The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Origins of the Privileges and Immunities of State Citizenship under Article IV, Stewart Jay
The Flexibility of Section 5 and the Politics of Disaster in Post-Katrina New Orleans, Jalila Jefferson-Bullock
Preliminary Negotiations or Binding Obligations? A Framework for Determining the Intent of the Parties, Neva B. Jeffries
The Implications of Janus on the Liability of Issuers in Jurisdictions Rejecting Collective Scienter, Neva B. Jeffries
The Plaintiffs' Lawyer's Transaction Tax: The New Cost of Doing Business in Public Company Deals, Neva Browning Jeffries
Related party transactions in New Zealand: An empirical study of a flawed system, Duncan C. Jessep, John H. Farrar, and Susan Watson
Success stories of stock enhancement in Floodplain wetlands in Assam, Bihar and West Bengal and their economic, environmental and social implication, B. C. Jha, B. K. Bhattacharjya, V. R. Suresh, and Ganesh Chandra
Shopping center "track" system popular can instantly "catch" consumer, Cui Jiahui and Katina Michael
In Memoriam: Everett F. Goldberg, Michael J. Kelly, Garrett Power, David S. Bogen, and Thomas E. Plank
Lawmaking by Public Welfare Professionals, Gerald Jogerst, Jeanette Daly, Jeffrey Dawson, Gretchen Schmuch, and Margaret F. Brinig
Don't Stop the Music: iTunes and Probate Law, Braden W. Johnson
New SLU Law Dean can be a Uniting Figure, Braden W. Johnson
A Primer on Clearing OTC Derivatives: A Buyside Blueprint for Implementation, Christian A. Johnson and Laura Dicioccio
It's A Scandal: Can Minority Women in the Legal Academy Be Gladiators?, Danne L. Johnson
Sending American Children Abroad: An Analysis of U.S. Adoption Practices After the Ratification of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, Jessica J. G. Johnson
Immigration, Fashion, and Eathing Disorders (Poster), Kit Johnson
Models and Tech Workers Fight for Same Visas, Kit Johnson
The American Dream Re-Built: Should Foreign Homebuyers Get Automatic Immigration Status?, Kit Johnson
Theories of Immigration Law, Kit Johnson
Theories of Immigration Law, Kit Johnson
Theories of Immigration Law, Kit Johnson
Untangling Immigration Law: The Four Theories Underlying Our Beneficence, Kit Johnson
Beyond the Inevitable and Inadequate Regulation of Bankers: A Comment on Painter, Lyman Johnson
Corporate Law Professors as Gatekeepers, Lyman Johnson
Misunderstanding Director Duties: The Strange Case of Virginia, Lyman Johnson
Beyond the Inevitable and Inadequate Regulation of Bankers, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Corporate Takeovers And Corporations: Who Are They For?, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Delaware's Non-Waivable Duties, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Making (Corporate) Law In A Skeptical World, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
New Approaches To Corporate Law, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Securities Fraud and the Mirage of Repose, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
State Takeover Statutes: Constitutionality, Community, and Heresy, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Unsettledness in Delaware Corporate Law: Business Judgment Rule, Corporate Purpose, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Unsettledness in Delaware Corporate Law: Business Judgment Rule, Corporate Purpose, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
A Fresh Look at Director "Independence": Mutual Fund Fee Litigation and Gartenberg at Twenty-Five, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
After Enron: Remembering Loyalty Discourse in Corporate Law, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Are Corporate Officers Advised About Fiduciary Duties, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Corporate and Business Law (Annual Survey of Virginia Law), Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Corporate Officers and the Business Judgment Rule, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Counter-Narrative in Corporate Law: Saints and Sinners, Apostles and Epistles, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Debarring Faithless Corporate and Religious Fiduciaries in Bankruptcy, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Enduring Equity in the Close Corporation, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Faith and Faithfulness in Corporate Theory, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
