The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
An Analysis of the Cross-Strait ECFA under the WTO Legal System, Pasha L. HSIEH
China's Development of International Economic Law and WTO Legal Capacity Building, Pasha L. HSIEH
China's Development of International Economic Law and WTO Legal Capacity Building, Pasha L. HSIEH
China-Taiwan Trade Relations: Implications of the WTO and Asian Regionalism, Pasha L. HSIEH
China-Taiwan Trade Relations: Implications of the WTO and Asian Regionalism, Pasha L. HSIEH
China-United States Trade Negotiations and Disputes: The WTO and Beyond, Pasha L. HSIEH
China-United States Trade Negotiations and Disputes: The WTO and Beyond, Pasha L. HSIEH
Facing China: Taiwan’s Status as a Separate Customs Territory in the World Trade Organization, Pasha L. HSIEH
Facing China: Taiwan’s Status as a Separate Customs Territory in the World Trade Organization, Pasha L. HSIEH
International Legal Education and Career in the United States, Pasha L. HSIEH
International Legal Education and Career in the United States, Pasha L. HSIEH
The China-Taiwan ECFA, Geopolitical Dimensions and WTO Law, Pasha L. HSIEH
The China-Taiwan ECFA, Geopolitical Dimensions and WTO Law, Pasha L. HSIEH
The Legal Status of Taiwan in United State Courts, Pasha L. HSIEH
The Legal Status of Taiwan in United State Courts, Pasha L. HSIEH
WTO Legal Capacity Building: The Case of China, Pasha L. HSIEH
WTO Legal Capacity Building: The Case of China, Pasha L. HSIEH
ASEAN's Liberalization of Legal Services: The Singapore Case, Pasha L. Hsieh
Does Free Trade Matter for Poverty Reduction? The Case of ASEAN, Pasha L. Hsieh
Reassessing APEC’s Role as a Trans-Regional Economic Architecture: Legal and Policy Dimensions, Pasha L. Hsieh
Reassessing APEC’s Role as a Trans-Regional Economic Architecture: Legal and Policy Dimensions, Pasha L. Hsieh
International Trade and Investment Law and Carbon Management Technologies, Shi-Ling Hsu, Nigel Bankes, Anatole Boute, Sarah McCalla, Steve Charnovitz, Liz Whitsitt, and Nicholas Rivers
Reconciling the Differences Between the “Gender-Responsive” and the “What Works” Literatures to Improve Services for Girls, Dana Jones Hubbard and Betsy Mattews
The Importance of Responsivity Factors in Predicting Reductions in Antisocial Attitudes and Cognitive Distortions Among Adult Male Offenders, Dana Jones Hubbard and Jennifer Pealer
How Did RGGI Do It? Political Economy and Emissions Auctions, Bruce R. Huber
Transition Policy in Environmental Law, Bruce R. Huber
Be Not Afraid of Change: Time to Eliminate the Corporate Practice of Medicine Doctrine, Nicole Huberfeld
Pharma on the Hot Seat, Nicole Huberfeld
Post-Reform Medicaid before the Court: Discordant Advocacy Reflects Conflicting Attitudes, Nicole Huberfeld
Survey of Recent Developments in Third Circuit Law, Bonenberger v. Plymouth Township, 132 F.3d 20 (3d Cir. 1997), Nicole Huberfeld
Tackling the “Evils” of Interlocking Directorates in Healthcare Nonprofits, Nicole Huberfeld
The Commerce Clause Post-Lopez: It's Not Dead Yet, Nicole Huberfeld
Three Generations of Welfare Mothers Are Enough: A Disturbing Return to Eugenics in the Recent "Workfare" Law, Nicole Huberfeld
With Liberty and Access for Some: The ACA's Disconnect for Women's Health, Nicole Huberfeld
Quality Control, Enterprise Liability, and Distintermediation in Managed Care, Nicole Huberfeld and John V. Jacobi
Plunging into Endless Difficulties: Medicaid and Coercion in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, Nicole Huberfeld, Elizabeth Weeks Leonard, and Kevin Outterson
Forensic accountants, forensic accounting certifications, and due diligence..pdf, Wm. Dennis Huber
AALS Clinical Section Annual Meeting group leader, Charlotte Hughart
Aesthetics of Commercial Law -- Domestic and International Implications, Heather Hughes
