About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Legal Realism as Theory of Law, Michael Steven Green

Legal Realism, Lex Fori, and the Choice-of-Law Revolution, Michael Steven Green

Legal Revolutions: Six Mistakes About Discontinuity in the Legal Order, Michael Steven Green

Leiter on the Legal Realists, Michael Steven Green

Nietzsche’s Place in Nineteenth Century German Philosophy, Michael Steven Green

The Paradox of Auxiliary Rights: The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Michael Steven Green

The Privilege's Last Stand: The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and the Right to Rebel Against the State, Michael Steven Green

Why Protect Private Arms Possession? Nine Theories of the Second Amendment, Michael Steven Green


A Post-Pyett Collective Bargaining Agreement to Arbitrate Statutory Discrimination Claims: What Is It Good For–Could It Be Absolutely Nothing or Really Something?, Michael Z. Green


The Challenge for Collective Bargaining: Proceedings of the New York University 65th Annual Conference on Labor, Michael Z. Green

Determining When the Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Doctrine Applies to Internal Corporate Communications, Michael Z. Green

Discussion Group on the Rise and Fall of the Wagner Model: An International and Comparative Perspective, Michael Z. Green

Ethics of Social Media for Lawyers: It is Not Just Clients Who Need to Worry, Michael Z. Green

Expectations of Privacy in the Workplace Given Technological Advances and Increasing Employer Demands for Efficiency, Michael Z. Green

How the NLRB Still Plays a Major Role in Anti-Discrimination Law, Michael Z. Green

New Voices in Labor and Employment Discussion Group, Michael Z. Green

Roundtable for Research Deans, Michael Z. Green

Sunset to Twilight to Dusk: Ending Race-Conscious Admissions Policies ‘With All Deliberate Speed, Michael Z. Green

The Negotiation of Collective Bargaining Agreements, Michael Z. Green

The Procedural Dismantling of Established Discrimination Structures of Proof by the Roberts Court, Michael Z. Green

Official Bribery and Commercial Bribery: Should They be Distinguished?, Stuart Green


Past as Prologue in the Affirmative Action Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court: Reflections on Fisher v. University of Texas, David L. Gregory


Delays in Medical Malpractice Litigation in Civil Law Jurisdictions: Some Evidence from the Italian Court of Cassation, Veronica Grembi and Nuno Garoupa


Future Conduct and the Limits of Class-Action Settlements, James Grimmelmann

Internet Law: Cases and Problems 4.0, James Grimmelmann


The Illegal Process: Basic Problems in the Making and Application of Censorship, James Grimmelmann


What to Do About Google?, James Grimmelmann

Dr. Generative Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Iphone, James Grimmelmann and Paul Ohm


Liquid Assets: A Coasian Economic Analysis of Oregon's Allocation of Conserved Water Program, Richard A. Grisel

Look Before You Lease: A Lawyer's Guide to Oil & Gas Leasing, Richard A. Grisel


Look Before You Lease: A Lawyer's Guide to Oil & Gas Leasing, Richard A. Grisel

Celebrating a Centennial: A Proud Past, A Promising Future , Claudio Grossman, Robert Kogod Goldman, Frederick R. Anderson, Nicholas N. Kittrie, Thomas Buergenthal, and Gordon A. Christenson

Introduction - The Future of the Inter-American System of Human Rights, Claudio M. Grossman

Opening Remarks and Panel II Remarks - The Role of the Committee against Torture in Providing Full and Adequate Reparation to Victims, Claudio M. Grossman

Food, Drugs, and Droods: A Historical Consideration of Definitions and Categories in American Food and Drug Law, Lewis Grossman

Codification and the California Mentality, Lewis A. Grossman


When is Command-and-Control Efficient? Institutions, Technology and the Comparative Efficiency of Alternative Regulatory Regimes for Environmental Protection, Peter Z. Grossman and Daniel H. Cole


(reviewing Mark Drumbl, Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy (2012)), Leena Grover

Defending Provocation, Aya Gruber

West Production, Jacob Grunbaum




Making a Solid Connection: A New Look at Rule 10b-5’s Transactional Nexus Requirement, Jacob Grunbaum and Thomas J. Molony

Corporate Patents: Optimizing Organizational Responses to Innovation Opportunities and Invention Discoveries, Richard Gruner

Better Living Through Software: Promoting Information Processing Advances Through Patent Incentives, Richard S. Gruner

How High is Too High?: Reflections on the Sources and Meaning of Claim Construction Reversal Rates at the Federal Circuit, Richard S. Gruner

In Search of the Undiscovered Country: The Challenge of Describing Patentable Subject Matter, Richard S. Gruner

Intangible Inventions: Patentable Subject Matter for an Information Age, Richard S. Gruner

Sentencing Advisor: An Expert Computer System for Federal Sentencing Analyses , Richard S. Gruner

The Subsidized Path to Technology Cultivation in Developing Countries: Incentivizing Advances Through Trans-Border Patent Rewards, Richard S. Gruner


The World as Our Technologist: Visualizing Worldwide Sources of Technologies Patented in the United States, Richard S. Gruner

Why We Need a Strong Patent System and When: Filling the Void Left by the Bilski Case, Richard S. Gruner

For the Civil Practitioner: Review of Fourth Circuit Opinions in Civil Cases Decided November 1, 1991 Through December 31, 1992: II. Arbitration, Labor Relations and Employment Discrimination, Mark H. Grunewald

Quotas, Politics, And Judicial Statesmanship: The Civil Rights Act Of 1991 And Powell'S Bakke, Mark H. Grunewald