For the Civil Practitioner: Review of Fourth Circuit Opinions in Civil Cases Decided November 1, 1991 Through December 31, 1992: XI - Securities Regulation, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Having the Fiduciary Duty Talk: Model Advice for Corporate Officers (and Other Senior Agents), Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Law and Legal Theory in the History of Corporate Responsibility: Corporate Personhood, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Reality Check on Officer Liability, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Reclaiming an Ethic of Corporate Responsibility, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Re-Enchanting the Corporation, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Rethinking Judicial Review of Director Care, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Roger, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Sovereignty Over Corporate Stock, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Audit Committee's Ethical and Legal Responsibilities: The State Law Perspective, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Delaware Judiciary and the Meaning of Corporate Life and Corporate Law, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Eventual Clash Between Judicial and Legislative Notions of Target Management Conduct, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Modest Business Judgment Rule, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Social Responsibility of Corporate Law Professors, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Why Register Hedge Fund Advisers—A Comment, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Gender and Securities Law in the Supreme Court, Lyman P.Q. Johnson, Michelle Harner, and Jason A. Cantone
Recalling Why Corporate Officers Are Fiduciaries, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David Millon
Corporate Takeovers and Corporate Law: Who's in Control?, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Misreading the Williams Act, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Missing the Point About State Takeover Statutes, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Recalling Why Corporate Officers are Fiduciaries, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
The Case Beyond Time, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
The Case Beyond Time, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Rethinking How Business Purpose Is Taught in Catholic Business Education, Lyman P. Q. Johnson, Michael Naughton, and William Bojan
The Reincarnation of Rule 152: False Hope on the Integration Front, Lyman P. Q. Johnson and Steve Patterson
(Not) Advising Corporate Officers about Fiduciary Duties, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and Robert V. Ricca
Microsoft Word - professional responsibility 2013 2d ed.jpg, Marcia A. Johnson Ms
Microsoft Word - business associations 2012.jpg, Marcia A. Johnson Ms and Emeka Duruigbo
A Home With Dignity: DOmestic Violence and Property Rights, Margaret Johnson
Promoting Women's Access to Politics and Decision Making: the role of TGNP and other advocacy groups in the 2000 General elections., Miranda Johnson and Aggripina Mosha
An Exploratory Study of Investment Compliance Management in the Enron Collapse, Valencia Tamir Johnson Dr.
Assessing risk, liability and asset management investments among U.S. and Foreign Banks: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Wachovia, Valencia Tamir Johnson Dr.
Landing Stable Employment: The Exploratory Study of a JOB vs. CAREER, Valencia Tamir Johnson Dr.
Lowering Educational Standards to Meet the Needs of the Students: The Exploratory Study of Brown v. Board of Education, Valencia Tamir Johnson Dr.
Strategic Planning and Communication: Organizational leaders play a pivotal role in helping their organization create and execute a plan for achieving and maintaining organizational effectiveness., Valencia Tamir Johnson Dr.
The Exploratory Study of Custody and Visitation Rights for Children in Same-Sex Families, Valencia Tamir Johnson Dr.
Peremptory Pragmatism: Religion and the Administration of the Batson Rule, A. C. Johnstone
A Madisonian Case for Disclosure, Anthony Johnstone
Captive Regulators, Captive Shippers: The Legacy of McCarty Farms, Anthony Johnstone
Foreword: The State of the Republican Form of Government in Montana, Anthony Johnstone
Response: Commandeering Information (and Informing the Commandeered), Anthony Johnstone
The Constitutional Initiative in Montana, Anthony Johnstone
Juries and Social Media: A Report Prepared for the Victorian Department of Justice, Jane Johnston, Patrick Keyzer, Geoffry Holland, Mark L. Pearson, Sharon Rodrick, and Anne Wallace
Camouflaged Modernism: Tracing Corbusian Symbolism through the Rodger Young Village, Anna Jane Jones
Impact of the TOPS Program on High School Student Science Comprehension, Anna Jane Jones
A Triumph of Ill Conceived Language: The Linguistic Origins of Guantamo’s “Rough Justice”, Brian Christopher Jones
Book Review: 'Living Legislation' by Jeffery A. Jenkins & Eric M. Patashnik (eds), Brian Christopher Jones
Book Review - 'The Elements of Legislation' by Neil Duxbury, Brian Christopher Jones
Don’t Be Silly: Lawmakers “Rarely” Read Legislation and Oftentimes Don’t Understand It . . . But That’s Okay, Brian Christopher Jones
Lawmaker Reading and Understanding of Legislation Is Highly Overvalued, Brian Christopher Jones