The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Testimony Before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Briefing on Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Non-Discrimination Principles with Civil Liberties, Michael A. Helfand
There Is Another Way to Get a 'Get', Michael A. Helfand
There Is Another Way to Get a ‘Get’, Michael A. Helfand
What is a "Church"?: Implied Consent and the Contraception Mandate, Michael A. Helfand
Cause-Related Marketing, Terri L. Helge
Joint Ventures of Nonprofits and For-Profits, Terri L. Helge
Ruling in Georgia State Copyright Case is Mostly Good News for Libraries, James S. Heller, Paul Hellyer, and Benjamin J. Keele
Estate and Gift Taxation, Brant J. Hellwig
Estate of Strangi, Section 2036, and the Continuing Relevance of Byrum, Brant J. Hellwig
Kimbell: Is the Party over for Family Limited Partnerships, Brant J. Hellwig
Kimbell v. United States: The Rise and Apparent Fall of the Section 2036 Argument Against FLPs, Brant J. Hellwig
Taxing Structured Settlements, Brant J. Hellwig and Gregg D. Polsky
Close the Yield Exemption Loophole Created by Childs, Brant J. Hellwig and Gregg D. Polsky
Litigation Expenses and the Alternate Minimum Tax, Brant J. Hellwig and Gregg D. Polsky
The Employment Tax Challenge to the Check the Box Regulations, Brant J. Hellwig and Gregg D. Polsky
Keeping It Real: Using Facebook Posts To Teach Professionalism and Professional Responsibility, Anna P. Hemingway
Tips for Lawyers Writing in a Time Crunch, Anna P. Hemingway and Jennifer Lear
SOX and the Capital Markets, Joan Heminway, Lyman Johnson, Renee Jones, and J. Robert Brown Jr.
Innovative Transactional Pedagogies, Joan MacLeod Heminway, Michael A. Woronoff, and Lyman P.Q. Johnson
“Antígona y los ‘falsos positivos’” (Antigone and the “False Positives”), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Apetito para las madelinas? Proust, Portelli y la memoria histórica en Colombia” (Appetite for Madelines: Proust, Portelli and Historical Memory Reconstruction in Colombia), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Elogio al grito” (An Eulogy for the Scream), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Elogio al grito” (An Eulogy for the Scream), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Kafka, la excepcionalidad y el ‘fuero militar’” (Kafka, Exceptionality and “Military Privileges”), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“La gramática de las flores: Michael Taussig, La Toya, Juan Echavarría y Amador” (The Grammar of the Flowers: Michael Taussig, La Toya, Juan Manuel Echavarría and Amador), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“La marcha de las putas, Baudelaire y Walter Benjamin” (The Protest of the Whores, Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Los dos 11 de septiembre y la invasión a Siria—primera parte” (The Two 9/11 and the Syrian Invasion—first part), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Los dos 11 de septiembre y la política del hambre—segunda parte” (The Two 9/11 and the Politics of Hunger—second part), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Marx, Wendy Brown y el matrimonio entre las parejas del mismo sexo” (Marx, Wendy Brown and Same-Sex Marriage), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Una oda para las FARC-EP: El legado de Esquilo” (An ode to the FARC-EP: The Legacy of Aeschylus), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
“Wittgenstein, el mito de Filomela y las bordadoras de Mampuján” (Wittgenstein, Philomela’s Myth and the Weavers of Mampuján), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro
Antigone Claimed: 'I Am a Stranger!' Political Theory and the Figure of the Stranger, Andrés Fabián Henao-Castro
After United States v. Jones, Stephen E. Henderson
After United States v. Jones, After the Fourth Amendment Third Party Doctrine, Stephen E. Henderson
American Bar Association Criminal Justice Standards on Law Enforcement Access to Third Party Records, Stephen E. Henderson
Crowdsourced Casebooks, The University of Alberta Faculty of Law's Centenary Conference on The Future of Law School, Stephen E. Henderson
For a list of recent presentations, including some available online, please see here:, Stephen E. Henderson
Location Tracking, Stephen E. Henderson
Real-time and Historic Location Surveillance After United States v. Jones: An Administrable, Mildly Mosaic Approach, Stephen E. Henderson
What Alex Kozinski and the Investigation of Earl Bradley Teach About Searching and Seizing Computers and the Dangers of Inevitable Discovery, Stephen E. Henderson
Who Should be the ‘Decider’ on Keeping Our Secrets?, Stephen E. Henderson
Search, Seizure, and Immunity: Second-Order Normative Authority and Rights, Stephen E. Henderson and Kelly Sorensen
Making the Case: Tips for Using (or Being) a UCC Expert Witness, William H. Henning
Moral Gridlock: Conceptual Barriers to No-Fault Compensation for Injured Research Subjects, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Revising the Common Rule: Prospects and Challenges, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Can't Escape from the Memory: Social Media and Public Sector Labor Law, William A. Herbert
Shelter from the Storm: Rekindling Research on Collective Bargaining and Representation Issues, William A. Herbert
R2DFord: Autonomous Vehicles and the Legal Implications of Varying Liability Structures, Alexander P. Herd
Attracting FDI: The Chilean Government's Role Promoting Renewable Energy, Kyle Herman
Chilean Renewable Energy Investment Potential with Technology Transfer, Kyle Herman
Chilean Renewable Energy Policy, Kyle Herman
Investment Prospectus: Concentrated Solar Power with Heliostat tower and Molten Salt Storage, Kyle Herman
Synopsis of Chilean Renewable Energy Industry, Kyle Herman
The Carbon Frame: Condensed Version, Kyle Herman
The Green Job Engine in Portugal, Kyle Herman
Chilean Renewable Energy Investment with Technology Transfer, Kyle S. Herman
Working Paper: Attracting FDI: The Chilean Government's Role in Promoting Renewable Energy, Kyle S. Herman
Intimate Partner Violence in Missouri: Adopting Actuarial Assessment to Predict Risk, John M. Herries Mr.
