The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2002
Federalism and the Indirect Purchaser Mess, Jonathan T. Tomlin and Dale Giali
Barunga Music Online, A. Toshack and K. Michael
Perceived Disabilities, Social Cognition, and "Innocent Mistakes", Michelle A. Travis
Telecommuting: The Escher Stairway of Work/Family Conflict, Michelle A. Travis
Interviewing and Counseling Across Cultures: Heuristics and Biases, Paul R. Tremblay
Moral Activism Manqué, Paul R. Tremblay
Researching Ethical Issues, Paul R. Tremblay
Shared Norms, Bad Lawyers, and the Virtues of Casuistry, Paul R. Tremblay
The No-Contact Rule in Massachusetts Post Messing, Paul R. Tremblay
Conceptualizing Constitutional Litigation as Antigovernment Expression: A Speech-Centered Theory of Court Access, Robert L. Tsai
Asbestos Litigation Gone Mad : Exposure-Based Recovery for Increased Risk, Mental Distress, and Medical Monitoring, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
The Gujarat Carnage & the ICC, Saumya Uma
The public domain: scientia nullius, William van Caenegem
"Retail Choice" Is Coming: Have You Hugged Your Utilities Lawyer Today? (Part I), Jeffrey D. Van Niel and Nancy B. Rapoport
Retail Choice is Coming: Have You Hugged Your Utilities Lawyer Today? (Part II) , Jeffrey D. Van Niel and Nancy B. Rapoport
Making Sense of Bush v. Gore, Jonathan Van Patten
El principio de precaución en la jurisprudencia comunitaria: la sentencia 'Virgiamicina' (as. T-13/99), Luis González Vaqué
La definición del 'contenido' y ámbito de aplicación del principio de precaución en el Derecho comunitario, Luis González Vaqué
Foreword: Cities on the Frontline, Robert R.M. Verchick
A Survey of Federal Agency Response to President Clinton's Executive Order No. 12898 on Environmental Justice, Robert R.M. Verchick, Denis Binder, Colin Crawford, Eileen Gauna, M. Casey Jarman, Alice Kaswan, Bradford Mank, Catherine O'Neill, and Cliff Rechtschaffen
El notariado como producto refinado de la evolución jurídica occidental, Francisco Villalón Ezquerro
La supresión total del testigo en el testamento, Francisco Villalón Ezquerro
Developments in the Law—The Law of Prisons: III. A Tale of Two Systems: Cost, Quality, and Accountability in Private Prisons, Alexander Volokh
The Pitfalls of the Environmental Right to Know, Alexander Volokh
Cultural Defenses in the Criminal Legal System, Leti Volpp
False dichotomies and asking the right questions, John Wade
Erasing Lines Between the Law School and the Liberal Arts Curricula: A Comment on 'A Liberal Education in Law, Marilyn R. Walter
Liquidation Expenses--Ruling in Re Toshoku Finance (UK) PLC Considered, Adrian J. Walters
Consumer and Employment Arbitration Law in Comparative Perspective: The Importance of the Civil Jury, Stephen Ware
Domain-Name Arbitration in the Arbitration-Law Context: Consent to, and Fairness in, the UDRP, Stephen Ware
Security Interests, Repossessed Collateral and Turnover of Property to the Bankruptcy Estate, Stephen Ware
Border Disputes: Trespass to Chattels on the Internet, Richard Warner
Border Disputes: Trespass to Chattels on the Internet, Richard Warner
Ethical Considerations in Practicing Law Online, Richard Warner
Pragmatism and Legal Reasoning, Richard Warner
Pragmatism and Legal Reasoning, HILARY PUTNAM: PRAGMATISM AND REALISM,, Richard Warner
Aspects of Reason, Richard Warner and Paul Grice
Damages Liability in Special Education Cases, Mark C. Weber
Disability Harassment in the Public Schools, Mark C. Weber
Special education law and litigation treatise, Mark C. Weber
Hidden Taxes and Representative Government: The Political Economy of the Ramsey Rule, Deborah M. Weiss and Susanne Lohmann
Appellant's Opening Brief (with co-counsel and students), Clark v. Johnson, 278 F.3d 459 (5th Cir.) (2002), Charles D. Weisselberg
Brief of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice as Amicus Curiae (with co-counsel and students), People v. Storm, 28 Cal. 4th 1007 (2002), Charles D. Weisselberg
Petitioner's Supplemental Brief (with co-counsel and students), In re: Taylor and Harris, No. 01-1605 (U.S.) (2002), Charles D. Weisselberg
Petitioner's Supplemental Brief (with co-counsel and students), In re: Wischkaemper and Taylor, No. 01-1623 (U.S.) (2002), Charles D. Weisselberg
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari (with co-counsel and students), In re: Wischkaemper and Taylor, No. 01-1623 (U.S.) (2002), Charles D. Weisselberg
Petition for Writ of Certiorari (with co-counsel and students), In re: Taylor and Harris, No. 01-1605 (U.S.) (2002), Charles D. Weisselberg
