The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
The Rosetta Stone of Banking Regulation: The Law of International Banking Institutions, Christian A. Johnson
The Financial Services Lawyer's Bookshelf: A Selected Bibliography of Payment, Clearing and Settlement Resources, Christian A. Johnson and Robert S. Steigerwald
The Financial Services Lawyer's Bookshelf: A Selected Bibliography of Payment, Clearing and Settlement Resources, Christian A. Johnson and Robert S. Steigerwald
Why I Teach, Danne L. Johnson
Explanation, Human Nature, and Tort Theory, Jeffery L. Johnson
The Focused Attention of Others: A Conceptual and Normative Model of Personal and Legal Privacy, Jeffery L. Johnson
Judith Johnson ADA Article, Judith Johnson
Standardized Tests, Erroneous Scores, and Tort Liability, Vincent R. Johnson
Tenders Gone Bad – Fair Post Tender Negotiations, Betty A. Johnstone and Mary J. Shariff
Can't Touch This! Private Property, Takings, and the Merit Goods Argument, Goutam U. Jois
Marital Status as Property: Toward a New Jurisprudence for Gay Rights, Goutam U. Jois
The New U.S. Approach to the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty: Will Deletion of a Verification Regime Provide the Way Out of the Wilderness?, David S. Jonas
Imposing Conditions on Developing Countries’ Tariff Preferences, Jennifer S. Jones
Technology Transfer and An Information View of Universities: A Conceptual Framework For Academic Freedom, Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and the University Mission, Patrick L. Jones and Katherine J. Strandburg
Does Federalism Matter? Its Perplexing Role in the Corporate Governance Debate, Renee Jones
Forbes Burnham the consummate politician, Tony Jones
The Deregulatory Valence of Justice O'Connor's Federalism, Bradley W. Joondeph
Legislation and Legitimation: Congress and Insider Trading in the 1980s, Thomas W. Joo
The Chameleon Effect: Beyond the Bonding Hypothesis for Cross-Listed Securities, Cally Jordan
Intimate Partner Violence: Implications for the Domestic Relations Practitioner, Carol E. Jordan
Repairing Facade Easements: Is This the Gift That Launched a Thousand Deductions?, Martha W. Jordan
News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan
News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan
News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan
News from the Circuits, William S. Jordan
The Convicted Felon as a Guardian: Considering the Alternatives of Potential Guardians with Less-Than-Perfect Records, Mike Jorgensen
Rethinking Yamashita: Holding Military Leaders Accountable for Wartime Rape, Joshua h. Joseph
Student's Handbook of Legal Language, Abhijeet Ambadas Joshi
On the Gendered Norm of Standard Employment in a Changing Labour Market, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor
On the gendered norm of standard employment in a changing labour market, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor
Constitution, Kirk W. Junker
Ethical Emissions Trading and the Law, Kirk W. Junker
Ships among ports: Futures of Europe, Kirk W. Junker
Teaching in Reverse: A Positive Approach to Analytical Errors in 1L Writing, Lesley S. Kagan and Susan E. Provenzano
The Headscarf as Threat? A Comparison of German and American Legal Discourses, Robert A. Kahn
Patent Drafter Estoppel: Why Didn't Sage Products Create a New Foreseeability Limitation on the Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents?, Christopher M. Kaiser
Primed and Prepared, Puneet V. Kakkar and Chhunny Chhean
Drought-prone community-based natural resource management in Sudan, Fobissie B. Kalame, Olavi Luukkanenen, Elnour A. Elsiddig, and Edinam K. Glover
Forest utilization and management in Kosti Province, Sudan by smallholder farmers., Fobissie B. Kalame, Olavi Luukkanen, Elnour A. Elsiddig, and Edinam K. Glover
Colonial Continuities: Human Rights, Terrorism, and Security Laws in India, Anil Kalhan, Gerald P. Conroy, Mamta Kaushal, Sam Scott Miller, and Jed S. Rakoff
Review of "Can God & Caesar Coexist? Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law", by Robert F. Drinan, Gregory Kalscheur
A Case for the Prosecution of Kim Jong Il for Crimes against Humanity, Genocide, and War Crimes , Grace M. Kang
Daubert and the Disappearing Jury Trial, Allan Kanner
Tort Liability of Recalcitrant Husbands, Yehiel S. Kaplan and Ronen Perry
Does Information Beget Information?, Dennis S. Karjala
From SEC Enforcement Attorney to Commissioner, Roberta S. Karmel
Conflicts of Interest and Institutional Litigants, Curtis E.A. Karnow
