The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
The Alien Tort Statute and The Torture Victims' Protection Act: Jurisdictional Foundations and Procedural Obstacles, Eric A. Engle
The EU Means Business: A Survey of Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Eric A. Engle
Theseus's Ship of State: Confederated Europa Between the Scylla of Mere Alliance and the Charybdis of, Eric A. Engle
Politique urbaine et sécurité en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas, Els Enhus, Jenneke Christiaens, Jessica Hoste, Leentje Winkelmans, Evelien Van Den Herrewegen, Marjan de Gruijter, Hugo Swinnen, Hans Boutellier, Astrid Huygen, Josine Junger-Tas, and
Regulatory Competition in European Company Law and Creditor Protection, Luca Enriques and Martin Gelter
Derecho internacional económico, David Enríquez Rosas
El derecho internacional económico: Apuntes para una crítica contemporánea, David Enríquez Rosas
Book Review: Sports Law: Cases, Documents, and Materials, Adam Epstein
Texas Supreme Court Denies Student-Athlete's Property Right Claim, Adam Epstein
The ADEA and Sports Law, Adam Epstein
Expert Witnesses, Jules Epstein
Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification, Jules Epstein
The Opening Statement: Don’t Make it a Lost Opportunity, Jules Epstein
Tri-State Vagaries: The Varying Responses of Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to the Phenomenon of Mistaken Identifications, Jules Epstein
True Lies: The Constitutional and Evidentiary Bases for Admitting Prior False Accusation Evidence in Sexual Assault Prosecutions, Jules Epstein
Developing Reasoned Framework for International Choice with Criminal Procedure, Nancy D. Erbe
Double jeopardy in the U.K.: We should not follow suit, Daniel H. Erskine
Judgments of United States Supreme Court and the South African Constitutional Court as a Basis for a Universal Method to Resolve Conflicts Between Fundamental Rights, Daniel H. Erskine
An Analysis of the Legality of Television Cameras Broadcasting Juror Deliberations in a Criminal Case, Daniel H. Erskine
El Análisis Económico del Derecho y el Derecho Positivo, Freddy Escobar
La Naturaleza Muerta del Contrato de Reporte, Freddy Escobar
Tradiciones, Transplantes e Ineficiencias: el caso del Fideicomiso Peruano, Freddy Escobar
Traditions, Transplants and Inefficiencies: The Case of the Peruvian Fideicomiso, Freddy Escobar
Nomos, Conflict, and the Tragedy of Adjudication: The Jurisprudence of Robert Cover, Julen Etxabe
How Can a Mediator be Both Impartial and Fair: Why Ethical Standards of Conduct Create Chaos for Mediators, Susan Nauss Exon
Domestic Violence and Legal Reforms in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges, Itoro Eze-Anaba
Death Penalty Jurisprudence in New York and the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution: How Supreme Is It ?, Joseph E. Fahey
The Elusive Promise: Northern Ireland and the Quest for Peace; An Examination of the Peace Process, Joseph E. Fahey
Ora et Labora: Clash of Civilisations?, Reinhold Fahlbeck
A Unified Theory of Constitutional Facts, David L. Faigman
Fuck, Christopher M. Fairman
Protecting Consumers: Attorney Ethics and the Law Governing Lawyers, Christopher M. Fairman
Learning from Experience: Adding a Practicum to a Doctrinal Course, Elizabeth Fajans
The Many Sides of Immigration Law and Policy, Jill E. Family
The Rush to Limit Judicial Review, Jill E. Family
Recalibrating the War on Terror by Enhancing Development Practices in the Middle East, Kevin J. Fandl
Paternalistic Regulation of Public Company Management: Lessons from Bank Management, James A. Fanto
The Independent Counsel Case: A Tale of Two Conservatives, Daniel A. Farber
Reproductive Cloning Case:How Law and Bioethics Measure a Compelling Governmental Interest, Paulo Farias
Reunion in Salem: Updating the MTBE Controversy, Richard O. Faulk
Getting the Lead Out: The Misuse of Public Nuisance Litigation by Public Authorities and Private Counsel, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Policy challenges from the "White" Senate inquiry into workplace-related health impacts of toxic dusts and nanoparticles, Thomas A. Faunce, Haydn Walters, Trevor Williams, David Bryant, Martin Jennings, and Bill Musk
Major Expropriation Case Decided by the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice, The Due Process Requirement and its Correlation with International Treaties, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Major Expropriation Case Decided by the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice, The Due Process Requirement and its Correlation with International Treaties, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Neutral Investment Revisited, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
A Theory of Federalism, Malcolm M. Feeley
Origins of Actuarial Justice, Malcolm M. Feeley
