The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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from 2006
The Final Battle for Preemption: The FDA and Prescription Drug Labeling Product Liability Actions, Mary J. Davis
The Suffocation of Free Speech under the Gravity of Danger of Terrorism, Tim Davis
The Expanded Concept of Facial Discrimination in the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine, David Day
The "Mature" Rehnquist Court and the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine: The Expanded Discrimination, David Day
Tax Evasion: Get the Havens to Help , Steven Dean
The Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), Elizabeth De Armond
Social Host Liability in Canada, Jeremy de Beer
Copyrights, Federalism & Private Copying, jeremy debeer
How Restrictive Terms and Technologies Backfired on Sony BMG , Jeremy F. de Beer
Locks & Levies, Jeremy F. de Beer
Law & Economics y Derecho Comparado, El diseño de doctrinas jurídicas óptimas, Gerrit De Geest
Recoiling from Religion, Marc O. DeGirolami
Informatie: wel beschermd, doch niet vatbaar voor diefstal. Denkoefeningen over het juridisch statuut van informatie vanop het grensvlak tussen het strafrecht en de intellectuele rechten, Paul De Hert and Serge Gutwirth
The Battle of Mars and Venus: Why Do American and European Attitudes toward International Law Differ?, Robert J. Delahunty
Varied Carols: Legislative Prayer in a Pluralist Polity, Robert J. Delahunty
El secreto está en la técnica: los límites de la cláusula penal, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Justicia contractual, contratos de adhesión electrónicos y buena fe, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Plataformas electrónicas y protección del consumidores: el caso chileno, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Sofisma y realidad del paradigma democrático exterior estadounidense, Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral
A Hard Pill to Swallow- Does Schering v. Geneva Endanger Research and Development within the Pharmaceutical Industry?, Alfredo De La Rosa
The Role of Women in Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: Devising Solutions to the Demand side of Trafficking, Connie de la Vega and Chelsea E. HaleyNelson
Law-and-economics and legal formalism: never the twain shall meet?, Juan Javier del Granado
Local private law as a means of funneling domestic savings into investment (Why foreign direct investment is overvalued in economic growth theory), Juan Javier del Granado
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Argentina, Juan Javier del Granado and Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Mexico, Juan Javier del Granado and Héctor Fix Fierro
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Bolivia, Juan Javier del Granado and Carlos Gerke Mendieta
The Editors respond to "Mankiw vs. Board of Trustees" by Chyla, James B. DeLong and Aaron S. Edlin
Asimetrías de Información, Fallas del Mercado Crediticio y Correctivos Institucionales: El Papel del Estado en la Cobertura del Mercado Crediticio, Carlos Andrés Delvasto Perdomo
Proyecto de Ley 108/05, Asignación de Competencias en Materia de Derecho de la Competencia a la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio en Colombia, Carlos Andrés Delvasto Perdomo
An empirical investigation of psychopathy in a noninstitutionalized and noncriminal sample, David DeMatteo, Kirk Heilbrun, and Geoffrey Marczyk
Secondary prevention services for clients who are low risk in drug court: A conceptual model, David DeMatteo, Douglas B. Marlowe, and David Festinger
ECJ clarifies collecting societies rights in relation to the cable retransmission right but leaves some questions unanswered, Estelle Derclaye
One on the nose for Bellure: French appellate court confirms that perfumes are copyright protected, Estelle Derclaye
Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 2005 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach
TRIPS Flexibilities: A Critical Review, Vishwas H. Devaiah
The Impact of Article 39.3 in India: A Practical Perspective, Vishwas H. Devaiah, Tahir Amin, Priti Radhakrishnan, and Michael Steffen
¡AGUA! ¡AGUA!, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano
OCTUBRE DE 1492 Y LA GLOBALIZACIÓN, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano
O Mercado de Capitais e o Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, Luiz Rafael de Vargas Maluf