Reilly's Presence on Field of Sox Sale Dubious At Best, Catharine P. Wells
Reinventing Holmes: The Hidden, Inner, Life of a Cynical, Ambitious, Detached, and Fascistic Old Judge without Values, Catharine P. Wells
Teacher's Manual for "Products Liability: Cases, Materials, Problems, Ellen Wertheimer, Nicholas Terry, Jerry Phillips, and Frank Vandall
Products Liability: Cases, Materials, Problems, Ellen Wertheimer, N. Terry, J. Phillips, and F. Vandall
02 0712 TPS_professors_letter-press_releasepdf, Marcus R. Wigan
Coercive Appeasement: The Flawed International Response to the Serbian Rogue Regime, Paul R. Williams and Karina M. Waller
Sustaining Urban Green Spaces: Can Public Parks Be Protected Under the Public Trust Doctrine?, Serena M. Williams
Collusion in Procurement Auctions: An Experimental Examination, Bart J. Wilson and Douglas D. Davis
Collusion in Procurement Auctions: An Experimental Examination, Bart J. Wilson and Douglas D. Davis
Experimental Methods and Antitrust Policy, Bart J. Wilson and Douglas D. Davis
Experimental Methods and Antitrust Policy, Bart J. Wilson and Douglas D. Davis
The Effectiveness of Low Price Matching in Mitigating the Competitive Pressure in Low Friction Electronic Markets, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
The Effectiveness of Low Price Matching in Mitigating the Competitive Pressure in Low Friction Electronic Markets, Bart J. Wilson and Cary A. Deck
Demand-Side Bidding Will Reduce the Level and Volatility of Electricity Price, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
Demand-Side Bidding Will Reduce the Level and Volatility of Electricity Price, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
Using Experiments to Inform the Privatization/Deregulation Movement in Electricity, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
Using Experiments to Inform the Privatization/Deregulation Movement in Electricity, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
A Comparison of Auctions and Multilateral Negotiations, Bart J. Wilson and Charles J. Thomas
A Comparison of Auctions and Multilateral Negotiations, Bart J. Wilson and Charles J. Thomas
International Decisions. European Communities -- Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, David A. Wirth
Visiting Professor: Harvard Law School, David A. Wirth
Beat Patrol Deployment in Hong Kong, Kam C. Wong
Beat Patrol Deployment in Hong Kong, Kam C. Wong
Character Evidence and Authentication, William A. Woodruff
A Counterdisciplinary Agenda for Research in International Law and International Relations, Stepan Wood
Introduction to the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights, Stepan Wood
Regular Guest Lecturer on Environmental Law and Regulation, Stepan Wood
Voluntarism and Environmental Governance: Assessment and Key Issues for Discussion, Stepan Wood
Justice and Reasonable Care in Negligence Law, Richard W. Wright
Negligence in the Courts: Introduction and Commentary, in Symposium, Negligence in the Courts: The Actual Practice, Richard W. Wright
Substantive Corrective Justice, Richard W. Wright
The Vitality of Joint and Several Liability: Brief Amici Curiae of American Law Professors in Support of Respondents, Richard W. Wright
Western Frontier or Feudal Society? Metaphors and Perceptions of Cyberspace, Alfred C. Yen
War and the Constitutional Text, John C. Yoo
Rights and Rites: Initiation, Language and Performance in Law and Legal Education, Jonathan Yovel
The Purge of Mortgage in Japanese Civil Law, Wei Zhang
The Financial Impact of Over-the-Counter Availability of Oral Contraceptive Pills, Mingfang Zhu, Albert I. Wertheimer, and Robert I. Field
Case note: The “Assigned Residence” Case: H.C. 7015/02 Ajuri et al. v. IDF Commander, Reuven Ziegler
Keeping it Real: Using Contemporary Events to Engage Students in Written and Oral Advocacy, Emily Zimmerman
The Proverbial Tree Falling in the Legal Writing Forest: Ensuring that Students Receive and Read Our Feedback on Their Final Assignments, Emily Zimmerman
Reading, Writing, and the Problem of Communion in Seventeenth-Century England, Traci A. Zimmerman
A Century of Juvenile Justice, Franklin E. Zimring
The Bed Linen Case and its Aftermath. Some Comments on the European Community's "World Trade Organization Enabling Regulation", GEERT A. ZONNEKEYN
Documents from 2001
Lane, Carl. Federal Investments in Private Canal Companies, 1825-1835
Musings on the Seeming Inevitability of Global Convergence in Banking Law