About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2002

Method in Experiment: Rhetoric and Reality, Vernon L. Smith

Asset Markets, Vernon L. Smith, G. Caginalp, and D. Porter


Do Speculative Stocks Lower Prices and Increase Volatility of Value Stocks?, Vernon L. Smith, Gunduz Caginalp, Vladimira A. Ilieva, and David Porter


Letter to FCC Chairman Powell Concerning Auction 35, Vernon L. Smith, Peter Cramton, Robert W. Crandall, Robert W. Hahn, Robert G. Harris, Jerry A. Hausman, Thomas W. Hazlett, Douglas Lichtman, Paul W. MacAvoy, Paul R. Milgrom, J. Gregory Sidak, Richard Schmalensee, Hal J. Singer, William E. Taylor III, and David Teece

Using the Machiavellianism Instrument to Predict Trustworthiness in a Bargaining Game, Vernon L. Smith, A. Gunnthorsdottir, and K. McCabe

Cooperation in Single Play, Two-Person Extensive Form Games Between Anonymously Matched Players, Vernon L. Smith, K. McCabe, and M. Rigdon

Using Experiments to Inform the Privatization/Deregulation Movement in Electricity, Vernon L. Smith, S. Rassenti, and B. J. Wilson

On Successful Legal Transplants in a Future Ius Commune Europaeum, Jan M. Smits

The Harmonisation of Private Law in Europe: Some Insights from Evolutionary Theory, Jan M. Smits

The Making of European Private Law, Jan M. Smits

Totstandkoming van de overeenkomst naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht, Jan M. Smits

Toward a Multi-layered Contract Law for Europe, Jan M. Smits

Towards a European Ius Commune in Legal Education and Research, Jan M. Smits, Michael G. Faure, and Hildegard Schneider


Merger Agreements, Termination Fees, and the Contract-Corporate Tension, Judd Sneirson


Doing Justice During Wartime, Abraham D. Sofaer and Paul Williams


Introduction [Symposium: Cognitive Legal Studies: Categorization and Imagination in the Mind of Law], Lawrence M. Solan

Ordinary Meaning in Legal Interpretation (reprinted in Ordinary and Legal Language (B. Pozzo ed. 2005)), Lawrence M. Solan


Should Criminal Statutes Be Interpreted Dynamically?, Lawrence M. Solan

The Clinton Scandal: Some Lessons from Linguistics , Lawrence M. Solan


The Linguist on the Witness Stand: Forensic Linguistics in American Courts, Lawrence M. Solan and P. Tiersma

Suicidio médicamente asistido y autonomía, Horacio Spector

Recent Developments in Family Law, Robert G. Spector

Recent Developments in Family Law, Robert G. Spector

The Hidden Law: An Analysis of Unpublished Family Law Opinions from the Court of Civil Appeals 2000-2001, Robert G. Spector


Toward an Accommodation of Divergent Jurisdictional Standards for the Determination of Maintenance Obligations in Private International Law, Robert G. Spector


A review of the Year in Family Law: State Courts React to Troxel, Robert G. Spector and Linda D. Elrod

Free to Choose: Leveling the Playing Field for Non-Union Educators, Andrew C. Spiropoulos

It All Starts at the Top: Reforming Oklahoma's Executive Branch, Andrew C. Spiropoulos


The Uniform Law Process: Observations of a Detached Participant, Andrew C. Spiropoulos

The Cacophony of Writing Styles in ‘Aeolus.', Robert Spoo

In Memoriam John Dixon, Robert E. Spoo


Access to Justice for the Self-Represented Litigant: An Interdisciplinary Investigation by Designers and Lawyers (with P. Hannaford), Ronald W. Staudt

Access to Justice: Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants (with C. Owen & E. Pedwell), Ronald W. Staudt

The Condorcet Jury Theorem and Judicial Decisionmaking: A Reply to Saul Levmore, Maxwell L. Stearns


Vaguely Going Where No-one has Gone: the Expansive New Computer Access Offences, Alex Steel


Three and Possibly Four Lessons about ERISA That We Should, but Probably Will Not Learn from Enron, Norman Stein

Cognitive Consistency: Theory Maintenance and Administrative Rulemaking, Stephanie M. Stern


Embedding Regulatory Autonomy in Caribbean Telecommunications, Lindsay J. Stirton Ph.D. and Martin C. Lodge Ph.D.


