The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
What's The Matter With Same-Sex Marriage: Examining Fact and Fiction In the Contemporary Marriage Debate, Kari E. Hong
The Meaning of “Life”: The Morning-After-Pill, the Question of When Life Begins, and Judicial Review, Jason M. Horst
A Comparison of Merger Remedies in the U.S. and EU, Thomas J. Horton
Competition or Monopoly? The Implications of Complexity Science, Chaos Theory, and Evolutionary Biology for Antitrust Competition Policy, Thomas J. Horton
Trial Fundamentals and Courtroom Strategies for the Civil Antitrust Attorney, Thomas J. Horton
Light from the Trees: The Story of Minors Oposa and the Russian Forest Cases , Oliver Austin Houck
Analysis on the leaving of Grand Justices in the Supreme People’s Courts(最高人民法院大法官的流动分析), Meng Hou
The changes of knowledge in contemporary Chinese legal theory(当代中国法学理论学科的知识变迁), Meng Hou
The Ethnographic village law in The transformation of the social(转型社会的乡村法律民族志:方法与对象), Meng Hou
Why Supreme Court Justices are Famous(最高法院大法官因何知名), Meng Hou
Please Don't Feed the Homeless: Pottinger Revisited, Shirley D. Howell
Capital Punishment: Due Process Limits, Scott W. Howe
Capital Punishment: Eighth Amendment Limits, Scott W. Howe
The Real Problem With New Source Review, Shi-Ling Hsu
What's Old Is New: The Real Problem With New Source Review, Shi-Ling Hsu
Why We Can Do Better Than New Source Review, Shi-Ling Hsu
Introducción al Análisis Económico del Derecho, Estudio del Derecho y Economía, Félix Huanca Ayaviri
Introducción al Derecho constitucional, Félix Huanca Ayaviri
Positivismo Jurídico e Introducción al Análisis Sociológico del Derecho, Félix Huanca Ayaviri
Tackling the "Evils" of Interlocking Directorates in Healthcare Nonprofits, Nicole Huberfeld
Review Essay: Using All Available Information, Max Huffman
Standing for Extraterritoriality: Defining the Empagran Exception, Max Huffman
Confidence, address on gay rights and the Constitution, Wilson R. Huhn
Constitutionality of the Faith-Based Initiative, Wilson R. Huhn
Constitutional Jurisprudence of Sandra Day O'Connor: A Refusal to "Foreclose the Unanticipated", Wilson R. Huhn
Constitution and the War on Terror, Wilson R. Huhn
Freedom of Religion and Prayer at Graduation, Wilson R. Huhn
Freedom of Religion and the Constitutionality of Ten Commandments Displays by Governmental Bodies, Wilson R. Huhn
Future of Roe v. Wade, Wilson R. Huhn
Legality and Constitutionality of the Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Prisoners in the War on Terror, Wilson R. Huhn
Legality and Constitutionality of Warrantless Domestic Wiretapping, Wilson R. Huhn
Separation of Powers and the War on Terror, Wilson R. Huhn
State Action Doctrine and the Principle of Democratic Choice, Wilson R. Huhn
Justice Blackmun, Abortion, and the Myth of Medical Independence, Nan D. Hunter
Managed Process, Due Care: Structures of Accountability in Health Care, Nan D. Hunter
Rethinking Justice Blackmun and Abortion, Nan D. Hunter
Twenty-First Century Equal Protection: Making Law in an Interregnum [Eighth Annual Gender, Sexuality & Law Symposium], Nan D. Hunter
Lawrence, Law and Culture, Nan D. Hunter and Lisa Duggan
Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture , Nan D. Hunter and Lisa Duggan
Offshore Exploration and Production, Policy and the Offshore Petroleum Act - Whither Now?, Tina Hunter
Emancipation or Deprivation for European Legal Mind? The Contribution of the Legal Traditions Approach, Jaakko Husa
Legal Families, Jaakko Husa
Methodology of Comparative Law Today - From Paradoxes to Flexibility?, Jaakko Husa
Editorial, Federal Tax Reform Has Gone by the Wayside, Michael Hussey
Has Congress Stopped Executives from Raiding the Bank? A Critical Analysis of I.R.C. §409A, Michael Hussey
Rescue Me: Legislating Cooperation between Animal Control Authorities and Rescue Organizations, Rebecca J. Huss
A Clearing in the Forest: Infusing the Labor Union Dues Dispute with First Amendment Values, Harry G. Hutchison
Compulsory Unionism as a Fraternal Conceit?, Harry G. Hutchison
The Landscape of Search and Seizure: Observations on Recent Decisions from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, Christine Hutton
The Little Word "Due", Andrew T. Hyman
The United States' Experience with Energy-Based Tax Incentives: The Evidence Supporting Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy, Mona L. Hymel
Análisis Económico de la Propiedad Industrial, Pablo Iannello
