About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Modular Environmental Regulation, Jody Freeman and Daniel Farber

Thirty-Fourth Annual Adminsitrative Law Issue - Modular Environmental Regulation, Jody Freeman and Daniel A. Farber


The Davis Good Faith Rule and Getting Answers to the Questions Jones Left Open, Susan Freiwald


The Four Factor Test, Susan Freiwald

The Fourth Amendment Status of Stored E-mail: The Law Professors' Brief in Warshak v. United States, Susan Freiwald and Patricia L. Bellia


Reforming Surveillance Law: The Swiss Model., Susan Freiwald and Sylvain Méille


Segmented Settlements Are Not the Answer: A Response to Professor Squire’s Article, How Collective Settlements Camouflage the Costs of Shareholder Lawsuits, Christopher C. French

The Little Black Book -- A Do-It Yourself Guide for Law Student Competitions, Martin Frey, Barbara Bucholtz, and Melissa Tatum


La retribución del gerente general en la Ley General de Sociedades, Javier Frías Paira


The Impact of Next Generation Television on Consumers and the First Amendment, Rob Frieden


The Rise of Quasi-Common Carriers and Conduit Convergence, Rob Frieden

Review of the book The Chinese Worker After Socialism, Eli D. Friedman

Remaking the World of Chinese Labour: A 30-Year Retrospective, Eli D. Friedman and Ching Kwan Lee


Faster Resolutions in Tariff Classification Litigation: Using Patent Law As a Model, Lawrence Friedman

Computer Software as Articles of Commerce in International Trade: The Surprising Study of Singapore's Software Subsidies, 4 Software L.J. 399 (1991), Lawrence M. Friedman and Mark E. Wojcik


Antibiotics for Livestock (letter), Bruce Friedrich


Meat Labeling Through the Looking Glass, Bruce Friedrich

Intergenerational Progress, Brett Frischmann and Mark P. McKenna

The UPC Substituted Judgment/Best Interest Standard for Guardian Decisions: A Proposal for Reform, Lawrence A. Frolik and Linda S. Whitton

From Consultation to Consent: Community Approval as a Prerequiste to Environmentally Significant Projects, Nicholas A. Fromherz

Comentario de jurisprudencia Sentencia Tribunal Constitucional, requerimiento de inaplicabilidad rol No 2207-12-INA, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira

Comentario de jurisprudencia Sentencia Tribunal Constitucional, requerimiento de inaplicabilidad rol No 2207-12-INA, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira

Judging Civil Justice: la justicia como bien público, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira


Legal opinion on the presentation at trial of new evidence that was not available during pretrial conference in family Courts/Comentario de jurisprudencia sobre prueba nueva no ofrecida en audiencia preparatoria en tribunales de familia, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira


Enforcing International Law: States, IOs, and Courts as Shaming Reference Groups, Roslyn Fuller and Sandeep Gopalan

A Building Contract Casebook, 4th edition, Michael Philip FURMSTON

A New Approach to International Commercial Contracts, Michael Philip FURMSTON

Can Customs rely on Barclays Bank?, Michael Philip FURMSTON

Is there a right to die?, Michael Philip FURMSTON

Remedies in International Law (Uniformity in International Commercial Arbitration), Michael Philip FURMSTON

The UNIDROIT Principles and International Commercial Arbitration, Michael Philip FURMSTON

The Law of Contract, 4th edition, Michael Philip FURMSTON, Roger BROWNSWORD, Bradgate ROBERT, Elizabeth MACDONALD, Clarke MALCOLM, Andrew PHANG, Adams JOHN, G.J. TOLHURST, J.W CARTER, and Halson ROGER

Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON, Jason CHUAH, and Chris Willett

Construction Law Reports (Vols 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith

Health Law: Materials and Problems, Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy S. Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz




From Gridlock to Groundbreaking: Realizing Reliability in Forensic Science, Jessica D. Gabel

Juries Can Quick Look Too, Garry A. Gabison


Limited Solution to a Dangerous Problem: The Future of the Oil Pollution Act., Garry A. Gabison


Daño moral y persona jurídica, Jose Gabriel Rivera

La voz de un jurista: entrevista a Philippe Le Tourneau, Jose Gabriel Rivera

LE TOURNEAU, Philippe, Breves comentarios críticos sobre la "responsabilidad contractual" en el Anteproyecto de Reforma del Derecho de la Responsabilidad Civil (TRADUCCIÓN DEL FRANCÉS), Jose Gabriel Rivera

Sobre una familia buscando una adopción o sobre la adopción de una nueva noción de familia, Jose Gabriel Rivera


El estatus de concubino... recargado, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


SAFFRA, Angelo, Contratos que dañan a terceros (TRADUCCION DEL ITALIANO), en Revista Jurídica Thomson & Reuters, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


Getting Published: Striving for the Byline, Lauren Gailey and

Should Smaller Countries Be More Protectionist? The Diversification Motive for Tariffs, James Gaisford and Olena Ivus