Presidential Address: The Rule of Law and Institutional Review Boards, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Black Basis of Constitutional Development, Malcolm M. Feeley
Suspicionless Canine Sniffs: Does the Fourth Amendment Prohibit Public Schools from Using Dogs to Search Students without Individualized Suspicion?, Todd J. Feinberg
Lehet-e jövője a nemzetállamnak az Európai Unióban? (Could the nation-state have any perspectives in the European Union.), Balázs Fekete
Structural Reform Litigation: Remedial Bargaining And Bureaucratic Drift, Sven E. Feldmann and Anthony M. Bertelli
Religious Symbols on Public Property, Stephen M. Feldman
The Bad Tendency Test, Stephen M. Feldman
The Role of International Human Rights Law in the American Decision to Abolish the Juvenile Death Penalty, William A. Feldman
Meeting the Information Needs of Constitutionalist Patrons: A Guide for Reference Librarians, Vicenc Feliu
National Security: the Access Card Debate and Emerging Technologies, J. Feltham and K. Michael
Troubles with Hiibel: How the Court Inverted the Relationship between Citizens and the State, John A. Fennel and Richard Sobel
Regulating Land Use in a Constitutional Shadow: The Institutional Contexts of Exactions, Mark Fenster
The Takings Clause, Version 2005: The Legal Process of Constitutional Property Rights, Mark Fenster
Statutes of Repose and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Garris G. Ference
Mind, Brain and the Law, Atahualpa Fernandez
Da Constituição do Estado Novo Português, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direitos de Personalidade, Figuras próximas e Figuras longínquas, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Lion in Winter – Tomás Moro na nossa estação. Diálogos com o Direito Constitucional, o Cristianismo e a Utopia Social, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Lux ex Tenebris. Traduzindo um Manuscrito Medieval Irlandês do séc. VIII-IX, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Mémoire et droit. Fascinations et défis, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Politeia and Paideia. “Reminiscences” of Western Political Thought in a Reading of Plato’s Politeia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Religião, Direitos Humanos e Educação, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Sob o Signo de Maet. Considerações sobre o Direito no Antigo Egipto. Contexto, Mito e Sentido de um “Momento” Politico-Sacro-Normativo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Owning a Piece of the Doc: State Law Restraints on Lay Ownership of Healthcare Enterprises, Andrew J. Fichter
Fiction, Form and Substance in Subchapter K -- Approaching Partnership Mergers, Divisions and Incorporations, Heather M. Field
The New Rehabilitation, Daniel M. Filler
Brain Imaging and Privacy: How Recent Advances in Neuroimaging Implicate Privacy Concerns , David P. Finn
China’s Market Participation: The Case for a Paradigm Shift in Analyzing China’s Capital Market Regulation, David P. Finn
Fumbling in the Dark: The Case for a Paradigm Shift in Analyzing China’s Capital Market Regulation, David P. Finn
Avoiding Plagiarism in Legal Documents, Judith Fischer
Implications of Recent Research on Student Evaluation of Teaching, Judith D. Fischer
God and Caesar in the Twenty-First Century: What Recent Cases Say about Church-State Relations in England and the United States , Judith Fischer and Chloe Wallace
The Boundaries of Plea Bargaining: Negotiating the Standard of Proof , Talia Fisher
Justice Michael A. Musmanno and Obscenity (1956-1967), Joel Fishman
Book Review - Defending Rights: Law, Labor Politics, and the State in California 1890-1925, by Thomas Ralph Clark, Catherine Fisk
The Research Ethics Review Process and Ethics Review Narratives, Maureen H. Fitzgerald, Paul A. Williams, and Elisa Yule
A City Without Duty, Fault, or Shame, Scott T. FitzGibbon
The Seduction of Lydia Bennet: Toward a General Theory of Society, Marriage, and the Family, Scott T. FitzGibbon
Del gobierno de los abogados al imperio de las leyes: Estudios sociojurídicos sobre educación y profesión jurídicas en el México contemporáneo, Héctor Fix Fierro
La educación jurídica en México. Un panorama general, Héctor Fix Fierro
Los derechos políticos de los mexicanos, Héctor Fix Fierro
¿Muchos abogados, pero poca profesión? Derecho y profesión jurídica en el México contemporáneo, Héctor Fix Fierro
Tribunales, justicia y eficiencia, Héctor Fix Fierro
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Mexico, Héctor Fix Fierro and Juan Javier del Granado
La lex mercatoria en el espejo de la investigación empírica, Héctor Fix Fierro and Konradi Wioletta
The "Benefits" of Non-Delegation: Using the Non-Delegation Doctrine to Bring More Rigor to Benefit-Cost Analysis, Victor B. Flatt
Rebuilding After Katrina: A Population-Based Study of Labor and Human Rights in New Orleans, Laurel E. Fletcher, Phuong Pham, Eric Stover, Patrick Vinck, , , and