About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Free Speech and Compulsory Union Fees: An Analysis of Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty Association, Barbara J. Fick

How to Count to Fifteen: Determining the Jurisdictional Scope of Title VII: An Analysis of Walters v. Metropolitan Educational Enterprises Inc., Barbara J. Fick

'If I Knew Then What I Know Now': The Role of After-Acquired Evidence in Employment Discrimination Cases: An Analysis of McKennon v. Nashville Banner, Barbara J. Fick

Inherently Discriminatory Conduct Revisited: Do We Know It When We See It?, Barbara J. Fick

Labor Law Preemption: Procedure and Substance: An Analysis of International Longshoremen's Association v. Davis, Barbara J. Fick

Labor Racketeering and Labor Law: State Regulation v. Federal Rights: An Analysis of Brown v. Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 54, Barbara J. Fick

Mixed Up About Mixed Motive: What Will Trigger a "Mixed Motive" Analysis in Title VII Cases? An Analysis of Desert Palace, Inc. v. Costa, Barbara J. Fick

Musical Courts: Plaintiff Picks a Court But Can Defendant Trump the Choice? An Analysis of Breuer v. Jim's Concrete of Brevard, Inc., Barbara J. Fick

Negotiation Theory and the Law of Collective Bargaining, Barbara J. Fick

Of Time Limits, Worksharing and Deferral: An Analysis of EEOC v. Commercial Office Products Co., Barbara J. Fick

Peer Review: I'll Give You My Opinion if You Don't Tell Anyone What It Is: An Analysis of University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC, Barbara J. Fick

Political Abuse of Hiring Halls: Comparative Treatment Under the NLRA and the LMRDA, Barbara J. Fick

Pretext or Pretext-Plus: What Must a Plaintiff Prove to Win a Title VII Lawsuit? An Analysis of St. Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks, Barbara J. Fick

Professional Employee or Supervisory Employee: Are Nurses Protected by the NLRA? An Analysis of NLRB v. Health Care & Retirement Corp., Barbara J. Fick

Survey of Recent Developments in Indiana Law: Labor and Employment Law, Barbara J. Fick

The Scope of Employer Liability for Employee Exposure to a Hazardous Substance: No Harm, No Foul? An Analysis of Metro-North Commuter R.R. Co. v. Buckley, Barbara J. Fick

Time is Money--But is it Compensable Work? An Analysis of IBP, Inc. v. Alvarez, Barbara J. Fick

Title VII: When Is a Pretext Not a Pretext? An Analysis of Westinghouse Electric Corp. v. Vaughn, Barbara J. Fick

What is an Employer's Liability for Constructive Discharge Under Title VII? An Analysis of Pennsylvania State Police v. Suders, Barbara J. Fick

What is the Time Limit for Filing a Lawsuit? It Depends on What Your Definition of "Arising Under" Is! An Analysis of Jones v. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Barbara J. Fick

What's on Your Mind? Imputing Motive in a Title VII Case, An Analysis of BCI Coca-Cola Bottling Co. v. EEOC, Barbara J. Fick

Who Pays the Piper if You Cut Into the Dance? An Analysis of Independent Federation of Flight Attendants v. Zipes, Barbara J. Fick

Who's Responsible? Employer Liability for Supervisors' Hostile-Environment Sexual Harassment: An Analysis of Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, Barbara J. Fick

Will the Supreme Court Sound the Death Knell for Political Patronage? An Analysis of O'Hare Truck Services, Inc. v. City of Northlake, Barbara J. Fick

With All Due Deference: What Constitutes the Exercise of "Independent Judgment" in the Workplace? An Analysis of NLRB v. Kentucky River Community Care, Barbara J. Fick

Perspectives on the Roles and Functions of Attorneys-General and Solicitors-General, Iain Field and Patrick Keyzer

What You See is What You Fear: Visual Imagery of Vaccine - Preventable Diseases as a Tool to Counteract Vaccine Rejection, Robert I. Field

Ethical Intersections & the Federal Tort Claim Act: An Approach for Government Attorneys, Paul Figley

Using Problems to Teach Quantitative Damages in a First Year Torts Class, Paul F. Figley

What is the most important factor in a society for it to work correctly?, Carlos Santiago Figueroa Londoño


Blasphemy in a Secular State: Some Reflections, Belachew M. Fikre


Increase Quota, Invite Opportunities, Improve Economy: An Examination of the Educational and Employment Crisis of Undocumented Immigrants and Individuals from Abroad, Brittany Fink


Increase Quota, Invite Opportunities, Improve Economy: An Examination of the Educational and Employment Crisis of Undocumented Immigrants and Individuals from Abroad, Brittany Fink




No Money, Mo' Problems: Why Unpaid Law Firm Internships Are Illegal and Unethical, Eric M. Fink


Make Gun Companies Pay Blood Money, Lucinda M. Finley and John G. Culhane

A Response to Harel, Hope, and Schwartz, John Finnis

Equality and Differences, John Finnis

On the Incoherence of Legal Positivism, John Finnis

Public Reason, Abortion, and Cloning, John Finnis

Response, John Finnis

Abortion and Legal Rationality, John M. Finnis

Allocating Risks and Suffering: Some Hidden Traps, John M. Finnis

Concluding Reflections, John M. Finnis

Developments in Judicial Jurisprudence, John M. Finnis

Euthanasia, Morality, and Law, John M. Finnis

Grounds of Law and Legal Theory: A Response, John M. Finnis

Law, Morality, and "Sexual Orientation", John M. Finnis

Legal Enforcement of "Duties to Oneself": Kant vs. Neo-Kantians, John M. Finnis

Liberalism and Natural Law Theory, John M. Finnis

Natural Law and Legal Reasoning, John M. Finnis

Natural Law and the "Is"-"Ought" Question: An Invitation to Professor Veatch, John M. Finnis

