The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
Theories of Jewish Law and Cultural Property, Roberta R. Kwall
The Uses of History in the Supreme Court's Takings Clause Jurisprudence, Jonathan R. Lahn
How Does Health Insurance Affect Workers’ Compensation Filing?, Darius Noshir Lakdawalla, Robert T. Reville, and Seth A. Seabury
Report on European Company Law in Accelerated Progress: Italian Country Status Report, Marco Lamandini
The ECB and Target 2 - Securities: questions on the legal basis, Marco Lamandini
Overvalued Equity and the Case for an Asymmetric Insider Trading Regime, Thomas A. Lambert
Social Psychology, Legitimacy, and the Ethical Foundations of Judgment: Importing the Procedural Justice Model to Federal Sentencing Jurisprudence, Adam Lamparello
The Unreasonableness of ‘Reasonableness’ Review’: Assessing Appellate Jurisprudence in the post-Booker era, Adam Lamparello
Let the Games Begin: Incentives to Innovation in the New Economy of Intellectual Property Law, Amy L. Landers
Let the Games Begin: Incentives to Innovation in the New Economy of Intellectual Property Law, Amy L. Landers
Liquid Patents, Amy L. Landers
Liquid Patents, Amy L. Landers
Re-thinking Trade and Human Rights, Andrew T. Lang
Construction Trades Academy at Lakewood High School, Arthur Lang
Ethics and School, Arthur Lang
Shadow Study of Student Talmud High School, Arthur Lang
Summary of Education Law, Arthur Lang
Teaching to the Test in a Minority District, Arthur Lang
Federal Tax Accounting and Teacher's Manual, Michael B. Lang, Elliot Manning, and Steven J. Willis
How the Other Half Lives (Revisited): Twenty Years Since Midler v. Ford - A Global Perspective on the Right of Publicity, Alain Lapter
Only A Name? Trademark Royalties, Nexus and Taxing That Whcih Enriches, Sheldon H. Laskin
Only A Name? Trademark Royalties, Nexus and Taxing That Which Enriches, 22 AKRON TAX J. (forthcoming Spring 2007)., Sheldon H. Laskin
Civil Liberties in Uncivil Times: The Perilous Quest to Preserve American Freedoms, Kenneth Lasson
The Secret Is Out: Patent Law Preempts Mass Market License Terms Barring Reverse Engineering for Interoperability Purposes, Daniel Laster
Decoding Cyberproperty, Francis G. Lastowka
Digital Attribution: Copyright and the Right to Credit, Francis G. Lastowka
The Trademark Function of Authorship, Greg Lastowka
Distinguishing Fiction from Reality: The ASEAN Free Trade Area and Implications for the Global Auto Industry, Terence Lau
Management and Market Reactions to Litigation: Do Shareholders Win When the Company Loses?, Terence Lau
Observations on the Folly of Using Student Evaluations of College Teaching for Faculty Evaluation, Pay, and Retention Decisions and Its Implications for Academic Freedom, Terence Lau and William Wines
The Paradox of Omnipotence: Courts, Constitutions, and Commitments, David Law
The Paradox of Omnipotence: Courts, Constitutions, and Commitments, David S. Law
Judicial Selection, Appointments Gridlock, and the Nuclear Option, David S. Law and Lawrence B. Solum
Reviving a Natural Right: The Freedom of Autonomy, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Second Amendment Incorporation through the Fourteenth Amendment Privileges or Immunities and Due Process Clauses, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Second Amendment Incorporation through the Fourteenth Amendment Privileges or Immunities and Due Process Clauses, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Six essays on constitutional criminal procedure, topics included automobile searches and the open fields doctrine among others, Margaret M. Lawton
El pretendido efecto retroactivo de la condición cumplida, Patricio Lazo
Fractura de una pierna del esclavo vendido y periculum rei venditae, Patricio Lazo
Reglas jurídicas en el Código civil materia de posesión, Patricio Lazo and Macarena Silva
Choice of Jurisdiction in International Trade Disputes: Going Regional or Global?, Rafael Leal-Arcas
EU Legal Personality in Foreign Policy?, Rafael Leal-Arcas
Is EC Trade Policy up to Par?: A Legal Analysis over Time - Rome, Marrakesh, Amsterdam, Nice, and the Constitutional Treaty, Rafael Leal-Arcas
Polycephalous Anatomy of the EC in the WTO: An Analysis of Law and Practice, Rafael Leal-Arcas
The Death of the Doha Round. What Next for Services Trade?, Rafael Leal-Arcas
Theories of Supranationalism in the EU, Rafael Leal-Arcas
Academic Legal Writing: How to Write and Publish, Gerald Lebovits
Comparisons and Logic, Gerald Lebovits
