About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2002

An Overview of Organizational and Ownership Options Available to Agricultural Enterprises, Carol Goforth

An Overview of Organizational and Ownership Options Available to Agricultural Enterprises (Part 2), Carol Goforth

Law without lawyers, justice without courts: on traditional Chinese mediation, Bee Chen Goh


Linguistics in Law, Alani Golanski


Derailing Union Democracy: Why Deregulation Would be a Mistake, Michael J. Goldberg


Inside Baseball at the NLRB: Chairman Gould and His Critics, Michael J. Goldberg

Previsión de daños, incumplimiento e indemnización, Fernando Gómez


Caution, Children Crossing: Heterogeneity of Victim's Cost of Care and Negligence Rule, Fernando Gómez and Juan-José Ganuza


Cashing by the Hour: Why Large Law Firms Prefer Hourly Fees Over Contingent Fees, Fernando Gómez and Nuno Garoupa


Property and the Role of Land-Based Cultural Heritage - Global and National - Welcome and Introduction, Placido Gomez


Institutionalizing Inequality: The WTO Agreement on Agriculture, Food Security, and Developing Countries, Carmen G. Gonzalez


México ante el Centro Internacional para el Arreglo de Diferencias de Inversión: Un comentario, Francisco González de Cossío

Schizophrenia for Disability Practitioners: The Growing Split Between Federal and Illinois Discrimination Law, Richard J. Gonzalez


A Balanced Diet of First Amendment Cases [Symposium: The Fourteen Annual Supreme Court Review], Joel M. Gora

Stephen E. Gottlieb, Tears For Tiers on the Rehnquist Court, Stephen E. Gottlieb

Marbury Versus Madison: Documents and Commentary, Mark Graber and Michael Perhac


Proximate Cause Decoded, Mark F. Grady

It's Time to Federalize Corporate Charters, Kent Greenfield

September 11 and the End of History for Corporate Law, Kent Greenfield


Using Behavioral Economics to Show the Power and Efficiency of Corporate Law as Regulatory Tool, Kent Greenfield

The Case of Awas Tingni v. Nicaragua A Step in the International Law of Indigenous Peoples, Claudio M. Grossman and S James Anaya

Toward a Total-Cost Approach to Environmental Instrument Choice, Peter Z. Grossman and Daniel H. Cole


Privacy and the information age, Serge Gutwirth


Grondslagentheoretische variaties op de grens tussen het strafrecht en het burgerlijk recht. Perspectieven op schuld-, risico- en strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid, slachtofferclaims, buitengerechtelijke afdoening en restorative justice, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert


A Compliance-Based Theory of International Law, Andrew T. Guzman


Choice of Law: New Foundations, Andrew T. Guzman

Public Choice and International Regulatory Competition, Andrew T. Guzman


The Cost of Credibility: Explaining Resistance to Interstate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Andrew T. Guzman


To Settle or Empanel? An Empirical Analysis of Litigation and Settlement at the WTO, Andrew T. Guzman and Beth A. Simmons


Releasing the Expectancy, Katheleen R. Guzman


Privatizing Commercial Law: Lessons from ICANN, Gillian K. Hadfield

Privatizing Commercial Law: Lessons from ICANN, Gillian K. Hadfield


U.C.C. Article 8: Will the Indirect Holding of Securities Survive the Light of Day?, Russell A. Hakes


A Kinder, Gentler Critique of Van Gorkom and Its Less Celebrated Legacies, Lawrence A. Hamermesh

Lawyer Responsibilities in the New Disclosure & Corporate Governance Regime, Lawrence A. Hamermesh


Zelman v. Simmons-Harris and the Politicization of Religion, Lawrence A. Hamermesh


Diabolical Federalism: A Functional Critique and Proposed Reconstruction of Death Penalty Federal Habeas, Andrew A. Hammel


Jousting with the Juggernaut, Andrew A. Hammel

Comparative Law in the 21st Century , Andrew James Harding

Identity Processes and the Positive Youth Development of African Americans: An Explanatory Framework (with D. Swanson et al.), Vinay Harpalani

Structural Racism and Community Health: A Theory-Driven Model for Identity Intervention (with M. Spencer & T. Dell'Angelo), Vinay Harpalani

What Does "Acting White" Really Mean?: Racial Identity Formation and Academic Achievement Among Black Youth, Vinay Harpalani


Observations of an Observer, Alvin C. Harrell


Penn Square Bank - 20 Years Later, Alvin C. Harrell

Consumer Bankruptcy Developments, Alvin C. Harrell and Jon Ann Giblin

2002 Update on the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas

Law of Modern Payment Systems and Notes (Petitioner's Edition), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

The ABCs of the UCC and Related Insolvency Law, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

Introduction to the 2002 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Lynne B. Barr


Selected Bankruptcy Cases of Note, Alvin C. Harrell and George J. Wallace et al.