On 'Positivism' and 'Legal Rational Authority', John M. Finnis

On Reason and Authority in Law's Empire, John M. Finnis

On the Practical Meaning of Secularism, John M. Finnis

Power to Enforce Treaties in Australia -- the High Court Goes Centralist?, John M. Finnis

Reason and Passion: The Constitutional Dialectic of Free Speech and Obscenity, John M. Finnis

Separation of Powers in the Australian Constitution, John M. Finnis

Some Professorial Fallacies About Rights, John M. Finnis

The "Natural Law Tradition", John M. Finnis

The Responsibilities of the United Kingdom Parliament and Government Under the Australian Constitution, John M. Finnis

The "Value of Human Life" and "The Right to Death": Some Reflections on Cruzan and Ronald Dworkin, John M. Finnis

Unjust Laws in a Democratic Society: Some Philosophical and Theological Reflections, John M. Finnis

What is the Common Good, and Why Does It Concern the Client's Lawyer?, John M. Finnis

The Secret Sharers: "Anthony Rivers" and the Appellant Controversy, 1601-2, John M. Finnis and Patrick Martin


The Trade of Cultural Property: Legal Pluralism in an Age of Global Institutions, Francesca Fiorentini Prof.

Antitrust’s Democracy Deficit, Harry First and Spencer Weber Waller

Employee Reductions in Force: A Comparative Study of French and U.S. Legal Protections for Employees Downsized out of Their Jobs: A Suggested Alternative to Workforce Reductions, Bruce D. Fisher and Francois Lenglart

Workplace Knowledge and the Mobile Employee, Catherine Fisk

Wal-Mart, Gap Skirt the Issue, Catherine Fisk and James J. Brudney


Intellectual Property, TRIPS and Development, Anne Fitzgerald and Rami M. Olwan

Artificial Reproductive Techniques and the Protection of the Kinship System, Scott T. FitzGibbon

Co-Organizer: Symposium on the Jurisprudence of Family Relations: Privacy, Autonomy, and Should States Regulate Family Relations?, Scott T. FitzGibbon

Harmonious Discourse and the Good of Family Law, Scott T. FitzGibbon

Member, International Chair on Natural Law and Human Personhood, Scott T. FitzGibbon

Can We Please Stop Talking About Neutrality? Koppelman between Scalia and Rawls, Chad W. Flanders

South Africa: United States Economic Sanctions and the Impact on Apartheid, Laurel Fletcher, Luke Cole, and Alison McMorran

From Indifference to Engagement: Bystanders and International Criminal Justice, Laurel E. Fletcher

Institutions from above and Voices from Below: A Comment on Challenges to Group-Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Laurel E. Fletcher

Institutions From Above and Voices From Below: A Comment on Challenges to Group-Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Laurel E. Fletcher

Reflections on Germany, the Legal Academy, and Social Engagement: An Interview with Richard Buxbaum, Laurel E. Fletcher

Reflections on Twenty Years in Human Rights, Facing up to the Past: Bystanders and Transition Justice, Laurel E. Fletcher

Working Paper: International and Domestic Laws Relating to IDP and Refugee Men in Uganda, Laurel E. Fletcher, , , and Chris Dolan

Working Paper: An Overview of the Use of Digital Evidence in International Criminal Courts, Salzburg Workshop on Cyber Investigations, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper: An Overview of the Use of Digital Evidence in International Criminal Courts, Salzburg Workshop on Cyber Investigations, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper: An Overview of the Use of Digital Evidence in International Criminal Courts, Salzburg Workshop on Cyber Investigations, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper Digital Evidence and the American.pdf, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper Digital Evidence and the American.pdf, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper Digital Evidence and the American.pdf, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper: Digital Evidence: Investigatory Protocols, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper: Digital Evidence: Investigatory Protocols, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Working Paper: Digital Evidence: Investigatory Protocols, Laurel E. Fletcher, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Eric Stover, Jennifer Urban, , and

Defending the Rule of Law: Reconceptualizing Guantanamo Habeas Attorney, Laurel E. Fletcher, Alexis Kelly, and Zulaikha Aziz

Latino Workers and Human Rights in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Laurel E. Fletcher, Phuong Pham, Eric Stover, and Patrick Vinck

Violence and Social Repair: Rethinking the Contribution of Justice to Reconciliation, Laurel E. Fletcher and Harvey M. Weinstein

When Students Lose Perspective: Clinical Supervision and the Management of Empathy, Laurel E. Fletcher and Harvey M. Weinstein

Context, Timing and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, Laurel E. Fletcher, Harvey M. Weinstein, and Jamie Rowen

Human Rights Violations against Women, Laurel Fletcher, Allyn Taylor, and Joan Fitzpatrick


Beyond Uniqueness: Reimagining Tribal Courts' Jurisdiction, Katherine J. Florey


Patentes como límite a la innovación tecnológica, KATHERINE FLOREZ PINILLA and ALEJANDRO PEREZ Y SOTO DOMÍNGUEZ