The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
Free trade agreements and labour rights: Recent developments, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
How biometrics helps the seafarer and world trade, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Prescriptive standards give way to principles, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Consolidates Seafarers’ Labour Instruments, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, D. Devlin, and Moira McConnell
Free trade agreements and labour rights: Recent developments, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry and Eric Gravel
Conversational Standing: A New Approach to an Old Privacy Problem, Christopher M. Drake
Common-Sense (Federal) Common Law Adrift in a Statutory Sea, or Why Grokster was a Unanimous Decision, Jay Dratler
A Critique of Levinson, Ryan Dreveskracht
Post-Katrina New Orleans: The Strangely Vacant Article II Actor Denying or Delaying Right or Justice, Cynthia A. Drew
Do Ask and Do Tell: Rethinking the Lawyer's Duty to Warn in Domestic violence Cases, Margaret B. Drew and Sarah Buel
Regulatory Reform: The New Lochnerism?, David M. Driesen
Sustainable Development and Market Liberalism's Shotgun Wedding: Emissions Trading under the Kyoto Protocol, David M. Driesen
The Trial Smelter Case, International Environmental Harms, and the Draft Articles on State Responsibility, Mark A. Drumbl
The Role of Patents in Fostering Open Innovation, John Dubiansky
Making Law, Making War, Making America (revised 12/6/06), Mary Dudziak
Making Law, Making War, Making America (revised 12/6/06), Mary Dudziak
Discrimination and Diplomacy: Recovering the Fuller National Stake in 1960s Civil Rights Reform, Mary L. Dudziak
Review of Brown v. Board of Education-Related History Web Sites, Mary L. Dudziak
The 1963 March on Washington, At Home and Abroad, Mary L. Dudziak
Working toward Democracy: Thurgood Marshall and the Constitution of Kenya, Mary L. Dudziak
Working toward Democracy: Thurgood Marshall and the Constitution of Kenya, Mary L. Dudziak
Legal Borderlands: Law and the Construction of American Borders, Mary L. Dudziak and Leti Volpp
Legal Borderlands: Law and the Construction of American Borders, Mary L. Dudziak and Leti Volpp
Superstition-Based Injustice in Africa and the United States: The Use of Provocation as a Defense for Killing Witches and Homosexuals, Jennifer Dumin
A propos du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information: Les ambiguïtés de la gouvernance de l'Internet., Franck Dumortier
Common Writing Problems, Susan Duncan
Thesis Paragraphs, Susan Duncan
Le droit de destination: une espèce franco-belge vouée à la disparition, Severine Dusollier
The master's tools v. the master's house: Creative commons v. copyright, Severine Dusollier
Human Worth as Collateral, Rashmi Dyal-Chand
Lost Opportunity: Bush v. Holmes and the Application of State Constitutional Uniformity Clauses to School Voucher Programs, Jamie S. Dycus
Kentucky Workers Compensation, Ronald Eades
Kentucky Wrongful Death Actions, Ronald Eades
Kentucky Products Liability, Ronald W. Eades
Regional Ocean Governance: The Perils of Multiple-Use Management and the Promise of Agency Diversity, Josh Eagle
Adequacy and the Rights Revolution: Reinterpreting the Education Clauses in State Constitutions, John C. Eastman
Citizens by Right, or by Consent?, John C. Eastman
Constitutions, John C. Eastman
Does the First Amendment's Freedom of the Press Clause Place the Institutional Media Above the Law of Classified Secrets?, John C. Eastman
Eating Up the Bread of Our Children, John C. Eastman
Free to Press, John C. Eastman
Listening to the Enemy: The President's Power to Conduct Surveillance of Enemy Communications During Time of War, John C. Eastman
Philosopher King Courts: Is the Exercise of Higher Law Authority Without a Higher Law Foundation Legitimate?, John C. Eastman
Politics and the Court: Did the Supreme Court Really Move Left Because of Embarrassment Over Bush v. Gore?, John C. Eastman
The Constitutionality of the NSA Surveillance Program: A Letter to the House Judiciary Committee, John C. Eastman
Thou Shall Not Speak, John C. Eastman
The Press as Interest Group: Mainstream Media in the United States Supreme Court, Eric B. Easton
Alcohol Liability in South Carolina: A Host of Legal Issues, Kevin R. Eberle
La Junta de Socios Contemporánea, Carlos D. Echaiz Moreno