Book (OUP): On Law, Politics, and Judicialization: Path Dependence, Precedent, and Judicial Power, Alec Stone Sweet


Constitutional Courts and Parliamentary Democracy (Special Issue on Delegation), Alec Stone Sweet


Constructing Markets and Polities: An Institutionalist Account of European Integration, Alec Stone Sweet and Neil Fligstein


Polemics: A Response to Tsebelis and Garrett, “The Institutional Foundations of” … etc., Alec Stone Sweet and Wayne Sandholtz


Theory and Practice of Delegation to Non-Majoritarian Institutions, Alec Stone Sweet and Mark Thatcher

La Adopción: algunas consideraciones económicas, Eduardo Stordeur

A Global Parliament and the New Helsinki Process, Andrew L. Strauss

Civil Society and UN Reform: Core Institutions and Promising Proposals in Democratization, Andrew L. Strauss

Dealing with International AIDS: A Case Study in the Challenge of Globalization, Andrew L. Strauss

Global Terrorism: What Should Our Response Be?, Andrew L. Strauss

Introductory Remarks: AIDS and Globalization--The Question Presented, Andrew L. Strauss

Liability for Damages Associated with Climate Change and Other Transboundary Activities: Are We Getting Warmer?, Andrew L. Strauss

Responding to Global Terrorism: The Democratic Alternative, Andrew L. Strauss

The Liberal Transnationalist Vision, Andrew L. Strauss

The Promise of the International Criminal Court, Andrew L. Strauss

The Subsidies Approach, Some Insights and Conclusions, Andrew L. Strauss

The United Nations: A Program for Empowerment and Democracy, Andrew L. Strauss

Toward a Governed Planet, Andrew L. Strauss

Not a Parliament of Dreams: A Response to Joseph Nye, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard Falk


People Want a Say, Next, a Global Parliament, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard Falk

America in the Dock, Andrew L. Strauss and Andrew Simms

A Dozen and One Nights at the Movies: Feature Films of Law and Lawyers, Rennard J. Strickland

In Search of Justice: A Chapter in Native American Social and Legal History, Rennard J. Strickland


Mister Legal Education: Experience, Integrity, and Storytelling Behind the Clown's Mask, Rennard J. Strickland


Quality-Assurance and Admission to U.S. Law Schools, Rennard J. Strickland

Worcester v. Georgia, Rennard J. Strickland


Charter School Funding Issues, Stephen D. Sugarman


Mixed Results From Recent United States Tobacco Litigation, Stephen D. Sugarman


Rethinking Tort Doctrine: Visions of a Restatement (Fourth) of Torts, Stephen D. Sugarman

The United States Supreme Court and Education, Stephen D. Sugarman


United States Tort Reform Wars, Stephen D. Sugarman

All Our Families: New Policies for a New Century, Stephen D. Sugarman, Mary Ann Mason, and Arlene Skolnick

At the Crossroads – The proposed Hague Convention and the future of Internet defamation, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson

Kanitz v. Rogers Cable Inc - Time to rethink Article 4 of the proposed Hague Convention?, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson

Globalization – the Problem or the Answer: Towards a Rational Discourse, Yane Svetiev

Judicial Review and the New Part 8 of the Migration Act, Yane Svetiev

Riding the Judicial Merry-Go-Round: Judicial Review of Migration Decisions - Statutory and Riding the Judicial Merry-Go-Round: Judicial Review of Migration Decisions - Statutory and Constitutional (conference paper), Yane Svetiev and M Crock


Innovations in Competitive Manufacturing, Paul Swamidass

Associações e sociedades, Rachel Sztajn

Conceito de liquidez na disciplina do mercado de valores mobiliários, Rachel Sztajn

Regulação e concorrência no sistema financeiro, Rachel Sztajn

A disciplina do aval no Novo Código Civil, Rachel Sztajn and Haroldo Malheiros Duclerc Verçosa

A economia e o direito de propriedade, Rachel Sztajn and Décio Zylbersztajn

Remedies, Cases and Problems, William M. Tabb, Elaine W. Shoben, and Rachel M. Janutis

Biodiversity Conservation in the United States: A Case Study in Incompleteness and Indirection, A. Dan Tarlock


Connecting Land, Water, and Growth (with L. Lucero), A. Dan Tarlock


The Future of Prior Appropriation in the West, A. Dan Tarlock


The Potential Role of Local Governments in Watershed Management, A. Dan Tarlock

Water Resource Management (with J. Corbridge & D. Getches), A. Dan Tarlock

Who Owns Science?, A. Dan Tarlock

Reform of tax administration in continental europe : the example of italy, Thomas Tassani and Marco Greggi

Reform of tax administration in continental europe : the example of italy, Thomas Tassani and Marco Greggi

O Princípio da Eficiência e o Software Livre, Ivo Teixeira Gico Júnior


Ethical, Legal and Practical Implications of Attorney Referral Fees, Barry R. Temkin


Reviewing Legal Implications of Variable Annuities, Barry R. Temkin

The USA PATRIOT Act, Harry F. Tepker Jr.


MDPs, 'Spinning,' and Wouters v. Nova, Laurel S. Terry

MDPs, “Spinning,” and Wouters v. Nova, Laurel S. Terry

The Work of the ABA Commission on Multidisciplinary Practice, Laurel S. Terry

The Work of the ABA Commission on Multidisciplinary Practice, Laurel S. Terry


Understanding Prophylactic Remedies Through the Looking Glass of Bush v. Gore, Tracy A. Thomas


Letter to the Editor, Responding to W.J.T. Michell's "The War of Images", Seth Barrett Tillman