About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2006

Time, delay and nonfeasance: The Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (Queensland), Patrick Keyzer and Suzanne O'Toole

An Islamic View of the Battlefield, Ali Khan


An Islamic View of the Battlefield, Ali Khan

A Theory of International Terrorism: Understanding Islamic Militancy, Ali Khan

Commentaries on the Constitution of Medina, Ali Khan

Commentary on the Constitution of Medina, Ali Khan


Forcing them to be Free: Bush's Project for the Muslim World, Ali Khan

Free Markets of Islamic Jurisprudence, Ali Khan


Free Markets of Islamic Jurisprudence, Ali Khan


Hagarism: The Story of a Book written by Infidels for Infidels, Ali Khan


Headscarf Ban in Turkey: Suppressive Rulings, Ali Khan


Presidential Incitements to War Crimes, Ali Khan


The Story of Two Kings, Ali Khan


THe Veil and the British Male Elite, Ali Khan


Silencing The Voices Within, Amar Khoday


Holostic Learning: Amending the Rowley Test to Clarify the Inclusion Debate, Allan Kickertz

Consumer Bankruptcy Reform in the U.S. and the Netherlands, Jason J. Kilborn

Consumer Bankruptcy Reform, U.S., Netherlands, Sweden, Jason J. Kilborn

Panelist: Classroom Benefits of a Comparative Perspective on Consumer Bankruptcy, Jason J. Kilborn

Roundtable Participant: Comparative Perspectives on Prevention and Treatment of Overindebtedness, Jason J. Kilborn


Principled Parentage: Abandoning the Gender-Based Underpinnings of Legal Parentage Analysis as Applied in the Context of Gestational Surrogacy, Jennifer A. Kimball


Emancipation through Secularization: French Feminist Views of Muslim Women’s Condition in Interwar Algeria, Sara L. Kimble


Addressing Corruption in Development, Matthew Wilburn King


No Due Process: How the Death Penalty Violates the Constitutional Rights of the Family Members of Death Row Prisoners, Rachel C. King


Detention for the Purpose of Interrogation as Modern "Torture", Rinat Kitai-Sangero


A War Crime at Qana?, Orde F. Kittrie

Federalism, Deportation and Crime Victims Afraid to Call the Police, Orde F. Kittrie


Recent Defined Benefit Pension Reform: Reasons and Results, Daniel B. Klaff


Modern Public Trust Principles: Recognizing Rights and Integrating Standards, Alexandra B. Klass


The New Nuisance: An Antidote to Wetland Loss, Sprawl, and Global Warming, Christine A. Klein

Supreme Court’s views as to protection, under Federal Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press, of expression, such as ‘fighting words,’ purposely constituting or causing breach of peace, disorderly conduct, or intimidation, Daniel A. Klein


Commodity Exchanges and Antitrust, Andrew N. Kleit and James M. Falvey


Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Deters Murder?, Thomas Kleven

Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Deters Murder?, Thomas Kleven

Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Deters Murder?, Thomas Kleven


Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Does Deter Murder?, Thomas Kleven


Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Does Deter Murder?, Thomas Kleven

Análisis Económico del Derecho, Viviana Kluger


Dumping, qué es y cómo afecta a las industrias de la Argentina, Viviana Kluger

Recopilación, codificación, descodificación y recodificación. Permanencias y cambios en el derecho de familia argentino, Viviana Kluger

Medidas de Defensa Comercial en la Organización Mundial del Comercio: Algunos aspectos procedimentales a la luz del Sistema de Solución de Diferencias, Viviana Kluger and María Laura Riera


A Marriage Skeptic Responds to the Pro-Marriage Proposals to Abolish Civil Marriage, Nancy J. Knauer


The Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: Comparative Institutional Analysis, Contested Social Goals, and Strategic Institutional Choice, Nancy J. Knauer


Having One's Property and Eating It Too: When the Article 9 Security Interest Becomes a Nuisance, F. Stephen Knippenberg and Lawrence Ponoroff

Felix Austria, or: Modernism and the Success of the Austrian Presence at the 1904 World’s Fair, Gregory A. Knott


Delegating Democracy - The Siphoning of Immigration Power from Congress to the States and Administrative Agencies, and the Need for a New Approach.", Oleg S. Kobelev


Boyakasha, Fist to Fist: Respect and the Philosophical Link With Reciprocity in International Law and Human Rights, Donald J. Kochan


Runoff and Reality: Externalities, Economics, and Traceability Issues in Urban Runoff Regulation, Donald J. Kochan


Sovereignty and the American Courts at the Cocktail Party of International Law: The Dangers of Domestic Invocations of Foreign and International Law, Donald J. Kochan


