The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
One Redeeming Quality About the 112th Congress: Refocusing on Descriptive Rather than Evocative Short Titles, Brian Christopher Jones
Personalized Bills as Commemorations: A Problem for House Rules?, Brian Christopher Jones
Plain Language Prospects in American Public Law: Insiders Weigh In, Brian Christopher Jones
SCOTUS Short Title Turmoil: Time for a Congressional Bill Naming Authority, Brian Christopher Jones
The Congressional Short Title (R)Evolution: Changing the Face of America's Public Laws, Brian Christopher Jones
The USA FREEDOM Act and the Perils of Linguistic Excess, Brian Christopher Jones
Westminster's Impending Short Title Quandary: And How To Fix it, Brian Christopher Jones
Westminster's impending short title quandary: and how to fix it., Brian Christopher Jones
Are Short Bill Titles a Form of Deceptive Advertising?, Brian Christopher Jones and Randal Shaheen
Making a Public Service Career Affordable, Laurie W. Jones
Making a Public Service Career Affordable, Laurie W. Jones
Employing the "Last Best Offer" Approach in Criminal Settlement Conferences: The Therapeutic Application of an Arbitration Technique in Judicial Mediation, Michael Jones and David B. Wexler
Risk Personality and Fraud, Renee Jones
The Moderator, The Black Legal Experience in Boston: Challenges and Inspirations, Renee Jones
Utilizing the Director Bar to Enhance Director Accountability, Renee Jones
Debate: The Ethicality of Drone Use During War, Samuel Vincent Jones
Judicial Ethics and Social Media, Samuel Vincent Jones
Inflation in Enrichment Claims: Reflections on the Brazilian Civil Code, Aimite Jorge
"Measuring Enrichment Liability in the Context of Unfinished Construction Projects", Aimite Jorge
The Subsidiarity Rule: the Unjust Enrichment Doctrine in Construction Law, Aimite Jorge
Multilateral Stability and Efficiency of Trade Agreements: A Network Formation Approach, Nathalie Jorzik and Frank Mueller-Langer
Innovation and Development in the Age of Climate Change Adaptation: Open or Closed?, Dannie JOST
Pegram v. Herdrich: The Supreme Court Confronts Managed Care, Timothy S. Jost
Health Insurance Exchanges: Legal Issues, Timothy S. Jost
Comparative and International Health Law, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Global Health Care Financing Law: A Useful Concept?, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Health Courts and Malpractice Claims Adjudication through Medicare: Some Questions, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Health Law and Administrative Law: A Marriage Most Convenient, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Is Health Insurance a Bad Idea? The Consumer-Driven Perspective, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Is Medicaid Constitutional?, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Loopholes in the Affordable Care Act: Regulatory Gaps and Border Crossing Techniques and How to Address Them, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Medicare and Medicaid False Claims: Prohibitions and Sanctions, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Medicare and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations: A Healthy Relationship?, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Optimizing Qui Tam Litigation and Minimizing Fraud and Abuse: A Comment on Christopher Alexion’s Open the Door, Not the Floodgates, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Our Broken Health Care System and How to Fix it: An Essay on Health Law and Policy, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Oversight of Marketing Relationships Between Physicians and the Drug and Device Industry: A Comparative Study, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America v. Walsh: The Supreme Court Allows the States To Proceed with Expanding Access to Drugs, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Policing Cost Containment: The Medicare Peer Review Organization Program, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Private or Public Approaches to Insuring the Uninsured: Lessons from International Experience with Private Insurance, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Religious Freedom and Women's Health - Litigation on Contraception, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Rights of Embryo and Foetus in Private Law, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Shifting Risk of Ruin to Consumers: The Role of Tax Law in American Health Policy, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The American Right-Wing Policy Agenda, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Future of Medicare, Post Great Society and Post Plus-Choice: Legal and Policy Issues--Foreword, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Independent Medicare Advisory Board, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals: Private Regulation of Health Care and the Public