The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Global textiles and clothing trade: Trade policy perspectives, Umair H. Ghori
Risky winds: Investing in wind energy projects in Pakistan, Umair H. Ghori
How to Sufficiently Consider Efficiency, Competition, and Capital Formation in the Wake of Business Roundtable, Ian D. Ghrist
The Saga of Income from Income-Producing Collateral Treatment in Bankruptcy for Undersecured Creditors, Ian D. Ghrist
PFICs Gone Wild!, Monica Gianni
Comparing German and Polish Private Law. Preliminary Notes, Tomasz Giaro
Some Prejudices about the Legal Tradition of Eastern Europe, Tomasz Giaro
The East of the West. Harold J. Berman and Eastern Europe, Tomasz Giaro
E Unum Pluribus: the Limitations on State Law Because of Foreign Policy Uses of State Law as a Gap Filler to Meet The International Obligations of the United States, Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
Termination of Copyright Transfers: The Author Spouse’s Last Laugh, Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
Rebecca Giblin's PGP key, Rebecca Giblin
Was the High Court in iiNet right to be chary of a common law graduated response?, Rebecca Giblin
Grading Rubrics: Their Creation and Their Many Benefits to Professors and Students, Brenda D. Gibson
Anarquismo Judicial e Teoria dos Times, Ivo T. Gico Jr.
O Capital Jurídico e o Ciclo da Litigância, Ivo T. Gico Jr.
The Attorney-Client Relationship in the Age of Technology, Grace M. Giesel
The Death of the Common Law: Judicial Abdication and Contributory Negligence in Maryland, Donald G. Gifford
The Supreme Court, CAFA, and Parens Patriae Actions: Will it be Principles or Biases?, Donald G. Gifford and William L. Reynolds
The Supreme Court, CAFA, and Parens Patriae Actions: Will it be Principles or Biases?, Donald G. Gifford and William L. Reynolds
Apportioning Liability in Maryland Tort Cases: Time to End Contributory Negligence and Joint and Several Liability, Donald G. Gifford and Christopher J. Robinette
Attitudes that make for successful embedded law librarianship, Jordan A. Gilbertson and Andrea Alexander
The Political Fragmentation of Land Use Governance in Santiago, Chile, and its Implications for Socioeconomic Residential Segregation, Diego Gil Mc Cawley
Defending the Law Review - A Response to Judge Posner & Professor Lindgren, Harvey Gilmore
When We Lie to the Government, It's a Crime, But When the Government Lies to us, It's...Constitutional?, Harvey Gilmore
Strategic Default in joint liability groups: Evidence from a natural experiment in India, Xavier Gine, Karuna Krishnaswamy, and Alejandro Ponce
South Dakota Law Review Dedication to Randall J. Gingiss, Randall Gingiss
Becoming a Lawyer, Marc Ginsberg
Domestic Violence Hearsay Evidence, Marc Ginsberg
Indigent Defense: Three Days in a Nutshell VII, Marc Ginsberg
In Search of a Judicial Clerkship, Marc Ginsberg
Overview of Law School, Marc Ginsberg
Panelist: National Undergraduate Diversity Mock Trial Competition, Marc Ginsberg
Pre-Law Institute, The Law of Evidence, Marc Ginsberg
Respondents in Discovery, Marc Ginsberg
The Confrontation Clause and Forensic Autopsy Reports—A 'Testimonial', Marc Ginsberg
The “Persistent” Locality Rule, Marc Ginsberg
Touching the Legal Bases—How a Baseball Superstar Informs the Law, Marc Ginsberg
Constitutionalism: East Asian Antecedents, Tom Ginsburg
Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism, Tom Ginsburg, Jose Cheibub, and Zachary Elkins
Getting to Rights: Treaty Ratification, Constitutional Convergence, and Human Rights Practice, Tom Ginsburg, Zachary Elkins, and Beth Simmons
When to Overthrow your Government: The Right to Resist in the World’s Constitutions, Tom Ginsburg, Daniel Lansberg-Rodrigues, and Mila Versteeg
Libertarian Paternalism, Path Dependence, and Temporary Law, Tom Ginsburg, Jonathan Masur, and Richard McAdams
The Judicialization of Japanese Politics?, Tom Ginsburg and Tokujin Matsudaira
We the Peoples: The Global Origins of Constitutional Preambles, Tom Ginsburg, Daniel Rockmore, and Nick Foti
Why Do Countries Adopt Constitutional Review?, Tom Ginsburg and Mila Versteeg
Why Do Countries Adopt Constitutional Review?, Tom Ginsburg and Mila Versteeg
Why Do Countries Adopt Constitutional Review?, Tom Ginsburg and Mila Versteeg
Effect of the Health Mentors Program on Student Attitudes toward Team Care, Carolyn Giordano, Christine A. Arenson, Molly A. Rose, Kevin J. Lyons, Reena Antony, Kellie Smith, Leigh Ann Hewston, Elena Umland, and Lauren Collins
