About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2001


The Law and Economics of Remedies for Predatory Lending


Refusing and Resisting (Review Essay), Kathryn Abrams


Off his rocker: sports discipline and labor arbitration, Roger I. Abrams

La Obligación de Seguridad, Hugo A. Acciarri

La Obligación de Seguridad, Hugo A. Acciarri

Garantías legales: Una aproximación al análisis económico comparativo de la institución en el marco de la integración regional, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri

Los criterios de eficiencia como fundamento para la reforma del derecho privado en Latinoamérica, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri


Daños, Instituciones e Incentivos: hacia un modelo unificado de responsabilidad civil contractual y extracontractual, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Andrea Barbero


¿Deben ser válidas las cláusulas de no competencia en el derecho mexicano?, Jorge Adame Goddard


Ética, legislación y derecho, Jorge Adame Goddard


La libertad como la propiedad personal de hacer lo que uno quiere, Jorge Adame Goddard


¿Deben ser válidas las cláusulas de no competencia en el derecho mexicano?, Jorge Carlos Adame


La libertad como la propiedad personal de hacer lo que uno quiere, Jorge Carlos Adame


Toward a Comparative Economics of Plea Bargaining (with Thomas Miceli), Richard Adelstein


The meanings of permanence: a critical analysis of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, Libby Adler

Evolución del Derecho Ambiental Boliviano, Ignacio Aguirre Urioste


A Integração Regional e a Economia Política, Aguinaldo Alemar


The Risk Concept on Modern Tort Map: An Analytical Approach to English Law, Mashael Alhajeri


الحقوق المالية للمهندس الاستشاري, Mashael Alhajeri

El Reconocimiento de créditos por concepto de intereses en el Procedimiento Concursal, La intimación en mora, Sonia Malena Alva Rodríguez

La aplicación del artículo 23 del TUO de la Ley de Reestruccturación Patrimonial a las solicitudes de declaración de insolvencia a pedido de acreedores, Sonia Malena Alva Rodríguez

Reconocimiento de créditos sustentados en títulos valores no protestados en el procedimiento concursal, Sonia Malena Alva Rodríguez


Dealing with the Nastiness: Mixing Feminism and Criminal Law in the Review of Cases of Battered Incarcerated Women—A Ten Year Reflection, Linda L. Ammons


Congressional Control Over the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts: A New Threat to James Madison’s Compromise, Lloyd C. Anderson


A Conceptual Framework for Genetic Policy, Lori B. Andrews

Body Bazaar: The Market for Human Tissue in the Biotechnology Age (with D. Nelkin), Lori B. Andrews

Future Perfect: Confronting Decisions About Genetics, Lori B. Andrews

AALS 2000, or What Happens at an American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting, Filippa M. Anzalone


"AALS 2000, or What Happens at an American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting?", Filippa M. Anzalone


It All Begins With You: Improving Law School Learning Through Professional Self-Awareness and Critical Reflection, Filippa M. Anzalone


Spaceball (Or, Not Everything That's Left is Postmodern), Dennis W. Arrow

Discharging a Juror Prior to Empanelment, Joel Atlas

The Student Driven Syllabus, Joel Atlas

Demographic change and Fiscal Policy, Alan J. Auerbach and Ronald Lee


Arbitration in International Tax Matters: Some Structural Issues, Hugh J. Ault


The Importance of International Cooperation in Forging Tax Policy, Hugh J. Ault

Pleasure Grounds and Iron Fences: Local and Federal Battles for Open Space in the Presidio of San Francisco, Matthew Axtell


Book Review: Pamela Brandwein, Reconstructing Reconstruction, The Supreme Court and the Production of Historical Truth, Richard L. Aynes


The Americans with Disabilities Act as Risk Regulation, Samuel R. Bagenstos


Alternative Caretaking and Family Autonomy: Some Thoughts in Response to Dorothy Roberts, Katharine K. Baker


Dialectics and Domestic Abuse (reviewing Elizabeth M. Schneider, Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking (2000)), Katharine K. Baker


Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Indonesia—ICT Expert Assessment Report, Sonia Baldia


A Guide to Transaction Logging in Domino R5, Derek Bambauer


Rewriting History: The Use of Feminist Narratives to Deconstruct the Myth of the Capital Defendant, Francine Banner


La Primera Enmienda: Cuestiones actuales de la libertad de expresión en los Estados Unidos, Robert S. Barker


Symposium, Mutual Funds and the Protection of Shareholder Accounts, Larry D. Barnett


Symposium, Mutual Fund Regulation in the Next Millennium, Commentary on Closed-End Funds, Larry D. Barnett, Edmund P. Bergan, Ronald M. Feiman, Jeffrey J. Haas, and Karrie McMillan


Symposium, Mutual Fund Regulation in the Next Millennium, Commentary on Investor Privacy, Larry D. Barnett, Ronald M. Feiman, Jeffrey J. Haas, Pauline C. Scalvino, and Jason Zweig


Baker v. State and the Promise of the New Judicial Federalism, Charles H. Baron and Lawrence Friedman

