About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2001


Quasi-Rationality in Action: A Study of Psychological Factors in Merger Decision Making, James A. Fanto


Armageddon Through Aggregation: The Use and Abuse of Class Actions in International Dispute Resolution, Richard O. Faulk

Actuarial Justice: Risk and Crime, Malcolm M. Feeley

Book Review - Lawyers and the Rise of Western Political Liberalism, Malcolm M. Feeley

Book Review - Reform in the Making: The Implementation of Social Policy in Prison, Malcolm M. Feeley

Judge William Wayne Justice and Ruiz v. Estelle, Malcolm M. Feeley

Law and Social Science, Malcolm M. Feeley

Law and Social Science: The Drapkin Lecture, Malcolm M. Feeley

Political Process and Crime, Malcolm M. Feeley

Trials, Malcolm M. Feeley

Two (More) Models of Courts: The Leslie Wilkins Memorial Lecture, Malcolm M. Feeley

Courts and Adjudication, Malcolm M. Feeley and Carlo Guarnieri

Assaults on the Adversarial Process: Rethinking American Criminal Justice, Malcolm M. Feeley and Kay Levine

Prosecution, Malcolm M. Feeley and Kay Levine


An Arrow to the Heart: The Love and Death of Postmodern Legal Scholarship, Stephen M. Feldman


Las transformaciones funcionales de la responsabilidad civil : la óptica sistématica. Análisis de las funciones de incentivo o desincentivo y preventiva de la responsabilidad civil en los sistemas del civil law, Gastón Fernández Cruz


Dialog und Kommentar zum Wesen des Strafrechts und seiner Verfassungsmässigkeit, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha


Princípios do Direito Universitário, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha


Can Health Systems Heal Themselves?, Robert I. Field


"True Human Community": Catholic Social Thought, Aristotelian Ethics, and the Moral Order of the Business Company, Scott T. FitzGibbon

Glazer and FitzGibbon on Legal Opinions: Drafting, Interpreting and Supporting Closing Opinions in Business Transactions, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer

Unwelcome Haitian Labor: Forced Migration in the Dominican Republic, Laurel E. Fletcher and Jennifer Lenga


Diversity Problem Present at UF, Larry R. Fleurantin


‘Talented 20 Plan’ is Only an Obstacle to Florida Higher Education, Larry R. Fleurantin


Fiction 101: A Primer For Lawyers On How To Use Fiction Writing, Brian J. Foley and Ruth Anne Robbins

Fiction 101: A Primer For Lawyers On How To Use Fiction Writing, Brian J. Foley and Ruth Anne Robbins


Justifiability, Sympathy Level, and Internal/External Focus of the Reasons Battered Women Remain in Abusive Relationships, Diane R. Follingstad, Margaret M. Runge, April Ace, Robert Buzan, and Cyntihia M. Helff

In Search of the Qualitative Clear Majority: Democratic Experimentalism and the Quebec Secession Reference, Cristie L. Ford

Alms for terrorists, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

An Oklahoma tax attorney in Japan, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

A tax credit for health care, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Cutting taxes on low income Oklahoma families, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Determination letters for tax-qualified pension plans, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Individual accounts for social security?, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Needed: revenue-neutral reform, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Phased retirement demands legislative change, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Plucking the goose, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Renewing the call for tax simplification, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

Show me the money, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

The cost of tax complexity, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

The Impact of Moving to a Consumption Tax on Pension Plans and Their Beneficiaries, JONATHAN B. FORMAN

What's in a name, JONATHAN B. FORMAN


Poverty Levels and Federal Tax Thresholds, JONATHAN B. FORMAN and Hilary Nolan

While America Slept: The Harmonization of Competition Laws Based Upon the European Union Model, Sharon E. Foster


Comparative Institutional Analysis in Cyberspace: The Case of Intermediary Liability for Defamation, Susan Freiwald

A Comprehensive Migration Policy for Hungary: The Time is Now , Maryellen Fullerton


Failing the Test: Germany Leads Europe in Dismantling Refugee Protection, Maryellen Fullerton

Diasporas and Politics (editor), Maryellen Fullerton, P. Nyiri, and J. Toth


Pain Management and Provider Liability: No More Excuses, Barry R. Furrow

Medical Monitoring In Drug And Medical Device Cases: Taking The Temperature Of A New Theory, Ian Gallacher and Donald DeVries


Reducing Rivals Prices: Government-Supported Mavericks as New solutions for Oligopoly Pricing, Michal Gal


Size Does Matter: General Policy Prescriptions for Optimal Competition Rules in Small Economies, Michal Gal


Evaluating International Economic Law Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Frank J. Garcia


