The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
The Purpose of Copyright Law in Canada, Daniel J. Gervais
The Role of International Treaties in the Interpretation of Canadian Intellectual Property Statutes, Daniel J. Gervais
Determining Section 179 Property (Decision tree, logic document), Thomas E. Geu
In re Ehmann II: Now You See It, Now You Don’t, Thomas E. Geu and Thomas Rutledge
Evaluating the WTO's Two Step Test for Environmental Measures under Article XX, Nita Ghei
El derecho de propiedad, Enrique Ghersi
Los tribunales agrarios, Enrique Ghersi and Luis Fernández Molina
A Theoretical and Political Analysis of the WTO Appellate Body, Shoaib A. Ghias
Australia to become “nerve centre” for P2P litigation?, Rebecca Giblin
Kazaa Pays $151m, Rebecca Giblin
Kazaa goes the way of Grokster? Authorisation of copyright infringement via peer-to-peer networks in Australia, Rebecca Giblin and Mark Davison
Risk Aversion and Rights Accretion in Intellectual Property Law, James Gibson
Intervenção do Estado no Domínio Econômico - Temas Atuais, Ivo T. Gico
Que operações e contratos submeter ao CADE?, Ivo T. Gico
Business Transactions with Clients, Grace M. Giesel
Ethics and Hourly Billing, Grace M. Giesel
Multijurisdictional Practice: A Changing Landscape, Grace M. Giesel
Restrictions on an Attorney's Right to Practice, Grace M. Giesel
The Judgment-Proof Society, Stephen G. Gilles
Performing Rights Societies And The Digital Environment, Philippe Gilliéron
Poor Whites, Benevolent Masters, and the Ideologies of Slavery: A Slave Accused of Rape in the Antebellum South, Jason A. Gillmer
Calling the United States' Bluff: How Sovereign Immunity Undermines the United States' Claim to an Effective Domestic Human Rights System, Denise L. Gilman
Forcing Fairness in State Taxation, Randall J. Gingiss
Book Review: Democracy, Markets and Doomsaying: Is Ethnic Conflict Inevitable?, Tom Ginsburg
Constitutional Courts in New Democracies: Understanding Variation in East Asia, Tom Ginsburg
Economic Analysis and the Design of Constitutional Courts, Tom Ginsburg
International Judicial Lawmaking, Tom Ginsburg
Locking in Democracy: Constitutions, Commitment and International Law, Tom Ginsburg
Irrational War and Constitutional Design: A Reply to Professors Nzelibe and Yoo, Tom Ginsburg and Paul Diehl
Formal Characteristics of National Constitutions: A Cross-National Historical Dataset, Tom Ginsburg and Zachary Elkins
The Unreluctant Litigant? An Empirical Analysis of Japan's Turn to Litigation, Tom Ginsburg and Glenn Hoetker
The Market for Elite Law Firm Associates, Tom Ginsburg and Jeffrey A. Wolf
[Contributing Author], Jane Kent Gionfriddo
Il Movimento Indipendentista Armato ETA, Mariagiulia Giuffré
Should It Be Illict to Solicit? A Legal Analysis of Policy Options to Regulate Solicitation of Organs for Transplant, Alexandra K. Glazier and Scott Sasjack
Distance Education in Law School: The Train Has Left the Station, Diana L. Gleason
From Cooperative to Inoperative Federalism: The Perverse Mutation of Environmental Law and Policy, Robert L. Glicksman
Global Climate Change and the Risks to Costal Areas from Hurricanes and Rising Sea Levels: The Costs of Doing Nothing, Robert L. Glicksman
Legal and Institutional Instruments/Mechanisms for Sustainable Management and Protection of Natural Resources in sub-Saharan Africa, Edinam K. Glover
Race Nuisance: The Politics of Law in the Jim Crow Era, Rachel D. Godsil
The Legal Status of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Foster Care, Cynthia Godsoe and Eve Stotland
Regulation of Joint Ventures under Article 81 of EU Treaty, Rahul Goel
Typical errors of Westerners, Bee Chen Goh
The Unilateral Creation of International Law During the "War on Terror": Murder by an Unprivileged Belligerent is not a War Crime, Noman A. Goheer
Torture: Considering a Framework for Limiting Use, Scott J. Goldberg
Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor: RLUIPA and the Mediation of Religious Land Use Disputes, Jeffrey H. Goldfien
What should Australians give up in interest of national security?, B. Goldie and K. Michael
Legal Construct Validation: Expanding Empirical Legal Scholarship to Unobservable Concepts, David S. Goldman
Compensation after Termination of Long-Term Distribution Contracts: An Economic Perspective of EU Law, Fernando Gómez
The Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices: A Law and Economics Perspective, Fernando Gómez
Responsabilidad por daños al medio ambiente y por contaminación de suelos: problemas de relación, Fernando Gómez and María Àngels Gili Saldaña
Competition, Inefficiencies and Dominance in Corporate Law: Comment on Bar-Gill, Barzuza, and Bebchuk, The Market for Corporate Law, Fernando Gómez and Maribel Saez
Aspectos Gerais sobre as Restrições aos Direitos Fundamentais, Jane Reis Gonçalves Pereira
