The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2002
Misfeasance in Public Office, Governmental Liability and European Influences, Mads Andenas
Applied Monetary Policy and Bank Supervision by the ECB, Mads Andenas and Lazaros E. Panourgias
The American Law Institute Proposal to Bring State Law Small Claims Class Actions, Lloyd C. Anderson
2001: A Royalty Odyssey, Owen L. Anderson
The Gene Patent Dilemma: Balancing Commercial Incentives With Health Needs, Lori Andrews
Genetics: Ethics, Law and Policy (with M. Mehlman & M. Rothstein), Lori B. Andrews
Protecting the Endangered Human: Toward an International Treaty Prohibiting Cloning and Inheritable Alterations, Lori B. Andrews
The Donor Egg: Emerging Issues in Liability and Paternity, Lori B. Andrews
Judicial and Legislative Checks on Ex Parte OMB Influence over Administrative Rulemaking, William Araiza
The First Amendment: Cases, History and Dialogues, William Araiza, Phoebe A. Haddon, Dorothy E. Roberts, and John Knechtle
Revolución Educativa del Gobierno Uribe: ¿Por donde verla?, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa
Die Europäische Corporate-Governance-Bewegung (Frankreich, Niederlande, Spanien, Italien) (The European Corporate Governance Movement), Agnes Arlt, Cecile Bervoets, Kristoffel Grechenig, and Susanna Kalss
6 Oklahoma Tribal Court Reports, Dennis W. Arrow
Handbook of Public Economics, Alan J. Auerbach
Fiscal Policy and Uncertainty, Alan J. Auerbach and Kevin A. Hassett
Ageing, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy, Alan J. Auerbach and Heinz Herrmann
David A. Wise, Alan J. Auerbach and Heinz Herrmann
Chapter 21 – Taxation and Economic Efficiency*, Alan J. Auerbach and James R. Hines
Auerbach-Kotlikoff Model, Alan Auerbach and Laurence Kotlikoff
Other States Should "Get With the Program" and Follow Louisiana's Lead: An Examination of Louisiana's Direct Action Statute and Its Application in the Marine Insurance Industry, Jonathan C. Augustine
U.S. Corporate Taxation Reform from an International Perspective, Hugh J. Ault
Cyclical Market Power, Amitai Aviram
Parting the Waters: A Mestizo Perspective on the Mexico/U.S. Border, Matthew Axtell
Ideas esenciales del Liberalismo, Manuel Ayau
La devastadora ignorancia de nuestros políticos, Manuel Ayau
La devastadora ignorancia de nuestros políticos, Manuel Ayau
Punishment as Response to Harm: Why the Attempt Warrants Lesser Punishment than the Completed Crime, Davinia Aziz
Race and Domestic Violence: A Comparative Study of African-American, Latina, and White Women, Yoko Baba and Susan B. Murray
To Trade or not to Trade...A Comparison of the Biosafety Protocol and the SPS Agreement, Deepa Badrinarayana
To Trade or not to Trade...A Comparison of the Biosafety Protocol and the SPS Agreement, Deepa Badrinarayana
Gender, Genes, and Choice: A Comparative Look at Feminism, Evolution, and Economics, Katharine K. Baker
Decisioni di Vita o di Morte: Giudici vs. Legislatori Come Fonti del Diritto Bioetica, Charles H. Baron
Nutrition and Hydration in PVS Individuals: the Cruzan, Bland and Englaro Cases, Charles H. Baron
Regulating Bioethics with Judge-Made Law: The American Experience, Charles H. Baron
Enron, Accounting, and Lawyers, Matthew J. Barrett
La ley civil ante las rupturas matrimoniales, Enrique Barros Bourie
Understanding Sarbanes-Oxley: How to Build Great Companies and Comply, Robert Bartlett, Jay Hachigian, and Scott Dettmer
Colloquium on Privacy & Security, Ann Bartow
Intellectual Property and Domestic Relations: Issues to Consider, Ann Bartow
European VAT on Digital Sales, Subhajit Basu
Human Genome and Patent, Subhajit Basu
Electronic Commerce Law , Subhajit Basu and Richard P. Jones
Electronic Commerce Law I , Subhajit Basu and Richard P. Jones
Legal Issues Affecting E-Commerce A Review of the Indian Information and Technology Act 2000, Subhajit Basu and Richard P. Jones
A Re-Evaluation of the New York Court of Appeals: The Home, the Market and Labor, 1885-1905, Felice J. Batlan
Beneath the Private Mask: Marriage as a Public Institution (reviewing Nancy F. Cott, Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation (2000)), Felice J. Batlan
Human Rights and Civil Litigation in United States Courts: The Holocaust- Era Cases, Samuel P. Baumgartner
The Proposed Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments: Where We Are and the Road Ahead, Samuel P. Baumgartner
