About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2002

Inclusion Delusion: The Case of Travellers’ Children, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“In Good Faith: A Critique of Religious Schools and Public Funding”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“In Good Faith: A Critique of Religious Schools and Public Funding”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Keynote address to Chester College of Higher Education on “De-coding Discrimination: Inequality, Distinction or Keynote address to Chester College of Higher Education on “De-coding Discrimination: Inequality, Distinction or Difference in the UK?”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Partnerships 4 Progression: Widening Participation, East Midlands Development Agency/University of Derby., Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“Religious Discrimination in Schools: Some Research Findings”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“Teachers and Speech and Language Therapist Collaboration” (co-authored), Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

The Cabinet Office, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

“The Role of Faith Schools in Relation to Peace and Justice”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Underachievement and Non-Attendance at School, Derbyshire Education Authority,, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Viewpoint Midlands, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor


The Advisory Practice and Procedure of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights:Contributing to the Evolution of International Human Rights Law, Jo Pasqualucci


Adverse Juvenile Sex Ratio in Kerala by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Planning and Assessing a Short-Term Study Abroad Program for Undergraduate Students of Marketing and Business, Ronald Paugh, Amy Kruse, and Oscar T. McKnight


Imported Capital Dependency as an Economic Development Strategy: The Failure of Distortionary Tax Policies in Puerto Rico, Joseph Pelzman

Invitación al estudio de la Constitución de la Unión Europea, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut

“Drawing Difference: The Women Artists of Madriz and The Cultural Rennovations of the 1980s", Gema Pérez-Sánchez


Lessons from the Balkans for American Foreign Policy: Building Civil Society Within a Multilateral Framework, Henry H. Perritt

2002 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.


European Criminal Law, Mareike Persson


Measured Judgments?: Histories, Pedagogies, and the Possibility of Equity, Penelope J. Pether


Federal Habeas Relief and the New Tolerance for "Reasonably Erroneous" Applications of Federal Law, Todd E. Pettys


Big field, small potatoes: An empirical assessment of EPA's self-audit policy, Alexander S. P. Pfaff and Chris William Sanchirico

Servidumbres mineras e hidrocarburífera, Eduardo Andrés Pigretti


A Times Sensitive Response to Professor Aleinikoff’s Detaining Plenary Power, Michele R. Pistone

Place matters: Consensual features and regional variation in american well-being and self., V C. Plaut and H R. Markus

Cultural models of diversity in America : the psychology of difference and inclusion, Victoria Plaut

A Note on Settlements under the Contingent Fee Method of Compensating Lawyers, A. Mitchell Polinsky and Daniel L. Rubinfeld


Comment to FCC on Media Ownership Rules (2002), Malla Pollack


Dealing with Old Father William, or Moving from Constitutional Text to Constitutional Doctrine: Progress Clause Review of the Copyright Term Extension Act, Malla Pollack


Eldred v. Ashcroft, Malla Pollack


Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue, Malla Pollack


The Multiple Unconstitutionality of Business Method Patents: Common Sense, Congressional Choice, and Constitutional History, Malla Pollack


What Is Congress Supposed to Promote? Defining ‘Progress” in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution, or Introducing the Progress Clause, Malla Pollack


Deadliest Enemies: Law and the Making of Race Relations on and off Rosebud by Thomas Biolsi (Book Review), Frank Pommersheim

HAIKU FOR THE BIRDS, Frank Pommersheim


Is There a Little (or Not so Little) Constitutional Crisis Developing in Indian Law?, Frank Pommersheim


Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock: A Little Haiku Essay on a Missed Constitutional Moment, Frank Pommersheim


Looking Forward and Looking Back: The Promise and Potential of a Sioux Nation Judicial Support Center and Sioux Nation Supreme Court, Frank Pommersheim


Panel II: Natural Resources, Economics, and the Environment: Global Issues Facing Native Communities [Panel Discussion], Frank Pommersheim


Toward a Great Sioux Nation Judicial Support Center and Supreme Court: An Interim Planning and Recommendation Report for the Wakpa Sica Historical Society’s Reconciliation Place Project, Frank Pommersheim and John P. LaVelle




Introduction to Symposium: New Voices on the Drug Wars, Anne Poulin


Party Admissions in Criminal Cases: Should the Government Have to Eat Its Words?, Anne Poulin

Sprawl, Fragmentation, and the Persistence of Racial Inequality: Limiting Civil Rights by Fragmenting Space, John Powell

Urban Fragmentation as a Barrier to Equal Opportunity, John Powell and Kathleen Graham


Modern Ethical Dilemmas for ALJs and Government Lawyers: Conflicts of Interest, Appearances of Impropriety, and Other Ethical Considerations, Introduction, Robert C. Power


The No Longer Forgotten 11th Amendment, Robert C. Power

Presenter, "How Green Was My Valley: Changing roles and Relationships of Lawyers in Silicon Valley and the Breakdown of the Cravath System and the Tournament of Lawyers," Joint Law and Society and Canadian Law and Society Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Bruce M. Price


