The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2002
Magistrate Judges, Article III, and the Power to Preside Over Federal Prisoner Section 2255 Proceedings, Ira P. Robbins
Solicitation to Commit Crimes, Ira P. Robbins
Solicitation to Commit Crimes, Ira P. Robbins
United States (New York), James S. Rogers and Randall Guynn
Minimizing Risk in a Multinational Energy Project Using an Integrated International Legal Team, Diego Fernando Rojas and Douglas Burnett
Eficiencia y derecho administrativo, José Roldán Xopa
La autonomía de la universidad pública: Un estudio jurídico, José Roldán Xopa
Municipio y pueblos indígenas, ¿hacia un mestizaje jurídico?, José Roldán Xopa
Let’s Get Real: Quilting a Principled Approach to Adolescent Empowerment in Health Care Decisionmaking, Jennifer Rosato
Extraterritoriality and Political Heterogeneity in American Federalism, Mark D. Rosen
"Illiberal" Societal Cultures, Liberalism, and American Constitutionalism, Mark D. Rosen
The Radical Possibility of Limited Community-Based Interpretation of the Constitution, Mark D. Rosen
2002 Supplement to Modern Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Campaigns in the Shadow of Republican Party v. White, Ronald D. Rotunda
Lawyer Advertising and the Philosophical Origins of the Commercial Speech Doctrine, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda
Monitoring the Conversations of Prisoners, Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Responsibility: A Student's Guide, Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Responsibility (Black Letter Series), Ronald D. Rotunda
Statement before the Senate Committee Hearings on the Judicial Nomination Process, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Eleventh Amendment, Garrett, and Protection for Civil Rights, Ronald D. Rotunda
Representation-reinforcement and Australian constitutionalism, Tom Round
Native American Natural Resources Law, Judith Royster and Michael Blumm
Specifying and Measuring Aggregate Broadband Noise of CATV Modulators and Upconverters, Steven I. Rubin, Andre Basovich, Brani Petrovic, and Ron D. Katznelson
Capturing Key Evidence Through Electronic Discovery in Florida, Gordon R. Russell
Reengineering the Law Library Resources Today For Tomorrow’s Users: A Response to ‘How Much of Your Print Collection Is Really on WESTLAW and LEXIS-NEXIS?’, Gordon R. Russell
Zoning, Taking, & Dealing: The Problems and Promise of Bargaining in Land Use Planning, Erin Ryan
Algumas lições do caso Enron para o Brasil, Jairo Saddi
Fusões e Aquisições: Aspectos Jurídicos e Econômicos, Jairo Saddi
Helping Clients with Living Expenses: “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, John P. Sahl
Entertainment Law Ethics, John P. Sahl and Kenneth J. Abdo
Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
Luis de Velasco El Joven, Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
La_Empresa_Educativa_y_los_Sujetos_de_De.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
ABC de la transacción, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Causalidad y responsabilidad, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Respondeat Superior II. De la responsabilidad por hecho de otro a la responsabilidad de la organización, Pablo Salvador Coderch and Carlos Gómez Ligüerre
Libros recomendados de Law & Economics, Pablo Salvador Coderch and Fernando Gómez Pomar
Respondeat Superior I, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Respondeat Superior I, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, José Piñeiro Salguero, and Antoni Rubí Puig
Responsabilidad de los Administradores de las Sociedades Comerciales por deudas Impositivas, Carlos Ramiro Salvochea
Sobre los bonos del art. 230 de la Ley de Sociedades Comerciales y otras formas de participación del Personal en el Negocio, Carlos Ramiro Salvochea
Trademark Decisions Affecting PTO Practice in 2001, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Economic and Constitutional Influences on Copyright Law in the United States, Pamela Samuelson
Privacy as Intellectual Property?, Pamela Samuelson
Information Technology, Pamela Samuelson and Hal R. Varian