The NLRB’S First Rulemaking: An Exercise in Pragmatism, Mark H. Grunewald

The Regulatory Future of Contingent Employment: An Introduction, Mark H. Grunewald

Interest, Ribit and Riba, Leonard Grunstein

Interest, Ribit and Riba-Must these Disparate Legal Concepts Be Integrated or is a More Nuanced Approach Appropriate in a Gloabal Financial Community?, leonard grunstein


Standard of Review of Health and Environmental Regulations by WTO Panels, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski


The REACH Regulation and the TBT Agreement: The Role of the TBT Committee in Regulatory Processes, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski

The Role of Experts in Environmental and Health Related Trade Disputes in the WTO: Deconstructing Decision-Making Processes, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski


The TBT Agreement and Tobacco Control Regulations, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski


The WHO Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: A Next Step in International Control of Tobacco Products, Lukasz A. Gruszczynski


Climate Change Adaptation and Coastal Property Rights: A Massachusetts Case Study, Lara D. Guercio

A Beautiful Life: Albert O. Hirschman: Some Lessons for Legal Scholars, F.E. Guerra-Pujol


A Beautiful Life: Some Lessons for Legal Scholars, F.E. Guerra-Pujol

Equity in MERCOSUR: The use of Estoppel in a Customs Union Created for and by Countries of the Civil System of Law., Jessica M. Guevara

Determination of Practical ESALs Per Truck Values on Indiana Roads, Sedat Gulen, John Nagle, John Weaver, and Victor Lee Gallivan


From Immunity to Impunity: A Critique of Constitutional and Statutory Immunities in Sri Lanka, Gehan D. Gunatilleke Mr.


Hazed and Confused: THe Roehm Incident and the Necessity of Hazing Legislation, Karrie Gurbacki

Cooperating with the Prosecutor: How Many Motions Does it Take to Secure a Sentence That is Less Than the Mandatory Minimum Provided by Statute?, Jimmy Gurule

Does "Proceeds" Really Mean "Net Profits"? The Supreme Court's Efforts to Diminish the Utility of the Federal Money Laundering Statute, Jimmy Gurule

Introduction: The Ancient Roots of Modern Forfeiture Law, Jimmy Gurule

Jimmy Gurule discusses possible concurrent trials in Indy arson case, Jimmy Gurule

Jimmy Gurule quote in NPR "JPMorgan Says It Broke No Law. So Why Pay The $13 Billion?", Jimmy Gurule

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: May a Prisoner's Challenge to Parole Revocation Be Delayed Until the Sentence is Completed and then Dismissed as Moot?, Jimmy Gurule

Multiple Punishment for Similar Crimes: Is the Double Jeopardy Clause Violated?, Jimmy Gurule

Quoted in USA Today article "Judge's strike at U.S. surveillance won't be last word", Jimmy Gurule

Terrorism, Territorial Sovereignty, and the Forcible Apprehension of International Criminals Abroad, Jimmy Gurule

The 1988 U.N. Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances - A Ten Year Perspective: Is International Cooperation Merely Illusory?, Jimmy Gurule

The Double Jeopardy Dilemma: Does Criminal Prosecution and Civil Forfeiture in Separate Proceedings Violate the Double Jeopardy Clause?, Jimmy Gurule

The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986: Creating a New Federal Offense or Merely Affording Federal Prosecutors an Alternative Means of Punishing Specified Unlawful Activity?, Jimmy Gurule

Unfunding Terror - Perspectives on Unfunding Terror (Panel One), Jimmy Gurule

United States Opposition to the 1998 Rome Statute Establishing an International Criminal Court: Is the Court's Jurisdiction Truly Complementary to National Criminal Jurisdictions?, Jimmy Gurule

US intelligence assets in Mexico reportedly tied to murdered DEA agent, Jimmy Gurule


The Four-Hour Lawyer, Evan Guthrie


De taaltest voor professoren : strijdig met dertig jaar beleid zonder, tergend, overbodig en flamingant, Serge Gutwirth


Le contexte du droit ce sont ses sources formelles et les faits et moyens qui exigent son intervention, Serge Gutwirth


Taaltest voor professoren: tergend, overbodig, populistisch en flamingant, Serge Gutwirth


Anthologie de la vie privée. Compilation d’articles, de législation et de jurisprudence concernant la protection de la vie privée et des données à caractère personnel pour la Belgique jusque 1998, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert


Anthologie van de privacy. Overzicht van artikels, wetgeving en rechtspraak over privacy- en persoonsgegevensbescherming voor Beligië tot 1998, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert


To Punish or to Restore? A False Alternative, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert


Een eerlijk proces voor de 11 van Wetteren ?, Serge Gutwirth and Dirk Voorhoof


Klein klein kleutertje. Als de rechter kijft en slaat, krijgt de rechtsstaat klappen, Serge Gutwirth and Dirk Voorhoof


Minderheitenquorum und Mehrheitsmacht bei der Aktionärsklage – Bessere Corporate Governance durch Abschaffung der Beteiligungsschwelle gem. § 148 Abs. 1 Satz 1 AktG (Minimum Share Requirements for Deriviate Shareholder Suits), Brigitte Haar and Kristoffel Grechenig


For Health's Sake Be Not Colorblind, Ruth Hackford-Peer

Is the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods Achieving Uniformity?, Philip Hackney

Is the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods Achieving Uniformity?, Philip Hackney

A Response to Professor Leff’s Tax Planning “Olive Branch” for Marijuana Dealers, Philip T. Hackney

What We Talk About When We Talk About Tax Exemption, Philip T. Hackney