Do RoboMemos Dream Of Electric Nouns?: A Search For The Soul Of Legal Writing, Ian Gallacher


"When Numbers Get Serious": A Study Of Plain English Usage In Briefs Filed Before The New York Court Of Appeals, Ian Gallacher

Ending Slavery: A Papal Mission, Anne T. Gallagher AO


Ending Slavery: A Papal Mission, Anne T. Gallagher AO


From Peacekeepers to Slave Traders: An Australian's Journey to the UN and Beyond, Anne T. Gallagher AO


From Peacekeepers to Slave Traders: An Australia's Journey to the UN and Beyond, Anne T. Gallagher AO


Migration, Human Rights and Development: A Global Anthology, Anne T. Gallagher AO

From Philly to Fayetteville: Reflections on Teaching Criminal Law in the First Year...Four Years Later, Brian Gallini

Rethinking Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, Brian Gallini

Does Proving Predicate Offenses in Arkansas Require Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?, Brian Gallini and Britta Stamps

Introduction: Expansion and Contraction in Monopolization Law, Michael S. Gal, Spencer Weber Waller, and Avishalom Tor

Introduction: Expansion and Contraction in Monopolization Law, Michael S. Gal, Spencer Weber Waller, and Avishalom Tor


A Potential Game Changer in E-Commerce Taxation, David Gamage, Andrew J. Haile, and Darien Shanske


How to avoid another shutdown, David Gamage and David Louk

Taxation and Incentives in the Business Enterprise, David Gamage and Shruti Rana


The Case for a State-Level Debt-Financing Authority, David Gamage and Darien Shanske


El Potosí de prodigio, Alfonso Gamarra Durana


Global Justice and International Economic Law: Three Takes, Frank J. Garcia

Keynote Address, Towards a Pluralist Approach to Global Justice Theory, Frank J. Garcia

Presentation on Global Justice and International Economic Law: Three Takes, Frank J. Garcia

Between Cosmopolis and Community: Globalization and the Emerging Basis for Global Justice, Frank J. Garcia

Between Cosmopolis and Community: Globalization and the Emerging Basis for Global Justice, Frank J. Garcia


Los derechos lingüísticos de la humanidad como reto del siglo XXI [Linguistic Human Rights, the challenge of the XXI century], Francisco García Marcos

The Psychology of Competition: A Social Comparison Perspective, Stephen M. Garcia, Avishalom Tor, and Tyrone M. Schiff

Coming Full Circle: The Journey from Separate but Equal to Separate and Unequal Schools, Robert A. Garda Jr.

Culture Clash: Special Education in Charter Schools, Robert A. Garda


The Legal Impact of Emerging Governance Models on Public Education and Its Office Holders, Robert A. Garda Jr. and David Doty

Bearing False Witness: Perjured Affidavits and the Fourth Amendment, Stephen W. Gard

Book Review, Stephen W. Gard

Fighting Words as Free Speech, Stephen W. Gard

Prohibiting Public Displays of Popular Literature Harmful to Some Children: An Infringement of Adult Rights?, Stephen W. Gard

Religious Leafleting: Are Airport Terminals Proper Places for Exercising Free Speech Rights, Stephen W. Gard

The Absoluteness of the First Amendment, Stephen W. Gard

The Dubious Constitutionality of Local Controls Over the Religious Use of Land, Stephen W. Gard

The Flag Salute Cases and the First Amendment, Stephen W. Gard

The Impact of Pacifica Foundation on Two Traditions of Freedom of Expression (with Endress), Stephen W. Gard

San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez: On Our Way to Where?, Stephen W. Gard


Can we Find a Balance Between Privacy andSecurity?, Alan E. Garfield


Court To Decide If Voters Can Ban Affirmative Action, Alan E. Garfield


Justices Could Do Well to Heed a Father’s Example, Alan E. Garfield


Marriage Based on Love and Trust, Not Multiplying, Alan E. Garfield


No Resolution in Sight in Debate on Gun-Control Laws, Alan E. Garfield


Same-Sex Marriage Case Puts High Court in a Pickle, Alan E. Garfield


Supreme Court Takes on Tricky ‘Takings Clause’, Alan E. Garfield


Supreme Court Wrestles with Prayer at Public Meetings, Alan E. Garfield


Tools to Fight Voter Suppression Still Are Needed, Alan E. Garfield


Weighing One Constitutional Need Against Another, Alan E. Garfield

When Religion And Law Conflict, Alan E. Garfield

Have recent changes designed to benefit victims of international crimes added to the legitimacy of international criminal justice?, Sam Boris Garkawe


Health Care Reform: Walking the Fine Line between Epic and Tragic, Craig B. Garner


Return of the Hall Monitor: Say Hello to the Chief Compliance Officer at a Pharmaceutical Company Near You, Craig B. Garner

Affordable Private Education and the Middle Class City, Nicole Stelle Garnett

Are Charters Enough Choice - School Choice and the Future of Catholic Schools, Nicole Stelle Garnett