Intimate Partner Violence in Missouri: Adopting Actuarial Assessment to Predict Risk, John M. Herries Mr.
Unconscionability, Unfair Exploitation and the Nature of Contract Theory - Comments on Melvin Eisenberg's ‘Foundational Principles of Contract Law', Martijn W. Hesselink
App Neutrality: Apple’s App Store and Freedom of Expression Online, Luis E. Hestres
Termination of Older Youth from Foster Care: A Protocol for Illinois, Laurene Heybach and Stacey E. Platt
A Study of the Conflicts within Churches that Lead to the Termination of Pastors within the Southern Baptist Convention, Accompanied by a Proposal of Preventive and Interventional Solutions, Donald Quentin Hicks
Balance or Trade-off? Online Security Technologies and Fundamental Rights, Mireille Hildebrandt
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to Enforce in Cyberspace. Bodin, Schmitt, Grotius in Cyberspace., Mireille Hildebrandt
From Galatea 2.2 to Watson – and Back?, Mireille Hildebrandt
Legal Protection by Design in the Smart Grid, Mireille Hildebrandt
Profile Transparency by Design? Re-enabling Double Contingency, Mireille Hildebrandt
Slaves to Big Data. Or Are We?, Mireille Hildebrandt
The Rule of Law in Cyberspace, Mireille Hildebrandt
The Value of Personal Data. Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2013, Mireille Hildebrandt
Privacy, Due Process and the Computational Turn. The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology, Mireille Hildebrandt and Katja De Vries
Human Law and Computer Law: Comparative Perspectives, Mireille Hildebrandt and Jeanne Gaakeer
Introduction to The Value of Personal Data, Mireille Hildebrandt, Kieron O'Hara, and Michael Waidner
The Value of Personal Data. Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2013, Mireille Hildebrandt, Kieron O'Hara, and Michael Waidner
Data Protection by Design and Technology Neutral Law, Mireille Hildebrandt and Laura Tielemans
The Elephant in the Law School Assessment Room: The Role of Student Responsibility and Motivating Our Students to Learn, Cassandra L. Hill
Panelist, International Commercial Transactions: Sales of Goods and Cross-Border Financing, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Please Take Your Collateral: The Meaning of Surrender, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Get Ready for the Amendments to Revised Article 9, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger and Edwin E. Smith
Justifications and Proportionality: An Analysis of the ECJ's Assessment of National Rules for the Prevention of Tax Avoidance, Maria Hilling
Svenska skatteavtal och rätten att beskatta gränsöverskridande anställningsinkomster, Maria Hilling
Anatomy of the Reasonable Observer, Jessie Hill
Cloud Nine or Cloud Nein? Cloud Computing and Its Impact on Lawyers' Ethical Obligations and Privileged Communications, Louise L. Hill
Technology: A Motivation Behind Recent Model Rule Revisions, Louise L. Hill
Privacy Issues in the Age of Social Media M&A, Amy A. Hinkler
Presidential Rankings, Legacy, and Economic Performance 1869-2013, Harry M. Hipler
Ownership is Nine-Tenths of Possession: How Disparate Conceptions of Ownership Influence Possession Doctrines, Martin Hirschprung
Conflict of laws, Mary Hiscock and Winnie J. Ma
Access to Medicine in the Global Economy: International Agreements on Patents and Related Rights, Cynthia M. Ho
Attacking the Copyright Evildoers in Cyberspace, Cynthia M. Ho
Do Patents Promote the Progress of Justice?: Reflections on Varied Visions of Justice, Cynthia M. Ho
Inoculation Inventions: The Interplay of Infringement and Immunity in the Development of Biodefense Vaccines, Cynthia M. Ho
Patents, Patients, and Public Policy: An Incomplete Intersection at 35 U.S.C. 287 (c), Cynthia M. Ho