About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2002


The Validity of Some Coerced Treaties in the Early 20th Century: A Reconsideration of the Japanese Annexation of Korea in Legal Perspective, Young K. Kim


Investigators want more access to private information, Michael King


Watching the Detectives, Michael King


The role of private investigators and commercial agents in law enforcement, Michael King and Tim Prenzler


“La Donna Rabbino”: The Chief Rabbi of Rome Considers the Question of Women in the Rabbinate, Daniel A. Klein

Why International Law Favors Emigration Over Immigration, Thomas Kleven

Derecho de Familia: Parte General, Viviana Kluger

¿Existió un derecho de familia indiano?, Viviana Kluger


September 11 Attacks and Surviving Same-Sex Partners: Defining Family Through Tragedy, Nancy J. Knauer

National Historic Preservation Act Initiatives Affecting the Natural Resources Industry, Donald J. Kochan

Commentary: Retssystem uden koordinering, Ida Elisabeth Koch

De udelelige menneskerettigheder, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Good Governance and the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Legal Pluralism in the human rights universe, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Sociale rettigheder som judiciable rettigheder, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Social rights as components in the civil right to personal liberty - another possible step forward in the integrated human rights approach?, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Feature article: Vagthundens funktion, Ida Elisabeth Koch and Gregor Noll

Consultant, 15th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Thomas C. Kohler

Using the CABLES Model to Assess and Minimize Risk in Research: Control Group Hazards, Gerald P. Koocher


The Proposed Innocence Protection Act Won’t – Unless It Also Curbs Mistaken Eyewitness Identifications, Margery M. Koosed


Impact of the 2001 Tax Act of Retirement Savings for Owners and Employees of Small Businesses, Richard Kovach


The Janus-Like Nature of Treasury Regulations: Recent Promulgations Illustrate How Regulators Can Simplify as Well as Complicate Administration of the Internal Revenue Code, Richard Kovach



The Judicial Community, Christopher Kutz

Responsibility, Christopher L. Kutz

The Attribution Right in the United States: Caught in the Crossfire between Copyright and Section 43(A), Roberta R. Kwall


Regulating Legal Advice in Cyberspace, Catherine J. Lanctot

Scriveners in Cyberspace: Online Document Preparation and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, Catherine J. Lanctot


Using Dispute System Design Methods to Promote Good-Faith Participation in Court-Connected Mediation Programs, John Lande

Book Review: Ayer & Bernstein, Bankruptcy in Practice, Michael B. Lang

Daniel Larner Remembers, Daniel Larner


A World of Taxpayers? Not A Small World After All, Richard L. Lavoie


Do “Creatures of the State” Have Constitutional Rights?: Standing for Municipalities to Assert Procedural Due Process Claims Against the State, Michael Anthony Lawrence

Section 15(1), Analogous Grounds, and Poverty, Sonia Lawrence

The Next Twenty Years…, Sonia Lawrence

Using Websites in Teaching Presentation at Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop, Sonia Lawrence

Welfare Administration, Sonia Lawrence

Garrison Lecture 2002 Reunion Roundtable Transcript, Richard J. Lazarus, Jeffrey G. Miller, Zygmunt J.B. Plater, Ann Powers, Nicholas Robinson, Joseph L. Sax, David Sive, James Gustave Speth, A. Dan Tarlock, and Gerald Torres

Prolegómenos al estudio de la ‘quasi possessio’ y la ‘possessio iuris’ en el derecho romano, Patricio Lazo


Rec. a: NELSON, Hein L. W. - MANTHE, Ulrich. Gai Institutiones III 88 - 181. Die Kontraktobligationen. Text und Kommentar (Berlin, Dunkler & Humboldt, 1999), xii + 605 págs., Patricio Lazo

Recent Decisions Underscore the Need for Supervised Settlements in Wage-Hour Cases, Laurie E. Leader

Vela v. City of Houston: Overtime Exemptions for Emergency Response Personnel, Laurie E. Leader

When Can Individual Grievants Seek Injunctive Relief Under the FLSA?, Laurie E. Leader


A Canadian's View from the Staten Island Ferry, Gerald Lebovits


He Said—She Said: Gender-Neutral Writing, Gerald Lebovits


If I Were a Lawyer: Tense in Legal Writing, Gerald Lebovits


New Edition of State's "Tanbook" Implements Extensive Revisions in Quest for Greater Clarity, Gerald Lebovits