Diseño de contratos de licencia y problemas de información, Pablo Iannello
Tensiones entre la teoría libertaria y el análisis económico del derecho, Pablo Iannello
Individual or Collective Liability for Corporate Directors?, Darian M. Ibrahim
Minority Investor Protections as Default Norms: Using Price to Illuminate the Deal in Close Corporations, Robert C. Illig
Cessione del credito e factoring (Assignment of receivables and factoring), Marta Infantino and Mauro Bussani
Cessione del credito e factoring (Assignment of receivables and factoring), Marta Infantino and Mauro Bussani
La Corte Costituzionale, l'illecito ed il governo della colpa (The Italian Constitutional Court and the Assessment of Fault), Marta Infantino and Mauro Bussani
La Corte Costituzionale, l'illecito ed il governo della colpa (The Italian Constitutional Court and the Assessment of Fault), Marta Infantino and Mauro Bussani
Traditional Values, or a New Tradition of Prejudice? The Boy Scouts of America vs. the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, Eric Alan Isaacson
Traditional Values or New Tradition of Prejudice? The Boy Scouts of America vs. the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, Eric Alan Isaacson
Access to Information in the European Union: A Comparative Analysis of EC and Member State Legislation (Book Review), Darla W. Jackson
Due Process in International Commercial Arbitration (Book Review), Darla W. Jackson
Halbert v. Michigan: The Application of the Douglas-Ross Dichotomy in Constitutionalizing Indigency in States’ Appellate Court Processes, Omari O. Jackson
Probing Environmental Discretion: An Argument for Regulating Greenhouse Gases from Motor Vehicles under the Clean Air Act, Omari O. Jackson
Competing Models of Judicial Coalition Formation and Case Outcome Determination, Tonja Jacobi
Bankruptcy Reform and the Cost of Sickness: Exploring the Intersections, Melissa B. Jacoby
Fast, Cheap, and Creditor Controlled: Is Corporate Reorganization Failing?, Melissa B. Jacoby
Posts to Credit Slips Blog, Melissa B. Jacoby
Beyond Hospital Misbehavior: An Alternative Account of Medical Related Financial Distress, Melissa B. Jacoby and Elizabeth Warren
Redefining the Right to Be Let Alone: Privacy Rights and the Constitutionality of Technical Surveillance Measures in Germany and the United States, Nicole E. Jacoby
EESC opinion on European works councils – Breathing new life into revision of the EWC Directive 94/45?, Romuald Jagodziński
Europejskie Rady Zakładowe. Fakty i Liczby 2006 (translation from original: EWC Facts and Figures 2006 by P. Kerckhofs), Romuald Jagodziński
EWCs in the new Member States. Case study: GM Opel, Romuald Jagodziński
Case study / interviews: GM Europe, Romuald Jagodziński, Melinda Kelemen, Laszlo Neumann, Stefan Stracke, and Eckhard Voss
Case study / interviews: Siemens, Romuald Jagodziński, Stefan Stracke, and Danica Prazakova
Case study / interviews: ABB, Romuald Jagodziński and Eckhard Voss
The marginalisation of radical discourses in Australian legal education, Nickolas J. James
Gayanashogowa and Guardianship: Expanding and Clarifying the Federal-Tribal Trust Relationship, Kavitha Janardhan
Consumer Bankruptcy Law and the Heuristic Borrower, Edward J. Janger
The Myth of the Rational Borrower: Behaviorism, Rationality and the Misguided Reform of Bankruptcy Law, Edward J. Janger and Susan Block-Lieb
Business Reorganizations (forthcoming), Edward J. Janger, Michael A. Gerber, M. Goldstein, and L. Gottesman
Ethnic / Race Niche Drugs, William M. Janssen
Postmarketing Requirements, William M. Janssen
"El concepto de derechos sociales fundamentales" (Reseña), Leonardo García Jaramillo
La democracia deliberativa en las sociedades semiperiféricas. Una apología, Leonardo García Jaramillo
Observaciones sobre la demanda a la filosofía y al papel contemporáneo del filósofo, Leonardo García Jaramillo
Ordered Conflict Resolution, David R. Jenkins
One Small Step: The Past, Present, and Future of the Federal Sentencing System , Matthew Jill
Desperate Cities: Eminent Domain and Economic Development in a Post-Kelo World, Asmara Tekle Johnson
Desperate Cities: Eminent Domain and Economic Development in a Post-Kelo World, Asmara Tekle Johnson
Privatizing Eminent Domain: The Delegation of a Very Public Power to Private, Non-Profit and Charitable Corporations, Asmara Tekle Johnson
Confronting the Top 10 Excuses When Negotiating ISDA Derivative Documentation, Christian A. Johnson