Changes at UN, Steven Gonzales
Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Deconstructing the Mythology of Free Trade: Critical Reflections on Comparative Advantage, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Markets, Monocultures, and Malnurition: Agricultural Trade Policy Through an Environmental Justice Lens, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Open Source, Free Software and Contractual Issues, Jose Javier González de Alaiza
Aportación de México al arbitraje de inversión, Francisco González de Cossío
Discriminación de precios, dumping y depredación: Tres disciplinas, un fenómeno económico, Francisco González de Cossío
The Case of the Extradition of Luis Posada Carriles: Is the United States Harboring a Terrorist?, Ernesto Gonzalez
El problema de las fuentes del derecho: una perspectiva desde la argumentación jurídica, Jorge Gonzalez-Jacome
El uso del derecho comparado como forma de escape de la subordinación colonial, Jorge Gonzalez-Jacome
Esclavitud perpetua: construyendo una perspectiva de raza en el derecho constitucional colombiano, Jorge Gonzalez-Jacome
¿Para qué una Corte Constitucional en la Colombia de 1968? Reflexiones en torno a la tensión de los poderes públicos, Jorge Gonzalez-Jacome
SOX, Statutory Interpretation, and the Seventh Amendment: Sarbanes-Oxley Act Whistleblower Claims and Jury Trials, Jarod S. Gonzalez
The Punishment of Dixie Shanahan: Is There Justice for Battered Women Who Kill?, Leigh Goodmark
Career Criminals Targeted: The Verdict Is In, California’s Three Strikes Law Proves Effective, Naomi Harlin Goodno
Cyberstalking, a New Crime: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current State and Federal Laws, Naomi Harlin Goodno
Campaign Finance Reform, No. 1021, Joel M. Gora
First Amendment Cases in the October 2004 Term [Symposium: Seventeenth Annual Supreme Court Review Program], Joel M. Gora
Toward an International Criminal Procedure: Due Process Aspirations and Limitations, Gregory S. Gordon
Only One Kick at the Cat-A Contextual Rubric for Evaluating Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Innternational Commercial Arbitration.pdf, Randy D. Gordon
Contemplating the WTO From the Margins, Ruth Gordon
Sub-Saharan Africa and the Brave New World of the WTO Multilateral Trade Regime, Ruth Gordon
Final Offer Arbitration in the New Era of Major League Baseball, Spencer B. Gordon
Knowledge Inputs, Legal Institutions and Firm Structure: Towards a Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm, Erica Gorga and Michael Halberstam
Leveling the Playing Field: Is It Time for a Legal Assistance Center for Developing Nations in Investment Treaty Arbitration? , Eric J. Gottwald
Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil, Mark Graber
Treaties in U.S. Courts: Judge Bork's Anti-Originalist Revolution, Kay Graeff and David Sloss
Why Justice Scalia Should Be a Constitutional Comparativst . . . Sometimes, David C. Gray
The Effects of Ability Homophily on Individual Performance, Michael J. Gray
The Economics of the Rule of Laesio Enormis (Die laesio enormis als enorme Laesion der sozialen Wohlfahrt?), Kristoffel Grechenig
The Marginal Incentive of Insider Trading: An Economic Reinterpretation of the Case Law, Kristoffel R. Grechenig
The Marginal Incentive of Insider Trading: An Economic Reinterpretation of the Case Law, Kristoffel R. Grechenig
“A Modest Proposal”: Universal Cesarean Section to Reduce Professional Liability Costs, James A. Greenberg, Katherine E. Economy, Andrew W. Beckwith, and Jeffrey L. Ecker
Darn Your SOX: Exploring Retroactive Application of Extended Statutes of Limitation and Repose in Securities Fraud Litigation, Sarah J. Greenberg
Both Sides [Now]: Higher Education Institutions Have a Right to Dissent Without Losing Federal Money, Kent Greenfield
The Failure of Corporate Law: Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities, Kent Greenfield
Urban Legends, Desegregation and School Finance: Did Kansas City Really Prove That Money Doesn’t Matter?, Preston C. Green
The Action Bias in American Law: Internet Jurisdiction and the Triumph of Zippo Dot Com, Richard Greenstein
Looting, Law, and Lawlessness, Stuart Green
The Dividend Problem, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Substance over Form? Phantom Regulations and the Internal Revenue Code, Amandeep Grewal
Section 7525’s Last Gasps: The Tax Practitioner Privilege and the Selective Waiver Doctrine, Amandeep S. Grewal
Selective Waiver and the Tax Practitioner Privilege, Amandeep S. Grewal
Selective Waiver and the Tax Practitioner Privilege, Amandeep S. Grewal
Substance over Form? Phantom Regulations and the Internal Revenue Code, Amandeep S. Grewal
Substance Over Form? Phantom Regulations and the Internal Revenue Code, Amandeep S. Grewal