Not Mere Rhetoric: Metaphors and Similes—Part I, Gerald Lebovits


Not Mere Rhetoric: Metaphors and Similes—Part II, Gerald Lebovits


Poetic Justice: From Bad to Verse, Gerald Lebovits


The Pause That Refreshes: Commas—Part 2, Gerald Lebovits


The Pause That Refreshes: Commas—Part I, Gerald Lebovits


What's Another Word for ''Synonym''?, Gerald Lebovits


Writers on Writing: Metadiscourse, Gerald Lebovits


Teaching the Amistad, Brant T. Lee

Rules and Standards for Cyberspace, Edward Lee

Educating Lawyers for the Culture of Life, Kevin P. Lee

The Good Life, A Roman Catholic Perspective on the Economic Analysis of Law, Kevin P. Lee

A Tribute to my Friend David Orgon Coolidge, Randy Lee


Related Representations in Civil and Criminal Matters: the Night the D.A. Ditched his Date for the Prom, Randy Lee


The State of Self-Regulation of the Legal Profession: Have We Locked the Fox in the Chicken Coop?, Randy Lee

Book Review - The Asian American Century by Warren I. Cohen, Taeku Lee

Michael C. Dawson, Taeku Lee

Mobilizing Public Opinion: Black Insurgency and Racial Attitudes in the Civil Rights Era, Taeku Lee

Rethinking the Sovereign Status of Survey Data, Taeku Lee


Informed Consent and Patients' Rights in Japan: 2001 Epilogue, Robert B. Leflar

Liberalism, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, Arthur G. LeFrancois and Robert H. Henry

Beyond Good Deeds: Case Studies and A New Policy Agenda for Corporate Accountability, Michelle Leighton, Naomi Roht-Arriaza, and Lyuba Zarsky

Violence Against Women (part 1), Nancy K.D. Lemon

Foreword, Nancy K.D. Lemon and Elizabeth Dermody Leonard

Leading Through Lessons of Experience, J. Rich Leonard


Use of Electronic Documents in US Courts: A Personal View, J. Rich Leonard

DEL GIUDICE Pasquale - Los procesos y las penas contra los animales - Trad y notas de Leysser Leon (2002).pdf, Leysser L. Leon


Miranda, Confessions, and Justice: Lessons for Japan?, Richard Leo


Theorizing the Connections Among Systems of Subordination, Nancy Levit


Car Czars Won't Yield To Transit Alternatives , Michael E Lewyn


Sprawl, Growth Boundaries and the Rehnquist Court , Michael E Lewyn

Are European patents obstacles to Swedish cancer research?, Hans Henrik Lidgard


Samtyckets betydelse vid internationell varumärkeskonsumtion - EG-domstolens avgörande i "Davidoff-fallet", Hans Henrik Lidgard

Philip Selznick and the Common Law Tradition, David Lieberman

The Province of Legislation Determined: Legal Theory in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Ideas in Context), David Lieberman

Colonialism, Nationalism and Legal Education: The Case of Mandatory Palestine, Assaf Likhovski

The History of Law in a Multicultural Society: Israel 1917-1967, Assaf Likhovski

Israeli Legal History: Past and Present, Assaf Likhovski, Ron Harris, Alexandre Kedar, and Pnina Lahav

Economic Stimulus Package Provides Significant Tax Benefits, Francine J. Lipman


Incentive Stock Options and the Alternative Minimum Tax: The Worst of Times, Francine J. Lipman


Never-Ending Limitations on S Corporation Losses: The Slippery Slope of S Corporation Debt Guarantees, Francine J. Lipman


S Corporation Loss Limitations: The Tax Court Provides Potential Hope for Related Party Debt Restructurings, Francine J. Lipman


Has the Supreme Court Sounded the Death Knell for Jury Assessed Punitive Damages? A Critical Re-Examination of the American Jury, Lisa Litwiller


Re-Examining Gasperini: Damages Assessments and Standards of Review, Lisa Litwiller


Does What Works For “.com” Also Work For “.cn”?: Comparative Study of Anti-Cybersquatting Legal Systems in the United States and China, Jiarui Liu


Copyright and Time: A Proposal, Joseph P. Liu


Regulatory reform in small developing states: Globalisation, regulatory autonomy and Jamaican telecommunications, Martin C. Lodge and Lindsay J. Stirton

Stalker Profiles with and without Protective Orders: Do Protective Orders Make a Difference in Reoffending or Criminal Justice Processing?, T. K. Logan, Amy Nigoff, Robert Walker, and Carol E. Jordan

Child Custody Evaluations and Domestic Violence: Case Comparisons, T. K. Logan, Robert Walker, Carol E. Jordan, and Leah S. Horvath


Il «claim» nella teoria del contratto, antonio lordi


Toward a Common Methodology in Contract Law, antonio lordi

Employee inventions and works for hire in Japan: A comparative study against the U.S., Chinese, and German systems, Vai Io Lo

Property rights, productivity gains, and economic growth: The Chinese experience, Vai Io Lo and Xiaowen Tian


Punishing the Factually Innocent: DNA, Habeas Corpus and Justice, Charles I. Lugosi