Ethical Judicial Opinion Writing, Gerald Lebovits
Ethical Judicial Opinion Writing, Gerald Lebovits
Ethical Judicial Writing—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Introductory Guide to the New York City Family Court, Gerald Lebovits
Legal-Writing Myths - Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Legal-Writing Myths—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Legal-Writing Myths—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
Nonprimary-Residence Holdover Proceedings, Gerald Lebovits
Professionalism in the Legal Profession, Gerald Lebovits
Roommates in New York Law, Gerald Lebovits
Service of Process and Traverse Hearings in Landlord-Tenant Actions and Proceedings, Gerald Lebovits
Subletting in New York, Gerald Lebovits
The Department of Redundancy Department: Concision and Succinctness—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
The Department of Redundancy Department: Concision and Succinctness—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
You Think You Have Issues? The Art of Framing Issues in Legal Writing—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
You Think You Have Issues? The Art of Framing Issues in Legal Writing—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Legal Resource Guide, Scott Leckie and Anne T. Gallagher
“It’s the [Tort System], Stupid:” Consumer Deductibles; How to More Equitably Distribute the Risks of Medical Malpractice and Adequately Compensate Victims without Statutory Damage Caps., Bradford Luke Ledbetter
Moving Toward Exclusive Tribal Autonomy over Lands and Natural Resources, Stacy Leeds
Anti-Competitive Practices as Trade Barriers in Korean and Japanese Intellectual Property Markets, Eun Sup Lee
Legitimation of Trade-Related Environmental Measures under the WTO, Eun Sup Lee
Trade Barriers in Service/Investment Markets Erected by Korea and Japan, Eun Sup Lee
Judaism and John Paul II: Coming to Grips With What Law Means in the Hands of God, Randy Lee
Justifying Affirmative Action in K-12 Private Schools, Sharon H. Lee
Out of Line: Immigration and Party Identification Among Latinos and Asian Americans, Taeku Lee and Zoltan L. Hajnal
Introduction & Conclusion, Taeku Lee, S. Karthick Ramakrishnan, and Ricardo Ramirez
The Measure of the Doubt: Dissent, Indeterminacy, and Interpretation at the Federal Circuit, Jeffrey A. Lefstin
Intergovernmental Liability Rules, Amnon Lehavi
Should Academic Law Libraries Continue to Participate in the Federal Depository Library Program?, Theresa Leming
Violence Against Women, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Attorney-Client Privilege in the Public Sector: A Survey of Government Attorneys, Nancy Leong
Multiracial Identity and Affirmative Action, Nancy Leong
Derecho a la intimidad y responsabilidad civil. El refuerzo de los derechos fundamentales a través de los remedios civilísticos, Leysser L. Leon
As the Enterprise Wheel Turns: New Evidence on the Finality of Labor Arbitration Awards, Michael H. LeRoy
Compulsory Labor in a National Emergency: Public Service or Involuntary Servitude? The Case of Crippled Ports, Michael H. LeRoy
Off to Elba: The Legitimacy of Sex Offender Residence and Employment Restrictions, Joseph L. Lester
Reforma a la Justicia Civil y Comercial en Chile: Diagnóstico, Antecedentes y Lineamientos Generales, Francisco Javier Leturia Infante
Justicia civil: diagnóstico, evidencia empírica y lineamientos para una reforma, Francisco Javier Leturia Infante and José Francisco García
La Justicia civil y comercial chilena en crisis: Bases para el diseño de su reforma, Francisco Javier Leturia Infante and José Francisco García
Justicia Civil y Comercial: Una Reforma Pendiente. Bases para el diseño de la Reforma Procesal Civil, Francisco Javier Leturia Infante, José Francisco García, and José Pedro Silva
No Penis, No Problem, Kay L. Levine
The Intimacy Discount: Prosecutorial Discretion, Privacy and Equality in the Statutory Rape Caseload, Kay L. Levine
The Law Is Not the Case: Incorporating Empirical Methods into the Culture of Case Analysis, Kay L. Levine
Building a Better Lawyer Discipline System: The Queensland Experience, Leslie Levin
Forgotten Racial Equality: Implicit Bias, Decision-Making and Misremembering, Justin D. Levinson
Valuing Cultural Differences in Behavioral Economics, Justin D. Levinson and Kaiping Peng
Finding Nemo: Rediscovering the Virtues of Negotiability in the Wake of Enron, Adam J. Levitin
Finding Nemo: Rediscovering the Virtues of Negotiability in the Wake of Enron, Adam J. Levitin