Protecting the Human Rights Principle in a Globalizing Economy, Frank J. Garcia


Review of The Law of Peoples, Frank J. Garcia


The First Amendment As a Check on Copyright Rights, Alan E. Garfield


The Mischief of Cohen v. Cowles Media Co., Alan E. Garfield

Indigenous Human Rights, Sam Garkawe, Loretta Kelly, and Warwick Fisher

Child Support Guideline Review: Problems and Prospects, Marsha Garrison


The Economic Consequences of Divorce: Would Adoption of the ALI Standards Improve Current Outcomes?, Marsha Garrison


Digital Deals: Strategies for Selecting and Structuring Partnerships, George S. Geis and George T. Geis


Rethinking Risk-Based Environmental Cleanup, Alex Geisinger


Neue Rechnungslegungsnormen im Handelsrecht, Martin Gelter

Property in the Human Body and its Parts: Reflections on Self-Determination in Liberal Society, Alexandra E. George


Property in the Human Body and its Parts: Reflections on Self-Determination in Liberal Society, Alexandra E. George


Law and Public Management: Starting to Talk – Part II / Droit et gestion publique: la gestion des reseaux – IIe partie, Alexandra E. George, Pedro Machado, and Jacques Ziller


Law and Public Management: Starting to Talk – Part II / Droit et gestion publique: la gestion des reseaux – IIe partie, Alexandra E. George, Pedro Machado, and Jacques Ziller

International Parallel Litigation, James P. George

North American International Trade Corridor Partnership, James P. George


Book Review, G.B. Doern & S. Wilks Eds., Comparative Competition Policy: National Institutions in a Global Market (1996), David J. Gerber

Economic Constitutionalism and the Challenge of Globalization, David J. Gerber

Economic Constitutionalism and the Challenge of Globalization: The Enemy is Gone? Long Live the Enemy, David J. Gerber


Globalization and Legal Knowledge: Implications for Comparative Law, David J. Gerber


Modernizing European Competition Law: A Developmental Perspective, David J. Gerber


Sculpting the Agenda of Comparative Law: Ernst Rabel and the Façade of Language, David J. Gerber

Partnership Interests, Mark P. Gergen


Field of Deans, Richard Gershon



The Swinging Pendulum of Victims’ Rights: The Enforceability of Indiana’s Victims’ Rights Laws, Mary Margaret Giannini


A Era Pós-Napster, Ivo T. Gico


O Documento Eletrônico como Meio de Prova no Brasil, Ivo T. Gico


President's Opening Remarks on the Status of Legal Writing, Jane Kent Gionfriddo


The President's Column, Jane Kent Gionfriddo


The President's Column, Jane Kent Gionfriddo

Problems of terminological and conceptual equivalence in legal documentation relevant to lawsuits in Europe, Anna Giordano Ciancio

Agroforestry Education outlook in Sudan, Organised by Faculty of Forestry, Universioty of Khartoum, Sudan in Collaboration with African Network For Agricultural Education (ANAFE), Edinam K. Glover

Echo: Härtere Strafen für Angriffe auf Polizeibeamte?, Daniel H. Göbel

Riot Control Agents im Kosovo, Daniel H. Göbel

BGS und Kombattantenstatus, Daniel H. Göbel and Tim Brune


Caught Between Two Systems: How Exceptional Children in Out-of-Home Care are Denied Equality in Education, Cynthia Godsoe

Child Care for Working Families, Cynthia Godsoe, Sujatha Jagadeesh Branch, Roslyn Powell, Cary LaCheen, and Rebecca Scharf

A Bad Call: Preemption of State and Local Authority to Regulate Wireless Communication Facilities on the Basis of Radiofrequency Emissions, Carol Goforth

Application of the Federal Securities Laws to Equity Interests in Traditional and Value-Added Agricultural Cooperatives, Carol Goforth

Limited Liability for General Partners in Arkansas LLLPs (Limited Liability Limited Partnerships), Carol Goforth

Technology Due Diligence--The Need for and Benefits of Technology Assessment in Connection with Investment in High-Tech Companies, Carol Goforth and Ronald R. Goforth


Why Legal Scholars Get Daubert Wrong: A Contextualist Explanation of Law's Epistemology, Alani Golanski

Union Democracy, American Democracy, and Global Democracy: An Overview and Assessment, Michael J. Goldberg

How to Push an Elephant Through a Straw: Using Wireless Technology in a Web-enhanced Skills Program, Pearl Goldman

Legal Education and Technology: An Annotated Bibliography, Pearl Goldman

Anotaciones al Reglamento sobre la responsabilidad civil y seguro en la circulación de vehículos a motor, aprobado por Real Decreto 7/2001, de 12 de enero, Fernando Gómez