The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
Indigenous Peoples' Contributions to COP-8 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Sam Grey
Virtual Borders: The Interdependence of Law and Virtual Worlds, James Grimmelmann
Virtual Power Politics, James Grimmelmann
Virtual World Law, James Grimmelmann
A Persistent Critique: Constructing Client Stories, carolyn grose
Regulating Contract Formation: Precontractual Reliance, Sunk Costs, and Market Structure, Ofer Grosskopf and Barak Medina
Langdell Upside-Down: The Anticlassical Jurisprudence of Anticodification, Lewis A. Grossman
Uncertainty, Insurance, and the Learned Hand Formula, Peter Z. Grossman, Reed W. Cearley, and Daniel H. Cole
WTO Government Procurement Rules and the Local Dynamics of Procurement Policies: A Malaysian Case Study, Stuart G. Gross
The Politics of Memory/Errinerungspolitik and the Use and Propriety of Law in the Process of Memory Construction, Vivian Grosswald Curran
The De-Gentrification of New Markets Tax Credits, Roger M. Groves
Did Katrina Recalibrate Attitudes Toward Poverty And Inequality? A Test of the “Dirty Little Secret” Hypothesis, David Grusky and Emily Ryo
Science in the Process of Risk Regulation under the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski
The Role of Science in Risk Regulation under the SPS Agreement, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski
Open Science: Open Source Licences in Scientific Research, Andres Guadamuz
The Software Patent Debate, Andres Guadamuz
Internet Journalism and Legal Problems in Turkey, Baris GUNAYDIN
Internette Ifade Ozgurlugu (Turkish Version), Baris GUNAYDIN
Personal Rights (Turkish version), Baris GUNAYDIN
Impacts of The North American Free Trade Agreement on Indigenous Peoples and Their Interests, Brenda L. Gunn
“Birds of a Feather” Rico: Trying Partners in Crime Together, Julie Gunnigle
Comparative Corporate Governance: Irish, American, and European Responses to Corporate Scandals, Manish Gupta
Privacy, data protection and law enforcement. Opacity of the individual and transparency of power, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert
Competing for Capital: The Diffusion of Bilateral Investment Treaties, 1960-2000, Andrew T. Guzman
Reputation and International Law, Andrew T. Guzman
The Promise of International Law, Andrew T. Guzman
Democratic Control of the OSCE: The Role of the Parliamentary Assembly, Beat Habegger
Der unmöglichste Job der Welt: Zur Wahl eines neuen UNO-Generalsekretärs, Beat Habegger
Die Parlamentarisierung der UNO durch die Interparlamentarische Union, Beat Habegger
Die Uno steckt in einer Doppelkrise, Beat Habegger
Parlamentarismus in der internationalen Politik, Beat Habegger
Von der Sicherheits- zur Risikopolitik: Eine konzeptionelle Analyse für die Schweiz, Beat Habegger
Weltdiplomat, Beat Habegger
Don’t Forget the Lawyers: Legal Human Capital and The Role of Lawyers in Supporting the Rule of Law, Gillian K. Hadfield
Judging Science: An Essay on the Unscientific Basis of Beliefs about the Impact of Law on Science and the Need for Better Data about Law, Gillian K. Hadfield
Judging Science: An Essay on the Unscientific Basis of Beliefs about the Impact of Law on Science and the Need for Better Data about Law, Gillian K. Hadfield
Contract Law is Not Enough: The Many Legal Institutions That Support Contractual Commitments, Gillian K. Hadfield
The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund: "An Unprecedented Experiment in American Democracy", Gillian K. Hadfield
Where have all the trials gone? Settlements, non-trial adjudications and statistical artifacts in the changing disposition of federal civil cases, Gillian K. Hadfield
On Public versus Private Provision of Corporate Law, Gillian K. Hadfield and Eric Talley
Current Economic Issues in Securities Litigation, Scott D. Hakala
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Russell A. Hakes, Stephen L. Sepinuck, and Robyn L. Meadows
2005 Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Russell A. Hakes, Stephen L. Sepinuck, and Robyn L. Meadows
St. George Tucker’s Second Amendment: Deconstructing ‘The True Palladium of Liberty’, Stephen P. Halbrook
Legislative Threats, Guy Halfteck
Bilateral Breakdown: U.S. – Canada Pollution Disputes, Noah D. Hall
Toward A New Horizontal Federalism: Interstate Water Management in the Great Lakes Region, Noah D. Hall
Discourses in Transition: Re-Imagining Women's Security, Brandon Hamber, Paddy Hillyard, Amy Maguire, Monica McWilliams, Gillian Robinson, David Russell, and Margaret Ward
Ruby R. Vale and a Definition of Legal Scholarship, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Symposium: Litigation Reform Since the PSLRA: A Ten-Year Retrospective: Panel Three: Sarbanes-Oxley Governance Issues: The Policy Foundations of Delaware Corporate Law, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