Presentazione della domanda d'iscrizione della fusione nei competenti registri e impugnazioni strumentali delle deliberazioni assembleari nel diritto tedesco, Valerio Sangiovanni
Conference Experiences and the Application of Group Relations Work to Professional Life, Evangeline Sarda
The Bottom Line, Mark Sargent
4. Interviewing children in and out of court: Current research and practice implications., Karen J. Saywitz, Gail S. Goodman, and Thomas D. Lyon
3. Coming to grips with children’s suggestibility., Karen J. Saywitz and Thomas D. Lyon
Kulturkampf in the Backwaters: Homosexuality and Immigration Law, Michael Scaperlanda
Producing Trousered Apes in Dwyer's Totalitarian State: A Review of "Vouchers Within Reason", Michael Scaperlanda
Terrorism after September 11: A Perspective from America's Heartland, Michael Scaperlanda and Matthew C. Kane
The European Court of Justice's Revolution: Its Effects and the Conditions for its Consummation. What Europe can learn from Fiji, Theodor JR Schilling
The Aesthetics of American Law, pierre schlag
Gender Matters: Teaching a Reasonable Woman Standard in Personal Injury Law, Margo Schlanger
Pursuing Regulatory Relief: Strategic Participation and Litigation in U.S. OSHA Rulemaking, Patrick Schmidt
Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking: Author Meets Readers, Elizabeth M. Schneider, Christine Harrington, Sally Engle Merry, Renee Romkens, & Marianne Wesson, Elizabeth M. Schneider
The Synergy of Equality and Privacy in Women’s Rights, Elizabeth M. Schneider
Violence Against Women [panel] , Elizabeth M. Schneider
A Diller, A Dollar: Section 1983 Damage Claims in Special Education Lawsuits, Terry Jean Seligmann
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Stephen L. Sepinuck, Robyn L. Meadows, and Russell A. Hakes
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Stephen L. Sepinuck, Robyn L. Meadows, and Russell A. Hakes
Action Is an Action Is an Action Is an Action, Bradley S. Shannon
Basic Narcotics Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Drug Interdiction School, Miller W. Shealy
Proprietary Remedies for Mistake and Ignorance: An Unseen Equivalence, Duncan Sheehan
Celebrating Boston Girls: Sharing Resources, Building Strengths, Francine Sherman
Keynote Address, Painting It Pink Is Not Enough, Francine Sherman
Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Citizens, Andy Shookhoff and Susan L. Brooks
Life and Death: Technology and Conflict, Marjorie M. Shultz
Balancing Acts: Work and Care under the FMLA, Marjorie M. Shultz and Stephanie Bornstein
James Heckman as a Law & Society Scholar: An Outsider’s Appreciation, Peter Siegelman
Convergence, Competition, Centros and Conflicts of Law: European Company Law in the 21st Century, Mathias M. Siems
No Risk, No Fun? Should Spouses be Advised Before Committing to Guarantees? A Comparative Analysis, Mathias M. Siems
No Risk, No Fun? Should Spouses be Advised Before Committing to Guarantees? A Comparative Analysis, Mathias M. Siems
Shareholders, Stakeholders and the Ordoliberalism, Mathias M. Siems
The EU Directive on Electronic Signatures - A World Wide Model or a Fruitless Attempt to Regulate the Future?, Mathias M. Siems
What We Do When We Do Law and Popular Culture, Jessica M. Silbey
The Case of the Foreign Lawyer: Internationalizing the U.S. Legal Profession, Carole Silver
The MDP Challenge in the Context of Globalization, Carole Silver and Bryant G. Garth
Punishment, Jonathan S. Simon
Taking Risks: Extreme Sports and Advanced Liberalism, Jonathan S. Simon
The Vicissitudes of Law’s Violence, Jonathan S. Simon
Visions of Self Control: Fashioning a Liberal Approach to Crime and Punishment in the 20th Century, Jonathan S. Simon
Embracing Risk, Jonathan S. Simon and Tom Baker
Life and Death: Stories of a Heart Transplant Patient, Louis J. Sirico
Teachable Moments for Teachers…Why Law Review Students Write Poorly, Louis J. Sirico
Teaching a Collaborative Seminar, Louis J. Sirico
Current Issues in Aboriginal Law, Brian Slattery
Generic and Specific Aboriginal Rights, Brian Slattery
Who Are We? Identity, Community and the State, Brian Slattery