A Neo-Chicago Perspective on the Law of Product Tying: Exposing the Last Sanctuary of the Harvard School, Alan J. Devlin
Exploring the Source of Transatlantic Antitrust Divergence, Alan J. Devlin
IPEG blog since 2006, Severin de Wit
Weblogs, Severin de Wit
Tax Terrorism: Nasty Truths About Investor Control Theory and the Accommodation of Social Security Privatization, Bobby L. Dexter
Transfiguration of the Deadbeat Dad and the Greedy Octogenarian: An Intratextualist Critique of Tax Refund Seizures, Bobby L. Dexter
The Just World Bias and Hate Crime Statutes, Dhammika Dharmapala, Nuno Garoupa , and Richard H. McAdams
Ringing the Bell on the NYSE: Might a Nonprofit Stock Exchange Have Been Efficient?, Stephen F. Diamond
Governance of Brazilian Pension Funds, Luciana Pires Dias
A Modest Enterprise, Reza Dibadj
Delayering Corporate Law, Reza Dibadj
From Incongruity to Cooperative Federalism, Reza Dibadj
Rescuing Regulation, Reza Dibadj
The Misguided Transformation of Loyalty into Contract, Reza Dibadj
Weasel Numbers, Reza Dibadj
Finding Common Ground in the World of Electronic Contracts: The Consistency of Legal Reasoning in Clickwrap Cases, Robert L. Dickens
American Military Justice and International Criminal Court Complementarity: The Case of UCMJ Article 60, Allen J. Dickerson
Sex and Capital: What They Tell Us About Ourselves, Claire Moore Dickerson
Demand Letters and Diversity Jurisdiction, Michael P. Dickey
Receiverships in Florida, Michael P. Dickey
What is "lawyering"? The challenge of taxonomy, Joachim Dietrich
Statutory remedies and equitable remedies, Joachim Dietrich and Thomas Middleton
Counter-Majoritarian Power and Judges' Political Speech, Michael R. Dimino
Transnational Shipments of Nuclear Materials by Sea: Do Current Safeguards Provide Coastal States a Right to Deny Innocent Passage?, David B. Dixon
Constitutional Thematics and the Peculiar Federal Marriage Amendment, Scott Dodson
Petition for Certiorari, Lively v. Wild Oats Markets, Inc., No. 06-748, Scott Dodson
Subclassing, Scott Dodson
Power or Prudence: Which Is It?, Lisa A. Dolak
Human Rights Enforcement in the 21st Century, Douglas L. Donoho
Human Rights Enforcement in the Twenty-First Century, Douglas L. Donoho
Clinton and Bush's Report Cards on Crime Reduction: The Data Show Bush Policies Are Undermining Clinton Gains, John Donohue
Security, Democracy and Restraint, John Donohue
The Economics of Labor and Employment Law, John Donohue
The Law and Economics of Antidiscrimination Law, John Donohue
The Costs of Wrongful-Discharge Laws, John Donohue, David Autor, and Stewart Schwab
The Costs of Wrongful-Discharge Laws, John Donohue, David Autor, and Stewart Schwab
The Knicks Boldly Go Where Companies Have Not , John Donohue and Ian Ayres
The Knicks Boldly Go Where Companies Have Not , John Donohue and Ian Ayres
Does Terrorism Increase Crime? A Cautionary Tale, John Donohue and Daniel E. Ho
The Discretion of Judges and Corporate Executives: An Insider’s View of the Disney Case, John J. Donohue
Letter: A Reply to Rubin on the Death Penalty, John Donohue and Justin J. Wolfers
The Death Penalty: No Evidence for Deterrence, John Donohue and Justin J. Wolfers
ACT UP/Anita Bryant/Drugs, Religion, and Law/Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund/Right to Reply and Right of the Press/Sincerity of Religious Belief, James M. Donovan
Quality Online Legal Researching -- On the Cheap!, James M. Donovan
Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Research Bibliography Selectively Annotating Legal Literature through 2005, James M. Donovan
The Possibility of Technical Definition in Later Wittgenstein, James M. Donovan
Lessons Learned, Holly Doremus
Science and Controversy, Holly Doremus
Using Science in a Political World: The Importance of Transparency in Natural Resource Regulation, Holly Doremus
The Group Dynamics Theory of Executive Compensation, Michael B. Dorff
A Rational Choice Analysis of an Irrational Polity: Four Israeli Cases, Gideon Doron and Assaf Meydani
Bringing law to the gerontological stage, Israel Doron
Elder Law: Current issues and future frontiers, Israel Doron
Homes for the aged and residential zoning: can legislation make a difference?, Israel Doron and Asaf Davidi
The emergence of preventive elder law: an Israeli example, Israel Doron and Iddo Gal
'Assimilation and Authenticity: The ‘ordinary Aboriginal person’ and the provocation defence.', Heather A. Douglas
'Maximum Security: 'Being in the Belly of the Beast' ', Heather A. Douglas and John Touchie