Administración y disposición en la jurisprudencia registral, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La enseñanza virtual del Derecho, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La junta de socios contemporánea, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Las facultades de administración del directorio, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Los grupos de sociedades, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Competition Policy in Network Industries: An Introduction, Nicholas Economides
Hit and Miss: Leverage, Sacrifice, and Refusal to Deal in the Supreme Court Decision in Trinko, Nicholas Economides
The Economics of the Internet Backbone, Nicholas Economides
Linux vs. Windows: A Comparison of Application and Platform Innovation Incentives for Open Source and Proprietary Software Platforms, Nicholas Economides and Evangelos Katsamakas
Two-Sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source Technology Platforms and the Implications for the Software Industry, Nicholas Economides and Evangelos Katsamakas
Internationalizing Legal Research, Writing, and Oral Advocacy, Diane Edelman
Why Lawyers Should Care about Social Science Research, Lauren Edelman
Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Advancing Diversity at the University of California, Berkeley Under Proposition 209, Christopher Edley, , and
Voting Rights Act Reauthorization: Research-Based Recommendations to Improve Voting Access, Christopher Edley and Ana Henderson
Brief of 19 former chancellors of the University of California as amici curiae in support of respondents., Christopher Edley and Goodwin Liu
Housing Collapse: Bring it On!, Aaron S. Edlin
If Voters Won't Go for Taxing Oil to Conserve Energy, How Do We Do It?, Aaron S. Edlin
The Choose-your-Charity Tax: A Way to Incentivize Greater Giving, Aaron S. Edlin
The Accident Externality from Driving, Aaron S. Edlin and Pinar Karaca Mandic
The Law, Marketing and Behavioral Economics of Consumer Rebates, Matthew A. Edwards
Submission of Brazil and Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) 1982,", Edwin Egede
The Normalization of Product Preemption Doctrine, Jean M. Eggen
Don’t Get Bit: Addressing ICSID’s Inconsistent Application of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses to Dispute Resolution Provisions, Gabriel Egli
Mandatory Retirement: Murgia and Ageism, Howard C. Eglit
Competition is a Sin: An Evaluation of the Formation and Effects of a Natural Gas OPEC, Monika Ehrman
Competition is a Sin: The Evaluation and Effects of a Natural Gas OPEC, Monika Ehrman
Eminent Domain and Coastal Law, Monika Ehrman
Geology and Reservoir Engineering, Monika Ehrman
Natural Gas OPEC, Monika Ehrman
Marriage and the Elephant: State Regulation of Intimate Relationships between Adults , Maxine Eichner
Marriage and the Elephant: The Liberal Democratic State’s Regulation of Intimate Relationships between Adults , Maxine Eichner
Who Should Control Children's Education?: Parents, Children, and the State, Maxine Eichner
JURIES, JUDGES, AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES: EMPIRICAL ANALYSES USING THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR STATE COURTS 1992, 1996, AND 2001 DATA, Theodore Eisenberg, Michael Heise, Martin T. Wells, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Brian Ostrom, Thomas Munsterman, and Neil LaFountain
The Flight from Arbitration: An Empirical Study of Ex Ante Arbitration Clauses in Publicly-Held Companies’ Contracts, Theodore Eisenberg and Geoffrey Miller
Understanding the Policy Support Instrument of the IMF , Adebukola A. Eleso
WTO Dispute Settlement Remedies: Monetary Compensation as an Alternative for Developing Countries, Adebukola A. Eleso
The Anomaly of Guantanamo: Two Innocent Men Caught in a Devastating Legal Limbo, Lauren S. Elfant
Competing for Capital: The Diffusion of Bilateral Investment Treaties, 1960-2000, Zachary Elkins, Andrew T. Guzman, and Beth Simmons
In Search of the Unified Nation-State: National Attachment among Distinctive Citizens, Zachary Elkins and John Sides
Regulatory Status of VoIP in the Post-Brand X World, Jerry Ellig
Buried Online: State Laws That Limit E-Commerce in Caskets, Jerry Ellig and Asheesh Agarwal
The Purpose of Child Support, Ira M. Ellman
Making Main Street Legal Again: The SmartCode Solution to Sprawl, Chad Emerson
US-style Contingent and UK-style Conditional Fees: Agency Problems and the Supply of Legal Services, Winand Emons and Nuno Garoupa
Extraterritorial Corporate Criminal Liability: A Remedy for Human Rights Violations?, Eric A. Engle
I Am My Own Worst Enemy: Problems and Possibilities of European Foreign, Eric A. Engle