African American Racial Identity and Sport, Keith Harrison


Scholar or Baller in American Higher Education? A visual elicitation and qualitative assessment of the studentathlete's mindset, Keith Harrison


Who can a Baller Trust? Analyzing public university response to alleged student-athlete misconduct in a commercial and confusing environment, Keith Harrison

It's time for Australia to join the ICC, Susan Harris Rimmer

Debating the relationship between human rights and aid in Australia, Susan Harris Rimmer and Jane Hearn

Rule Of Law On Peace Operations: An NGO Perspective., Susan Harris Rimmer and Jennifer Wells


Absent Minded Misses and Historical Opportunities: Jewish Law, Israeli Law and the Establishment of the State of Israel (In hebrew), Ron Harris

Between Law and History: on the Historiography of Israeli Law, Ron Harris


Between Law and History: on the Historiography of Israeli Law (In Hebrew), Ron Harris


Haim Zadok: Minister of Justice, Legislator and Jurist (In hebrew), Ron Harris


Legitimizing the Imprisonment of Poor Debtors: Lawyers, Legislators, Judges, Ron Harris


Israeli Legal History: Past and Present, Ron Harris, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Pnina Lahav, and Asaf Likhovski


Israeli Legal History: Past and Present, Ron Harris, Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar, Pnina Lahav, and Assaf Likhovski

Rules for Interpreting Incomplete Contracts: A Cautionary Note, Steven L. Harris

The Law of Sales and Secured Financing: Cases, Problems and Materials (7th ed. ), Steven L. Harris


Parenthood Divided: A Legal History of the Bifurcated Law of Parental Relations, Jill Elaine Hasday


The Principle and Practice of Women's 'Full Citizenship': A Case Study of Sex-Segregated Public Education, Jill Elaine Hasday

Master and Servant in the British Empire, 1562-1939: Law as Artefact, Source, and Power, Douglas C. Hay

Family Mediators in the UK: A Survey of Practice, Sherrill W. Hayes

Influences of Evidence Based Policy on Mediation and Contact Centres, Sherrill W. Hayes

Observing Interactions between Professionals and Clients with Family Related Legal Issues, Sherrill W. Hayes

Plenary speech, Sherrill W. Hayes

Reflective Practice, Sherrill W. Hayes

Research Update and Implications for Mediators: Continuing Professional Development Training Workshop, Sherrill W. Hayes


Neutral Principles and the Resegregation Decisions, Robert L. Hayman

Un-Natural Things: Constructions of Race, Gender, and Disability, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit

Jurisprudence: Classical and Contemporary: From Natural Law to Postmodernism, Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, and Richard Delgado

Jurisprudence: Classical and Contemporary: From Natural Law to Postmodernism, Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, and Richard Delgado

Jurisprudence: Classical and Contemporary: From Natural Law to Postmodernism, Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, and Richard Delgado

Teacher’s Manual to Accompany Jurisprudence: Classical and Contemporary: From Natural Law to Postmodernism, Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, and Richard Delgado

Teacher’s Manual to Accompany Jurisprudence: Classical and Contemporary: From Natural Law to Postmodernism, Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, and Richard Delgado

Teacher’s Manual to Accompany Jurisprudence: Classical and Contemporary: From Natural Law to Postmodernism, Robert L. Hayman, Nancy Levit, and Richard Delgado

Book Review reviewing A. Hutchinson & D. Garrow (eds.), The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox: a Year in the Life of a Supreme Court Clerk in FDR's Washington), William E. Hellerstein

Book Review (reviewing J.T. Noonan, Jr., Narrowing the Nation’s Power: The Supreme Court Sides with the States), William E. Hellerstein

No Rights of Prisoners, William E. Hellerstein


Section 1983 Fourth Amendment Cases From the Current Term [The Practising Law Institute’s 17th Annual Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation Program], William E. Hellerstein


The Line Holds, But Death May Matter: The Supreme Court’s Criminal Procedure Decisions of the 2001 Term [Symposium: The Fourteen Annual Supreme Court Review], William E. Hellerstein

The Supreme Court’s Fourth Amendment Decisions of the 2001 Term, William E. Hellerstein

Current Issues in Native American Law: Competing Anachronisms and Bright Line Rules in the Rehnquist Court, Taiawagi Helton

Federal Allocation of Water Rights and Competing Ownership Claims — Tribal Nations and Oklahoma, Taiawagi Helton

Nation Building in Indian Country: The Blackfoot Constitutional Revision, Taiawagi Helton

Native American Jurisprudence: Native Philosophies and Tribal Law, Taiawagi Helton

Threats to Tribal Sovereignty and Delegation of Authority Within Environmental Law, Taiawagi Helton

Tribal Water Rights and Water Quality Administration: Competing Tribal and State Claims to Water, Taiawagi Helton

Year in Review: Tenth Circuit Developments in Indian and Environmental Law, Taiawagi Helton


Suing the Insecure?: A Duty of Care in Cyberspace, Stephen E. Henderson and Matthew E. Yarbrough


Until Life Support Do Us Part: A Spouse's Limited Ability to Terminate Life Support for an Incompetent Spouse With No Hope of Recovery, Marybeth Herald


Balancing Test and Other Factors Assess Ability of Public Employees to Exercise Free Speech Rights, William A. Herbert


Applying Apprendi to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: You Say You Want a Revolution? [Symposium on Federal Sentencing], Susan N. Herman