The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Are Charters Enough Choice? School Choice and the Future of Catholic Schools, Nicole Stelle Garnett
A Winn for Educational Pluralism, Nicole Stelle Garnett
"But for the Grace of God There Go I": Justice Thomas and the Little Guy, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Governing? Gentrifying? Seceding? Real-time Answers to Questions About Business Improvement Districts, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Managing the Urban Commons, Nicole Stelle Garnett
"No Taking Without a Touching?" Questions from an Armchair Originalist, Nicole Stelle Garnett
On Castles and Commerce: Zoning Law and the Home Business Dilemma, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Ordering (and Order in) the City, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Planning as Public Use?, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Property In-Laws, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Relocating Disorder, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Restoring Lost Connections: Land Use, Policing, and Urban Vitality, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Suburbs as Exit, Suburbs as Entrance, Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Neglected Political Economy of Eminent Domain, Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Order-Maintenance Agenda as Land Use Policy, Nicole Stelle Garnett
The People Paradox, Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Public-Use Question as a Takings Problem, Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Road from Welfare to Work: Informal Transportation and the Urban Poor, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Trouble Preserving Paradise?, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Unbundling Homeownership: Regional Reforms from the Inside Out, Nicole Stelle Garnett
School Choice, the First Amendment, and Social Justice, Nicole Stelle Garnett and Richard W. Garnett
School Choice, the First Amendment, and Social Justice, Nicole Stelle Garnett and Richard W. Garnett
Assimilation, Toleration, and the State's Interest in the Development of Religious Doctrine, Richard Garnett
A Quiet Faith? Taxes, Politics, and the Privatization of Religion, Richard W. Garnett
Board Meeting Prayer Bound for Supreme Court in Church-State Case, Richard W. Garnett
Garnett on the Constitutionality of Legislative Prayer (Audio), Richard W. Garnett
Just Like a Prayer?, Richard W. Garnett
Legislative prayer gets Supreme Court review, Richard W. Garnett
Personal Reflections on the Chief, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett publishes op-ed piece in LA Times "The righteousness in Hobby Lobby's cause", Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett quoted in NCR article "Supreme Court takes up contraceptive mandate, will rule on religious rights of corporations", Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett quoted in Washington Post article "Court Confronts Religious Rights of Corporations", Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in NPR article "ACLU Sues, Claiming Catholic Hospitals Put Women At Risk.", Richard W. Garnett
Stop Parsing the Pope, Richard W. Garnett
Supreme Court to hear new case on religion in public life, Richard W. Garnett
Top Court Won't Block Town Prayers, Richard W. Garnett
A Hands-off Approach to Religious Doctrine: What are We Talking About, Richard W. Garnett
A Hands-off Approach to Religious Doctrine: What are We Talking About?, Richard W. Garnett
Can There Really Be "Free Speech" in Public Schools?, Richard W. Garnett
Changing Minds: Proselytism, Freedom, and the First Amendment, Richard W. Garnett
Chief Justice Rehnquist's Enduring Democratic Constitution, Richard W. Garnett
Church, State, and the Practice of Love, Richard W. Garnett
Common Schools and the Common Good: Reflections on the School-Choice Debate, Richard W. Garnett
Depravity Thrice Removed: Using the 'Heinous, Cruel, or Depraved' Factor to Aggravate Convictions of Nontriggermen Accomplices in Capital Cases, Richard W. Garnett
Do Churches Matter - Towards an Institutional Understanding of the Religion Clauses, Richard W. Garnett
Do Churches Matter? Towards an Institutional Understanding of the Religion Clauses, Richard W. Garnett
Education Reform at the Crossroads: Politics, the Constitution, and the Battle over School Choice, Richard W. Garnett
Introduction: Religion, Division, and the Constitution, Richard W. Garnett
Jaycees Reconsidered: Judge Richard S. Arnold and the Freedom of Association, Richard W. Garnett
Judicial Enforcement of the Establishment Clause, Richard W. Garnett
Judicial Review, Local Values, and Pluralism, Richard W. Garnett
Neutrality and the Good of Religious Freedom: An Appreciative Response to Professor Koppelman, Richard W. Garnett