Interest, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Massachusetts Health Plan: Public Insurance for the Poor, Private Insurance for the Wealthy, Self-Insurance for the Rest?, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Most Important Health Care Legislation of the Millennium (So Far): The Medicare Modernization Act, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Real Constitutional Problem with the Affordable Care Act, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Role of Courts in Health Care Rationing: The German Model, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Supreme Court and the Future of Medicaid, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Uses of the Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Case of Law, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Why Can't We Do What They Do? National Health Reform Abroad, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
The Role of Competition in Health Care: A Western European Perspective, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, Diane Dawson, and André den Exter
The Role of State Regulation in Consumer-Driven Health Care, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost and Mark A. Hall
The Supreme Court and the future of Medicaid, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Professional Sovereignty in a Changing Health Care System: Reflections on Paul Starr's The Social Transformation of American Medicine, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, Keith Wailoo, and Mark Schlesinger
Building Clinical Legal Education Programs in a Country Without a Tradition of Graduate Professional Legal Education: Japan Educational Reform as a Case Study, Peter A. Joy, Shigeo Miyagawa, Takao Suami, and Charles D. Weisselberg
Access to Justice, Academic Freedom, and Political Interference: A Clinical Program under Siege, Peter A. Joy and Charles D. Weisselberg
Intersections of age and gender, Jenny Julén Votinius
Intersections of Age and Gender, Jenny Julén Votinius
Parenthood Meets Market-Functionalism: Parental Rights in the Labour Market and the Importance of Gender, Jenny Julén Votinius
3 Things I’ve Learned About Ph.D. Students and Placement, Audrey Williams June
Et Tu, Plaintiffs? An Empirical Analysis of Daubert's Effect on Plaintiffs, and Why Gatekeeping Standards Matter (a Lot), Andrew W. Jurs and Scott DeVito
The Stricter Standard: An Empirical Assessment of Daubert's Effect on Civil Defendants, Andrew W. Jurs and Scott DeVito
Contingent Capital in Executive Compensation, Wulf A. Kaal
Initial Reflections on an Evolving Standard: Constraints on Risk Taking by Directors and Officers in Germany and the United States, Wulf A. Kaal and Richard W. Painter
Flemming Rose's Rejection of the American Free Speech Canon and the Poverty of Comparative Constitutional Theory, Robert Kahn
Why Do Europeans Ban Hate Speech? A Debate Between Karl Loewenstein And Robert Post, Robert Kahn
Academics call religion vital to a well-functioning society, Kristine Kalanges
Beyond Judicial Populism, Anil Kalhan
Courting Power, Anil Kalhan
"Gray Zone" Constitutionalism and the Dilemma of Judicial Independence in Pakistan, Anil Kalhan
Immigration Policing and Federalism Through the Lens of Technology, Surveillance, and Privacy, Anil Kalhan
Q&A: “The SC Has Treated Judicial Independence as a Static Concept”, Anil Kalhan
Symposium: Building Global Professionalism: Emerging Trends in International and Transnational Legal Education, Anil Kalhan
Thinking Critically About International and Transnational Legal Education, Anil Kalhan
The Right to Counsel in Minnesota: Some Field Findings and Legal-Policy Observations, Yale Kamisar and Jesse H. Choper
Coming to Terms with Wilderness: The Wilderness Act and the Problem of Wildlife Restoration, Sean Kammer
The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005: Perspectives and Predicts, Kenneth Kandaras
Does Manly Courage Exist?, John M. Kang
Re-envisioning the Controlling Shareholder Regime: Why Controlling Shareholders and Minority Shareholders Embrace Each Other, Sang Yop Kang
Transplanting a Poison Pill to Controlling Shareholder Regimes: Why It Is So Difficult, Sang Yop Kang
"Alien" Litigation as Polity-Participation: The Positive Power of a "Voteless Class of Litigants", Daniel Kanstroom
A Nation of Immigrants, Daniel Kanstroom
Panelist, Performing Border Crossings: Deportees, Community Education, and the Feria Patronal Espíritu Santo, Daniel Kanstroom
Respondent, Drawing the Line: Race, Citizenship, and the Construction of Illegality in Federal, State, and Local Immigration Enforcement, Daniel Kanstroom
Who Has Which Rights Where?, Daniel Kanstroom
Constructing Illegality in America: Immigrant Experiences, Critiques, and Resistance, Daniel Kanstroom and Cecilia Menjívar
An Empirical Profile of Neonaticidal Mothers, Diane S. Kaplan
An Introduction to the American Legal System — the First American Law Text Book Published by The People's Republic Of China, Diane S. Kaplan