No Black Names on the Letterhead? Efficient Discrimination and the South African Legal Profession, Lisa R. Pruitt


The Continuing Expansion of Cyberspace Trespass to Chattels, Laura Quilter


Note, Legal Reform and Its Context in Vietnam, Brian JM Quinn

An Integrated Computational Model of Multiparty Electoral Competition, Kevin M. Quinn and Andrew D. Martin

Dynamic Ideal Point Estimation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo for the U.S. Supreme Court, 1953-1999", Kevin M. Quinn and Andrew D. Martin


A Study in Judicial Sleight of Hand: Did Geier v. American Honda Motor Co. Eradicate the Presumption Against Preemption?, Susan Raeker-Jordan


AIDS Drugs, National Emergency & Cipro, Srividhya Ragavan

The Global South as the Key to Biodiversity and Biotechnology: A Reply to Professor Chen, Srividhya Ragavan

India: A Safe Haven for Foreign Investment--A Look at Joint Ventures and Laws That Govern Them, Srividhya Ragavan and Leela Guttina

Taxation: Estate and Gift Taxes, Eric Rakowski


Judicial Cooperation in the European Courts. Testing Three Models of Judicial Behavior, Francisco Ramos Romeu


Racial Discrimination in Health Care in the United States as a Violation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Vernellia R. Randall


Getting To Yes With Terrorists, Marc John Randazza


Is "Thinking Like a Lawyer" Really What We Want to Teach?, Nancy B. Rapoport


The Intractable Problem of Bankruptcy Ethics: Square Peg, Round Hole, Nancy B. Rapoport


Left, Left, Left, Right, Left: The Search for Rights and Remedies in Juvenile Boot Camps, Teressa E. Ravenell

Undoing the Done: Implications of the Denial of Prisoner of War Status to Guantanamo Bay Detainees, Rosemary Rayfuse and Kara Hand


Judicial Personality: Rhetoric and Emotion in Supreme Court Opinions, Laura K. Ray

The History of the Per Curiam Opinion: Consensus and Individual Expression on the Supreme Court, Laura K. Ray


Adjudicative Competence in the Modern Juvenile Court, Richard E. Redding

Grappling with Diverse Conceptions of Diversity, Richard E. Redding

Rehabilitating the Souls of Violent Boys (reviewing James Garbarino, Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them), Richard E. Redding

The Impossibility of Parental Licensure, Richard E. Redding

Using Juvenile Adjudications for Sentence Enhancement Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Is It Sound Policy?, Richard E. Redding

Adjudicative Competence in the Modern Juvenile Court, Richard E. Redding and L. Frost

Mental Health Needs of Juvenile Offenders, Richard E. Redding and F. Lexcen


Foreword, Preservation Law Symposium: Re-Inventing the Past, Thomas J. Reed


Notas Sobre el Desarrollo de Normas de la Prueba Para el Ecuador, Thomas J. Reed

The Re-Birth of the Delaware Rules of Evidence: A Summary of the 2002 Changes in the Delaware Uniform Rules of Evidence, Thomas J. Reed

Kinsey: Porn Star, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Liberal Hate Speech, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Pornography, Rape, and Murder Sample, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Stimulating Images, Damaged Minds, Judith A. Reisman PhD


Jefferson and Madison as Icons in Judicial History: A Study of Religion Clause Jurisprudence, David J. Reiss


Working Towards Recovery, David J. Reiss and Mathew Kleiner

The Lessons of Enron: Don't Hire the Rats to Watch the Cheese, James R. Repetti

Derecho Societario, Francisco Reyes Villamizar


Licensees in Landoccupiers' Liability Law--Should They Be Exterminated or Resurrected, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.

Rawls in Italy, Mario Ricciardi

A Creature of Statute: Copyright Law and Legal Formalism, Matthew Rimmer


Crystal Palaces: Copyright Law and Public Architecture, Matthew Rimmer


Daubism: Copyright Law and Artistic Works, Matthew Rimmer


Heretic: Copyright Law and Dramatic Works, Matthew Rimmer

The Sequence: Inside The Race For The Human Genome (2002) 24 (1) European Intellectual Property Review 48-49., Matthew Rimmer


La pretendida autonomía del Derecho Informático, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba

Siglo XX: Muerte y Resurrección de la Iglesia Católica en Chiapas, Julio Ríos-Figueroa


Testing the Admissibility of Trademark Surveys After Daubert, Artemio Rivera

Justice by the Numbers: The Supreme Court and the Rule of Four-Or Is It Five?, Ira P. Robbins

Justice by the Numbers: The Supreme Court and the Rule of Four-Or Is It Five?, Ira P. Robbins

Magistrate Judges, Article III, and the Power to Preside Over Federal Prisoner Section 2255 Proceedings, Ira P. Robbins

Magistrate Judges, Article III, and the Power to Preside Over Federal Prisoner Section 2255 Proceedings, Ira P. Robbins