The Blogosphere and the New Pamphleteers, Donald J. Kochan

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Components in Civil and Political Rights - a Hermeneutic Perspective, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Grundlovens § 24. Benådning, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Kapitel 13 - Statsborgerret, Ida Elisabeth Koch

The Protection of Socio-economic Rights as Human Rights in Denmark, Ida Elisabeth Koch

International Human Rights and National Legislatures - Conflict or Balance, Ida Elisabeth Koch and Jens Vedsted-Hansen

Participant and Commentator, Study Group on a Restatement of European Labour Law, Thomas C. Kohler

Participant, Labor Law Group Biennial Meeting, Thomas C. Kohler

The Relevance of Laborem Exercens for Workers, Thomas C. Kohler


The African Bushmeat Crisis: A Case for Global Partnership, Andrew Elliott Kohn and Heather E. Eves


Preventing International Terrorism: Can Multinational Corporations Offer a Fresh New Perspective?, Jocelyne Kokaz-Muslu


Energy Efficiency, R. Steven Konkel

An Integrated Approach to Educating Working Environmental Health Practitioners, R. Steven Konkel and Joe Beck

Environmental Health as the Safety Net for Influenza Immunizations--Protecting the Population or the Individual at Risk: The U.S. Public Health Dilemma, R. Steven Konkel and Joe Beck


On Being There, Gerald P. Koocher


Eyewitness Identification, Kirby v. Illinois, Lineups, Manson v. Brathwaite, U.S. v. Ash, U. S. v. Wade, Margery M. Koosed


The Catholic Second Amendment, David B. Kopel


Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right?, David B. Kopel, Joanne D. Eisen, and Paul Gallant


The Gold Standard of Gun Control - Book Review of Joyce Malcolm, Guns and Violence: The English Experience, David B. Kopel, Joanne D. Eisen, and Paul Gallant


Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right?, David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne D. Eisen


Jumping on the Mommy Track: A Tax for Working Mothers, Jessica C. Kornberg


Rethinking Civil Contempt Incarceration, Jessica C. Kornberg


Judicial Incorporation of Trade Usages: A Functional Solution to the Opportunism Problem, Juliet P. Kostritsky


Invisible Settlements, Invisible Discrimination, Minna J. Kotkin


Secrecy in Context: The Shadowy Life of Civil Rights Litigation, Minna J. Kotkin


Perceptions of Morality and the Appeal of Tort Reform, Martin A. Kotler


Personal and Political Bias in the Debate Over Federal Income Taxation Rates and Progressivity, Richard Kovach


Expert Eyewitness Testimony , Janine M. Kovacs


A Technological Theory of the Arms Race, Lee B. Kovarsky


The Restitutionary Approach to Just Compensation, Tim Kowal


Who Will Redevelop Redevelopment?, Tim Kowal


A Modern Disaster: Agricultural Land, Urban Growth, and the Need for a Federally Organized Comprehensive Land Use Planning Model, Jess M. Krannich


A Modern Disaster: Agricultural Land, Urban Growth, and the Need for a Federally Organized Comprehensive Land Use Planning Model, Jess M. Krannich


Public Services Meet Private Law, Michael I. Krauss


The Lamentable Notion of Indefeasible Presidential Powers: A Reply to Professor Prakash, Harold J. Krent


How to Sue without Standing: The Constitutionality of Citizen Suits in Non-Article III Tribunals, David Krinsky


The Supreme Court, Stare Decisis, and the Role of Judicial Deference in Patent Claim Construction Appeals, David Krinsky


Towards an Interest-Group-Based Approach to Lobbying Regulation, Anita S. Krishnakumar


A Boundary Dispute’s Effect on Siting an LNG Terminal, Kenneth T. Kristl


Governmental Immunity in Maryland: A Practitioner's Guide to Making and Defending Tort Claims , Karen J. Kruger


Pregnancy & Policing: Are They Compatible?, Karen J. Kruger


Internalizing European Court of Human Rights Interpretations: Russia's Courts of General Jurisdiction and New Directions in Civil Defamation Law, Peter F. Krug

Failed Lessons of History: The Predictable Shortcomings of the Pa.pdf, Nancy K. Kubasek


Peril Invites Rescue: An Evolutionary Perspective, Bailey H. Kuklin


Probability Misestimates in Medical Care, Bailey H. Kuklin

P.Kulikov_lecture slides_Liberalisation as a new way to achieve the multiplier effect.pdf, Pavel Kulikov Mr.

Doble tributación: Imposición sobre la renta de personas físicas en operaciones transfronterizas, Ingrid Kuri Alonso


Necessity, Torture and Existential Politics, Christopher Kutz

Consistency's Value, Christopher L. Kutz

Authenticity of the Chosen, Roberta R. Kwall

Library Reproduction Rights for Preservation and Replacement in the Digital Era: An Author's Perspective on Section 108, Roberta R. Kwall