Program Evaluation of an Interprofessional Educational Program, Carolyn Giordano, Molly A. Rose, Christine A. Arenson, Kevin J. Lyons, Kellie Smith, Leigh Ann Hewston, J J. Veloski, and Lauren Collins
An Appraisal of Diplomatic Assurances One Year after Othman (Abu Qatada) v United Kingdom (2012), Mariagiulia Giuffré
Readmission Agreements and Refugee Rights: from a Critique to a Proposal, Mariagiulia Giuffré
Legal reasoning in Jacopo Menochio's De praesumptionibus (1587) (book), Adolfo Giuliani
Head of Public Services and Assistant Professor, diana gleason
How to Create American Manufacturing Jobs, John D. Gleissner Esquire
Silence is Golden: Using a "Silent Scrolling Powerpoint" Series to Enhance Your Course Dynamic, Julia M. Glencer Professor
Reexamining Fourth Amendment Seizures: A New Starting Point, Scott Glick
Functional Government in 3-D, Robert L. Glicksman and Alejandro E. Camacho
Using the Public Natural Resource Management Laws to Improve Water Pollution Anti-Degradation Policies, Robert L. Glicksman and sandra zellmer
Leon Lazer: The Giant Among Us, Howard Glickstein
Civil Rights Division Association Symposium: The Civil Rights Division at Forty, Howard Glickstein, Stephen J. Pollack, Brian Landsberg, Harold Greene, St. John Barrett, Paul F. Hancock, Muriel Spence, Michael Middleton, and James A. Turner
Estonian Economy and Economic Policy (by Dr. Ivar Raig, Tallinn University, Estonia), Edinam K. Glover
National Climate Change Legislation and Policy (by the Research Group of Environmental and Energy Law; Co-ordinator: Prof. Ari Ekroos), Edinam K. Glover
Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions Influencing Adoption of Agroforestry Practices, Edinam K. Glover, Badal A. Hassan, and Mawutor K. Glover
A Therapeutic Jurisprudential Framework of Estate Planning, Mark Glover
Evidentiary Privileges for Cohabiting Parents: Protecting Children Inside and Outside of Marriage, Mark Glover
The rehabilitation of preventive detention, Brendan Gogarty, Benedict Bartl, and Patrick Keyzer
Cross-cultural conflict management in an age of globalisation, Bee Chen Goh
As we see it, Bee Chen Goh, Habib Chamoun-Nicolas, Ellen E. Deason, Jay Folberg, and Sukhsimranjit Singh
Activating human rights and peace: observations and reflections, Bee Chen Goh, Baden Offord, and Robert Garbutt
Legal Theory From the Regulative Point of View, Alani Golanski
The Death of the Income Tax: A Progressive Consumption Tax and the Path to Fiscal Reform, Daniel S. Goldberg
Gridlock at the NLRB: One Step Back, Two Steps Further Back, Michael J. Goldberg
A Coalition Party in a Coalition Government, Hank J. Goldenberg
Bomze Family History, Hank J. Goldenberg
Forward Thinking, Hank J. Goldenberg
Forward Thinking, Hank J. Goldenberg
Government Transparency: Corruption, Hank J. Goldenberg
Just to Argue: College Essay, Hank J. Goldenberg
Think Tank Screencast, Hank J. Goldenberg
Time Cover Reflection, Hank J. Goldenberg
Living in a Smart World - People as Sensors, Bernie Goldie, Katina Michael, and Alexander Hayes
Living in a Smart World - People as Sensors, Bernie Goldie, Katina Michael, and Alexander Hayes
Freestyle Judging: Why Family Courts Should Be More Adversarial, Glenna Goldis
In Memorium: Brian Douglas Tittemore, Robert Goldman
Co-Directors' Message, Robert Goldman, Claudio Grossman, and Herman Schwartz
Certain Legal Questions Raised by the Septermber 11th Attacks, Robert K. Goldman
Extraterritorial Application of the Human Rights to Life and Personal Liberty, Including Habeas Corpus, During Situations of Armed Conflict, Robert K. Goldman
History and Action: the Inter-American Human Rights System and the Role of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Robert K. Goldman
Report of the Independent Expert on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism, Robert K. Goldman
Trivializing Torture: The Office of Legal Counsel’s 2002 Opinion Letter and International Law Against Torture, Robert K. Goldman
International Humanitarian Law: Americas Watch's Experience in Monitoring Internal Armed Conflicts, Robert Kogod Goldman
International Humanitarian Law and the Armed Conflicts in El Salvador and Nicaragua, Robert Kogod Goldman
Dedication to Waldemar A. Solf, Robert Kogod Goldman, Claudio Grossman, Raymond I. Geraldson, George H. Aldrich, Sally V. Mallison, and W. Thomas Mallison
Baby, They Were Born This Way, Malory Goldstein
Undermining Parental Authority, Unethical Advertising and the Accountability of Self-Regulation: as a Fable, Nachshon Goltz and Peter Neufeld
Clause Speech and Parliamentary Debate, Case Study SU- 047/1999®, Daniel Fernando Gomez Tamayo