Cases and Materials on Family Law for the South Dakota Lawyer, Roger Baron

Qué significa tomar los derechos humanos en serio, Julia Barragán


Cooperación: ¿Puede la política impulsar el desarrollo?, Enrique Barros Bourie


Historia de la interpretación de las normas en el derecho romano, Enrique Barros Bourie


Lo público y lo privado en el derecho, Enrique Barros Bourie


Protecting the Performers: Setting a New Standard for Character Copyrightability, Mark Bartholomew


Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, April Barton


Arresting Technology: An Essay, Ann Bartow


Intellectual Property and Domestic Relations: Issues to Consider When There Is an Artist, Author, Inventor, or Celebrity in the House, Ann Bartow


Libraries in a Digital and Aggressively Copyrighted World: Retaining Patron Access through Changing Technologies, Ann Bartow

Libraries in a Digital and Aggressively Copyrighted World: Retaining Patron Access through Changing Technologies, Ann Bartow


Still Not Behaving Like Gentlemen, Ann Bartow


The True Colors of Trademark Law: Greenlighting a Red Tide of Anti Competition Blues, Ann Bartow


Taxation of Electronic Commerce, Subhajit Basu

Divorce and the Meta-Narrative of History, (reviewing J. Herbie DiFonzo, Beneath the Fault Line: The Popular and Legal Culture of Divorce in Twentieth-Century America (1997)), Felice J. Batlan

Holocaust Restitution in the United States: A Search of Justice, Michael Bazyler

www.swissbankclaims.com: The Legality and Morality of the Holocaust-Era Restitution Settlement with the Swiss Banks, Michael Bazyler


Doing Business in the New Russia: Rebirth of the Russian Nation, Bruce W. Bean


Double Protection: The Case Against the "Byrd Amendment" of U.S. Trade Law, Perry S. Bechky and Anne Macgregor


Congress Turns to Capital Markets to Support Sanctions, Perry S. Bechky, Danforth Newcomb, and Saamir Elshihabi

Texas Family Law: Direct and Cross-Examination, Sydney Aaron Beckman, Heather King, and Bruce Beverly

Texas Family Law: Direct and Cross-Examination, Sydney Aaron Beckman, Heather King, and Bruce Beverly


Pennsylvania's Equal Rights Amendment Law: What Does It Portend for the Future?, Phyllis W. Beck and Patricia A. Daly


All's Not Fair in Internet Tax Wars, Tom W. Bell


Escape from Copyright: Market Success vs. Statutory Failure in the Protection of Expressive Works, Tom W. Bell


Internet Privacy and Self-Regulation: Lessons from the Porn Wars, Tom W. Bell


Internet Privacy and Self-Regulation: Lessons from the Porn Wars, Tom W. Bell


Bush vs. Gore, A Critique of Critiques, Martin H. Belsky

Civility in the Academy, Robert B. Bennett


"How Jurors Decide on Death: Guilt is Overwhelming; Aggravation Requires Death; and Mitigation is No Excuse [Symposium: The Jury in the 21st Century: An Interdisciplinary Conference]", Ursula Bentele and W.J. Bowers

Qohelet and the Exigencies of the Absurd, Benjamin L. Berger

Using Statutory Measures to Redress Racism, Benjamin L. Berger

Reading in Colours: Highlighting for Active Reading in Religious Studies, Benjamin L. Berger and Stephen Engler


Upsetting The Balance Between Adverse Interests: The Impact of The Supreme Court's Trilogy on Expert Testimony in Toxic Tort Litigation, Margaret Berger


When is Clinical Psychology Like Astrology?, Margaret Berger


Introduction [Symposium: DNA Lessons From the Past -- Problems for the Future], Margaret Berger and Bailey H. Kuklin


Grave Secrets: Legal and Ethical Analysis of Postmortem Confidentiality, Jessica Berg


Against the Wrong and the Dead: A Genealogy of ‘Left/MPM’, Nathaniel Berman

Que Descanse en Paz: La Causa de Accion por Difamacion de Personas Fallecidas, Alberto Bernabe

Que Descanse en Paz: La Causa de Acción por Difamación de Personas Fallecidas, Alberto Bernabe


Oklahoma: The New Africa, Phyllis E. Bernard


Only Nixon Could Go to China: Third Thoughts on the Uniform Mediation Act, Phyllis E. Bernard


Teaching Ethical, Holistic Client Representation in Family ADR, Phyllis E. Bernard


Conjoining International Human Rights Law with Enterprise Liability for Accidents, Anita Bernstein


Reciprocity, Utility, and the Law of Aggression, Anita Bernstein


Restatement (Third) of Torts: General Principles and the Prescription of Masculine Order, Anita Bernstein


Bruce J. Ennis: A remembrance, Donald N. Bersoff


Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Oklahoma Law of Corporate Alter Egos, Adjuncts, and Instrumentalities, Norwood Beveridge


Salamanders and Sons of God: The Culture of Appeal in Early New England, Mary S. Bilder

A Survey of Federal Agency Response to President Clinton's Executive Order No. 12898 on Environmental Justice, Denis Binder