Pluralism, Dialogue, and Freedom: Professor Robert Rodes and the Church-State Nexus, Richard W. Garnett
Religion and Group Rights: Are Churches (Just) like the Boy Scouts?, Richard W. Garnett
Religion and Group Rights: Are Churches (Just) Like the Boy Scouts?, Richard W. Garnett
Religion, Division, and the First Amendment, Richard W. Garnett
Religious Freedom, Church Autonomy, and Constitutionalism, Richard W. Garnett
Sectarian Reflections on Lawyers' Ethics and Death Row Volunteers, Richard W. Garnett
Sectarian Reflections on Lawyers' Ethics and Death-Row Volunteers, Richard W. Garnett
Standing, Spending, and Separation: How the No-Establishment Rule Does (and Does Not) Protect Conscience, Richard W. Garnett
Taking Pierce Seriously: The Family, Religious Education, and Harm to Children, Richard W. Garnett
'The Freedom of the Church': (Towards) an Exposition, Translation, and Defense, Richard W. Garnett
The New Federalism, the Spending Power, and Federal Criminal Law, Richard W. Garnett
The Political (and Other) Safeguards of Religious Freedom, Richard W. Garnett
The Right Questions About School Choice: Education, Religious Freedom, and the Common Good, Richard W. Garnett
The Story of Henry Adams' Soul: Education and the Expression of Associations, Richard W. Garnett
The Theology of the Blaine Amendments, Richard W. Garnett
Whom Should a Catholic University Honor?: "Speaking" with Integrity, Richard W. Garnett
Why Informed Consent? Human Experimentation and the Ethics of Autonomy, Richard W. Garnett
William H. Rehnquist: A Life Lived Greatly, and Well, Richard W. Garnett
Religious Liberties: The International Religious Freedom Act, Richard W. Garnett, Thomas F. Farr, T. Jeremy Gunn, and William L. Saunders
Bush v. Holmes: School Vouchers, Religious Freedom, and State Constitutions, Richard W. Garnett and Christopher S. Pearsall
Legal Education in Disruption: The Headwinds and Tailwinds of Technology, Jon M. Garon
Revisiting the Public Performance Right in the Battle Over Broadcast, Jon M. Garon
Rational Choice Theory from an Economic Point of View, Nuno Garoupa
On the Judicial Interest Rate: Towards a Law and Economics Theory, Nuno Garoupa and Hugo Acciarri
Choosing Between the Government and the Regions: An Empirical Analysis of the Italian Constitutional Court Decisions, Nuno Garoupa and Lucia Dalla Pellegrina
Judicial Roles in Non-Judicial Functions, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Judging Under Political Pressure: An Empirical Analysis of Constitutional Review Voting in the Spanish Constitutional Court, Nuno Garoupa, Fernando Gomez, and Veronica Grembi
Judging Under Political Pressure: An Empirical Analysis of Constitutional Review Voting in the Spanish Constitutional Court, Nuno Garoupa, Fernando Gomez, and Veronica Grembi
The Economics of Activity Levels and Negligence Standards, Nuno Garoupa and Thomas S. Ulen
Federal Habeas Corpus: Executive Detention and Post-conviction Litigation, Brandon Garrett and Lee B. Kovarsky
Catholic Judges in Capital Cases, John H. Garvey and Amy Coney Barrett
Questions and Answers-Copyright Column-Some fascinating answers about photocopying out-of-print books and recipes, Laura N. Gasaway, Jack G. Montgomery, Bruce Strauch, and Bryan M. Carson
Accesso agli atti e divieti di divulgazione - Commento all'art. 13, Valentina Gastaldo
Commento agli artt. 199 – 205, Valentina Gastaldo
Gli oneri di urbanizzazione e la garanzia fideiussoria, Valentina Gastaldo
La natura e l'onere di motivazione delle sanzioni pecuniarie in materia edilizia, Valentina Gastaldo
La spettanza degli eventuali risparmi di spesa conseguiti all'esito della gara per la realizzazione delle opere di urbanizzazione “a scomputo”, Valentina Gastaldo
Opere integrative previste nella convenzione urbanistica e necessita` di una procedura ad evidenza pubblica per la loro realizzazione, Valentina Gastaldo
A Critical Appraisal of the International Legal Tradition of Taslim Olawale Elias, James T. Gathii
African Regional Trade Agreements as Flexible Legal Regimes, James T. Gathii
African Regional Trade Agreements as Legal Regimes, James T. Gathii
Alternative and Critical: The Contribution of Research and Scholarship on Developing Countries to International Legal Theory, Symposium Issue Foreword, James T. Gathii
Assessing Claims of a New Doctrine of Pre-emptive War Under the Doctrine of Sources, James T. Gathii
Commerce, Conquest, and Wartime Confiscation, James T. Gathii
Construing Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy Consistently with Facilitating Access to Affordable AIDS Drugs to Low-End Consumers, James T. Gathii
Consumer and Pharmaceutical Dimensions of Addressing Bio-Terrorism: An Analysis of In re Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Antitrust Litigation, James T. Gathii