The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2002
Can Local Boards of Education Find Protection in the Eleventh Amendment?, Lisa Lukasik
Liability Issues in Hiring: Criminal Records Checks, Drug Testing and Interviewing Under the ADA, Lisa Lukasik
Emergencia, Derecho , Justicia y Seguridad Jurídica, Horacio M. LYNCH
Organization of American States, Beth Lyon and S. Rottman
Latvia: History, J. Michael Lyons and Steven R. Morrison
5. Scientific support for expert testimony on child sexual abuse accommodation., Thomas D. Lyon
5. Support persons and the child witness., Thomas D. Lyon
6. Applying suggestibility research to the real world: The case of repeated questions., Thomas D. Lyon
6. Child witnesses and the oath., Thomas D. Lyon
7. Expert testimony on the suggestibility of children: Does it fit?, Thomas D. Lyon
Neither Side Right on Grunow Suit's Impact, Timothy D. Lytton
Medical Gender Bias and Managed Care, Vicki Lawrence MacDougall
Goshen Learns Environmental Planning, Gregg P. Macey
“The Relevance of Prior Record in the Criminal Law: A Response to the Theory of Professor von Hirsch”, Darcy L. MacPherson
Lurking in the Shadow: The Unseen Hand of Doctrine in Dispute Resolution, Ray D. Madoff
Practical Guide to Estate Planning: 2003 Supplement, Ray D. Madoff, Cornelia R. Tenney, and Martin A. Hall
Reparations Theory and Postcolonial Puerto Rico: Some Preliminary Thoughts, Pedro A. Malavet
Public Sector Collective Bargaining: The Illinois Experience, Martin H. Malin
Credit Cards and Debit Cards in the United States and Japan, Ronald Mann
Aggression: Supreme International Offence Still in Search of Definition, Jackson N. Maogoto
“Now You see, Now You Don’t: The Duty of the State to Investigate and Prosecute ‘Disappearances and Extra Judicial Executions, Jackson N. Maogoto
Revisiting the Balkan Crisis: A UN Question; The European Connection and the US Solution. , Jackson N. Maogoto
Mergers and Intellectual Property in Agricultural Biotechnology, Alan C. Marco and Gordon C. Rausser
Juries, Drug Laws & Sentencing (symposium), Nancy S. Marder
Juries, Justice and Multiculturalism, Nancy S. Marder
La responsabilidad civil objetiva del Estado, Juan Carlos Marín
Las medidas cautelares personales en el nuevo código proceso penal chileno, Juan Carlos Marín
La técnica legislativa y el proceso civil, Juan Carlos Marín
Notas sobre la tutela provisional en el Derecho inglés: especial referencia a la Mareva injunction, Juan Carlos Marín
Breves Notas sobre Law & Economics, Críspulo Marmolejo González
Recensión a la obra Ley de Divorcio: razones de un no del profesor Hernán Corral Talciani, Críspulo Marmolejo González
Acuerdos ambientales como mecanismos de política ambiental, Carlos Pablo Márquez
El delito informático, Carlos Pablo Márquez
La competencia desleal en la Argentina Una aproximación a la competencia desleal desde el derecho privado, Gabriel Martinez Medrano
El abuso de posición dominante en la ley de defensa de la competencia, Gabriel Martinez Medrano and Gabriela Soucasse
Notificaciones Electrónicas, Maximiliano Marzetti
Foreign Inspired Courts as Agencies of Peace in Troubled Societies. A Plea for Realism and for Creativity., Ugo Mattei
Hard Code Now!, Ugo Mattei
Some Realism about Comparativism: Comparative Law Teaching in the Hegemonic Jurisdiction, Ugo Mattei
The common core of European private law : essays on the project / edited by M. Bussani and U. Mattei., Ugo Mattei and Mauro Bussani
Money for Nothing and Work for Free?, James Edward Maule
IRS Hot Asset Reg Re-Tuning Falls Flat, Causing Sharp Pain for Partner Estates, James Edward Maule and Lisa M. Starczewski
Changing Conceptions of Lawyers' Pro Bono Responsibilities: From Chance Noblesse Oblige to Stated Expectations, Judith Maute
"In Pursuit of Justice" in High Profile Criminal Matters, Judith Maute
Lady Lawyers: Not an Oxymoron, Judith Maute
Writings Concerning Women in the Legal Profession, 1982-2002 (Bibliography), Judith Maute
Lady Lawyers: Not an Oxymoron, Judith L. Maute