The Policy Foundations of Delaware Corporate Law, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Twenty Years After Smith v. Gorkom: An Essay on the Limits of Civil Liability of Corporate Directors and the Role of Shareholder Inspection Rights, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Principles of U.S. Family Law, Vivian E. Hamilton
Preventive Detention in Comparative Perspective, Andrew A. Hammel
The Death Penalty: America's "Relentless Judicial Machine", Andrew A. Hammel
Not a Living Room Sofa: Changing the Legal Status of Companion Animals, Susan J. Hankin
Reverse Monitoring: On the Hidden Role of Employee Stock Ownership Plans, Sharon Hannes
The Market for Takeover Defenses, Sharon Hannes
The Regulation of Intercountry Adoption, Mary E. Hansen and Daniel Pollack
Tradeoffs in Formulating a Consistent National Policy on Adoption, Mary Eschelbach Hansen and Daniel Pollack
The Drifters: Why the Supreme Court Makes Justices More Liberal, Jon Hanson and Adam Benforado
If You Work for the Government, Then Shut Your Mouth: Garcetti v. Ceballos and the Future of Public Employee Speech, Joseph E. Hardgrave
Sharia en nationaal recht in Maleisië, Andrew James Harding
Thailand's Reforms: Human Rights and the National Commission, Andrew James Harding
Kramer's Popular Constitutionalism: A Quick Normative Assessment, Sarah K. Harding
The Methamphetamine Remediation Research Act of 2005: Just What the Doctor Ordered for Cleaning Up Methfields—Or Sugar Pill Placebo?, Aaron R. Harmon
Delaware Chancery Court Refuses to Recognize "Deepening Insolvency" as Independent Cause of Action, Michelle M. Harner
Comentarios sobre la constitución europea, Dante Jaime Haro Reyes
Bank Accounts and Payment Transactions - The Law of Deposit Accounts under UCC Articles 3 and 4, Alvin C. Harrell
Can a Buyer and Secured Party Rely on a Certificate of Title? - Part One, Alvin C. Harrell
Can a Buyer and Secured Party Rely on a Certificate of Title? - Part Three: Tribal CTs, Alvin C. Harrell
Price v. Neal Revisited: UCC and FRB Revisions Impact Bank Accounts and Transactions, Alvin C. Harrell
The Uniform Certificate of Title Act: Myths and Realities, Alvin C. Harrell
The 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, Alvin C. Harrell, Jon Ann Giblin, Stephen P. Strohschien, and Jeffrey E. Tate
The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: 2006 Review of Appellate Cases, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas
The ABCs of the UCC, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
Introduction to the 2006 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Jeffrey I. Langer
A Tale of Three Nations?: The Role of United Nations Peacekeepers and Missions on the Concept of Nation-State, Nationalism, and Ownership of the State in Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kosovo, Alexandra R. Harrington
Resurrection from Babel: The Cultural, Political, and Legal Status of Christian Communities in Lebanon and Syria and Their Prospects for the Future, Alexandra R. Harrington
Semper Disqualified: The Incongruity between Federal and State Suffrage Protections for Certain Military Voters Seeking to Vote in State and Local Elections, and a Possible Legislative Remedy, Alexandra R. Harrington
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, and ?: The Correlation between Policy Areas, Signing, and Legal Ratification of Organization of American States’ Treaties by Member States., Alexandra R. Harrington
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, and ?: The Correlation between Policy Areas, Signing, and Legal Ratification of Organization of American States’ Treaties by Member States., Alexandra R. Harrington
Domestic Violence: Societal Views and Survivors of Domestic Violence, Asking the Right Questions, Dana Harrington Conner
Societal Views and Survivors of Domestic Violence: Asking the Right Questions, Dana Harrington Conner
To Protect or To Serve: Confidentiality, Client Protection, and Domestic Violence, Dana Harrington Conner
To Protect or to Serve: Confidentiality, Client Protection and Domestic Violence, Dana Harrington-Conner
The Capabilities Approach as a Solution to the Need for a More Encompassing Definition of Poverty, Sarah L. Harrington
The War on Terror, Local Police, and Immigration Enforcement: A Curious Tale of Police Power in Post-9/11 America, David A. Harris
An Empirical Study of Parental Responsibility Laws: Sending Messages, but What Kind and to Whom?, Leslie Joan Harris
Children, Parents and the Law, Leslie J. Harris and Lee E. Teitelbaum
Spy versus spy: Government control of sensitive information, Susan Harris Rimmer