Derivatives Traders Do What, Again? (Book Review), Heather Hughes
Enabling Investment in Environmental Sustainability, Heather Hughes
Enabling Investments in Environmental Sustainability, Heather Hughes
Securitization and Suburbia, Heather Hughes
Understanding the Development Potential of Worker Remittance Securitization, Heather Hughes
United States Regulation of Stem Cell Research: Recasting Government's Role and Questions to Be Resolved, Owen C. B. Hughes, Alan L. Jakimo, and Michael J. Malinowski
Symposium Opening, Rachel Hughes and Tamara Piety
Slaves to Contradictions: 13 Myths That Sustained Slavery, Wilson Huhn
Supreme Court Update: 2012-2013 Term (Civil Cases in Constitutional Law), Wilson Huhn
Reverse-Commandeering, Margaret Hu
Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, Margaret Hum
Strange Crossings: Mass Incarceration and Racial Profiling & the New Security State Panel, Cecil J. Hunt II
Civil Society Networks and the Development of Environmental Standards at International Financial Institutions, David Hunter
Better coal seam gas regulation needed to keep Australia safe, Tina Hunter
Comparative law as an instrument in transnational law: The example of petroleum regulation, Tina Hunter
Comparative Law as an Instrument in Transnational Law: the example of petroleum regulation, Tina Hunter
Concepts and overview, Tina Hunter
Equality for the Earth – The Role of Intergenerational Equity and Customary International Law, Tina Hunter
Food or fuel: How will governments solve the coal seam gas dilemma?, Tina Hunter
Interpretive Theories: Dworkin, Sunstein, and Ely, Tina Hunter
Introduction, Tina Hunter
It's time: Petroleum policy change for sustainable development in the Australian offshore upstream petroleum sector, Tina Hunter
Legal regimes that encourage improved oil recovery: The Norwegian experience, Tina Hunter
National water commission calls for closer look at fracking, Tina Hunter
Offshore exploration and production, policy and the Offshore Petroleum Act: Whither now?, Tina Hunter
Petroleum regulation for economic and sustainable development: A comparison of Australia and Norway, Tina Hunter
Rule of law, separation of powers and judicial decision making in Australia - Part 2, Tina Hunter
Shale gas resources in Western Australia: An assesment of the legal framework for the extraction of onshore shale gas, Tina Hunter
The BP Oil Spill and Australia…Is There a Connection?, Tina Hunter
The Montara oil spill and the marine oil spill contingency plan: Disaster response or just a disaster?, Tina Hunter
The offshore petroleum regulatory frameworks of Australia and Norway, Tina Hunter
Uniform Torrens Title legislation: Is there a will and a way?, Tina Hunter
Why is petrol so expensive?, Tina Hunter
Conflict of laws, Tina Hunter and Amir Kordvani
Editorial: Autumn 2010, Tina Hunter and Jodie O'Leary
Editorial: Autumn 2011, Tina Hunter and Jodie O'Leary
Offshore petroleum facility integrity in Australia and the United Kingdom: A comparative study of two countries utilising the safety case regime, Tina Hunter and John Paterson
Oil and politics apparently do mix: The role of multinational resource corporations in national sovereignty, Tina Hunter and Thomas Storey
Rebalancing Public and Private in the Law of Mortgage Transfer, John P. Hunt
Should the Mortgage Follow the Note?, John P. Hunt
A Retrospective on the PATCO Strategy, Richard W. Hurd
Beyond Labor's Brawl: Strategic Conundrums Await, Richard W. Hurd
Big Labor Regains its Muscle: Social Responsibility Leads to Greater Political Clout, Richard W. Hurd
Learning From Clerical Unions: Two Cases of Organizing Success, Richard W. Hurd
New Deal Labor Policy and the Containment of Radical Union Activity, Richard W. Hurd
Professional Employees and Union Democracy: From Control to Chaos, Richard W. Hurd