of the Instrumentalization of Time in Professional Life (abridged version), M. Cathleen Kaveny


DeShaney’s Legacy in Foster Care and Public School Settings, Mary Kate Kearney

Editorial, Denzel Washington’s Comment Overlooked, Mary Kate Kearney

Editorial, Giving Alcohol to Minors a Dangerous Act, Mary Kate Kearney and Douglas E. Ray

Victim or Vamp? Images of Violent Women in the Criminal Justice System, Chimene I. Keitner


Judicial Activism at the World Trade Organization: Developing Principles of Self-Restraint, J. Patrick Kelly

Agricultural Biotechnology: Environmental Benefits for Identifiable Environmental Problems, Drew L. Kershen


Agricultural Biotechnology: Environmental Benefits for Identifiable Environmental Problems, Drew L. Kershen


Article 7: Documents of Title - 2001 Developments, Drew L. Kershen


Law and Horror, Drew L. Kershen


Legal Liability Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology, Drew L. Kershen


To Die or Not to Die This is the Problem, Drew L. Kershen and Andrew Apel, et al.


Media access to transcripts and pleadings and ‘open justice’: A case study, Patrick Keyzer

Participation of non-party interveners and Amici Curiae in constitutional cases in Canadian provincial courts: Guidance for Australia?, Patrick Keyzer

The Brennan Legacy: Blowing the Winds of Legal Orthodoxy, Patrick Keyzer and Robyn Creyke

Courts, Lawyers and the Internet: AustLII Conference on Computerisation of Law via the Internet 2001, Patrick Keyzer and Andrew Mowbray


Awkward Evolution: Citizen Enforcement at the North American Environmental Commission, Paul Stanton Kibel