Calling the United States' Bluff: How Sovereign Immunity Undermines the United States' Claim to an Effective Domestic Human Rights System
This article challenges the claims made by the United States that the civil rights system in this country adequately protects human rights, making it unnecessary for the United States to take on additional international human rights commitments. Specifically, the article uses international human rights law and comparative law to analyze the broad sovereign immunity doctrines that protect government actors in the United States from suits for damages even where constitutional violations are in play.
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Constitutional Law | Human Rights Law | International Law
Date of this Version
August 2006
Recommended Citation
Denise L. Gilman, "Calling the United States' Bluff: How Sovereign Immunity Undermines the United States' Claim to an Effective Domestic Human Rights System" (August 12, 2006). bepress Legal Series. bepress Legal Series.Working Paper 1528.