Rhetoric of Academe, Curtis E.A. Karnow
How Do You Take Your Multi-State, Class-Action Litigation? One Lump or Two?, Daniel R. Karon
How Do You Take Your Multi-State, Class-Action Litigation? One Lump or Two?, Daniel R. Karon
Reforming Mexico’s Labor Law for Independent Labor Unions, Mischa H. Karplus
Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence, Don B. Kates and Gary A. Mauser
Dispute Resolution Without Borders, Ethan Katsh
Online Dispute Resolution: Some Implications for the Emergence of Law in Cyberspace, Ethan Katsh
Ten Years Of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR): Looking At The Past And Constructing The Future, Ethan Katsh
Monopoly and Competition in the Collective Administration of Public Performance Rights (in Hebrew), Ariel Katz
A Powers-Based Approach to the Protection of Ideas, Larissa Katz
Strategies for IP and Technology Standards, Ron D. Katznelson
In Memoriam – Monroe L. Inker: 1925-2006, Sanford N. Katz
Managing Challenging Family Law Cases: Economic Consequences of Divorce, Sanford N. Katz
Recent Developments in American Family Law, Sanford N. Katz
Visiting Fellow, Sanford N. Katz
Finding and Using Statistics in Legal Research and Writing, Billie Jo Kauffman
Diversity and Deliberation: Bioethics Commissions and Moral Reasoning, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Prophecy and Casuistry: Abortion, Torture and Moral Discourse (Giannella Lecture), M. Cathleen Kaveny
The NBAC Report on Cloning: A Case Study in Religion, Public Policy, and Bioethics, M. Cathleen Kaveny
The Development, Interpretation and Scope of the Word "Sex" within Title VII: With Particular Reference to "Sexual Orientation.", Abbas Kazerounian
Indian Education Sector: Growth and Challenges, Dr. Raju KD
India's Health Sector: Analysis of Social & Economic Burden of HIV/AIDS & Tuberculosis Links, Dr. Raju KD
Trade in Education Services under the WTO GATS Regime: An Indian Outlook, Dr. Raju KD
Thurman Arnold: A Biography (Book Review), Timothy G. Kearley
The Case for Residency-Based Taxation of Financial Transactions in Developing Countries, Yoram Keinan
How the Legal System Can Help Millions Retire: A Call for Improved Application of the Suitability Standard, Ryan Z. Keller
Exporting Western Law to the Developing World: The Troubling Case of Niger, Thomas A. Kelley
Dropping the Hot Potato: Rescusitating the Permissive Withdrawal Rules in the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Henry M. Kelln
Power, Linkage and Accommodation: The WTO as an International Actor and Its Influence on Other Actors and Regimes, Claire R. Kelly
The "Public Use" Requirement in Eminent Domain Law: A Rationale Based on Secret Purchases and Private Influence, Daniel B. Kelly
Build It Right and They Will Come: The Librarian's Role in Library Construction, Virginia J. Kelsh
Custom and Tradition Versus Reason in Modern Secular and Religious Moral Reasoning and in Modern Constitutional Law, Randall Kelso
Forming a Tie that Binds: Development Agreements in Georgia and the Need for Legislative Clarity, Michael B. Kent Jr.
The Benefits and Pitfalls of Using Development Agreements as Land Use Tools in Georgia, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Agricultural Biotechnology: Benefits and Challenges, Drew L. Kershen
Agricultural Biotechnology: Legal Liability Issues, Drew L. Kershen
Coexistence and Legal Liability for USDA-AC21, Drew L. Kershen
Health and Food Safety: The Benefits of Bt-Corn, Drew L. Kershen
Intellectual Property Rights in Living Matter, Drew L. Kershen
Off-Target Movement of Ag-inputs: Legal Considerations, Drew L. Kershen
Proposed Liability Legislation for Transgenic Crops, Drew L. Kershen
Sustainable Intensive Agriculture:High Technology &Environmental Benefits, Drew L. Kershen
Agricultural Biotechnology: Legal Liability from Comparative and International Law Perspectives, Drew L. Kershen and Stuart J. Smyth
Agricultural Biotechnology: Legal Liability Regimes from Comparative and International Perspectives, Drew L. Kershen and Stuart J. Smyth
Paid Family Leave in American Law Schools: Findings and Open Questions, Laura T. Kessler
Formal Versus Informal Allocation of Land in a Commons: The Case of the MacArthur Park Sidewalk Vendors, Gregg Kettles
Double punishment? Preventive detention schemes under Australian legislation and their consistency with international law: the Fardon communication, Patrick Keyzer and Sam Blay
Time delay and nonfeasance: The Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (Queensland), Patrick Keyzer and Suzanne O'Toole