Lawyers and the Media: Ethical and Other Asserted Constraints on the Relationship (Panelist), Judith L. Maute
A Tribute to Professor Osborne M. Reynolds, Friends of Mac, Judith Maute and Alma Nickell Singleton
Las listas de matriculados impresas por el Ilustre y Real Colegio de Abogados de México, I, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Las listas de matriculados impresas por el Ilustre y Real Colegio de Abogados de México, II, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Los abogados y jueces en la Nueva España vistos a través de sermones y elogios fúnebres, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Droit romain; Droit coutumier; Excommunication, Laurent Mayali
Le façonnage juridique du marche des religions aux Etats Unis (The legal construction of the religions market in the United States), Laurent Mayali
Procureurs et représentation en droit canonique médiéval, Laurent Mayali
Privileges and rights of citizenship : law and the juridical construction of civil society, Laurent Mayali and Julius Kirshner
Recent Developments in Clean Water Act Litigation: September 2001-2002, James R. May
Recent Developments in TMDL Litigation: 1999-2002, James R. May
Book Review (reviewing D. Sciulli, Corporate Power in Civil Society: An Application of Societal Constitutionalism (2001)), Jason Mazzone
Freedom’s Associations, Jason Mazzone
Speech and Reciprocity: A Theory of the First Amendment, Jason Mazzone
Major Terrestrial Causes of Marine Coastal Pollution: A Critique of Current Regulation and the Suggestion of an Alternative Approach to Regulation, Chad J. McGuire
Staff Development: The Use of Humor in Higher Education, Oscar T. McKnight
Dollywood Bollywood, Kembrew McLeod
From the Ronettes to the Ramones: An Uncool History of Punk, Kembrew McLeod
Gender and Rock Criticism, Kembrew McLeod
Intellectual Property Law, Freedom of Expression and the Internet, Kembrew McLeod
Musical Production, Copyright and the Private Ownership of Culture, Kembrew McLeod
Rap Food Nation, Kembrew McLeod
Rats Entertainment!, Kembrew McLeod
Rocking With the Noise Boys: Gender, Discourse and Rock Criticism, Kembrew McLeod
The History and Politics of Hip-Hop Journalism, Kembrew McLeod
Vanderbilt, Arthur T., Mary Brigid McManamon
Supplement: Materials for a Basic Course In Civil Procedure, Mary Brigid McManamon and Kevin M. Clermont
Supplement: Materials for a Basic Course In Civil Procedure, Mary Brigid McManamon and Kevin M. Clermont
Supplement: Materials for a Basic Course In Civil Procedure, Mary Brigid McManamon and Kevin M. Clermont
Appointment: Committee on Judicial Ethics of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judith A. McMorrow
Professional Ethics Lessons from Enron, Judith A. McMorrow
Book Review: Debating Democracy: Native American Legacy of Freedom, Kent McNeil
Book Review: Delgamuukw: The Supreme Court of Canada Decision on Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
Expert Report on the Acquisition of Territorial Sovereignty in International Law and British Imperial Law, Kent McNeil
Section 91(24) Powers, the Inherent Right of Self-Government, and Canada's Fiduciary Obligations, Kent McNeil
The Implications of Parliament's Exercise of Section 91(24) Powers for the Inherent Right of Self-Government, Kent McNeil
Treaty Settlement Land Title and Jurisdiction: Legal and Constitutional Issues, Kent McNeil
Uniform Commercial Code Survey, Sales, Robyn L. Meadows, Larry T. Garvin, and Carolyn T. Dessin
Me and Muhammed, Michael Meltsner
Annual Review of Environmental and Natural Resource Law, Peter Menell
Environmental Law, Peter Menell
Environmental Law - International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (Second Series), Peter Menell
Copyright and Innovation: the P2P Experience, Peter Menell, Fred von Lohmann, Sarah Deutsch, frank Hausmann, and Mark Litvack
Patent Law and Policy, Robert P. Merges and John F. Duffy
Intellectual property in the new technological age : 2002 case and statutory supplement, Robert P. Merges, Peter Seth Menell, and Mark A. Lemley
The Demand for Justice in Chile, Rafael Mery Nieto