The Holocaust Restitution Movement in Comparative Perspective, Michael Bazyler
What Can Be Done About Genocide: American Civil Justice as a Model for Remedial Action, Michael Bazyler
Texas Family Law: A Focus on Children's Issues, Sydney Aaron Beckman, Heather King, and Bruce Beverly
Texas Family Law: A Focus on Children's Issues, Sydney Aaron Beckman, Heather King, and Bruce Beverly
Be Careful What You Ask For: Navigating a Remand After You've Won the Appeal, Brendan T. Beery
Cracking the Tax Code, Tom W. Bell
Gambling for the Good, Trading for the Future: The Legality of Markets in Science Claims, Tom W. Bell
Indelicate Imbalancing in Copyright and Patent Law, Tom W. Bell
Law Schools as Legal Education Centers, Martin H. Belsky
Random vs. Suspicion-Based Drug Testing in the Public Schools -- A Surprising Civil Liberties Dilemma, Martin H. Belsky
Ten Years and Counting, Martin H. Belsky
Ten Years and Counting (Comments), Martin H. Belsky
The Rehnquist court : a retrospective, Martin H. Belsky
The Rehnquist Court: A Review at the End of the Millennium, Martin H. Belsky
Viabilidad de los contratos de servicios múltiples, Alberto Benítez
Commentary on the Challenge to Change: Participatory Research and Professional Realities, Gigi Berardi
Science and Culture in a Curriculum for Tribal Environmental Management: The TENRM Program at the Northwest Indian College: An Innovative, Interdisciplinary Native American Curriculum, Gigi Berardi, Dan Burns, Phillip H. Duran, Roberto Gonzalez-Plaza, Sharon Kinley, Lynn Robbins, Ted Williams, and Wayne Woods
Science and Environmental Education in Tribal Homelands, Gigi Berardi, Phillip H. Duran, Roberto Gonzalez-Plaza, Sharon Kinley, Lynn Robbins, Ted Williams, and Wayne Woods
Putting a Price on Dignity: The Problem of Costs in Charter Litigation, Benjamin L. Berger
The Limits of Belief: Freedom of Religion, Secularism, and the Liberal State, Benjamin L. Berger
Trial By Metaphor: Rhetoric, Innovation, and the Juridical Text, Benjamin L. Berger
Raising the Bar: The Impact of DNA Testing on the Field of Forensics , Margaret Berger
Ethics and E-medicine, Jessica Berg
Silence is Golden: The New Illinois Rules on Attorney Extrajudicial Speech, Alberto Bernabe
Silence Is Golden: The New Illinois Rules on Attorney Extrajudicial Speech, Alberto Bernabe
Dispute Resolution and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, Phyllis E. Bernard
Dispute Resolution Ethics - A Comprehensive Guide, co-edited with Bryant Garth, Phyllis E. Bernard
Products Liability in the United States Supreme Court: A Venture in Memory of Gary Schwartz, Anita Bernstein
The Communities That Make Standards of Care Possible, Anita Bernstein
Book Review, "Israel: A Legal Research Guide", by Esther Snyder, Mark P. Bernstein
Models of Leadership, Robert Berring
Some contrarian concerns about law, psychology, and public policy, Donald N. Bersoff
Emergency Action Plans: A Legal and Practical Blueprint Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail, Denis Binder
Minimizing the Risks of a Dam Failure, Denis Binder
The Bejaysus Factory, William Birdthistle
Benchmarks of Good Legal Writing, Timothy Blevins
American Legal Education, Robert M. Bloom
Appointment: Visiting Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan, Robert M. Bloom
Presentation on jury nullification and suggestions for implementing a mixed jury system in Japan, Robert M. Bloom
Ratting: The Use and Abuse of Informants in the American Justice System, Robert M. Bloom
Book Review: Ayer & Bernstein, Bankruptcy in Practice, Daniel B. Bogart
Practical and Policy Considerations in Corporate Inversion Transactions, Craig M. Boise
The Legal of Nepal, Johanna Bond
The Legal System of Nepal, Johanna Bond
The IRS’s Compliance Regime: Low Income Taxpayers Caught in the Net, Leslie M. Book
Civil Penalties, Leslie M. Book and K. Hawkins
Making Economic Sense of Unisex Life Insurance (Or the Difference Between Cost and Value and Why It Matters to Real People), RICHARD A. BOOTH
Business Basics for Students - Essential Concepts and Applications, RICHARD A. BOOTH and Hamilton
Rip, Mix, Burn: The Politics of Peer to Peer and Copyright Law, Kathy Bowrey and Matthew Rimmer
Impervious Surfaces and Water Quality: A Review of Current Literature and Its Implications for Watershed Planning, Elizabeth Brabec